Things you need to know about cluster feeding


You can be overwhelmed with dealing with all that comes with having a newborn and cluster feeding doesn\’t make it any easier. You might be worried about why your baby is feeding more and being fussy and you haven\’t been able to place a finger on the reason for her recent behavior. Don\’t worry if your baby is not sick, losing weight and she is wetting six or more diapers a day. Your baby is likely to be cluster feeding.

What is cluster feeding?

Cluster feeding is when your baby breastfeeds several times often short feeds within a period usually in the evenings. Often this period of feeding is usually accompanied by fussiness and the feeding time is very short. She keeps coming back for more every other minute and it makes you begin to wonder if your milk isn\’t sufficient for her or if your breast is empty. I remember being afraid that my baby would not have milk to feed on in the night when I was nursing my first baby. So I started managing how much he was sucking during his cluster feeding face. Whether you are a first-time mom or not, you don\’t have to worry about your breast milk not being enough except you are not lactating well.

How long do babies cluster feed

Good news is that cluster feeding doesn’t last forever or for long. Cluster feeding in newborns ranges from two weeks to six weeks. Although some can cluster feed till three months. Babis who cluster feed do so usually from 4 pm to 10 pm. Some sleep earlier while some can run to 12 midnight. But some babies cluster in the morning and some cluster feed in the night.

Why do babies cluster feed?

Breastfeeding bonds mother and baby. Breastfeeding is an important phase for both baby and mother. At the early stage of their birth, babies are getting acquainted and attached to their mother and they are trying to build that bond. A baby might cluster feed because he wants to spend time with her mother and enjoy the bonding time.

Your baby may be having a growth spurt and maybe feeding more to meet the demands of his body. A growth spurt and all the energy his brain and body cells are taking to enable her to develop properly would make your baby hungrier and it is in everyone\’s interest that she is properly breastfed.  

How does cluster feeding affect a mother?

You might have this feeling of inadequacy or that you are a failure because you think you are unable to meet the needs of your baby. You feel that the reason your baby sucking more frequently yet very shortly is that you are not producing enough milk.

You don’t have to be worried, cluster feeding is normal. Your body is in tune with your baby’s needs and produces what she needs. The breast is never completely empty of milk. You don’t have to beat yourself what you need to do is find ways to manage this cluster feeding phase.

What to do when your baby is cluster feeding

When you have established that your baby is cluster feeding and her routine, you should plan yourself around it. Cluster feeding can be tedious for the mother. Even though you like breastfeeding your baby no mother would like to be tied down with a fussy baby tied to her breast.

  • You should take your bath and place healthy snacks and drinks around you because the frequent feeding might make you hungry.
  • You would also want to make sure the diner is ready for the family before the time of your baby’s constant feeding begins.
  • You can make the food earlier in the day for your partner or whoever is around to assist in heating it up when they are ready to eat.
  • Get a comfortable position for you and your baby. A sling to keep her close, a comfortable chair to help you relax are good ideas.
  • When your baby is fussy you should rock her, sing to her or play her favourite songs for her. Playing my children\’s favourite music for them always worked, it calmed them down to continue their feeding without constant cry or restlessness.
  • After feeding her you can hand her over to people around you to assist you with rocking her or holding her till when she wants to feed again

What you shouldn’t do when your baby is cluster feeding

  • Don’t give her bottle especially because you think your milk is not enough. Your body produces milk according to your baby’s demand. So supplementing with a feeding bottle is reducing the milk your body produces. The more your baby draws the milk or the more you express the more milk your body produces.
  • Do not give your baby drugs to induce sleep. I know cluster feeding can be tiring but inducing your baby to sleep in never an option. You can give your baby a hot or warm bath before her routine starts. This can settle her faster to sleep.

What you should do when your baby is fussy

  • You can try holding your baby close to you with a sling or carrier. This might calm her and also enable her nurse while your hands are free.
  • You can take your baby outside. A breath of fresh air might soothe her.
  • Try giving her a bath or a massage. This touch can soothe your baby and reduce or stop the fussiness.
  • Reduce noise around her, dim the night or any form of stimulation around your baby.
  • Play soft music
  • Hold her and rock her.
  • Check to see if she is interested in any hands holding her. The dad or older siblings can carry the baby.
  • Do not withhold milk from your baby. Allow her to nurse on the go
  • You can try different nursing positions. Like lying on your back and your baby on top, lying on the side, your babysitting and facing you.
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Guide to Choosing a Perfect Baby Carrier

One of the baby gears mothers love to have is a baby carrier. Not for fashion but for the numerous benefits it offers. Have you ever considered carrying chores around the house with full hands? You soon realize it is mission impossible. It is difficult to hold your baby in your arms and go about all you wish to do around your house, and that is where the baby carrier steps in to help.

