Lee Merreth
Lee Merrett. A drunken bully has been jailed for punching his crying baby son in the face when he wasn\’t allowed to go to an amusement arcade. See NATIONAL story NNBULLY. Cowardly thug Lee Merrett, 23, flew into a booze-fuelled rage after downing most of a bottle of Jack Daniels and hitting his terrified lover 20 times before turning on their nine-month-old son. Merrett wanted to play in an amusement arcade while on holiday at a caravan park in Dymchurch, Kent. But the baby\’s mother asked if he would stay with her and their child. A row broke out over Merrett\’s drinking which resulted in him hitting his partner in the face before throwing an aerosol can at her. The thug then punched the crying baby in the face, leaving the nine-month-old with a swollen black eye.