Remedies for Back Pain During Pregnancy

Different kinds of back pains occur in women during pregnancy, and this often increases with advancing gestation. Is it to mention the lower back pain, lumbar pain, or the pelvic girdle pain? All these back pain typically affects the lower back. A lot of factors like hormonal changes, stress, weight gain, muscle separation, and postural changes are responsible for this back pain during pregnancy. The causes vary between women and dependent on the pregnancy stage. 

Factors responsible for back pain during pregnancy

The hormonal changes occur during the first trimester due to the rapid increase of progesterone levels in the body. When the level of this hormone is high, the muscles and ligaments near the pelvis are relaxed. It can, in turn, affect the stability and alignment of the joints.

In the second and third trimesters, postural changes will occur due to the protruding stomach, which makes the woman lean backward. This thereby puts extra strain on the back muscles, which could result in lower back pain and muscle stiffness. 

A shift forward change occurs from the center of gravity as the baby grows because of the increase in weight. Also, weight gain during pregnancy can contribute to a lower back and joint pain; this can impact both the mother\’s and baby\’s overall health.

Now that you are aware of the possible causes of back pain during pregnancy, it is left for you to know or proffer remedies for back pains during pregnancy. It is a typical symptom for pregnant women, and that should not cause much panic. At times, back pain might seem inevitable during pregnancy, but there are ways to get relieved. Therefore, proper care must be adhered to while seeking solutions so that you do not end up impairing your health, and that of the baby. 

What are the remedies for back pain during pregnancy? 

The simplest remedies include:

Do some exercises:

  • Simple exercises that do not consume time but focused solely on weak muscles like, stretching of the lower back regularly. Other important activities are the pelvic tilt. It is performed either seated or standing. It improves posture and reduces tension on the lower back by strengthening the abdominal muscles. Also, we have the Kegel exercise. It has the benefit of relieving urinary incontinence by contracting the muscles that stop the flow of urine during urination. It is usually a common complaint by most pregnant women. This assists in strengthening the weakened muscles of the pelvic floor. Aquatic exercise or swimming may also relieve back pain. This is because it encourages the use of both flexor and extensor muscles to remain afloat in the water taking the pressure off the spine.

Related Article: 8 Best Workouts and Exercises for Pregnant Women

Have enough sleep:

  • Be it on a firm mattress, and following smart sleep habits. Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule and relaxing bedtime routine is essential.

Reduce stress: 

  • Minimizing stress through meditation, prenatal yoga, and other techniques that affect the mind. Prenatal yoga has a lot of benefits for reducing pregnancy pain. This is achieved by tackling emotional stress with deep, mindful breathing exercises that can strengthen and empower you. It can improve posture and tone the body in preparation for the birthing process. It also assists in getting better sleep by relaxing your mind and muscles.

Source for alternative treatments like acupuncture and chiropractic services:

  • Acupuncture eliminates any blockages that are interfering with the smooth flow of the body\’s energy. It has shown to be effective in relieving back pain during pregnancy. It must be well administered to prevent unwanted side effects like headaches or overstimulation that can induce labor. Chiropractic is usually associated with joint cracking. It is used in detecting imbalances and helps in correcting them.

Get additional support:

  • Additional back support should be used while sitting, like a lumbar pillow. Proper sitting posture is necessary, as well as a good standing posture. For women whose job nature requires sitting for hours at a time, a combination of a lumbar pillow and a footstool for leg elevation during sitting can minimize pressure on the lower back. At the same time, it can ease pain and improve posture.

Get a prenatal massage:

  • Prenatal massages should be gotten usually on a side-lying position to relax the tight muscles. It improves range of motion and relieves stress.

Maternity belt:

  • Abdominal and back support should be maintained by wearing a maternity belt. This usually supports the weight of the abdomen by performing the job of a weakened abdominal muscle. It thereby decreases strain on the lower back.

Other remedies for back pain during pregnancy include:

  • Avoid wearing high-heeled shoes that do not provide adequate body support.
  • Postural changes should be made, such as standing and sitting upright to enable a straight back and a square shoulder.
  • Inflammation should be reduced. Relax the tight muscles using a warm compressor.
  • Sleep on one side usually on the left side by using a pillow between the legs and below the abdomen. It typically takes the weight of the stomach off the low back.
  • Direct use of alternating hot and cold packs can also relieve back pain. The hot pack relaxes the muscles while the cold packs serve to numb the painful area.
  • Get help when you need to lift heavy objects.
  • Use of simple pain reliever like paracetamol. It is considered safe, but you will need to consult with your doctor first before the intake. If the back pain is terrible, your doctor might prescribe a stronger one or refer you to a physiotherapist.
  • Squat down, bend knees, and keep back straight when lifting an object.
  • Always resist the urge to push your belly far forward but stand up straight.
  • Do not take medications without consulting with your doctor.
  • Practice deep and proper breathing techniques. It helps the rib cage move properly by bringing air into the side rib cage, low and middle back, thereby releasing tightness in those muscles.

Important Notice

Always consult with your doctor before you embark on any of these remedies to ascertain fitness and safety. Also, if you encounter a severe back pain during pregnancy or back pains that last more than two weeks, kindly seek medical help.

