Natural Remedies for Stretch Marks During Pregnancy

We all love good skin, especially one without blemish. The fact that pregnant women go through a lot and the fact that they need not be downcast by that can be overwhelming at times. A lot comes with pregnancy, coupled with all kinds of changes. The fact that you need to look good and still be in shape is a thing of major concern.

Most women develop stretch marks during pregnancy as the fibers in the skin become soft and stretch, giving way for the developing baby. Stretch marks appear on the tummy, thighs, buttocks, knees, arms, and breasts as the baby grows as a result of continuous tugging and stretching.

Stretch marks occur as bands of parallel lines on the skin. The lines are usually different in color and texture than the normal skin. In the case of pregnancy, they occur when the dermal layer of the skin is suddenly stretched. The skin overstretches as a result of sudden weight gain and the fibers break, which then leads to stretch marks.

This shouldn\’t pose a problem because there are natural remedies for stretch marks during pregnancy. They have been tested and proved effective.

What are the causes of stretch marks during pregnancy?

Some of the cause of stretch marks during pregnancy include (but not limited to):

  • Rapid weight gain or growth
  • Hereditary
  • Carrying multiple babies
  • When the baby\’s weight is above average
  • Genetics

How to prevent stretch marks

Stretch marks can be tiring and sometimes reduce body confidence. Therefore, it is best to prevent it from allowing it to occur. This is because the remedies can be tasking to use most times. Some of the ways you can prevent stretch marks include:

  • Weight monitoring. Rapid weight gain during pregnancy can lead to stretch marks. It is advisable to keep your weight in check. If you gain weight, let it be in a healthier manner.
  • Feed on foods that can improve your skin elasticity. Diet rich in gelatin will help improve skin elasticity due to the collagen present. Vitamin A, C, and E are recommended because they are useful in collagen and cartilage formation. They help to improve skin elasticity and keeps stretch marks at bay.
  • Always consume a lot of water. It is needed to keep you hydrated during pregnancy. This is to facilitate your increased blood volume and build the water sack for the baby. Dehydration will hinder the elasticity of your skin. It will make it prone to damage because of stretching skin.
  • Use coconut oil for moisturizing. It supplies good moisture to the skin and prevents stretch mark because it is an excellent source of saturated fatty acids which do not easily get oxidized.
  • Check for zinc deficiency. Zinc deficiency hampers the body\’s ability to produce adequate collagen and antioxidants.
  • Use oil treatments like castor oil, vitamin E oil, and other essential oil to improve your skin elasticity. Present in these oils is antioxidant, which helps in free radical damage and stretch mark prevention.
  • Use cocoa and Shea butter. They work wonderfully in keeping the skin hydrated and moist by stimulating the skin renewal process, thereby preventing damage.

Natural remedies for stretch marks during pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the critical stages of your life where you must be very careful in all you do. Anything you take must be with strict precautions so that you and the baby are not affected. To opt-in for any treatment, it is advisable to seek your doctor first.

These natural stretch marks remedies listed below can be used to make stretch marks fade away. They include:

  • Honey application. Honey may be applied to the affected area and washed off with warm water after a few minutes. It helps lessen the marks.
  • Aloe vera application. Aloe vera soothes and heals the skin. Apply it regularly to the affected part to get rid of the marks.
  • Use oil treatments. Oils like castor oil, vitamin E, or olive oil should be massaged on the affected area. It helps improve blood circulation, and it is useful in stretch mark removal.
  • Use egg white (albumen). Apply it to the affected area and allow drying. Wash with cold water and apply olive oil. Apply this treatment for some weeks to fade away the stretch mark.
  • Sugar scrub application. Make a scrub with sugar, lemon juice, and almond oil. Apply daily before bath for a few months to lighten the mark.
  • Lemon juice application. Allow your skin to soak a few minutes in it upon application. Rinse with warm water and repeat daily for the best result.
  • Use alfalfa leaves. The paste made from alfalfa leaves and chamomile oil can be applied to the affected area twice a day for effective results. These leaves have detoxifying and antifungal properties. 
  • Potato juice application. It can be applied on your stretch marks and washed away with warm water. Please use it for a few months to monitor them fade away.
  • Use sandalwood and turmeric. The paste should be equally mixed and applied to the affected part. It may be applied five to six months to monitor improvement.
  • Drinking enough water daily. It helps restore the skin\’s elasticity by keeping it soft and supple, thereby preventing stretch marks.
  • Omega- 3 fatty acids. It can help increase skin elasticity. Foods like cod liver, walnuts, soya beans, cauliflower, and salmon can go a long way in reducing stretch marks.

How long does it take to remove stretch marks?

While you can use natural remedies to prevent stretch marks, they tend to fade away with time. After child delivery, they usually become less noticeable. If the skin is adequately taken care of, within six to twelve months, these marks become less visible. Applying the necessary treatments on the affected area helps to heal the broken tissue and increase the skin elasticity.

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Healthiest Ways to Deliver a Baby

Childbirth delivery options vary. Every woman\’s experience is unique, and most mothers would say childbirth is painful. It is usually short-lived, and there are methods to reduce pain effectively. Although there are many choices in childbirth and choosing the right birth method can be a daunting task. It is easy to get lost in medical jargon and be confused by the countless delivery methods available.

You need to know that there are two methods of delivery. It includes the vaginal delivery and cesarean section which consists of natural unassisted childbirth (vagina) or assisted childbirth like C- section (delivery by Cesarean surgery). It may occur at home, in the hospital, or at a birth center.

The advantages and benefits of each delivery method must be weighed alongside the mother\’s preferences to determine what is right for her. Therefore, women choose which way makes them most comfortable, suitable for their personal and medical situation.

Types of delivery methods

Natural unassisted childbirth

It usually occurs at home, in the olden days, and even till now in the hospital. It was known as the usual childbirth delivery method and option until some decades ago. Natural unassisted childbirth emphases an unrushed, supported process, minimal interference with less invasive monitoring. Women who undergo this method often attend a training class where they are put through this method to prepare them. Usually, you learn about the stages of labor, breathing, and relaxation techniques, what happens to the vagina after delivery, and how to prepare for the delivery and newborn. It includes:

  • Vaginal delivery: It is a common and natural way of childbirth delivery. It occurs through the birth canal. Vaginal delivery reduces the risk of respiratory problems, food allergies, and lactose intolerance that a baby may go through. Although, it has its own risk as the baby can undergo physical trauma while passing through the birth canal. This can lead to swelling, bruising or broken bones in some rare cases.

