Should I Bring My Breast Pump to the Hospital?

When preparing for your hospital stay, one important question you might ask is: Should I bring my breast pump to the hospital? We know that having a baby is exhausting, so making sure you have everything you need to stay comfortable and well-rested is essential. If you’re wondering about what to pack, this guide will help you decide.

What to Pack for Your Hospital Stay

It’s important to have everything you need to stay comfortable. If you have a favorite pillow, bring it along for a better night’s sleep. Don’t forget slippers or socks; you’ll need to be up and moving soon after delivery to reduce the risk of blood clots. The hospital’s maternity pads can be bulky, so consider packing some maternity underwear and thin nighttime sanitary pads for extra comfort.

Before packing snacks and drinks, check with your doctor about what’s allowed during labor. If it’s okay, stock up on your favorite treats. Snacks can also be helpful if you have other children waiting with you. Here’s a quick list of essentials to bring during labor:

  1. Entertainment: Phone charger, tablet, playlists, and speakers.
  2. Baby Supplies: Two outfits, baby book, blanket, socks, and mittens.
  3. Breast Pump: Essential if you plan to pump.
  4. Other Essentials: Hands-free bra for pumping, cord blood collection kit, and a copy of your birth plan.

Why a Breast Pump is Important

Breastfeeding in public can be challenging, and using a breast pump can offer a practical solution. A good breast pump helps nursing moms store milk so their babies can benefit even when they’re not around. Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom, a working mom, or recovering in bed, a breast pump lets you keep your baby fed and gives you some much-needed personal time.

Breast pumps are also useful when a baby has trouble latching but the mother has plenty of milk. This is especially important for feeding premature babies who need extra care. Regular pumping can also prevent issues like engorgement and breast heaviness.

Should You Bring Your Breast Pump to the Hospital?

You usually don’t need to bring your breast pump to the hospital, but if you plan to use it often, it might be worth bringing. The lactation nurses can help you get comfortable with your breast pump and show you how to use the hospital’s equipment. If you expect to rely on your breast pump frequently, having it with you could be beneficial.


Remember to talk to your doctor about the hospital’s rules and guidelines to know whether you should bring your breast pump. If you feel you’ll need it, make sure to inform your doctor so they can accommodate your needs.

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Healthy Eating Habits for Breastfeeding Moms

Now thаt уоu’vе рut to bеd, it’s tіmе tо be mindful оf your еаtіng hаbіtѕ. Yоu nееd to undеrѕtаnd nutrіtіоn rulеѕ whіlе breastfeeding. Yоu nееd tо know hоw оftеn a nurѕіng mоthеr should еаt, thе bеѕt tіmе tо eat. Whаt hарреnѕ whеn you dоn’t еаt enough food, whаt not to еаt when уоu аrе nursing, еtс. Mаіntаіnіng hеаlthу еаtіng habits аѕ a nursing mоthеr wіll hеlр keep уоu and уоur baby wеll nоurіѕhеd.

It’ѕ essential to continue making hеаlthу сhоісеѕ оn thе fооdѕ, fruіtѕ, аnd vegetables you соnѕumе. We rесеіvеd a ԛuеѕtіоn frоm оur page follower аѕkіng if it’s OK to go tо bеd hungrу whіlе brеаѕtfееdіng; thіѕ аnd оthеr іѕѕuеѕ wе will tасklе furthеr in thе article. Tоdау, wе wаnt tо ѕhаrе with уоu the bеѕt fееdіng hаbіtѕ fоr a nurѕіng mоthеr, and while уоu’rе on it, check our previous аrtісlе оn 2020 Tор Healthy Fооdѕ for Prеgnаnt Wоmеn. You’ll gеt a clue аbоut thе bеѕt fооd tо consume while you’re pregnant.

How Oftеn Shоuld a Nurѕіng Mother Eаt?

Experts bеlіеvе thаt frequent fееdіngѕ wіll hеlр stimulate уоur mіlk рrоduсtіоn durіng thе fіrѕt few wееkѕ of brеаѕtfееdіng. If уоu dоn’t gеt еnоugh nourishment, уоur baby might not еіthеr. Whеn nurѕіng a уоung bаbу, іt іѕ рrеvаlеnt tо fееl hungry muсh оf thе time, аnd thаt’ѕ whу уоu should lіѕtеn tо уоur bоdу and еаt to appetite. Thе рrоblеm іѕ, breastfeeding requires even mоrе additional саlоrіеѕ, аnd a breastfeeding mоthеr, оn аvеrаgе, needs tо tаkе іn 300-500 саlоrіеѕ реr dау аbоvе whаt you ate before pregnancy.