Getting the best baby carrier or baby wrap can be challenging because there are many on the market, and they come in different shapes, sizes, colors, fabrics, and styles. Also, the choice will depend on what you plan to use it for, how often, and how long you\’ll be using it. There are plenty of reasons to consider when getting a baby carrier, and it\’s clear that what\’s essential about choice means different things to different people.

It\’s important to keep your baby\’s developing body in mind, and experts recommend carriers shouldn\’t be used until your baby is 3.6kg or heavier. Many health organizations recommended some crucial features when getting a baby carrier, such as comfort, encourages correct posture, hip-healthy, fabric, and weight limit.

Benefits of a baby carrier 

  • With a baby carrier and your baby strapped to you, your hands are freed to do your work.
  • Baby carrier encourages bonding between mother and child by boosting the release of the hormone oxytocin when you come in contact with your child.
  • Baby carriers make it easier to move through a crowd of people with your baby than in a stroller.

Read Also: 6 Significant Pre-Baby Financial Planning Advice for New Parents

Things to consider when choosing a baby carrier

Most carriers are technically safe, so what determines your choices are your budget, lifestyle, size of the baby, etc. Here are a few things to consider;

  • The type of baby carrier: Do you want a wrap or sling that enables you to carry your baby either at the front or back? The wraps and slings are soft fabric carrier which is designed to carry the baby in front and are best suited for newborns. Older babies will find them restrictive and uncomfortable.
  • Positioning: The correct positioning for a baby carrier is vital. The carrier should provide appropriate support for the baby\’s neck and back and must allow babies to assume a \’frog leg\’ sitting position. Also, it is comfortable if the carrier allows the baby to rest in a natural position.
  • Comfort: Look for a carrier that supports your baby\’s legs in a comfortable position, the m-position. And if you are the type that would strap your baby for a long time, then you want to consider a padded shoulder strap carrier. Also, check that the carrier supports your lower back conveniently.
  • How easy it is to use: While some carriers are comfortable and easy to pick or wear, others have some complications. If you don\’t intend to pick up the manual every time you want to use the carrier, then purchase the one with a straight forward design and meet other checks.
  • Care of the carrier: Look at the machine wash instructions before purchase. Not all carriers are machine washable. All the soiling that comes with babies and work that daily greets, you don\’t want to add a carrier that is not machine washable to your ton of work.
  • Fitting: Some baby carriers are adjustable to fit whoever is using it, but some are a single fit. If you plan on being the only user and you like it, a perfect fit will be ok. If you plan on sharing it, then it\’s best to get one that is adjustable to fit the one using it at each point in time.
  • The material makeup of the carrier: It is best to get carriers with breathable fabrics and mesh for warm weather and thick or heavily knitted carrier for cold weather


Make sure to get a good and dependable baby carrier, as you don\’t want to risk losing your balance or having baby slip out. Many moms buy at least two carriers to serve them when the need arises; One to serve when the baby is younger and another for when the baby is older and can hold up the head and play. 

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Easy Parental Guides for Potty Training Your Child

Potty training is never easy, so when you successfully cross this milestone, you know it\’s a big deal. Many children are not ready for potty training before 2 years. While some can use the potty before 2, others wait till they are 3 years. Timing is essential when you are considering potty training for your child; if you start too early, the process will take longer. Before you begin the potty training process, watch out for signs of readiness in your child.

What is potty training?

Toilet training or potty training is the ability of a child to anticipate the need to urinate or defecate. It\’s a training whereby a child learns or gains independence and self-mastery of his body when he wants to use the toilet, whether asleep or awake. It takes a lot of training and encouragement to get your child to use the potty correctly; this is because it\’s a significant milestone in your child\’s life, which might take a little while before he masters to use the potty correctly.

