Benefits of Homemade Food for Babies & Toddlers

It is always faster and easier to give babies cereals and store-bought food, especially when you don\’t understand what your baby likes or you don\’t know what food is healthier to introduce your baby to after weaning him off breastmilk.

Introducing homemade food to your baby has several benefits for your child and you, the parent. Here are some of the benefits of homemade foods;

Nutritional value

Nutritional content in homemade food has a higher chance of containing more nutrients than baby food from the store shelf. Shelf-stable baby food is heated at very high temperatures to prevent food poisoning and infections from bacteria, fungi, and possibly viruses. This process of heating destroys proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants needed for brain development and growth in children. Cooking your baby\’s food at home enables you to monitor the temperature. You are also responsible for all that goes into the food, and you determine how rich it is in nutritional value.

Prevention of allergies

You should know about the food allergies within the family. This knowledge enables you to stay away from certain things when preparing food for your baby. In case your child develops an allergy after eating a particular food, the allergen can easily be traced. But if your child reacts poorly to the baby food you bought from the shelf, the allergen wouldn\’t be easily traced because of all the numerous additives present.

Healthy and fresh meals

Who wouldn\’t love a freshly prepared food? Even infants and toddlers do. Making your child\’s food at home allows you to give him healthy meals. You could give your child a gluten-free diet from your kitchen, protein-packed snacks, vitamins rich meals, fruit puree, all of which is healthy, fresh, and he will love it. Healthy meals make your child\’s skin glow, limit how easily he can come down with an infection, and prevents fat deposits in the wrong places while at the same time helping the brain and physical development.

Related Article: Learn Early Nutrition and Meal Plan for Your Baby

Maintain taste of food the baby is used to

A child is used to the taste of the mother\’s food from the womb and the breastmilk. Introducing that baby to meals cooked at home wouldn\’t be strange. Many babies resist shelf stored baby food because of the sudden change from what they used to know. Some children eventually settle the baby food bought and some resist and would prefer being fed with meals made at home. Never make the mistake to force-feed an infant or toddler who rejects baby cereals and foods. Take time to find out what the child likes and prepare his food for him. Also, create a variety of taste for him. Don\’t stick with making one type of meal.

Homemade food has a better flavor.

I am almost certain you prefer the taste of freshly barbequed chicken or fish to canned sardines and portions of bacon. That is the same way a baby feels about his best homemade food and the baby food in cans and plastics. Food store on the shelf with a shelf life of two or more years says a lot about all the processing it has undergone to stay that long, and that is not the best call when talking about eating healthy.

Less consumption of chemical additives.

A child deserves to eat healthily. Eating healthy isn\’t only for adults. If you want your toddler to consume less of the chemical additives present in the world today, then you need to take time to be responsible for making your toddler\’s food. Store-bought baby foods have preservatives, nutrients that aren\’t from natural sources, but are synthesized. We all are aware of how all these additives and biochemicals have largely impacted the world. Lowering body immunity, triggering things that have caused many health challenges today. Consumption of some of these things as a baby can come back to haunt later in adulthood. 

A child\’s body might not be able to breakdown some of the biochemical and chemicals used in preparing and preserving baby food. Most of these molecules that aren\’t broken down are stored in the body, which could later cause damage. But feeding your child with homemade food reduces the chances of a child\’s exposure to these additives.

Read Also: Foods That Will Make Your Kids Grow Tall

Meal plan

Do you introduce a healthy meal plan for your child because you want the child to eat right? Then preparing the food by yourself at home makes your target achievable. Instead of cutting back on the serving of baby foods and cereals, you should give your child protein-rich home-cooked meals. That would keep him fuller for longer with the possibility of not being overweight in view. 

Factors that can prevent you from giving your child home-cooked meals especially if you are a working mother are

  1. Time: you might not have the time at your disposal to prepare meals for your child regularly, especially if you have a clingy or crying baby. A well-prepared meal plan is the best to guide you on what to cook, even on the busiest days. 
  2. Storing freshly made food in the freezer or refrigerator, which you might not like.
  3. Many times organic food and fresh fruits are not as cheap as you would prefer them to be so that you can save cost.
  4. Possible contamination from pathogens which could cause diarrhea and vomiting.