Bеѕt Time tо Eаt Whіlе Breastfeeding?

You hаvе tо use соmmоn ѕеnѕе hеrе. Yоu feed thе bаbу аѕ іtѕ hеаlth dереndѕ оn уоu. Wоrrу about how mаnу meals a dау tо еаt once the nursing іѕ оvеr. If уоu dоn’t gіvе уоurѕеlf еnоugh саlоrіеѕ, іnсludіng date, саrbоhуdrаtеѕ, and рrоtеіnѕ, уоur body will tаkе frоm your ѕtоrеѕ tо mаkе mіlk. What’s thе best tіmе tо еаt whіlе breastfeeding? Eаt tо hungеr wіthоut rеѕtrісtіng уоurѕеlf, but at LEAST 3 tіmеѕ a day.

Whаt Hарреnѕ When Yоu Don’t Eat Enоugh?

Eаtіng wеll-bаlаnсеd nutrіеntѕ and uрріng уоur саlоrіс іntаkе aids hеаlthу brеаѕtfееdіng. The mаmmаrу glаndѕ nееd enough ѕuррlу оf саlоrіеѕ аnd nutrients tо produce mіlk regularly. Rеduсіng thе amount of fооd уоu еаt, whеthеr іntеntіоnаllу оr bу ассіdеnt, mау аffесt your breastmilk рrоduсtіоn аnd energy lеvеlѕ. So the ԛuеѕtіоn; саn еаtіng tоо lіttlе аffесt milk production whеn Breast-feeding? YES!!

Whаt Not Tо Eаt Whеn Yоu Arе Nurѕіng?

Cоmmоnlу, nursing mоthеrѕ аrе сurіоuѕ аbоut whether thеrе аrе ѕресіfіс foods they should оr should nоt eat. It is gооd to follow the rulе whісh ѕауѕ “еvеrуthіng in mоdеrаtіоn.” Your mіlk іѕ mаdе from your blood. Bе ѕurе tо avoid саffеіnе аnd alcohol as they аrе twо substances уоu nееd tо еlіmіnаtе whіlе brеаѕtfееdіng ѕіnсе thеу раѕѕ into уоur blood аnd brеаѕtmіlk

Iѕ It OK Tо Gо Tо Bеd Hungrу Whіlе Breastfeeding?

Brеаѕtfееdіng tаkеѕ a lоt оf еnеrgу, whісh burns саlоrіеѕ. Althоugh we rесеіvеd dіffеrеnt feedback as tо hоw nursing mоthеrѕ feel whеn they breastfeed wіthоut еаtіng аnd ѕоmе сlаіm they wеrе just fine while оthеrѕ felt ѕtrаngе аnd lіghthеаdеd after which is nоt a good ѕіgn. While nursing оn an еmрtу ѕtоmасh may nоt hurt уоur baby, еvеn іf іt’ѕ just a piece of fruit аnd a glass of mіlk, рut ѕоmеthіng in уоur ѕtоmасh.

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Best Positions to Breastfeed Your Baby

Once your baby is born, she would need proper breastfeeding, and it can be done in several ways. You need to select the method that is most comfortable and best suit you. There is usually no right or wrong way to breastfeed your baby. As a mother, all you need do is to find a position that is best for you.

As your baby begins to grow, you need to start learning different techniques for breastfeeding. When you go out, the way you will breastfeed will be different from when you are in the house. 

Breastfeeding is a good opportunity to bond with your baby. It can be an enjoyable experience for you as well when your baby latches on your breasts.

Breastfeeding tips positions

No matter the breastfeeding position you choose, you need to be aware of certain things:

1. Remember that breastfeeding might take time, so you need to get everything you need close to you. If you need a drink, snack, TV remote, phone, or anything to make feeding comfortable for you, gather them close to you. In some instances, you might need to wee before you start breastfeeding so you won\’t need to get up in the middle of feeding.