How to know your child is ready for potty training

  • Does your child sit, stand, and walk on his own?
  • Can he sit on the toilet seat or potty by himself?
  • Can he pull down his pants or shorts by himself?
  • Does your baby communicate how he feels already?
  • Would he be willing to follow instructions?
  • Does your child stay dry for a longer period?
  • Would he be interested in using a potty or toilet?

When you have answered the questions above, then you know if your child is ready to start the potty training. You also have to be prepared because the process of potty training isn\’t an easy task. Remember, the goal is to make the process of toilet training as positive and natural as possible. Patience is also required for successful toilet training.

Tips on potty training your child

Tell your child at least three days ahead about the potty training. Tell him why you want him to start the potty training and let him know he would be stopping the use of diapers during the day.

  • Decide which words you want to teach your child to use when he wants to ease himself. Words such as \”poop,\” \”poo,\” \”wee\” are suitable for your child to use.
  • Get your potty ready. Get a potty that will attract your child to use and place it in an easily reachable position. You can set the potty in the toilet or bathroom but ensure it is kept clean and dry.
  • Show the potty to your child. Let him know that is what he will use to wee and poop and teach him to let you know when he needs his potty by using those words.
  • Switch from wearing diapers to underwear for him.
  • Pay attention to your child for signs that he wants to ease himself. When you notice he wants to relieve himself, take him to his potty in time. The first day may not go well, and he may refuse to sit on the potty but be patient with you and your child. You both will get the hang of it.
  • You might want to schedule the potty breaks. Every two or three hours, you take your child to sit on his potty when he wakes in the morning and after every nap, hopefully by the end of the third day he gets fully used to his potty.
  • Teach girls to wipe from front to back.

Mistakes to avoid when potty training

  • Do not start too early. You should go at your baby\’s pace
  • Using negative words to refer to body waste. Words like dirty, stinky or irritating are not ideal for your baby\’s potty vocabulary
  • Giving rewards or prizes for every potty time.
  • Being unrealistic – Start by unthinking that girls are more easier to teach or learn faster than boys! Be reasonable with your expectations, and don\’t use timelines. If they train fast and learn, lucky you but don\’t have in mind that your child must learn to potty in 2 weeks. Also, you\’re not failing to do the right because your toddler doesn\’t fall in line.
  • Ignoring personality – Remember that a child\’s disposition incredibly influences the whole potty training experience. There are different types of characters in children;
    • (Confident Type) These types of children might thrive on being given challenges or dares, e.g., let\’s see if you can pull your pants by yourself. 
    • (Introspective Type) These types of children benefit from frequent praise and encouragement and are sensitive to any displeasure from you. Be careful with your facial expression when they mess up and try to go easy on them. 
    • (Sanguine or Cheerful Type) These types of children play from one thing to another and do not take potty sessions seriously unless you make it super fun for them. 
    • (Phlegmatic Type) These types of children may not get involved much or won\’t see what the big rush is; they need more motivation than others.

Potty training is most efficient when you are consistent. It is best to set some days aside for you and your baby, where you are at home all through that period to establish your potty training.

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5 Brain Boosting Nature Activities for Your Baby\’s Health

If you have a baby who is usually fussy without an explanation, then you should try taking him out during one of his fussy moments and see his reaction. You might find out that he wanted a feel of nature. My children would start crying and disturbing uncontrollably, and the moment I step out to my balcony, they become excited, and when we return indoors, it is back to where we started. I soon learned that it was time to step out of the house and give them the outdoor moment we all required, and everyone, including me, is happy.

Benefits of an outdoor moment to babies

Babies need nature views for their brain development and familiarization with the world they have now been born.

Children learn new things like colors, objects, activities, and words as they look around in the environment. Even though they can\’t pronounce the words or put a name to it, they are making a mental note of things they see and getting familiar with their environment.

Babies build their creativity from the amount of time they spend observing and playing with nature.

Spending time outdoors also helps babies relieve stress, relax, and sleep better at night. Nature has its ways with babies, and you can understand why they crave spending time outside.

The fresh air that comes from trees or the songs from birds and the feel of the sand grains between their fingers is enough to calm the nerves of every baby.

Outdoor activities for your baby

Water play

Does your baby like splashing water during bath time and every time he sees a tap running? I would believe it is a yes, just like my babies. Then the deflectable rubber swimming pool is an excellent choice for outdoor water time. Add water a few inches high for your baby to be able to splash or sit inside the water monitored.

