Become the best dad for your kids

Today, more fathers like you are reaping the benefits of taking a more active role in their children\’s lives. We drafted out some important ways to assist or remind you to begin a new journey today—one that will affect your relationships and your kid\’s life.

  • Love and Respect the Mother of your Children

Respecting your children\’s mother is one of the best things you can do for them as a father. If you\’re married, this should go without saying, but just in case, I\’ll say it anyway: keep your marriage solid and balanced. Make time to focus on this relationship at least once a week to keep it healthy. Even if you\’re not married, it\’s crucial to love and respect your children\’s mother. A father and mother who love each other and show it to their children create a safe atmosphere. Kids are more likely to feel welcomed and appreciated if they see their parents loving each other.

  • Create Time for your children

I recognize that this is more complex than it seems. However, how a father spends his time reveals what is essential to him to his children. No matter what you say, if you always seem to be too busy for your children, they will feel unloved. Spending time with your children sometimes necessitates sacrificing other items, but it is critical to do so. Kids grow up in just a short period. Chances that are misspent are forever lost.

  • Listen First, Talk After

Far too often, a father\’s only contact with his children happens while they are in trouble. Consequently, when their mother says, \”Dad wants to see you,\” many children can panic. Take the time to listen to your children\’s concerns and suggestions. They would feel more appreciated and heard if you listen to them. Start listening and conversing with your children when they are young so that tough topics will be easier to deal with when they get older.

  • Scold them with love

All children require guidance and training, not as a means of punishment, but rather to create appropriate boundaries. Remind your kids of the consequences of their decisions and give them tangible incentives for good conduct—fathers who discipline their children calmly and reasonably demonstrate their love for them.

  • Be A Role Model

Whether they realize it or not, fathers serve as role models for their children. A girl who spends time with a caring father learns how to handle boys with respect and what qualities to look for in a husband. By displaying integrity, modesty, and accountability, fathers will teach their sons what is essential in life.

  • Teach Your Kids

We have a propensity to assume that teaching is something that only other people do in a school building. However, a father who teaches his children the difference between right and wrong and helps them to do their best will see his children making good decisions. Fathers who are actively involved in their children\’s lives use daily examples to teach them life lessons. Consider how much essential information you, and you alone, have about music and classic films at this stage!

  • Encourage Family Meals

Sharing a meal (breakfast, lunch, or dinner) with your family can be an integral part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It offers kids the opportunity to talk about what they are doing what they\’d like to do, in addition to providing some structure on a busy day. It\’s also a good time for dads to pay attention. Above all, it is a time for families to spend quality time together every day.

  • Encourage Reading

In a world where children\’s lives are dominated by television and technology, fathers must attempt to read to their children. Doing and reading, as well as seeing and hearing, are the best ways for children to understand. Encourage them to read independently as they get older. Imparting the love of reading in your children is one of the most important ways to ensure continued development.

  • Express Love

Children need the assurance that they are wanted, welcomed, and cherished by their parents and siblings. Make yourself at ease when it comes to hugging your kids, Dad. The best way to let your kids know that you love them is to express love daily.


Whether it\’s continued education, a new career, or a wedding, fathers remain an integral part of their children\’s lives as they grow, marry, and start their own families.

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Skincare Tips for Baby Dry Skin

Just like adults, babies and children are susceptible to dry skin. In fact, in reality, children\’s skin is more vulnerable to dryness due to its fragility. In winter or freezing weather, the combination of cold, dry outdoor air and indoor heating can quickly dehydrate the skin. Often, if your baby has dry skin, it will be noticed on them as dry patches, particularly in the summer because of the sun, air conditioning, saltwater, and chlorine in pool water.

Skincare Tips for Baby Dry skin

  • Reduce bath time

Bathing dries up a baby\’s skin because it washes away all the dirt and the skin\’s natural oils. And frequent baths should not be a concern if you take a few precautions.

  • Reduce the bath time to about 9-11 minutes instead of 30-minute bath time. Use warm water instead of hot water. It\’s recommended that you use a fragrance-free or solvent-free cleanser, much gentler than the regular soap.
  • Allow your child to play in the tub before washing her so that she does not sit in soapy water. Bubble baths should ideally be eliminated from your child\’s daily routine, or at the very least limited to special occasions.
  • Although bath oils can seem to be a good idea, they may make the tub dangerously slippery, and the majority of the oil eventually drains. It is preferable to use an emollient (skin moisturizer) after bathing.
  • Apply Moisturizer

When you take your child out of the water, pat him dry quickly with a towel and apply moisturizer or baby lotion right away—using moisturizer or baby lotion as soon as your child gets out of the tub seals in the water that\’s already on his skin from the wash.

When it comes to moisturizers, the thicker, the better is a general concept. If your child\’s skin is still dry after using a baby lotion every day, consider switching to a thicker cream or ointment. (Ointments are good at retaining skin moisture, but they can be greasy.) Apply a small amount to the skin and gently rub it in. You can also use creams as they absorb quickly and not leave a greasy residue on the skin.