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Assisted births

In the event of complications, women can choose several options to help them with safe delivery. They include:

  • Vacuum extraction: It involves attaching a soft cup to the infant\’s head while still in the birth canal. A handheld pump is used to create a suction to facilitate delivery. It has a lower risk compared to C-section, but bleeding might occur.
  • Forceps delivery: it involves using curved instruments to facilitate the infant\’s progress in the birth canal. It is an option for an exhausted mother or if the baby needs to be delivered more quickly.
  • C-section: A hospital delivery method. It is a surgical procedure that involves a horizontal incision across the lower abdomen through which the infant is delivered. C-section is performed when vaginal delivery is impossible, or a problem arises. It is a straightforward process as the mother is anesthetized. Here, an incision is made through the abdomen and the uterus to reveal the baby. Delivery takes place through the incision. Most times, it is usually planned. You will be mandated to stay three days after a C-section to ensure the incision is healing.

Delivery places:

  • Homebirth: Homebirth can make soon to be mothers feel more comfortable and relaxed. It gives you more control over your labor position, environmental conditions, and the people present. Homebirth delivery is supervised by a midwife who provides coaching, necessary delivery procedures, and medical tools like oxygen, sutures, and an IV. Although it has its own risk and if complications occur, an emergency can be a long time coming.
  • Hospital birth: If you have a high-risk pregnancy, then a hospital is the safest because of the medical technologies available there.
  • Water birth: It can be done at home or in the hospital if the facilities are available. The procedure in a water birth involves spending the duration of your labor in a waste-deep pool of clean, warm water. The warm water helps to soothe and relax the body and mind as the cervix dilates. The water birth eases the mother\’s strain, and the transition for the baby is less of a shock to the system.

Read Also: Amazing Things Babies Learn in the Womb

Steps for a more natural labor

It includes (but not limited to):

  • Keep fit. Pregnant women who maintain their shape tend to have shorter labors. Fitness improves endurance. If you can tolerate labor, your chances of needing medical intervention are low. To know if you are fit to walk, swim, or take prenatal exercise class during pregnancy, please seek medical advice first.
  • Take a childbirth class. When you get familiar with the stages of childbirth, and you practice comfort measures before labor. You will feel less nervous, and this can make it easier for delivery.
  • Enlist good support. Asides your partner being by your side all through labor, you might need additional help as well. Discuss labor support with your doctor to ascertain the help you might need.
  • Distract yourself. Active labor lasts an average of 12 to 14 hours for first-time mothers. When contractions begin, try to stay calm so as not to allow the worry to wear you out. Look for things that relax you and put your mind on it.
  • Be open to medication. When your doctor suggests a medicine during the labor process, kindly adhere to it. It won\’t affect the child, but it will be of good use for you.

Healthy birth practices

  • Let labor begin on its own. It is healthier and safer for the mother and baby to let pregnancy labor start on its own. Please do not force it, but let it come naturally.
  • Exercise throughout labor. Simple activities like walking around and changing of positions help women cope with intense and painful contractions. Finding comfort in convenient ways helps labor progress.
  • Bring a loved one. Ask your partner, friend, or doula to come along for continuous support. Women feel better in labor when they are cared for by people they trust and know. Continuous emotional and physical assistance in pregnancy labor makes birth safer and healthier for the mother and child.
  • Avoid giving birth on the back and follow the body\’s urges to push. Upright positions like squatting, sitting or lying on the side make it easier for the baby to move through the birth canal. The baby might be wriggled through changing of positions by enlarging pelvic diameters.

Which birth method can we then say is healthiest? 

You need to know that the body system differs. What works for \”Woman A\” might not work for \”Woman B.\” You need to understand your body system and know what best suits you.

After you must have gone through this article, you must be knowledgeable about the various delivery methods. Remember, your choice of birth method is personal and vital. Therefore, take time to navigate the right one for you and the child.

Your doctor might suggest which one will be the safest at that moment. All you need do is to allow them to perform their duties at that period. They know what is best to ease your pain and land you a safe and healthy delivery.

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How to Prevent Sagging Breasts After Pregnancy

Getting back to normal shape after pregnancy is every woman\’s desire. The nine months period has been from one change to the other. Therefore, you shouldn\’t be caught off guard after delivery. It is this moment that you need to watch out most for balancing back.

During pregnancy, there is usually an increase in breast size as a result of estrogen enlarging your milk ducts. Then during breastfeeding, the change might be prominent. This will depend on milk supply and feeding patterns. In all, regular change is inevitable, which makes the skin to stretch and contract. Once breastfeeding is over, the breasts shrink. The stretch out skin may lack the elasticity to shrink back to a smaller size. Therefore, the breasts sag because of a higher ratio of skin to breast tissue. 

Sagging breasts after pregnancy is a common symptom in women. The tendency of the skin to recover from the stretch will be dependent on genetics, age, weight gain, and stress the skin undergoes. Younger women seem to have more skin elasticity than older women. But in the end, a lot depends on genetics. Although there is no miracle cure for breast sagging, certain things can prevent extensive sagging. The steps needed to achieve this might prove stressful at times. But a younger, more youthful appearance can be obtained after pregnancy.

What are the causes of sagging breasts after pregnancy?

Most women experience a rapid increase in breast size during the first trimester. The breasts are hooked to the muscles by cooper\’s ligaments. The ligament acts like a rubber band that holds the breast in position. Tension on the ligaments starts immediately during pregnancy. They are caused by:

  • Increase in the size and weight of the breast. It puts extra strain on the ligaments, thereby causing them to sag.
  • An extended period of breastfeeding. It usually adds pressure on the ligaments, resulting in sagging.
  • Unhealthy diet. Diets high in sugar, alcohol, and nicotine weaken the skin structure. It results in premature sagging of the breast.
  • Age. Research suggested that women who fall pregnant and breastfeed in their 30\’s have a high risk of breast sagging.