A walk in the park

Place your baby in a stroller or hold him close to your chest as you walk across the street or park. Tell your baby the names of the things you see. Talk to your baby, and you walk along. He is likely to sleep off.

Take your baby sightseeing

The aquarium and zoo is a good place to visit with your baby. Both you and your baby will find the environment and colors nerve relaxing. A view that would contribute to building a healthy and beautiful state of mind in your baby as he grows

Time with nature

You can take your baby to a place with green trees and grasses where your child can lie on his blanket or in his stroller beholding the beautiful scene and receiving the fresh air or crawl in the grasses enjoying the feel of the green and relaxing his nerves.

Visit a playground and take a book along

A playing ground with all the sliding and gliding toys available to your baby will help him have not only fun but also build his motor skills. You can spread a mat or blanket for you and your baby to sit while you read out a book to him.

Remember that you should never leave your baby unsupervised even as you are outdoors. Put sunscreen on your baby and rub insect repellant on him when you are going to spend time on the grasses.

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6 Secrets to Being a Less Stressed Out Parent

The Secrets to Being a Less Stressed Out Parent

Parenting never gets easier for anyone whether you are a stay at home parent, 9 to 5 parent, or you run a business. From the daily school run to cooking, cleaning, screaming, washing, gift shopping, clothes shopping, advising, and being their guarding. Just when you tell yourself that it will get easier once this phase is over, you then find out every stage has its hurdle, which you must cross.

Many areas of your life, especially your marriage, suffer from the stress you exert on yourself. You have to be deliberate about warding off anxiety and enjoying activities with your spouse that would only make you closer to each other.

How can you be less stressed out as a parent?

Stop trying to be perfect

Your children and spouse don\’t need a perfect parent. They want parents that they can lean on. Stop being concerned about what the society expects, at the end of the day it\’s just you and your family. A happy mom is a happy home, and a content father is a satisfied child.

Take time to rest

Don\’t feel guilty about taking a nap with a load pile of chores to be done. There is never an end to house chores. You should prioritize your rest and health. Secondly, you don\’t always have to talk or hand out a punishment every time your children misbehave. Learn to look the other way sometimes.

Regular exercise

Include exercise in your routine. Regular exercise reduces stress levels and balances hormones. You might not be the gym type, but there are simple exercise routines like skipping, dancing, aerobics you can do at home.        

Don\’t be afraid to say no

When you are a parent with children to look after, you have to learn to tune down on commitments you didn\’t mind before now. Saying no to volunteer during a function at your children\’s school or to activities in the church isn\’t bad, and you don\’t need to feel guilty about saying no. 3 months after I had my daughter, they wanted me to pick up teaching Sunday school in the church. Still, I had to turn it down, seeing as I was already undergoing some level of stress managing a toddler and an infant alongside a business. A decision I never regretted.

Don\’t take life too serious

Laughter makes the heart merrier. It would help if you had more fun, play. Don\’t forget to spoil yourself. Visiting a spa or a recreational centre would help take the stress off you. Visiting cinemas without tagging your children along will remind you what it feels like to have a \”me time\” again.

You don\’t have to do it alone

You should feel free to get help, whether paid help or assistance from friends and relatives. Parenting is a tough job to think you should do it alone. When you feel tired or exhausted, put a call across for help. For someone who can take care of the children while you take a nap, rest, or pamper yourself.

To effectively manage your stress, you should itemize what could be elevating your stress levels and see which of the suggestions listed would be most useful to you. It would help if you made taking care of your health a priority so that you can be healthy enough to raise your children.

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Severe sleep problems in infancy may cause childhood anxiety: Researchers

A nеw research ѕuggеѕtѕ thаt infants wіth vеrу dіѕturbеd ѕlеер patterns соuld be аt grеаtеr rіѕk for anxiety issues in lаtеr сhіldhооd.

Australian researchers tracked 1,507 fіrѕt-tіmе mоthеrѕ аnd thеіr bаbіеѕ and found that оnе іn fіvе hаd what they described аѕ \”реrѕіѕtеnt ѕеvеrе sleep рrоblеmѕ\” durіng thеіr babies\’ fіrѕt year.