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8 Best Workouts and Exercises for Pregnant Women

Exercises are a good way for a pregnant woman at whatever stage of pregnancy to keep fit and give birth to a healthy baby. Exercising during pregnancy helps you to avoid adding excess weight, eliminate and reduce backache, improve your overall health, and help make delivery easier. 

Because exercising is great for pregnant women doesn\’t mean all exercises are fine for pregnant women, or all pregnant women are fit to get involved. There are things to consider when deciding to start exercising.

When you shouldn\’t exercise if

  • You have been diagnosed with placenta Previa, which is placenta lying low to your cervix.
  • You have spotting or experienced vaginal bleeding. This could be signs of threatened abortion, and your doctor has to approve an exercise routine.
  • You have a weak cervix with a history of preterm labor or miscarriage
  • Exercising brings on regular contractions that last up to an hour.
  • Fatigue sets in after every exercise
  • You have a pregnancy-induced condition that could be life-threatening to you and the baby.

Exercises for Pregnant Women

Brisk or fast walking:

You need a firm bra or sports bra, good sneakers that has a good grip and sport wears. If you are not the regular exercise type, then you can start by walking briskly on smooth surfaces. Avoid steep planes, potholes, and ditches. This form of cardiovascular exercise and one of the best exercises for pregnant women.


Swimming is an excellent form of aerobics and muscle-strengthening exercise. It is safe for every stage of pregnancy. The pleasurable part about swimming is that the water supports your tummy, takes the pressure off your back and joint. To take caution, avoid jumping and diving into the poop as this could have an undesirable impact on your pump. Avoid slipping as much as possible.


Whether you choose stationary cycling or your bike, you are safe even as a first-timer. Cycling is a safe aerobic exercise good for the heart rate and taking stress off the joints. As you advance in pregnancy and your bump starts to change your center of gravity, I will advise stationary cycling to minimize the risk of falling.


One of the best workouts for pregnant women and a great aerobic. If you were running or jogging before you got pregnant, you could continue. Running has a low impact on the abdomen. You can also consider running on a treadmill if you don\’t want to work out outside as your pregnancy progresses.

Pelvic Tilts

  • A stomach strengthening workout for pregnant women. It helps reduce back pain. You can either take a kneeling position or rest against the wall for support.
  • Go down on your knees and hands on your workout mat or a cushioned place (to prevent falling or impact from falling)
  • Arching your back, tuck in your tummy from your belly button region
  • Release it after five seconds.
  • Repeat this process ten times
  • If you choose to rest on the wall, make your back flat against the wall
  • Tuck in your tummy and repeat the process

Related Article: Best Postpartum Wraps to Help Lose Your Belly Bumps

Pregnancy exercise for normal delivery

While exercises are fantastic to keep you healthy and fit throughout pregnancy, these are exercises you can engage in during pregnancy for normal delivery.

Pilates Exercises

Pilates Exercises

This workout helps with balance and flexibility. Pilates workout strengthens the portion of the abdomen known as \”transverse abdominis\” that wraps around the abdomen. During childbirth, it compresses and helps the uterus push out your baby in the final phase of labor. You will need to practice this workout postpartum once your doctor clears you, this will help you get your abs in shape

  • Sit on a yoga block, physioball or a chair in your house
  • Inhale through your nose, filling up your belly with air and allowing the muscles of your stomach to relax
  • Exhale a slow and slow breath. You can involve your mouth when exhaling.
  • Repeat this workout several times.

Hip Raises

Hip raises exercise

While your pregnancy bumps advances, the Hip Raises workout will help support it, strengthen your bum, and also help in labor.

  • Lie flat on your back with knees bent upwards. Don\’t stay in this position for long. 
  • Place your palms under your hips
  • Then gradually lift your hips till your feet is flat on the ground, and your torso is in line with your shoulders.
  • Hold this position for two seconds and lower slowly to the position you took at the beginning.

Pelvic Floor Exercise

Kegel Exercises

Pelvic floor muscles, which are located in your pelvis and go all the way to your spine at the base, are essential in your second stage of labor. Pregnancy and childbirth can easily weaken your pelvic area; A Kegel exercise is recommended, to have a more natural virginal delivery and strengthen these muscles. You can do this anywhere and anytime.

Things to note when exercising during pregnancy

  1. Before you start exercising, warm-up, and rest after.
  2. Avoid getting so exhausted from exercising. Remember that pregnancy demands energy.
  3. Try as much as possible to carry out a workout at least thirty minutes daily actively.
  4. Drink plenty of water and other healthy fluids
  5. Do not exercise immediately after eating or eat quickly after a workout.
  6. Avoid exercises that exert high air pressure.
  7. Avoid exercises that have a high risk of falling or at least carry out such activities with great caution. A fall to your abdomen is highly detrimental to the health of your baby.
  8. It is best to work with qualified or certified gym instructors who are familiar with working with pregnant women if you want to work out in a gym.
  9. Avoid heavy weightlifting.
  10. Put on comfortable and loose-fitting clothing when exercising
  11. Do not exercise in high humidity or overheated environment.

Exercises that have a risk of falling, such as horse riding, downhill skiing, ice hockey, gymnastics, and cycling, should only be done with caution. Falls carry a risk of damage to your baby.

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