Sagging breast and breastfeeding

Some people believe that breastfeeding results in breast sagging. But this is not the issue. Studies reveal that breastfeeding is not directly related to saggy breasts. During pregnancy, the cooper\’s ligaments become stretched out. It implies that even if you choose not to nurse your baby, you may still experience breast sagging after pregnancy. Also, it is normal for breast tissue to sag with age regardless of whether a woman ever gives birth.

Prevention of sagging breast after pregnancy

It is possible to prevent or slow down the process of breast sagging. In short, there are different things to do to keep the breast perky for as long as possible. These include:

  • Wear a supportive bra. Ensure you pick the right bra size during all the periods of pregnancy. This is to ensure that the breasts remain well-supported. Wearing a poorly fitted bra can lead to pain and injury, especially when you are physically active.
  • Regular exercise. The muscles below your breasts (pectorals) can benefit from work out. Toning the pectoralis major and minor will give the breast a slightly more lifted appearance. Push-ups, chest presses, and free weight exercises should be considered. You should not be too lazy to exercise your body after pregnancy. Although it doesn\’t feel comfortable at times, you just need to try to remain in shape.
  • Skin moisturizing and exfoliating. To maintain firmness and hydration, you should ensure you moisturize your skin daily and focus more on the chest region (breasts). Use a body scrub to exfoliate your breast while bathing gently. It helps in removing dead cells. It then improves blood circulation and restores elasticity. Ensure you apply Shea butter or vitamin E oil on your breasts daily. It enhances the breast\’s elasticity, tightens the skin, and also reduces stretch mark appearances on the boobs.
  • Practice good posture. Keep your shoulders back and spine straight as much as possible. Hunched shoulders and poor posture is equal to unsupported breasts. Not being mindful of your posture will add to their saggy appearance.
  • Feed less on animal fat. Consume more of a well-balanced diet that is rich in whole grains and vegetables. It will help in trimming unwanted pregnancy pounds. Also, you need to replace high cholesterol, saturated animal fats with olive oil and vitamin B, and E. All these fight wrinkles and improve skin tone and elasticity.
  • Quit smoking. Smoking hinders your skin ability to repair any damage done to it. The generation of skin cells in your body is reduced by heavy tobacco use. It then leads to premature aging, dryness, and wrinkles. Say no to cigarettes by preserving the shapeliness of your breast.
  • Take hot and cold showers. A hot shower opens your pores and improves blood circulation. Cold shower tightens them up and assists in skin toning. Alternating between water temperatures has proven to be an effective method for boosting blood circulation. During this process, the breasts should be massaged gently. Ice cubes can even be used to massage the breasts after a hot shower, but be careful not to numb your breasts. Ensure always to finish your shower with cold water.
  • Lose weight slowly. Just like baby weaning, after pregnancy, weight loss is a process you need to take slowly. Allow your body to adjust to all these changes. A sudden shift in size produces loose and excess skin, usually around the breast. This might no longer bounce back. Moderate healthy eating and working out is needed if you want to slim down safely and sustainably.
  • Nurse comfortably. Have a good breastfeeding posture. Ensure you do not lean over your breasts downward because, with time, daily feeding will only increase droopiness. Also, reduce stretching by propping your baby up on a pillow. You should raise them to a comfortable height while breastfeeding.
  • Wean your baby slowly. When it is time to wean your baby, do it gradually. It allows fatty tissues enough time to redeposit in your breasts. Reduce the number of sessions of breastfeeding gradually to restore your breast pre-pregnancy form.
  • Ensure you practice a healthy diet. It will ensure that you retain your body\’s right weight. It will also assist in maintaining healthy skin. If you are a carbohydrate lover, you are prone to having more body fat. It can lead to an increase in bust size. You should feed more on organic foods.
  • Drink more water. If your body is well hydrated, you can be sure that your breasts will not sag after pregnancy, and wrinkles will vanish. Your skin will look youthful and more nourished.
  • Try sleeping on your back. Your breasts won\’t be squashed on your tummy, and it won\’t hang or get folded together, compared to you sleeping on your side. Also, you can get a sleeping bra made of cotton that will support your breasts and hold them firmly while sleeping.
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Amazing Things Babies Learn in the Womb

It is easy to assume that because your baby doesn\’t see the world outside the womb, he cannot pick anything while in the womb. But research has shown that babies do and learn more than we know. Fetal intelligence is now known to exist in the womb.

Between twenty-two- and twenty-three-weeks\’ gestation, your baby begins to hear your voice and sounds around you. They experience the effect of your happy, sad, angry, and not so pleasant emotions, stress, and movement. Babies begin to develop their taste buds to taste the food and spices you take in and respond to touch. All these are to prepare your little one for life outside the womb and bond with you.

This means you can start training your baby\’s cognitive abilities and help his developing central nervous system at every stage to prepare to meet you and life outside the womb. You can do this by reading to your child, singing to your baby, playing music, and musical instruments, touching your stomach while speaking greatness to your baby. 

Although some experts argue that babies only begin to learn after birth, several instances suggest otherwise.

What can babies learn from the womb?

Identify sound and language

At twenty-two weeks, your baby starts recognizing sounds and starts getting used to your voice. At 34 weeks, your baby can understand nursery rhymes and musical sounds already. Your baby starts learning to differentiate his mother\’s voice from other people\’s voices. Research has shown that baby\’s start learning a language in the uterus. Their ear is developing every day to adapt to life outside the womb; they begin to recognize their mother\’s voice and learn her language. You should feel free to talk to your baby. Speak your mother tongue to your baby, sing, and communicate what is happening around to your baby. 

Sense of taste

One of the things that develop early in babies is the taste bud. At thirteen weeks of gestation, your baby\’s taste buds have developed. Babies can begin to differentiate the various tastes of food and spices their mothers consumed and begin to have a preference.

Studies have found garlic, ginger, cinnamon, and some other spices present in the amniotic fluid. This shows that babies can taste some of what the mother eats directly from swallowing the amniotic fluid. When the baby is born and takes the mother\’s breast milk, he doesn\’t find it strange.

When my daughter was born, she didn\’t take breastmilk for three days. On the fourth day, when I discovered I was lactating, I paused my mother to feed her the formula and put her to the breast. The moment she tasted breast milk, she became glued to me. When we offered her the formula again, she refused to date. The baby formula was strange to her but not the taste of my breastmilk.