For proper baby skincare, you might also want to consider applying the moisturizer twice a day, once after bathing and once during the day.

  • Avoid Chlorine and Saltwater from drying on your Baby\’s skin

Chlorine and saltwater are also abrasive to the skin. Rinse your child\’s skin with tap water after a bath in the pool or the ocean, and then add body lotion while their skin is still moist.

  • Use a humidifier

Using a cool-mist humidifier in your baby\’s room if the air in your home is dry.

  • Keep your baby Hydrated

Moisture is lacking in dry skin. Ensure you supply your baby with enough water, as this will serve as a replacement for evaporated or lost water.

Remember that drinking a lot of water won\’t help if you don\’t moisturize as well. Experts compare it to pouring water into a bucket with a hole. Your baby\’s skin will not be adequately hydrated if there is no moisturizer to keep in the water.

  • Protect your baby\’s skin from Weather Elements

In extreme cold, make sure your child wears mittens or gloves to prevent her hands from being dry and blistered due to the cold and wind. Take precautions against windburn and sunburn, regardless of the season.


If your child\’s skin is susceptible, you might want to rinse his clothes twice to ensure that no soap residue remains. If your child\’s skin is vulnerable, avoid wearing too tight clothing or too rough. Bear in mind that some fabrics, such as wool, will irritate dry skin more than others. If scratching is a concern, be sure to keep your child\’s nails clean and short.

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Vaginal Tears: What Your Doctor Didn\’t Tell You

Vaginal tears are one of the most common childbirth injuries women face, and it has caused so much trauma to women that most women fear experiencing it again. I have had encounters with nursing mothers and pregnant women (both new and experienced) that fear the trauma of going through frightening experiences due to childbirth injuries.

The truth is that vaginal tears would most likely be experienced by 97% of pregnant women; this is not because you cannot prevent it, but it\’s most likely because you have been doing it wrongly.

  1. Are you scared of not controlling your normal body functions as a result of perineal tears during childbirth?
  2. Do you involuntarily ease yourself as a result of vaginal tears?
  3. Have you tried all the necessary means, and you still end up with the same result?

How do I protect myself from Childbirth Injuries?

As a health specialist and writer, I want to share with you healthy, tested, and trusted solutions to prepare you for childbirth properly and to reduce the risk of vaginal tear during childbirth significantly.

I have been a health adviser for five years now and have written health articles on top health blogs, which have helped countless mothers develop physical and mental readiness for childbirth. Through my blog and pages, I have helped new moms understand the prerequisite needed for safe and injury-free delivery.

Here are some of the factors that can predispose a woman to childbirth injuries;

  • Ethnicity
  • Mother size relative to baby size
  • Mother pregnancy routines
  • Diet

The book I’m about to share with you have outlined detailed procedures to not only help you stay safe during childbirth but also to minimize the pain of delivery to the nearest minimum. The writer of this book (A professional Nurse and Midwife) have put together a series of enlightening activities that can help you prepare your body for birth and reduce the risk of vaginal tear significantly.

For more information on how to experience a safe childbirth process, free of hurts or pains, how to protect yourself from vaginal tears during childbirth, and how to ensure a healthy mum and child, Get This Book Now.

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5 Simple & Fun Ways To Document Your Pregnancy

Are you pregnant?? Congratulations!!

Pregnancy is full of a lot of stories that can take a lot of efforts to remember and in most cases, remembering all the scenes doesn\’t happen. But hey, what if you could remember all, yes, like all, from the very day till the day you hold your baby in your hands? How?………Pregnancy Documenting!!

Probably you are wondering how to keep some memories from this beautiful adventure, and you are overwhelmed with the options and same-old looking pregnancy progress photos. These ideas will help you create memories of the exciting time. Pregnancy can be kind of a blur truthfully. At the onset, you’re worried, and also feeling nauseous wishing for weeks to fly till the delivery date so you can hold your cute baby in your arms. A time will come you will wish to experience pregnancy again. It’s a beautiful experience you would love to hold on to, unlike anything else you’ll ever experience.

Photo Journal

Having a pregnancy journal is a great way to document your thoughts if you want to keep more than images, wishes, pictures, and worries you had during pregnancy. Photos of your baby shower, gifts, memorable moments, preparation of the nursery, and your other pregnancy highlights (including documenting your cravings, of course!) should be taken.

Create a pregnancy blog

Women are happy and would love to share their pregnancy trials and tribulations with the world online. \”One important question to ask yourself before creating a blog is “why are you creating the blog.”

Create pregnancy keepsakes

A fun way to record or document your pregnancy is by Keepsakes, such as belly casting or pictures of your bump with belly paint or natural henna. A measuring tape can also make a great souvenir. Make marks on a tape measure to know how your belly grows month by month.

