Home Blog Baby Breastfeeding Should I Bring My Breast Pump to the Hospital?

Should I Bring My Breast Pump to the Hospital?

hospital breast pump for new moms

When preparing for your hospital stay, one important question you might ask is: Should I bring my breast pump to the hospital? We know that having a baby is exhausting, so making sure you have everything you need to stay comfortable and well-rested is essential. If you’re wondering about what to pack, this guide will help you decide.

What to Pack for Your Hospital Stay

It’s important to have everything you need to stay comfortable. If you have a favorite pillow, bring it along for a better night’s sleep. Don’t forget slippers or socks; you’ll need to be up and moving soon after delivery to reduce the risk of blood clots. The hospital’s maternity pads can be bulky, so consider packing some maternity underwear and thin nighttime sanitary pads for extra comfort.

Before packing snacks and drinks, check with your doctor about what’s allowed during labor. If it’s okay, stock up on your favorite treats. Snacks can also be helpful if you have other children waiting with you. Here’s a quick list of essentials to bring during labor:

  1. Entertainment: Phone charger, tablet, playlists, and speakers.
  2. Baby Supplies: Two outfits, baby book, blanket, socks, and mittens.
  3. Breast Pump: Essential if you plan to pump.
  4. Other Essentials: Hands-free bra for pumping, cord blood collection kit, and a copy of your birth plan.

Why a Breast Pump is Important

Breastfeeding in public can be challenging, and using a breast pump can offer a practical solution. A good breast pump helps nursing moms store milk so their babies can benefit even when they’re not around. Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom, a working mom, or recovering in bed, a breast pump lets you keep your baby fed and gives you some much-needed personal time.

Breast pumps are also useful when a baby has trouble latching but the mother has plenty of milk. This is especially important for feeding premature babies who need extra care. Regular pumping can also prevent issues like engorgement and breast heaviness.

Should You Bring Your Breast Pump to the Hospital?

You usually don’t need to bring your breast pump to the hospital, but if you plan to use it often, it might be worth bringing. The lactation nurses can help you get comfortable with your breast pump and show you how to use the hospital’s equipment. If you expect to rely on your breast pump frequently, having it with you could be beneficial.


Remember to talk to your doctor about the hospital’s rules and guidelines to know whether you should bring your breast pump. If you feel you’ll need it, make sure to inform your doctor so they can accommodate your needs.

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