That is why it becomes vital for a pregnant woman to vary her diet as much as she can. This will help your baby not be a picky eater, but that doesn\’t mean that babies won\’t be picky eaters.

Recognize their mom through smell

A baby\’s sense of smell will help him identify his mother. In the womb, a baby not only learns to taste but also to smell. This is because amniotic fluid supports their survival and carries the spice scent which the mother consumed. A baby identifies his mother by his sense of smell and taste and only starts identifying with his sight after a few weeks.

Ability to see light

A baby\’s eyes are sealed until about seven months of gestation, but babies cannot see anything because the womb is dark. Studies have shown that when light is pointed at a pregnant woman\’s tummy, the baby reacts to the light by turning away. Towards delivery, babies begin to open and close their eyes in preparation for the outside world.

Sense of touch and movement

Babies start responding to touch by eight weeks of gestation. When you feel your pregnancy bump, your baby will move in response to your touch, especially when you touch your baby\’s face. As your baby gets bigger, he gets to move more. This is a baby\’s way of exploring his environment. Babies can turn in opposite directions and take different positions until the space in the womb becomes limited. If you learn to touch your bump often while also speaking to your child, you will be bonding with your baby from the womb. As you practice some workout moves, your baby will also respond to the movement and learn it too. Babies would also be able to relax from the exercise. 


Babies learn to swim from the womb because they are surrounded by amniotic fluid. They grow and survive in the amniotic fluid. Babies are said to have their swimming abilities until they are six months. After six months, babies who are not taught to continue swimming begin to lose the ability to swim and would have to relearn it.


Have you ever wondered how many babies learn to suck when put to the breast with little or no difficulty? Babies learn this reflex from the womb. The moment they are put to the breast, it begins to look like an old tradition. Babies suck their fingers when they are in the womb, this makes it easier for them to be able to suck their mother\’s breast when placed to latch properly.

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Remedies for Back Pain During Pregnancy

Different kinds of back pains occur in women during pregnancy, and this often increases with advancing gestation. Is it to mention the lower back pain, lumbar pain, or the pelvic girdle pain? All these back pain typically affects the lower back. A lot of factors like hormonal changes, stress, weight gain, muscle separation, and postural changes are responsible for this back pain during pregnancy. The causes vary between women and dependent on the pregnancy stage. 

Factors responsible for back pain during pregnancy

The hormonal changes occur during the first trimester due to the rapid increase of progesterone levels in the body. When the level of this hormone is high, the muscles and ligaments near the pelvis are relaxed. It can, in turn, affect the stability and alignment of the joints.

In the second and third trimesters, postural changes will occur due to the protruding stomach, which makes the woman lean backward. This thereby puts extra strain on the back muscles, which could result in lower back pain and muscle stiffness. 

A shift forward change occurs from the center of gravity as the baby grows because of the increase in weight. Also, weight gain during pregnancy can contribute to a lower back and joint pain; this can impact both the mother\’s and baby\’s overall health.

Now that you are aware of the possible causes of back pain during pregnancy, it is left for you to know or proffer remedies for back pains during pregnancy. It is a typical symptom for pregnant women, and that should not cause much panic. At times, back pain might seem inevitable during pregnancy, but there are ways to get relieved. Therefore, proper care must be adhered to while seeking solutions so that you do not end up impairing your health, and that of the baby. 

What are the remedies for back pain during pregnancy? 

The simplest remedies include:

Do some exercises:

  • Simple exercises that do not consume time but focused solely on weak muscles like, stretching of the lower back regularly. Other important activities are the pelvic tilt. It is performed either seated or standing. It improves posture and reduces tension on the lower back by strengthening the abdominal muscles. Also, we have the Kegel exercise. It has the benefit of relieving urinary incontinence by contracting the muscles that stop the flow of urine during urination. It is usually a common complaint by most pregnant women. This assists in strengthening the weakened muscles of the pelvic floor. Aquatic exercise or swimming may also relieve back pain. This is because it encourages the use of both flexor and extensor muscles to remain afloat in the water taking the pressure off the spine.

Related Article: 8 Best Workouts and Exercises for Pregnant Women

Have enough sleep:

  • Be it on a firm mattress, and following smart sleep habits. Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule and relaxing bedtime routine is essential.

Reduce stress: 

  • Minimizing stress through meditation, prenatal yoga, and other techniques that affect the mind. Prenatal yoga has a lot of benefits for reducing pregnancy pain. This is achieved by tackling emotional stress with deep, mindful breathing exercises that can strengthen and empower you. It can improve posture and tone the body in preparation for the birthing process. It also assists in getting better sleep by relaxing your mind and muscles.

Source for alternative treatments like acupuncture and chiropractic services:

  • Acupuncture eliminates any blockages that are interfering with the smooth flow of the body\’s energy. It has shown to be effective in relieving back pain during pregnancy. It must be well administered to prevent unwanted side effects like headaches or overstimulation that can induce labor. Chiropractic is usually associated with joint cracking. It is used in detecting imbalances and helps in correcting them.

Get additional support:

  • Additional back support should be used while sitting, like a lumbar pillow. Proper sitting posture is necessary, as well as a good standing posture. For women whose job nature requires sitting for hours at a time, a combination of a lumbar pillow and a footstool for leg elevation during sitting can minimize pressure on the lower back. At the same time, it can ease pain and improve posture.

Get a prenatal massage:

  • Prenatal massages should be gotten usually on a side-lying position to relax the tight muscles. It improves range of motion and relieves stress.

Maternity belt:

  • Abdominal and back support should be maintained by wearing a maternity belt. This usually supports the weight of the abdomen by performing the job of a weakened abdominal muscle. It thereby decreases strain on the lower back.