The benefits of homemade food for your baby outweighs all your fears. Put all the necessary hygienic conditions in place, put away your worries, and make out time to cook the meals, and you will raise a happy and healthy. 

healthy meal plan for babies within 6-24 months of age

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Signs your Baby is Malnourished

Proper nutrition or balanced nutrition is essential for a child\’s proper mental and physical development. When your child becomes a picky eater or is not eating well, you might just want to let him be or allow him to feed on some sweet things he prefers, but this isn\’t a healthy choice for him because this could lead him to become malnourished. Malnutrition would lead to infections and reinfections, weight loss, and low volume of blood in the body.

What is Malnutrition?

Malnutrition is a state of the body not getting adequate quantity or needed amount of essential vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and lipids required for the body\’s function, survival, and to maintain healthy tissues and organs.

Because malnutrition is not a disease that comes with fever and cold, you might not realize it quickly. These are malnutrition symptoms you should look out for before it gets really bad.

Your baby is always complaining of stomach aches and not eating well because of it:

Frequent stomach ache in your toddler could mean several things, including an infection. But if your child is not eating because of it, it only means he isn\’t well-nourished. The stomach ache could also be a symptom of malnutrition. Talk to your doctor about that complaint that is already going for more than a week.

Underweight or losing weight:

There is an average weight required for children. If you notice your child is falling back on the chart or is suddenly losing weight, you should talk to your doctor for proper evaluation. Not eating properly or a balanced diet could cause it.

Your child is not eating well:

I have learned that this should be a concern if a child isn\’t feeding well. My son only ate little of the food he took to school, and sometimes he wouldn\’t touch the meat. At home, he would only want to take liquids. When he asked for food, and I served him, he only picked at it. Until we ended up being admitted to the hospital twice in a month and the doctors said his blood was below minimum, did I realize why he wasn\’t eating well? When you notice your child is having trouble eating, get him to see the doctors, some multivitamins might help him back on the food track.

Related Article: Common Diseases in Babies and Symptoms

Your child isn\’t growing taller:

Children experience growth spurt from time to time. Children are continually growing taller. If you notice your child is not outgrowing his or her clothes then, you should see a doctor for proper evaluation.

Not as active or agile:

Children are active and burn their calories differently. If your toddler who is usually engaged, playful and cheerful begins to withdraw, is less active, slow, and begins to sleep more than usual and you can\’t notice any visible illness, this becomes a source of concern. Take your child for proper evaluation. Many times it is an indication of malnutrition.


Edema occurs in children with acute malnutrition. It is a condition where there is water retention in the tissues of a person and, in this context, in the tissues of a malnourished baby. When you notice this, you should take your baby to the hospital without delay. The doctor is most likely going to admit the baby for some days to monitor the progress of your baby and to make sure the baby is stable and safe.

Causes of Malnutrition

Children from 6 months to 59 months can experience malnourishment. There are various causes of malnutrition that affect children. We will discuss some below.

Related Article: Benefits of Homemade Food for Babies & Toddlers

Lack of breastfeeding:

Babies derive all their nutrients and protection from their mother\’s breastmilk within the first six months of life. Babies who are unable to breastfeed for any reason can become malnourished.

Digestive disorders:

Digestive disorders like Crohn\’s disease prevent the body from absorbing nutrients from food consumed leads to malnutrition. Frequent diarrhea and vomiting as a result of digestion problems can also lead to malnutrition.

Irregular feeding:

It is possible to have problems with your baby\’s feeding habits. Either they are not eating well, being a picky eater, or eating at odd times, which can lead to indigestion. When a child doesn\’t feed well, the likelihood of experiencing malnutrition is high.

A poor or unbalanced diet:

If you stick to one meal and you don\’t balance it with vegetables, fruit, and sources of protein, you will be increasing your child\’s chances of being malnourished.


Illness can cause a child to lose appetite and desire for food. Worm infestation can cause a child not to eat. As said earlier, not feeding well will lead to malnutrition. Chronic and long-term illness and treatment processes can affect the nutrition of a child.