\”A lot of the infants wеrе wаkіng uр ԛuіtе a lоt аt thrее months, and that\’s nоrmаl. Wе fоund thаt аrоund 19% rеаllу had реrѕіѕtеnt аnd ѕеvеrе ѕlеер рrоblеmѕ thаt wеrе trоublеѕоmе rіght across that fіrѕt уеаr,\” ѕаіd Dr. Fаllоn Cook of thе Murdосh Chіldrеn\’ѕ Rеѕеаrсh Inѕtіtutе іn Mеlbоurnе, Auѕtrаlіа, who led the research.

\”These аrе bаbіеѕ who, even by 12 mоnthѕ of аgе, аrе ѕtіll waking thrее оr more tіmеѕ at nіght,\” ѕаіd Cооk. \”And thеу mіght bе tаkіng up to hоur tо gо to sleep, аnd thеу are very difficult to ѕеttlе when thеу аwаkе durіng thе night.\”

Parents ѕhоuld аlwауѕ wаtсh оut \”fоr developing ѕіgnѕ of еmоtіоnаl аnd mеntаl hеаlth рrоblеmѕ іf thеіr іnfаnt has mоdеrаtе to severe ѕlеер іѕѕuеѕ,\” ѕаіd Jodi Mіndеll, аѕѕосіаtе director оf thе Slеер Cеntеr at thе Children\’s Hоѕріtаl оf Phіlаdеlрhіа and thе сhаіr оf thе Pediatric Slеер Cоunсіl, whо was nоt іnvоlvеd in thе rеѕеаrсh.

\”Thе primary finding оf thіѕ ѕtudу is that іnfаntѕ with ѕlеер рrоblеmѕ are uр to twice аѕ lіkеlу to have mеntаl hеаlth іѕѕuеѕ, рrіmаrіlу anxiety-based concerns аt аgеѕ fоur аnd 10 уеаrѕ. Putting it іn соntеxt fоr parents, thе lіkеlіhооd іnсrеаѕеѕ frоm аррrоxіmаtеlу 5-15% fоr аll сhіldrеn tо аbоut 10-25%,\”

Shе ѕаіd hоwеvеr thаt the mechanism bеtwееn ѕlеер and mental hеаlth wаѕn\’t well understood, аnd thеrе wеrе lіkеlу many vаrіаblеѕ involved.

\”Wе need tо lооk mоrе аt whаt\’ѕ happening іn thе hоmе. How аrе these bаbіеѕ bеіng ѕеttlеd to sleep? Thеrе\’ѕ роѕѕіblу gеnеtіс fасtоrѕ аt play tоо,\” ѕаіd Cооk

Shе urgеd аnу parents wоrrіеd аbоut thеіr сhіld\’ѕ ѕlеер раttеrn tо ѕреаk to thеіr fаmіlу doctor.

Source: CNN

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6 Significant Pre-Baby Financial Planning Advice for New Parents

There is excitement when you find out that a baby is on the way. The part that is not usually exciting is the expenses that come with preparation for the arrival of the baby. Some couples are typically prepared for the baby\’s arrival, and most first-time parents do not understand the cost that comes with raising a child in this age. Because demands are ever-increasing and the prices of things are hardly decreasing every expectant parent has to put financial plans in place. Below are some tips on planning your finances with your baby in mind.

Tips on how to plan your finance

Draw up a budget

Baby things can be expensive, and when there are no coupons or discounts, the prices can almost create a hole in your pocket. Not only are baby things lovely and cute, but they are also expensive. You don\’t need every beautiful baby thing that catches your eye; this is why you need a budget so that you either don\’t overbuy or buy what you don\’t need. For example, you don\’t need many packs or pieces of onesies; your baby doesn\’t need shoes immediately as that can wait for another six months. Buy essentials and use all the coupons and discount you can get. There is no shame in saving some money.

Ask friends and family for preloved baby items

Items such as car seats, strollers, walkers, cot, sterilizing sets, and blanket, among many others, can be gotten from family and friends, mostly from those that don\’t have use for them again. These items don\’t get spoiled or damaged easily, so they are likely to be in good condition. Clean, wash and store them up till your baby arrives. Spend your money on your baby essentials, except you can\’t get preloved items before you add them to your budget.

Start saving and investing

A newborn can use up to one hundred and fifty or more diapers in the first month. If you calculate that, you know how much you can be spending on diapers and wipes alone. When you add oils and other essentials, you see that it can almost be leaving a hole in your pocket. Now is the time to start saving and investing those funds to make extra money for your little one.