Other remedies for back pain during pregnancy include:

  • Avoid wearing high-heeled shoes that do not provide adequate body support.
  • Postural changes should be made, such as standing and sitting upright to enable a straight back and a square shoulder.
  • Inflammation should be reduced. Relax the tight muscles using a warm compressor.
  • Sleep on one side usually on the left side by using a pillow between the legs and below the abdomen. It typically takes the weight of the stomach off the low back.
  • Direct use of alternating hot and cold packs can also relieve back pain. The hot pack relaxes the muscles while the cold packs serve to numb the painful area.
  • Get help when you need to lift heavy objects.
  • Use of simple pain reliever like paracetamol. It is considered safe, but you will need to consult with your doctor first before the intake. If the back pain is terrible, your doctor might prescribe a stronger one or refer you to a physiotherapist.
  • Squat down, bend knees, and keep back straight when lifting an object.
  • Always resist the urge to push your belly far forward but stand up straight.
  • Do not take medications without consulting with your doctor.
  • Practice deep and proper breathing techniques. It helps the rib cage move properly by bringing air into the side rib cage, low and middle back, thereby releasing tightness in those muscles.

Important Notice

Always consult with your doctor before you embark on any of these remedies to ascertain fitness and safety. Also, if you encounter a severe back pain during pregnancy or back pains that last more than two weeks, kindly seek medical help.

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Common Diseases in Babies and Symptoms

It\’s hard when your child\’s sick. Common health issues in infants include colds, coughing, nausea, and vomiting. Babies often commonly have skin problems, such as diaper rash or cradle cap. Most of these things are not extreme. It\’s essential to know how to treat your sick kid and to see the warning signs for more severe problems. Here are common diseases in babies;

RSV (Respiratory syncytial virus)

The respiratory syncytial virus affects the lungs. Children under the age of 2 are more prone. In most cases, symptoms are relatively minor and reflect those of a cold. Yet preemies and children who have a weakened immune system, a congenital heart defect, or chronic lung disease may get severe in a hurry, causing either bronchiolitis (a small airway infection in the lungs) or pneumonia. 

Around 150,000 children are admitted every year due to RSV, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Seek medical attention from your pediatrician right away if your child is wheezing, breathing very rapidly, or unable to breathe fails to drink something, seems to be excessively lethargic, or starts to grow starts to develop a pinkish tint on her lips and in her mouth.


It\’s usually over two years of age, so it\’s always kindergarten. The chances are that the effects of your child\’s Roseola will be so mild that you won\’t even know it\’s under the sky. Many babies, however, have a high fever, vomiting, coughing, and, later, a patchy rash that begins on the chest and spreads. While Roseola normally takes place within a week, please contact your pediatrician if your child\’s fever is higher or longer than three days. In the meantime, ease his pain with children\’s ibuprofen and keep him at home until the rash fades.


This condition, also known as the stomach bug, causes vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. A variety of viruses, including noroviruses, which often run through child care centers (not to mention cruise ships), can cause gastroenteritis. Most stomach viruses can clear up within a few days to a week and need nothing more than rest and TLC. 

Also, make sure your child consumes enough fluid to avoid dehydration. If your child likes juice, water it by half as these drinks are high in sugar and may exacerbate diarrhea. When she feels like feeding, give her small quantities of bananas, pasta, apple sauce, and toast (BRAT diet). If she holds them down, she\’ll gradually go back to daily meals. You could try to feed her Greek yogurt, too. It is high in probiotics (which encourage healthy flora in the intestine) and contains less sugar than the standard form. 

Related Article: How to Treat Diarrhea in Infants

Coxsackievirus (painful sores in the mouth and throat)

Coxsackievirus occurs primarily during summer and fall and is extremely infectious, spreading from child to child by contact, coughing, sneezing, and fecal matter. Red blisters also follow the sores on the hands and soles of the legs that last seven to ten days. When your child still feels achy, give him or her children ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Ease your sore throat with ice pops and cold drinks, but avoid acidic juices that can sting. You should also watch for dehydration, as some children\’s sores are so uncomfortable that they can resist drinking.

Slapped cheek syndrome

Children 3 and younger are the most susceptible to the fifth disease, which produces a bright red rash on the cheeks. The child does not have any other signs of sickness. Still, she may also have a moderate fever, a runny nose, and a small, lacy-looking rash on her abdomen. Five diseases frequently spread like wildfire across kindergartens and preschools. If the rash comes out, the kid is no longer infectious, so it\’s going to go down on its own. A small percentage of the children who receive it will experience joint pain (let your doctor know if it happens immediately). Also, contact your ob-gyn if your child has the fifth disease while pregnant, as the virus may cause complications.

Strep Throat

Young children are more likely to become infected with streptococcal bacteria if their older sibling has a disease. While strep spreads mainly through coughs and sneezes, your child can also get it by touching a toy played by an infected child. The classic symptom is a pain in the throat, which can be so intense thatIt can be hard to swallow or even speak. 

It can develop a fever, swollen lymph nodes, with abdominal pain. Contact your doctor if you notice your kids can develop fever, sinusitis, with abdominal pain. When you suspect that your child has gastroenteritis, contact your doctor. A quick examination (which does not pick up any strain of tonsillitis) and a culture of the throat (which takes 48 hours but is definitive) can be performed. When the test is positive, antibiotics are likely to make your child feel better. Leave it at home for at least another 24 hours after the first dose to minimize the risk of transmitting the bacteria to someone else.


Flu is hard and fast: fever of up to 103 ° F, body aches and chills, headache, sore throat, cough, and occasionally vomiting and diarrhea. It\’s a miserable winter-time disease that sometimes lasts more than a week and can lead to severe complications, including pneumonia.

Luckily, you can significantly minimize your child\’s risk by scheduling an annual flu vaccine that can be administered as a shot or, for children over 2, as a nasal spray. The vaccination is not foolproof (because the strains of the virus differ from year to year). Still, if it gets influenza despite being vaccinated, the symptoms will be much less extreme. If you notice your child has the flu, make an appointment with your pediatrician right away.  

Related Article: Signs your Baby is Malnourished


This inflammation of the tissue lining of the eyelids (also called the Pink eye) causes redness, yellowish discharge, blurry vision, and crusty skin. In younger children, pinkeye is most commonly caused by a bacterial infection that is treated with antibiotic drops. (Note: It can also result from a condition that does not need any treatment, allergies or irritants in the environment that can be handled with a drug). Your baby will not attend class until he or she has been cared for at a minimum of 24 hours. Make him wash his hands frequently and stop rubbing his face and sharing napkins, blankets, or pillows so that he won\’t harm someone else in your house. 


