Best Jobs for Single Moms with No Qualifications

There are several streams of income for every mom, either you are with a degree, or you are without one. For this article, we want to focus on jobs for single moms. Being a single mom can take a toll on you and your finances. It is no joke to raise a child by yourself, especially if you do not have a degree to fetch you a well-paying job or a job to take care of you and your child or children. Here are some jobs a single mom can do and mostly control her time. If she takes them seriously and masters the art, she could earn well from them.
Dropshipping is a supply chain method where the retailer doesn\’t need to stock the products. You advertise the product, get buyers, and transfer the request to a wholesaler or another retailer you are collaborating with. Then you get a delivery company or a third party to deliver the goods. You can do this with businesses around you or business in the big market who don\’t have an online presence. You can achieve this better using your social media pages or e-commerce sites. This business is not without its hitches, but with proper calculation, agreement on payment or percentage cut, you could cash out. You can think of working with small businesses that produce skincare and beauty products; they won\’t mind extra help promoting their brand. Dropshipping is one of the best jobs for single mothers where you can earn a fortune sitting on your cushion.
Mini importation
Mini importation business is also known as a small scale importation business where a person with limited funds can import goods from China etc. For this model of business, you should import products in demand or products you can market well and quickly turnover your capital and profit. I would suggest that you go for the training of some sorts on mini importation before you venture into it. Inform your friends and family about the new products you are bringing. This is a way of building your customer list before your products arrive. Make sure to read books and articles on marketing.
Freelance writing
If you have a flair for writing or you can write decently, then you can start writing online for blogs and websites. Various sites recruit freelancers, and some independent people hire freelance writers. Many people have built a good life and career copywriting, ghostwriting, resume writing, and research writing.
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Editor and Proofreader
This will make the list of best jobs for single moms. People are writing books every day, research work, and are looking for editors and proofreaders. If you have eyes for errors, then you will be able to build a career as a single mom correcting mistakes and making beautiful works stand out.
Virtual assistant
As a virtual assistant, you play the role of an administrative assistant but from your phone and computer. You can manage social media pages of businesses, create content, and possibly close sales or transactions. And because you are working by your time, you can take on as many clients that you can handle and still take care of your child or children.
Content creator
The world is now digital, and business and public personalities are continually looking for great content to give out to its audience, whether on their blog or social media pages. If you a creative, you can develop content on a freelance basis. Most times, a degree is not required. The ability to design graphics will help you a great deal in this role. You can enlist a graphic designer who can work with your time frame to help you with the jobs you get as a content creator.
I have always said the ability to communicate effectively in more than one language is a gift because not everyone can. So if you can write and speak other languages fluently, then you can pick up a freelancing job or part-time job as a translator. Companies, authors, and media houses are frequently in need of translators and voice-over in movies.
Customer service representative
Has someone ever told you that you have a beautiful voice over the phone? If the answer is yes and you are a single mom with excellent communication skills with a high level of patience and tolerance, then you should consider a job either as full time, part-time, or freelancer. Customer service representative pays well, and many people, especially those who enjoy being on the phone have built a career around it.
These careers for single moms are easy to learn, friendly, offers good pay, with flexible schedules and benefits. If you take them seriously and masters the art, you could earn well from them.