2. No matter the breastfeeding position you choose, ensure that your baby is comfortable and well supported. The head, neck, and spine should not be twisted.

3. As the mother, make sure you are comfortable too. You can use pillows or cushions for back or arms support if needed for body support.  

4. Make sure your baby is latching correctly. A good latch shows comfortable breastfeeding.

5. If breastfeeding makes you sore, it means something is wrong. Perhaps you are not breastfeeding correctly. Consult a specialist who can help you ensure proper breastfeeding habits.

6. Support your breasts. As the breasts continue to fill up with milk, it becomes heavier. You can use your hand to support them while feeding. Keep your fingers away from the nipples and areola so that your baby doesn\’t suck on them instead.

7. Try to alternate between breastfeeding positions. It will help in the prevention of nipple soreness, clogged milk ducts, or breast infection.

8. Alternate between breasts. Offer the second breast when you feel that your baby has drained one breast. It will help in boosting milk production and prevent mastitis.

What are the best positions to breastfeed your baby? 

There are several breastfeeding positions. As a mother, you\’ll need to choose which one best suits you and your child. For first moms, you might need to learn breastfeeding skills. It will be necessary to know how to position and attach the baby in a way that makes him or her feed comfortably and suck sufficient milk.

Some of the positions include (but not limited to):

1. Cradle position. It is the most familiar breastfeeding position. In this position, the mother\’s arm provides support for the baby at the breast. The arms support the baby along the back and neck while the baby\’s head remains cradled near her elbow.

2. Cross cradle position. It is similar to the cradle position. There is a change in arm position here. The baby\’s body lies along your opposite forearms. This provides support for your baby around the neck and shoulders. It allows your baby\’s head to be tilted before latching. In this feeding position, you\’ll have control over your baby\’s positioning. Also, your opposite arms provide full support while you can use your free hand to cup your breast. This technique becomes easier as your baby grows older.

3. Side-lying position. The side-lying position is more comfortable for night feeding and breastfeeding in bed or on the sofa. Most times, it can be more comfortable if you\’re had undergone a Caesarean section than sitting while feeding. You will need to lie close to your baby\’s side, belly-to-belly. This also gives room for relaxing while feeding.

4. Nursing in a sling. It is convenient at times to feed your baby in a sling. When you are out or busy with other chores, this method is advisable. You can use all sorts of slings ranging from stretchy wraps, ring slings, or front carriers. This method is recommended if your baby can hold his or her head up alone and as an experienced breastfeeder. When using this method, ensure you can see your baby\’s face, and the chin is not pressed against his or her chest.

5. Football or clutch hold. It works more, especially if you had a Caesarean section and need to prevent placing your baby on or against your abdomen. Also, if you have large breasts, twins, or a premature baby, try this method. You will need to position your baby by your side while facing you. The legs are tucked under your arm (just like a football) on the same side of the breast you are nursing from. Still, on the same side, you use your hand to support your baby while the other hand is used to cup your breast.

6. Laidback position. It is helpful for mothers with small breasts. The laid-back position is useful for babies with very sensitive tummy or excess gas. It is done by leaning back on a bed or couch with a well-supported pillow and in a semi-reclining position. When your baby is put tummy to tummy onto your body with the head near your breast, this position will enable the firmness of your baby on you. Your baby rests on you in any direction so far he or she can reach your breast. You don\’t have to do much than relax once your baby is set at your breast.

7. The twin feeding position. If you are nursing twins, you might want to feed them separately. In case you have to feed them together, the football hold position can be adopted. The only difference is that both babies will be held in each arm.

8. Upright or koala breastfeeding. In this position, you have your baby sit upright facing you, and straddling across your knees. You will provide support on the same arm and side as the baby is feeding. Your other hand will be used to support your breast.

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How to Prevent Sagging Breasts After Pregnancy

Getting back to normal shape after pregnancy is every woman\’s desire. The nine months period has been from one change to the other. Therefore, you shouldn\’t be caught off guard after delivery. It is this moment that you need to watch out most for balancing back.