If an infected child scratches her butt and she doesn\’t clean her hands, she can easily pass them on to other children (who get sick if they put their hands in their mouths). Eggs travel down the digestive tract, hatch, and lay eggs around the anus (yuck!). The doctor will give you special tape for affixing at night and check it for pinworms and eggs. Just one or two doses of prescription medications are required to get rid of them. But you\’re going to have to wash her towels and bedding in hot water. See your doctor if you find that your child is scraping the bottom of it.

Many childhood diseases reached their peak without any big concern. However, some indications (and some children) can warrant consultation with your doctor. Watch for:

  • Dehydration: Your baby may have swollen eyes (or, if he\’s a boy, a plume, or a soft spot on his head) or look excessively irritable, or his mouth may be sticky or tacky to the touch.  
  • High fever:  In infants, any high temperature warrants a call. For newborns 3 to 6 months of age, phone when the rage is 101 ° F; for older infants and young children, the level is 103 ° F.
  • Breathing difficulty: Call right away if your infant is wheezing, breathing quickly, or you experience awkward pauses between his breaths. 
  • Not eating: It\’s common for a sick kid to have little real interest. But if your kid eats or consumes less than half of what it would usually have been for two days or longer, consult your doctor. 
  • Preexisting conditions: If your baby has been diagnosed with asthma, diabetes, a compromised immune system, or any other severe medical ailment, speak to your doctor any moment he or she encounters a virus that might affect his or her wellbeing. 

The key to a healthy child is a strong immune system through a HEALTHY MEAL PLAN.

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Why Pregnancy S3x is So Important

People\’s opinion on pregnancy s3x varies because various observations are deducted from several angles. You might feel that you have had enough sessions that actually got you pregnant, and what else do you need at that particular point which you don\’t have already. So you see pregnancy s3x as irrelevant or even a taboo. 

Most couples are ignorant of its importance. For some people, they are not too sure how safe it will be for both the mother and child. You may need approval from your doctor due to specific reasons; otherwise, it is perfectly safe. You can continue until the late period of pregnancy. 

Although it is normal for your s3x drive to change during pregnancy, having s3x will not hurt your baby. Because your partner\’s penis will not even go beyond your vagina. For some couples, they find having s3x during pregnancy enjoyable while some won\’t even think of trying it. 

The importance of pregnancy s3x

Pregnancy is not a disease and should not stop you from loving and making love when needed, you only need a good understanding of how to go about it. If you have a healthy pregnancy without complications, having s3x will not lead to a miscarriage or early labor. Pregnancy s3x comes along with emotional and psychological benefits of which some are;

It prevents morning sickness

According to Gallup\’s theory, morning sickness occurs as a result of a rejection of parental cells. It occurs as a foreign substance in the womb, which the body tries to expel through nausea and vomiting. Therefore, the release of sperm during s3x and exposure to increased sperm during pregnancy can subside morning sickness through exposition to either vagina s3x or oral s3x.

Related Article: Best Sleeping Position for Pregnant Women

It makes labor and recovery easier

An orgasm usually increases the contractions in the pelvic region during s3x, which will help strengthen the muscles needed for labor and after delivery.

Labor induction

Pregnancy s3x could bring about labor for overdue women as a result of the release of oxytocin, a labor-inducing hormone. Also, the semen that is released contains prostaglandins, even a labor induction hormone which is capable of ripening the cervix.

Prevention of complications

Sperm regulates the immune body\’s system because of its proteinous nature, and having enough of it during pregnancy s3x will help prevent preeclampsia. The cause of preeclampsia is unknown, and it is necessary to always go for prenatal visits and talk to your doctor about your risk.

Reduced blood pressure

There is usually a decrease in blood pressure immediately after having s3x. This is not a cure for high blood pressure because it is only temporal, and proper care should be sought for people having high blood pressure to put it under control.

Improved orgasm with different and better s3x

During pregnancy, most of your nerve endings are more sensitive. Your nipples and clitoris are engorged, and there is more estrogen drawing blood flow to your pelvis or pubic area. It is usually easier to achieve orgasms during this period because of the reasons stated above. Some women who find it challenging to have an orgasm before pregnancy may now observe that they no longer do. Also, your vagina is more lubricated because of the increase in estrogen, which allows for easy penetration.

Improved self-esteem

Despite the change that comes with pregnancy, you may feel that your body is no longer yours. Having s3x can assist in restoring your body\’s confidence and positive feelings about yourself.

Stress reduction

It is normal to worry about a lot of things during pregnancy, like work and changes that will even occur after your baby is born. Remember that your body releases oxytocin, a love hormone when you have an orgasm. This can assist in negating some of those stresses and also improve your sleep. Orgasm is a natural stress reliever that floods your body during s3x due to the presence of oxytocin (endorphins producing hormone), which makes the body feel calm, alleviate pain, and even gives you a happy feeling.

Related Article: 8 Best Workouts and Exercises for Pregnant Women

Preparation for labor

Having s3x will not automatically put you into labor if you are past your due date or in full-term. It can only help your body prepare for labor because of the semen, which contains prostaglandins, which can help ripen the cervix.

Improved connections

You must connect with your partner now while you have time because once the baby is born, you will need more of that connection. Most women become more focused on their pregnancies, and at the time, their partners are left out. Having frequent s3x will now help strengthen the intimate relationship and sustain the bond you have with your partner and make you establish a healthy habit for the future.

Discovery of new s3x positions

There are several s3x positions that you may find unpleasant and unpleasurable before pregnancy. But when pregnancy sets in, you will begin to explore new styles and positions that you never even imagined due to the shape of the tummy. It is now the moment you try out new positions with your partner.

You can only be ignorant about what you do not know. Now that you have seen the many benefits of pregnancy s3x, it is high time you take the bull by the horn and explore all these benefits with your spouse.

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When Can a Baby Start Drinking Water?

There are a lot of things that amaze me when it comes to a baby. Should we narrow it down to baby and fluid or baby and sleep? All these are the common attributes found in them. The commonest is baby and fluid. This is because right from birth, they have been feeding on fluids but breast milk only. They are so dependent on it because, at that point, that is all they are given and can at the same time consume. But with time, it will get to a growth stage (a certain age) that not just breast milk alone any longer but other fluids, especially water.