Related Article: How to Treat Diarrhea in Infants

How to treat malnutrition in children

Discover the root cause of malnutrition before adequate treatment can commence. Take your child to see the doctor so that the proper treatment plan can be administered.

  • If there is an underlying sickness or disease, it is treated to enable the appetite of your child to return.
  • Ensure every of your child\’s meal has all the classes of food.
  • Take time to prepare your child\’s diet. If your child is a picky eater then take time to find out what he likes, make your child a variety of food.
  • Breastfeeding is an excellent place to start if your child is nursing. If they aren\’t feeding directly from the breast, then you should express your milk into a bottle for your child.
  • Monitor what you eat that could be putting your baby off breastfeeding
  • For children that have difficulty feeding, the hospital put in place measures to help the child feed properly.
  • The doctor can prescribe multivitamins to enhance your child\’s appetite and give him some nutrients
  • Include vegetables and fruits into your child\’s meal plan.
  • Deworm the child if the child is suffering from worm infestation. It is advisable to deworm a child every three to six months.
  • Help your child take lots of water.

Classes of food: Carbohydrate, protein, fats and lipids, vitamins, minerals and water

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Spicy Foods, Herbs Nursing Mothers Should Avoid

Sometimes your baby is fussy, crying, having diarrhea, having difficulty going to the toilet, and experiencing general discomfort, and you can\’t lay a finger on it. It is time to sit back and check the list of what you eat. When you were pregnant, you were probably given a list of things to avoid in your diet, and you thought to yourself that it would all end after pregnancy.

Sorry to burst your bubbles, but as a nursing mother, it is essential to monitor what you eat. Below we will discuss a list of foods to avoid while breastfeeding

Fish high in mercury 

Fish is a good source of protein for you and your baby. You should stay away from the shark, king mackerel, tilefish, swordfish, marlin, Bigeye tuna because of the high level of mercury present in them. Mercury isn\’t safe for babies because mercury can affect the brain and central nervous system development. Mercury can pass from mother to child through the placenta in pregnancy and breastmilk in nursing infants. 


Alcohol is not recommended for nursing mothers because a certain amount of alcohol enters into the breastmilk. It is best not to drink alcohol, but if you must take, then you either breastfeed your infant first or wait at least two hours after taking alcohol to breastfeed. Alcohol can affect a baby\’s brain development, cause restlessness, and fussiness.

Dairy and dairy products

Babies display little or no tolerance to cow\’s milk. You should stay away from cow\’s milk and its product for some. Take in small quantity to see how well your baby tolerates lactose from cow\’s milk in your breastmilk. Some babies experience diarrhea, gas in their stomach, fussiness, and a whole lot of discomfort. 

Soya beans or soy protein

It\’s best to avoid giving your baby soybeans directly or through your breastmilk. You are looking for a great source of protein that will serve you and your baby, and because of the high nutritional values and great taste, you go for soybeans. Some babies have shown allergic reactions to soy protein. Soybeans can also cause constipation in babies, rashes on the skin, especially for babies less than a year old.

Coffee and tea

Coffee and tea are not totally off-limit to nursing mothers, but it is in the best interest of mothers to avoid them because of the presence of caffeine. I can understand if the first thing you want to take in the morning is a hot coffee after staying awake most of the night. Consider that your baby that is less than nine months old and cannot metabolize the caffeine that would be passed to your baby through your breastmilk, you want to find a healthier alternative for would be right for you both. And when you are ready to start taking coffee while still nursing, you should not take more than three cups in a day or switch to decaffeinated. For tea, there are healthier herbal options like green tea to the black tea. Caffeine can disturb your baby\’s sleep schedule, make her restless, and cause her to be colic.


It has a lot of health benefits, including fighting infections and boosting the production of breastmilk. But garlic is more beneficial to the mother than the nursing baby. The smell of garlic in the breastmilk can put off a baby from nursing. Garlic also causes colic and stomach upset in some babies. While you should stay off the garlic and find other options to supply you with the benefits found in garlic, you might still want to take garlic but in small quantities.


A little amount of peppermint that you consume is not harmful to your baby. It is when consumed in large quantities that it causes gas and upsets your baby\’s stomach. Peppermint is also known to reduce breast milk. The taste of peppermint in your milk can also put your baby off breastfeeding.