Begin growing your emergency fund

An emergency fund is necessary for your entire family. You don\’t want to start that after the baby arrives. You will find out that you are unable to. Even though we don\’t pray for eventualities, keep piling your emergency fund until the mother and child are safely home from the hospital, and baby is growing well.

Get Insurance policy

From health insurance to life assurance, householders insurance, and insurance policies, you want to put in place for your family. Don\’t just wish and pray, put proper measures in place to save you from embarrassing expenditures or situations. Speak to your insurance company about plans that could suit you.

Plan your child\’s future

Your child\’s college or university\’s funds can begin to grow the moment you are done with hospital bills. Start putting money away and investing in your child\’s name, buying properties in your child\’s name if you have the means. Planning your child\’s future is as essential as planning his or her entry. Don\’t spend all the money throwing a lavish one-year-old party without putting some in a good investment.

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At What Age Should Moms Stop Breastfeeding Their Babies?

Weaning is the process of stopping a child from breastfeeding. While there is no general rule for when to stop breastfeeding your child World Health Organization (WHO) suggest a mother should breastfeed her baby up to 2 years of age. The process of weaning is not only tough on the mother but also the baby. Because breastfeeding creates a bond between mother and child when you decide to stop breastfeeding, it feels like letting go of that closeness.

While some mothers wean as early as three months, some have also breastfed as long as four years. Some mothers peg the weaning to the moment their baby begins to walk, or the moment the baby clocks one year. Breastfeeding is essential to babies because they get their best nutritional supply from breastmilk. Even when babies start eating solid food, they are unable to tap all the nutrients from the food before they are one year of age, and that is why breastfeeding is essential and recommended for 2 years.

Some Myths about Weaning

  1. Stop breastfeeding your infant the moment you discover you are pregnant because it would affect the nursing baby. This is totally false. Keep breastfeeding your child until you feel the need to stop. Only eat enough for three.
  2. Once a child is 9 months, stop breastfeeding. This is not recommended because the child can digest most solid foods you eat. Breastmilk also helps fighting infection in your baby.

When to stop breastfeeding your baby?

On health grounds:

If a mother is on medications, it enters the breastmilk in a considerable amount, she would be advised to stop breastfeeding because of the adverse effect the medicine might have on the baby. For the health benefit of the baby even if the baby is 3 months, the mother will be advised to stop breastfeeding.

When a child rejects breastmilk:

Some babies stop taking breastmilk on their own. This can cause a mother to worry, especially when the baby is below 6 months of age. But there is no cause to worry if your baby isn\’t sick. Do not force her to breastfeed, and you can try expressing your milk into a feeding bottle if the child would take which some children do while some outrightly refuse the breastmilk. Introduce them to baby appropriate milk and food and watch them grow healthy.

When a mother feels she is ready to wean her baby:

A mother can tell she is ready to stop breastfeeding, or her baby is ready to let go of the breastmilk. A mother might want her body back to herself and decides she is ready to wean her baby.

You notice your baby cutting down on her nursing time

It just might be a signal to let her go off the breast already. Your baby might be showing more interest in solid food and finding contentment in that than in breastfeeding.

When you are ready to wean your baby off breastmilk, it is better to allow the process to be gradual. Prepare your baby\’s mind by telling her she is about to be weaned. Pay attention to your baby\’s needs and do not wean your baby when he or she is sick or just recovering from an illness. Shower your baby with love and attention during this period of weaning; you don\’t want her to miss the closeness that came from the bond of breastfeeding.

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Tips for Spending Time With Your Child

Why spending time with your child is very important

The demands of keeping a roof over your family\’s head, giving your child the best clothes, education, toys, gadgets, saving for retirement, and aging parents. All those things that compete for your time and attention make it look almost impossible to find time for your child. Your work demands are never-ending, and you return home exhausted thinking only to shower and climb into your bed, but when you open the door to your sitting room, you are greeted with the beautiful voice of your child shouting out, \”Daddy,\” \”mummy.\” You hug your little one, but know you can\’t help with his homework. While you have a valid excuse, you still have to make out quality time for your child.