Water and its importance as well as associated risks

Water is a basic necessity for all living souls. A lot of benefits have been attached to water consumption. It includes dehydration control, constipation prevention, excretion processes through perspiration, urination, and the likes. 

Breast milk is sufficient to keep babies hydrated because of the presence of water present in there. Even after the first few days of birth, the colostrums are all that is needed to keep the baby well hydrated. A well-breastfed baby does not require additional water. Also, formula-fed babies do not need extra water. On no account should a baby be given water before six months old without consulting pediatrics for guidelines even if it is hot outside.

Water supplements may come with several risks like excessive weight loss, loss of nutrients (malnutrition), poor nursing, jaundice, etc. At times, the water might not be free from dirt for the baby\’s intake, and that can result in infections. 

Breastfed baby versus formula-fed baby

According to the World Health Organization, babies that breastfeed well do not require additional water. This is because breast milk already contains more than 88% of the water needed by the baby. It is also recommended that babies should breastfeed for the first six months of their life. Do it without substituting any other supplement in between, except the medicines they take. 

Still, the reverse is the case for formula-fed babies due to one reason or the other. Their feed is usually prepared with water. Therefore, their water intake began at this point. The water present in breast milk is so pure, which protects the baby from all forms of infection. But over time, that water might no longer be sufficient with time (age), and the baby will need to start drinking water. 

Related Article: At What Age Should Moms Stop Breastfeeding Their Babies?

Recommended age a baby can start drinking water?

Now, the question is, when can a baby start drinking water? When it comes to baby and water, you consider a lot of factors before giving him water to drink. Not just any kind of water, but which type in particular and at what quantity? This is necessary so that you don\’t end up causing unnecessary bowel movements, infections, or malnutrition for the baby.

Experts suggest that once the baby is six months old, you can start giving him or her a small amount of water. That should not substitute breast milk or infant formula because proper breastfeeding should last at least twelve months of age. Also, when solid food intake is introduced, which usually takes six months or more, you can add water to the diet. No matter what you are proposing, it should not affect the nutrient intake and overall growth. 

Therefore, all need to be balanced. The water might be introduced as a beverage or juice. As the child continues to grow, the water level intake also increases naturally. And after a year, water is used to quench thirst between meals. By then, the baby would have been consuming regularly scheduled meals and snacks.

What type of water is considered safe for the baby to drink?

The type of water that is considered suitable for babies\’ consumption must be safe and includes:

  • Tap water: The one that comes from cold tap water. It is left to run for a long time to flush out any built-up contaminants like lead or copper that usually accumulates in the pipes. Also, the hot water taps typically contain a high level of metal contaminants than the cold tap. This is because heat dissolves these metals, and therefore, it should not be used.
  • Well water: The one that meets the standard of safety. How is this tested? Well water should be treated regularly. It should be tested for chemicals and bacteria three times per year. Babies should take only the ones that meet both standards (chemical and bacteria tests). This water testing can also be used to measure the level of fluoride within well water.
  • Commercially bottled water: Natural spring water or treated water with low mineral content.

All these are not sterilized water. There is no cause for alarm if given to babies of ages six months and above. At this stage, their immune system is strong enough to contain these kinds of water. Asides this, babies should not take some water. They include mineral water, flavored water, carbonated water, softened water, etc. All these can cause health problems and should be avoided.

Related Article: When to Introduce Your Baby to Spoon

Water intake recommendation for babies

For now, there is usually no recommended amount of water that should be taken by babies of six months and above. The amount should be limited to avoid interference with breast milk, formula, or solid food intake. Experts suggest that 2-3 ounce of water at a time is appropriate for a baby from six to twelve months old. It would not interfere with the intake of any other foods. 

Older babies between nine and twelve months should take more. Once the child celebrates his or her first birthday and starts eating solids, it is not harmful to allow the baby to drink water freely, but only between meals.

Once you know when a baby can start to drink water, you don\’t need to bother yourself how to go about it. There is no right or wrong way. It depends on what the baby can quickly adapt to and find comfortable. It can be from a bottle, sippy cup or regular cup, or straw. 

Therefore, mothers must be aware of when a baby can start drinking water. It will enhance the proper monitoring needed for the baby\’s further growth.

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When to Introduce Your Baby to Spoon

Introducing your toddler to spoon and fork is an important milestone. Between nine and fourteen months, most babies begin to show interest in using cutlery, mainly because they have watched you with keen interest as you used your spoon. But some toddlers do not pick interest in the use of cutlery, as they prefer the use of their fingers.

Some parents are asking, \”At what age should my child use cutlery?\” While some will say do not introduce spoon to your child before fourteen-month, I say otherwise. Introduce your child to cutlery as soon as your baby starts eating solids. And allow the child to try a spoon on his own as soon as he shows interest in using cutlery.

What developmental skill does introducing my baby bring?

When your baby begins to learn to feed himself, he is developing his fine motor skills. Every time your little one tries to take food into his mouth, and he either successfully gets it in or splashes it around his table and clothes, he is building his muscle strength and improving on his hand to mouth coordination aspect of his brain. This motor skill will grow stronger as your child grows, and it is this motor skill that will help him write legibly, brush his teeth and hair and carry out other activities that require a motor skill.

Don\’t shy away or delay your child from feeding himself because you are afraid of the mess. Mess helps them grow better and faster.

How to introduce your baby to spoon

The use of spoon in babies is an indicator of the development of fine motor skills. For a baby showing interest in using a spoon, you should start by introducing a spoon with meals like yogurt, oatmeal, pap, and some puree. Wear a bib around your baby\’s neck and be prepared for a messy mouth, hands, and apron. Hand the spoon to your baby and watch him scoop some quantity while you guide the spoon to his mouth because the probability that much of it will spill from the soon is high.

In this case of a child not picking interest in the use of a spoon, it becomes a conscious effort to help the child do so. You should come to the table with two spoons. Fill the spoon with the nutritious meal you have prepared for him and take it to his mouth. Then feed yourself; this is because babies learn by watching. Your child will watch you keenly and, after some time, will be willing to try taking their spoon into their mouth with little or no content.