During pregnancy, there is usually an increase in breast size as a result of estrogen enlarging your milk ducts. Then during breastfeeding, the change might be prominent. This will depend on milk supply and feeding patterns. In all, regular change is inevitable, which makes the skin to stretch and contract. Once breastfeeding is over, the breasts shrink. The stretch out skin may lack the elasticity to shrink back to a smaller size. Therefore, the breasts sag because of a higher ratio of skin to breast tissue. 

Sagging breasts after pregnancy is a common symptom in women. The tendency of the skin to recover from the stretch will be dependent on genetics, age, weight gain, and stress the skin undergoes. Younger women seem to have more skin elasticity than older women. But in the end, a lot depends on genetics. Although there is no miracle cure for breast sagging, certain things can prevent extensive sagging. The steps needed to achieve this might prove stressful at times. But a younger, more youthful appearance can be obtained after pregnancy.

What are the causes of sagging breasts after pregnancy?

Most women experience a rapid increase in breast size during the first trimester. The breasts are hooked to the muscles by cooper\’s ligaments. The ligament acts like a rubber band that holds the breast in position. Tension on the ligaments starts immediately during pregnancy. They are caused by:

  • Increase in the size and weight of the breast. It puts extra strain on the ligaments, thereby causing them to sag.
  • An extended period of breastfeeding. It usually adds pressure on the ligaments, resulting in sagging.
  • Unhealthy diet. Diets high in sugar, alcohol, and nicotine weaken the skin structure. It results in premature sagging of the breast.
  • Age. Research suggested that women who fall pregnant and breastfeed in their 30\’s have a high risk of breast sagging.

Sagging breast and breastfeeding

Some people believe that breastfeeding results in breast sagging. But this is not the issue. Studies reveal that breastfeeding is not directly related to saggy breasts. During pregnancy, the cooper\’s ligaments become stretched out. It implies that even if you choose not to nurse your baby, you may still experience breast sagging after pregnancy. Also, it is normal for breast tissue to sag with age regardless of whether a woman ever gives birth.

Prevention of sagging breast after pregnancy

It is possible to prevent or slow down the process of breast sagging. In short, there are different things to do to keep the breast perky for as long as possible. These include:

  • Wear a supportive bra. Ensure you pick the right bra size during all the periods of pregnancy. This is to ensure that the breasts remain well-supported. Wearing a poorly fitted bra can lead to pain and injury, especially when you are physically active.
  • Regular exercise. The muscles below your breasts (pectorals) can benefit from work out. Toning the pectoralis major and minor will give the breast a slightly more lifted appearance. Push-ups, chest presses, and free weight exercises should be considered. You should not be too lazy to exercise your body after pregnancy. Although it doesn\’t feel comfortable at times, you just need to try to remain in shape.
  • Skin moisturizing and exfoliating. To maintain firmness and hydration, you should ensure you moisturize your skin daily and focus more on the chest region (breasts). Use a body scrub to exfoliate your breast while bathing gently. It helps in removing dead cells. It then improves blood circulation and restores elasticity. Ensure you apply Shea butter or vitamin E oil on your breasts daily. It enhances the breast\’s elasticity, tightens the skin, and also reduces stretch mark appearances on the boobs.
  • Practice good posture. Keep your shoulders back and spine straight as much as possible. Hunched shoulders and poor posture is equal to unsupported breasts. Not being mindful of your posture will add to their saggy appearance.
  • Feed less on animal fat. Consume more of a well-balanced diet that is rich in whole grains and vegetables. It will help in trimming unwanted pregnancy pounds. Also, you need to replace high cholesterol, saturated animal fats with olive oil and vitamin B, and E. All these fight wrinkles and improve skin tone and elasticity.
  • Quit smoking. Smoking hinders your skin ability to repair any damage done to it. The generation of skin cells in your body is reduced by heavy tobacco use. It then leads to premature aging, dryness, and wrinkles. Say no to cigarettes by preserving the shapeliness of your breast.
  • Take hot and cold showers. A hot shower opens your pores and improves blood circulation. Cold shower tightens them up and assists in skin toning. Alternating between water temperatures has proven to be an effective method for boosting blood circulation. During this process, the breasts should be massaged gently. Ice cubes can even be used to massage the breasts after a hot shower, but be careful not to numb your breasts. Ensure always to finish your shower with cold water.
  • Lose weight slowly. Just like baby weaning, after pregnancy, weight loss is a process you need to take slowly. Allow your body to adjust to all these changes. A sudden shift in size produces loose and excess skin, usually around the breast. This might no longer bounce back. Moderate healthy eating and working out is needed if you want to slim down safely and sustainably.
  • Nurse comfortably. Have a good breastfeeding posture. Ensure you do not lean over your breasts downward because, with time, daily feeding will only increase droopiness. Also, reduce stretching by propping your baby up on a pillow. You should raise them to a comfortable height while breastfeeding.
  • Wean your baby slowly. When it is time to wean your baby, do it gradually. It allows fatty tissues enough time to redeposit in your breasts. Reduce the number of sessions of breastfeeding gradually to restore your breast pre-pregnancy form.
  • Ensure you practice a healthy diet. It will ensure that you retain your body\’s right weight. It will also assist in maintaining healthy skin. If you are a carbohydrate lover, you are prone to having more body fat. It can lead to an increase in bust size. You should feed more on organic foods.
  • Drink more water. If your body is well hydrated, you can be sure that your breasts will not sag after pregnancy, and wrinkles will vanish. Your skin will look youthful and more nourished.
  • Try sleeping on your back. Your breasts won\’t be squashed on your tummy, and it won\’t hang or get folded together, compared to you sleeping on your side. Also, you can get a sleeping bra made of cotton that will support your breasts and hold them firmly while sleeping.
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Things you need to know about cluster feeding