Parsley and Sage

There is no documented evidence that parsley and sage affect a nursing infant, but it is known to decrease milk supply. A high quantity of parsley can stop the flow of breastmilk. You should take parsley and sage in a minimal amount.


It is known to cause high blood pressure as well as low sugar in the blood of nursing mothers. Nursing babies are not left out of its effect as it causes diarrhea and colic in babies.

Black Walnut

Black walnut is a plant used for an herbal treatment. There isn\’t much about the negative effect of black walnut on nursing mothers and babies; that is enough reason to be mindful of consuming it. You shouldn\’t apply it to your skin or ingest it if you are pregnant or nursing, because this is, will reduce the likelihood of eczema erupting on your baby\’s skin or any other adverse effect.

Comfrey ointment

Mothers use comfrey ointment in the herbal treatment of sore nipples occurring from breastfeeding. But it is one of the herbs to avoid while breastfeeding. It is known to be passed from mother to nursing baby, and it is associated with causing liver damage in babies. In place of comfrey treatment for sore nipples, you should use lanolin or coconut oil on the sore nipple daily until it heals.

Signs your baby is having stomach upset

  1. The baby is crying with the legs up
  2. The stomach is swollen
  3. Unable to sleep and eat
  4. Frequently passing gas and not going to the toilet for days
  5. Diarrhea
  6. Vomiting
  7. Shows signs of pain when you touch the tummy.

You can help your pain find relief by

  • Lying her on the tummy
  • Look into what you have been eating and cut back on spices, caffeine, and herbs
  • Avoid gassy foods to see if she would feel better
  • Find ways to help your baby poop
  • Eat more fiber-rich foods and drink more water
  • Hold your baby close to you with her stomach touching yours. It gives them some relief.
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8 Best Workouts and Exercises for Pregnant Women

Exercises are a good way for a pregnant woman at whatever stage of pregnancy to keep fit and give birth to a healthy baby. Exercising during pregnancy helps you to avoid adding excess weight, eliminate and reduce backache, improve your overall health, and help make delivery easier. 

Because exercising is great for pregnant women doesn\’t mean all exercises are fine for pregnant women, or all pregnant women are fit to get involved. There are things to consider when deciding to start exercising.

When you shouldn\’t exercise if

  • You have been diagnosed with placenta Previa, which is placenta lying low to your cervix.
  • You have spotting or experienced vaginal bleeding. This could be signs of threatened abortion, and your doctor has to approve an exercise routine.
  • You have a weak cervix with a history of preterm labor or miscarriage
  • Exercising brings on regular contractions that last up to an hour.
  • Fatigue sets in after every exercise
  • You have a pregnancy-induced condition that could be life-threatening to you and the baby.

Exercises for Pregnant Women

Brisk or fast walking:

You need a firm bra or sports bra, good sneakers that has a good grip and sport wears. If you are not the regular exercise type, then you can start by walking briskly on smooth surfaces. Avoid steep planes, potholes, and ditches. This form of cardiovascular exercise and one of the best exercises for pregnant women.


Swimming is an excellent form of aerobics and muscle-strengthening exercise. It is safe for every stage of pregnancy. The pleasurable part about swimming is that the water supports your tummy, takes the pressure off your back and joint. To take caution, avoid jumping and diving into the poop as this could have an undesirable impact on your pump. Avoid slipping as much as possible.


Whether you choose stationary cycling or your bike, you are safe even as a first-timer. Cycling is a safe aerobic exercise good for the heart rate and taking stress off the joints. As you advance in pregnancy and your bump starts to change your center of gravity, I will advise stationary cycling to minimize the risk of falling.


One of the best workouts for pregnant women and a great aerobic. If you were running or jogging before you got pregnant, you could continue. Running has a low impact on the abdomen. You can also consider running on a treadmill if you don\’t want to work out outside as your pregnancy progresses.