Your baby is still likely not to master the use of spoon efficiently before eighteen months, but that is okay—no need to drill your child or beat yourself over that.

Another way is to use the hand over hand technique. You place your hand over your baby\’s hand and scoop some puree or yogurt into his spoon and lift it into his mouth. When you do this often with him, it will build his hand to mouth coordination.

When should you introduce fork to your baby?

Your baby doesn\’t necessarily need fork before fourteen months. Babies prefer using their fingers to feed themselves finger foods and any food that they can generally hold in their hands. But since you, as the mother, understands your baby more than anyone else, you should pay attention to his clues to see if he is ready to use a fork. 

Some mothers have something to say about the introduction of the fork.

\”My baby started picking up my fork every time we ate spaghetti or noodles and wouldn\’t want to start with her hand, so I gave her a plastic fork designed for babies when she was eleven months.\” – Lauren

\”My son preferred using his fingers to eat finger foods. He didn\’t start using a fork until he was fifteen months.\” – Grace

What type of utensils should your baby be using?

I would not recommend using spoons and fork with metal or steel prongs and scoop before the age of three. A child can easily hurt himself either by poking themselves and their mouth with the metal prong and bowl of the spoon.

  1. A BPA-free plastic utensil is safe for a child.
  2. Get a soft and safe spoon and fork with round prongs.
  3. A silicone handle that is short, fat, and round to enable the baby to get a proper grip of the spoon or fork. 
  4. Don\’t get any utensils with a super long handle for your baby to self-feed with.
  5. The tip should be one with a narrow bowl that will safely fit into the mouth.
  6. A spoon with a bowl too deep isn\’t suitable for a baby learning to use a spoon.
  7. A bump at the back of the handle to stabilize the eaten utensil when at rest.

Warning signs to look out for

Signs that your baby may not be suited for self-feeding yet either because he is at risk of poor oral structures or experiencing a delay in developing motor skills are:

  1. Your baby easily chokes on food or can\’t do without gagging
  2. He is experiencing difficulty with chewing and swallowing solid food.

In the case that you are beginning to introduce solids, you should pay attention to allergies that might arise and possible intolerance such as lactose intolerance. Sign such as

  • Rashes
  • Wheezing
  • Hives
  • Runny nose after feeding
  • Swollen lips
  • Discoloration in body
  • Stuffy nose
  • Swollen gum or tongue
  • Vomiting

The possible presence of food allergy, and it becomes necessary to pay attention to ingredients or food that isn\’t going well with his body. Always wash and sterilize your baby\’s spoon and fork. Do not handle it carelessly.

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Learn Early Nutrition and Meal Plan for Your Baby

Baby Nutrition

Proper nutrition means getting the right amount of nutrients from healthy foods in the right combinations. Having nutrition knowledge and making smart choices about the foods you eat can and will help you achieve optimum health for your little one over their lifetime. It is key to avoiding obesity, illness, and many of today\’s most prevalent chronic diseases.

Nutrition is just one key to growth and development, as well as maintaining good health for your little ones. Good health is defined as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being — a healthy mind, body, and spirit.

Offering your baby a varied diet is a great way to ensure your little one is getting all the vitamins and nutrients they need to grow and develop. Every spoonful you feed them should contain the required nutrients.

Weaning Process 

Weaning is, however, the most important transitional phase for a baby. They start tasting and eating foods that aid their growth and development. The need to wean babies generally begins from the age of 6 months and can go on until that of 12 months to 2 years, depending on the baby\’s intake and the weaning foods and portions. But since their stomach is still very delicate, they need food, which is easy on their digestive system. 

The foods that parents can start with once a day are cooked and mashed vegetables, soft fruits, and baby cereals mixed with breastmilk or formula. New, nutrient-rich foods mean that your baby now has access to all the nutrients required for growth and development. With breastmilk no longer being the only source of nutrition, your baby\’s body can have its share of iron, protein, minerals, etc., from a varied set of food items.

Read Also: Foods That Will Make Your Kids Grow Tall

Types of Weaning

Natural or Baby-led Weaning: 

This occurs when your baby starts to accept a larger quantity and a wider variety of solid foods while still nursing on demand. With natural weaning, you must take note of your baby\’s behavioral cues and go along at their pace. Babies who are weaned naturally usually tend to stop breastfeeding only between the ages of two and four years.

Planned or Mother-led Weaning: 

This occurs when mothers themselves decide to start the weaning process. Planned weaning could happen for several reasons – insufficient milk production, their return to work, and so on.

Partial or Gradual Weaning:

Partial weaning combines the best of both worlds for you and your little one. Here, one or more solid food feedings are substituted with breastmilk from time to time. Partial weaning works well for working mothers who still want to continue to breastfeed.

However, weaning your baby from 6months of age is extremely important. They begin to need nutrients from real foods such as iron, which has already diminished at 6 months of age.

Several nutrients play a crucial role in growth and development, depending on the age of your child. For example, from ages 6-12 months, fat, protein, and other micronutrients are vital for your little one at that stage. While from 12 months, carbohydrates, protein, and fat, as well as other micronutrients, plays an important role at that stage. 

Getting a Baby Meal Plan

It is imperative to get a well-prepared healthy baby Meal plan to guide and assist you in choosing a variety of foods from each nutrient to help your little one\’s growth.

There\’s nothing more frustrating than having to think of what to give your child. Especially, when you opt for healthy nutrition for your little one. Seeing what your little one is eating for a couple of days, week/month written down, can alert you to any patterns of bad habits. This might give you the push to try new recipes, which can only be a good thing for your little one to explore different foods, as well as varieties of nutrients. 

With a meal plan, you can buy what your child needs, and not being swayed by special bulk offers. You can avoid throwing out lots of food you haven\’t been able to eat in time (before the expiry date) and, in turn, save money.

Babies, as well as toddlers, can be fuzzy when they are hungry, which can be so stressful for moms. But getting things figured out, which is a vital key, is why you need a meal plan for your baby.


It is important to note that nutrition plays a vital role in strengthening the immune system. Good food helps our body\’s natural defence to fight viruses, infection, etc. Especially that of our little ones whose immune system are still developing.

Remember your little ones needs all the nutrient they can get from real foods. Let\’s raise healthy kids together.

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