You can be overwhelmed with dealing with all that comes with having a newborn and cluster feeding doesn\’t make it any easier. You might be worried about why your baby is feeding more and being fussy and you haven\’t been able to place a finger on the reason for her recent behavior. Don\’t worry if your baby is not sick, losing weight and she is wetting six or more diapers a day. Your baby is likely to be cluster feeding.

What is cluster feeding?

Cluster feeding is when your baby breastfeeds several times often short feeds within a period usually in the evenings. Often this period of feeding is usually accompanied by fussiness and the feeding time is very short. She keeps coming back for more every other minute and it makes you begin to wonder if your milk isn\’t sufficient for her or if your breast is empty. I remember being afraid that my baby would not have milk to feed on in the night when I was nursing my first baby. So I started managing how much he was sucking during his cluster feeding face. Whether you are a first-time mom or not, you don\’t have to worry about your breast milk not being enough except you are not lactating well.

How long do babies cluster feed

Good news is that cluster feeding doesn’t last forever or for long. Cluster feeding in newborns ranges from two weeks to six weeks. Although some can cluster feed till three months. Babis who cluster feed do so usually from 4 pm to 10 pm. Some sleep earlier while some can run to 12 midnight. But some babies cluster in the morning and some cluster feed in the night.

Why do babies cluster feed?

Breastfeeding bonds mother and baby. Breastfeeding is an important phase for both baby and mother. At the early stage of their birth, babies are getting acquainted and attached to their mother and they are trying to build that bond. A baby might cluster feed because he wants to spend time with her mother and enjoy the bonding time.

Your baby may be having a growth spurt and maybe feeding more to meet the demands of his body. A growth spurt and all the energy his brain and body cells are taking to enable her to develop properly would make your baby hungrier and it is in everyone\’s interest that she is properly breastfed.  

How does cluster feeding affect a mother?

You might have this feeling of inadequacy or that you are a failure because you think you are unable to meet the needs of your baby. You feel that the reason your baby sucking more frequently yet very shortly is that you are not producing enough milk.

You don’t have to be worried, cluster feeding is normal. Your body is in tune with your baby’s needs and produces what she needs. The breast is never completely empty of milk. You don’t have to beat yourself what you need to do is find ways to manage this cluster feeding phase.

What to do when your baby is cluster feeding

When you have established that your baby is cluster feeding and her routine, you should plan yourself around it. Cluster feeding can be tedious for the mother. Even though you like breastfeeding your baby no mother would like to be tied down with a fussy baby tied to her breast.