Pelvic Tilts

  • A stomach strengthening workout for pregnant women. It helps reduce back pain. You can either take a kneeling position or rest against the wall for support.
  • Go down on your knees and hands on your workout mat or a cushioned place (to prevent falling or impact from falling)
  • Arching your back, tuck in your tummy from your belly button region
  • Release it after five seconds.
  • Repeat this process ten times
  • If you choose to rest on the wall, make your back flat against the wall
  • Tuck in your tummy and repeat the process

Related Article: Best Postpartum Wraps to Help Lose Your Belly Bumps

Pregnancy exercise for normal delivery

While exercises are fantastic to keep you healthy and fit throughout pregnancy, these are exercises you can engage in during pregnancy for normal delivery.

Pilates Exercises

Pilates Exercises

This workout helps with balance and flexibility. Pilates workout strengthens the portion of the abdomen known as \”transverse abdominis\” that wraps around the abdomen. During childbirth, it compresses and helps the uterus push out your baby in the final phase of labor. You will need to practice this workout postpartum once your doctor clears you, this will help you get your abs in shape

  • Sit on a yoga block, physioball or a chair in your house
  • Inhale through your nose, filling up your belly with air and allowing the muscles of your stomach to relax
  • Exhale a slow and slow breath. You can involve your mouth when exhaling.
  • Repeat this workout several times.

Hip Raises

Hip raises exercise

While your pregnancy bumps advances, the Hip Raises workout will help support it, strengthen your bum, and also help in labor.

  • Lie flat on your back with knees bent upwards. Don\’t stay in this position for long. 
  • Place your palms under your hips
  • Then gradually lift your hips till your feet is flat on the ground, and your torso is in line with your shoulders.
  • Hold this position for two seconds and lower slowly to the position you took at the beginning.

Pelvic Floor Exercise

Kegel Exercises

Pelvic floor muscles, which are located in your pelvis and go all the way to your spine at the base, are essential in your second stage of labor. Pregnancy and childbirth can easily weaken your pelvic area; A Kegel exercise is recommended, to have a more natural virginal delivery and strengthen these muscles. You can do this anywhere and anytime.

Things to note when exercising during pregnancy

  1. Before you start exercising, warm-up, and rest after.
  2. Avoid getting so exhausted from exercising. Remember that pregnancy demands energy.
  3. Try as much as possible to carry out a workout at least thirty minutes daily actively.
  4. Drink plenty of water and other healthy fluids
  5. Do not exercise immediately after eating or eat quickly after a workout.
  6. Avoid exercises that exert high air pressure.
  7. Avoid exercises that have a high risk of falling or at least carry out such activities with great caution. A fall to your abdomen is highly detrimental to the health of your baby.
  8. It is best to work with qualified or certified gym instructors who are familiar with working with pregnant women if you want to work out in a gym.
  9. Avoid heavy weightlifting.
  10. Put on comfortable and loose-fitting clothing when exercising
  11. Do not exercise in high humidity or overheated environment.

Exercises that have a risk of falling, such as horse riding, downhill skiing, ice hockey, gymnastics, and cycling, should only be done with caution. Falls carry a risk of damage to your baby.

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6 Sleeping Tips for New Parents

For most people parenthood comes with many things in one package. Part of it is the exhaustion that comes from sleep deprivation. Some babies can sleep the whole day and spend the night awake and or crying. While some might not stay awake or cry through the night, they wake up every 2 to 3 hours to feed. This period can be stressful for both mother and father. People often forget that the father undergoes sleep deprivation like the mother. Here are tips to help both father and mother cope with sleep deprivation.

Take turns in the night:

If you are bottle-feeding your baby, you both should take turns to feed the baby and if you are breastfeeding, the mother can express milk into the bottle for the father to feed the baby while she gets some rest and she breastfeeds when it\’s her turn so that the father can get some rest. The father can also help soothe and pacify the baby to enable the mother to grab more rest.

Sleep when the baby is sleeping:

This is one of the underrated advice. You ask, \”who will do my house chores, wash the baby’s clothes?\” My work is easier to do while the baby is asleep and the father is at work. Mother dearest, close your eyes to those chores because there is no end to house chores. Your baby sleeps several times in the early days of birth. Take some of those sleep times and get some sleep. Your partner and yourself can do the little some of the chores when he or she is around.

Don’t be ashamed to ask for help:

Ask for help from family members or friends who come visiting. Ask them to help hold your baby while you take a nap, to help you with some house chores or grocery shopping so you and baby can sleep at the same time.