Importance of Spending time with your child

  1. It creates a bond that lasts for a lifetime and space in the life of your child that none can fill. It\’s the only way you can build a friendship with your child and get your child to tell you anything from a young age, and you are less afraid of him or her getting into trouble.
  • You can instill your values in them. If you don\’t teach them your values while they are young, another random human will teach them theirs, or they will pick up anything from the streets which most times spells trouble. You want your child to represent you well, so spend time with him teaching him things he should know. In watching and listening to you, he understands what you stand for and what he would like to stand for.
  • Children want a superhero, and when they can find that in you, they feel safe and surer of themselves. The trust that you would love your child to put in you can only be built when you are around. Their superhero teaches them lessons about life and how to behave when faced with individual circumstances.
  • When you are available for your child during his childhood, you reduce the possibility of creating a distance with your child when he becomes a teenager. Any friendship that is not created in your child\’s formative ages becomes difficult to form in teen years. You begin to complain about your teen\’s withdrawal and not spending time with the family.
  • Spending time with your child helps you understand his interests, talents, and dislikes. Knowing will help you guide him properly in taking decisions and making choices. When you know your child\’s interest, you can help him or her channel it properly, and you can groom this interest to become a career that is pursued.

Read Also: How to be your child’s best friend

Ways to Spend time with your child

dad and daughter playing together
  1. Create time to join your child in doing homework or project
  2. Reading bedtime stories or telling them folktales is an exciting way to spend time together
  3. Organize family outing, camping or picnic
  4. Spend weekends playing chess, draft, monopoly or any game you know with your child
  5. If you attend clubs like lawn tennis club, badminton club, or any activity that is safe for your child to participate, you should consider taking him or her with you sometimes.
  6. It would help if you went grocery shopping together with your child from time to time. Don\’t be too afraid of the chaos of running around they might do. Just enjoy time with them
  7. You don\’t have to do the chores alone, you and your child can have fun doing it together.

You won\’t remain young forever, and they won\’t stay children forever. Don\’t throw away the memories you can build together. You want your children growing up to think of you as the father or mother they can\’t count on. No matter how tough it is, your child is the silver lining in the sky. 

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Baby Safety and Childproofing Tips for Moms

The first time you saw your baby crawl, how did you feel? I believe it is a moment you relive from time to time. And the first step your baby took his first step, you had to hold yourself back unsuccessfully from screaming.

You\’re likely unprepared when it comes to keeping your baby safe from all the hazards in his path. This is the story of many mothers.

The best time to childproof your house is before your baby is born, and the next best time is before he starts crawling. Childproofing is to prevent accidents. Statistics say domestic accidents cause most infant and toddler deaths. These accidents are preventable when you use these childproofing tips.

Install a stairway and door gate

These mesh gates are adjustable and removable when you don\’t need them anymore. It is to prevent your crawling or walking baby from going through the door and down the stairs.

Preventing burns

Avoid hot liquid or food while carrying or holding your baby. Keep hot things from the top of the table or kitchen cabinet. Do not bring your baby close to the cooker and keep him far from an oven in use. Keep your baby away from electrical appliances, wires, hand dryers, and television. It is easier to achieve with a Stove guard, TV guard, and a plastic guard.

Install cabinet and drawer locks

Kitchen cabinets, bathrooms, and refrigerator contain things you don\’t want your baby going near either because they are harmful to your baby or he will make a mess of things. To prevent him from going near these places, you need to install secure cabinet locks or drawer locks. There are two options of locks available; external locks that you can fit around the knobs or internal locks. Some available locks are Safety first cabinet flex-lock and slide lock, KidCo cabinet lock, Adhesive mount cabinet, and drawer lock, etc.

Baby Safety Tips

  1. When bathing your baby, use warm water and not hot water. Use your elbow to check the warmness or pour a little on your laps before you pour on the baby\’s body. Never leave your baby unsupervised in the bath. You can use a thermometer to check the water temperature.
  2. Prevent fall from height: Never leave your baby unattended to on the sofa, bed, stairs, changing table, high chair, and any position where the probability of falling is high. 
  3. When using a cot, avoid using soft and fluffy pillows and other beddings on the bed. Avoid leaving toys inside the cot when your baby is asleep in it. These could cause suffocation that might lead to death. 
  4. Repair any electrical socket that is bad. Don\’t leave any naked wire open in your house. 
  5. Take lessons in first aid and have your first aid kit at home.

In conclusion, keep all forbidden objects away from the reach of your baby. Objects like knives, scissors, pots, chemicals, and other hazardous materials should be locked away in safe places where the baby cannot reach.

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