  • You should take your bath and place healthy snacks and drinks around you because the frequent feeding might make you hungry.
  • You would also want to make sure the diner is ready for the family before the time of your baby’s constant feeding begins.
  • You can make the food earlier in the day for your partner or whoever is around to assist in heating it up when they are ready to eat.
  • Get a comfortable position for you and your baby. A sling to keep her close, a comfortable chair to help you relax are good ideas.
  • When your baby is fussy you should rock her, sing to her or play her favourite songs for her. Playing my children\’s favourite music for them always worked, it calmed them down to continue their feeding without constant cry or restlessness.
  • After feeding her you can hand her over to people around you to assist you with rocking her or holding her till when she wants to feed again

What you shouldn’t do when your baby is cluster feeding

  • Don’t give her bottle especially because you think your milk is not enough. Your body produces milk according to your baby’s demand. So supplementing with a feeding bottle is reducing the milk your body produces. The more your baby draws the milk or the more you express the more milk your body produces.
  • Do not give your baby drugs to induce sleep. I know cluster feeding can be tiring but inducing your baby to sleep in never an option. You can give your baby a hot or warm bath before her routine starts. This can settle her faster to sleep.

What you should do when your baby is fussy

  • You can try holding your baby close to you with a sling or carrier. This might calm her and also enable her nurse while your hands are free.
  • You can take your baby outside. A breath of fresh air might soothe her.
  • Try giving her a bath or a massage. This touch can soothe your baby and reduce or stop the fussiness.
  • Reduce noise around her, dim the night or any form of stimulation around your baby.
  • Play soft music
  • Hold her and rock her.
  • Check to see if she is interested in any hands holding her. The dad or older siblings can carry the baby.
  • Do not withhold milk from your baby. Allow her to nurse on the go
  • You can try different nursing positions. Like lying on your back and your baby on top, lying on the side, your babysitting and facing you.
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At What Age Should Moms Stop Breastfeeding Their Babies?

Weaning is the process of stopping a child from breastfeeding. While there is no general rule for when to stop breastfeeding your child World Health Organization (WHO) suggest a mother should breastfeed her baby up to 2 years of age. The process of weaning is not only tough on the mother but also the baby. Because breastfeeding creates a bond between mother and child when you decide to stop breastfeeding, it feels like letting go of that closeness.

While some mothers wean as early as three months, some have also breastfed as long as four years. Some mothers peg the weaning to the moment their baby begins to walk, or the moment the baby clocks one year. Breastfeeding is essential to babies because they get their best nutritional supply from breastmilk. Even when babies start eating solid food, they are unable to tap all the nutrients from the food before they are one year of age, and that is why breastfeeding is essential and recommended for 2 years.

Some Myths about Weaning

  1. Stop breastfeeding your infant the moment you discover you are pregnant because it would affect the nursing baby. This is totally false. Keep breastfeeding your child until you feel the need to stop. Only eat enough for three.
  2. Once a child is 9 months, stop breastfeeding. This is not recommended because the child can digest most solid foods you eat. Breastmilk also helps fighting infection in your baby.

When to stop breastfeeding your baby?

On health grounds:

If a mother is on medications, it enters the breastmilk in a considerable amount, she would be advised to stop breastfeeding because of the adverse effect the medicine might have on the baby. For the health benefit of the baby even if the baby is 3 months, the mother will be advised to stop breastfeeding.

When a child rejects breastmilk:

Some babies stop taking breastmilk on their own. This can cause a mother to worry, especially when the baby is below 6 months of age. But there is no cause to worry if your baby isn\’t sick. Do not force her to breastfeed, and you can try expressing your milk into a feeding bottle if the child would take which some children do while some outrightly refuse the breastmilk. Introduce them to baby appropriate milk and food and watch them grow healthy.

When a mother feels she is ready to wean her baby:

A mother can tell she is ready to stop breastfeeding, or her baby is ready to let go of the breastmilk. A mother might want her body back to herself and decides she is ready to wean her baby.

You notice your baby cutting down on her nursing time

It just might be a signal to let her go off the breast already. Your baby might be showing more interest in solid food and finding contentment in that than in breastfeeding.

When you are ready to wean your baby off breastmilk, it is better to allow the process to be gradual. Prepare your baby\’s mind by telling her she is about to be weaned. Pay attention to your baby\’s needs and do not wean your baby when he or she is sick or just recovering from an illness. Shower your baby with love and attention during this period of weaning; you don\’t want her to miss the closeness that came from the bond of breastfeeding.

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