Understand your baby:

Your baby might not be sleeping through the night due to certain discomfort which if you discover would allow you and your baby sleep through the night. I discovered my daughter didn\’t sleep comfortably in diapers when she was between 4 weeks to 6 months. When I remove the diapers, she slept longer and she preferred sleeping with standing fan to ceiling fan or air condition. We became parents that slept almost all through the night. Some babies don\’t like to be wrapped or covered from head to toe, many are sensitive to heat and these could make them fuzzy all night.

Avoid sharing a bed:

This might look like a good solution at the moment when the need to frequently breastfeed your baby arises but it will become a long term problem. Your baby will learn to fall asleep on his or her when they sleep alone. As they grow accustomed to sleeping with you, it becomes difficult to learn to fall asleep by themselves.

Music could help:

Most times babies love music. Playing soft music or lullaby could help your baby sleep longer and enable you to get good sleep.

The exhaustion or fatigue that comes from sleep deprivation as new parents is not something to be joked with. It limits your function and could take a toll on your health especially for first-time parents who are inexperienced. Good news is that this phase will soon pass.

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Keto Cookbook: Healthy, delicious, keto versions of your favourite meals

Nothing feels right, like eating a sumptuous meal dripping with all its sweetness and yet healthy. People eat for various reasons; some eat to keep their stomach full, satisfy hunger or cravings, and some eat to lose weight and stay healthy.

We want you to eat, enjoy your food while you are on a healthy meal treat, and be satisfied even with little portions. If you are reading this, I suppose you are on a weight loss journey or finding ways to keep fit. You are what you eat. This statement couldn\’t be truer. Many health-related issues stem from what we consume into our bodies.

Eating for Weight loss

Many weight-loss methods have come up within the past decade, and everyone tries to find out what works for them. One of them that has proven to work with many is the keto meal plan.

In case you are wondering what keto diet means, it is short for a ketogenic diet. A ketogenic diet is simply a diet with low or no carbs, moderate protein, and a high-fat diet offering many health and weight loss benefits.

How does Keto diet work?

The process by which the keto diet works is called ketosis. Your body runs on the carbs you consume daily. When you take fewer carbs, it means your body will quickly run out the fuel pushing its engine. But because the body must function and your brain must survive, it starts to break down the fat and protein. This process helps you lose weight. 

Many times, the Keto diet helps you lose weight more than other foods because it takes more calories to convert fat into energy that it takes to convert carbs into energy. Fats and protein are also more filling, and you get to eat less quantity of food and less hungry.

Benefits of Keto diet

While a keto diet is perfect for women on a weight loss journey, that is not the only pros from the keto meal plan. Keto diet has many health benefits and body serving goals. Keto meals are good servings for diabetic and prediabetes patients by boosting the sensitivity of insulin in the blood and cause fat loss, especially for Type 2 diabetes. Other health conditions that research has shown keto meals have affected positively are heart disease, Alzheimer\’s, certain cancers, Epilepsy, Parkinson\’s disease, acne, and brain injuries. The keto diet has improved their symptoms significantly and helped their overall wellbeing.

What to avoid on a keto diet?

You want to avoid certain types of food when you are on a keto diet. It would help if you avoided Soda drinks, regular snacks, ice cream, food form grains and starch, fruits, peas, kidney beans, potatoes and other tubers, carrots, vegetable oils, processed condiments, and Alcohols. 

What Should you be eating on a keto diet?

It would be best if you got the Keto Cookbook that promises you and your family great tasty meals

Keto meal with all its benefits doesn\’t go down well with some people because of the taste. There are several keto ingredients which are not so healthy and keto recipes which your family and even you might not enjoy, not only because they are boring but because they don\’t give the satisfying taste you desire from your meals.  Here is this great Keto recipe book, \”The Essential Keto Cookbook,\” which has 105 savouring mouth recipes that promise to change the way you and your family perceive keto meals. A recipe book that is written out of passion and the need to find a solution will be worth it. You can lose weight, eat healthy while enjoying your meal, and having great family time. You can get your free copy of the book HERE while you only handle shipping.

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