Check Out: How to Avoid Vaginal Injuries at Child Birth

Belly & Baby

A combination of belly & baby shows you document your growing baby and your growing belly simultaneously; it needs some artistic skills to pull off (Get a photographer or ask for help from a relative or friend with good photoshoot skills). The matching colors are vital to making it look good! It can also be turned into a pretty severe featuring images around the same color theme! This is a must-try!!

Chalkboard Updates

A combination of belly growth and a journal. To record every week, take a bit of time to pull this off; you can always opt for the shorter version and make it a monthly update instead. If you prefer taking pictures as a means to record pregnancy, then, by all means, go to a very reliable studio to book a package


Every pregnancy varies from the last or the next. Also, your way to document pregnancy will differ. Let your creativity flow through as you ponder about these suggestions. But feel free to juice it up a bit! Find the best and memorable way to remember all these precious memories. It will be interesting to tell your child about them one day when the time comes.

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How to Treat Baby Sore Throat

Sore or scratchy throats on their own are rarely a medical emergency, but for new and veteran parents alike, they can still be alarming. Your first move is to monitor and keep a close eye on the symptoms of your infant. Let the pediatrician know all of your baby\’s signs. This will help the doctor decide whether you need to bring your baby to be seen or whether you need to leave them at home to relax.

Common causes for sore throat in babies

In children, there are a variety of common causes of pain in the throat.

Common cold

In children, a sore throat is frequently caused by a respiratory infection like the common cold. Nasal irritation and a runny nose are the primary signs of a cold. These may be in addition to the symptoms of the sore throat you find in your baby. On average, as their immune system grows and matures, babies may have up to seven colds in their first year of life. If you suspect a chill in your kid, you might want to consider keeping them from child care at home if:

They\’ve got a fever; A common rule of thumb, and a rule in most child care centers, is to keep your baby home when they have an active fever and after the fever breaks for an additional 24 hours.

They seem awkward; Consider holding them home if your child is crying a lot or seems, unlike their usual selves. You\’ll want to review the policies of the center where your child attends daycare. They may have unique conditions to keep sick kids at home.


Tonsillitis, or inflamed tonsils, may be experienced by babies. Usually, tonsillitis is caused by a viral infection. If your baby has tonsillitis, feeding/swallowing anything might not be of interest to them. Also, they may:

  • have problem swallowing
  • drool often than normal
  • fever
  • a scratchy and loud cry

Your pediatrician may prescribe acetaminophen for infants or ibuprofen for infants, if necessary. If your baby is consuming solids already, they would need to stick to soft foods.

Hand, foot, and mouth disease

Diseases of the hand, foot, and mouth are caused by different viruses and are common in children under 5. A fever, sore throat, and mouth pain may be symptoms. Your baby can also have sores and blisters in her mouth. These can make swallowing difficult. A rash of red bumps and blisters will possibly even be seen on the hands, feet, lips, or buttocks of your infant. If required, your pediatrician may suggest fluids, rest, and infant acetaminophen or infant ibuprofen.

Diseases of the hand, foot, and mouth are very infectious. Keep your child home until the rash has healed, which can take 7 to 10 days, from child care facilities. Even if they are no longer acting like they\’re still sick after a few days, they’ll continue to be infectious until the rash has fully healed.

Strep throat

A type of tonsillitis that is caused by a bacterial infection is strep throat. While it is rare in children under three years of age, it is still a potential cause of throat pain.

A fever and very red tonsils can include symptoms of strep throat in infants. You can even find that their neck has swollen lymph nodes. Contact your pediatrician if you think your baby has strep throat. To diagnose it, they should carry out a throat culture. They can prescribe, if necessary, antibiotics.

When do you inform your Pediatrician?

If your child is younger than three months of age, call your pediatrician for the first symptoms of a sore throat, such as refusing to eat or remaining fussy after feeding. There is no fully developed immune system for newborns and infants under three months, so their pediatrician will want to see or track them. If your child is over three months old, call your pediatrician if, in addition to appearing to have a sore or scratchy throat, they have other symptoms, including:

  • Unusual Cry
  • High temperature (100.4°F (38°C))
  • Persistent cough
  • Not wetting diapers as usual
  • Ear pain
  • Rash on their hand, mouth, torso, or buttocks

If you need to bring your baby in to be seen, or if you can leave them at home and try home remedies and rest, your pediatrician would be better able to decide. You will also be consulted by the pediatrician on whether your child should be kept home from child care and how long they could be infectious.

If your baby is having trouble swallowing or breathing, always seek emergency medical attention right away. If they have unusual drooling, you can also seek emergency medical attention, which could mean they\’re having difficulty swallowing.

Home Sore Throat Remedies for Babies

Here are some home remedies that may be helpful for an infant with a sore throat.


It can help alleviate sore throat symptoms by setting up a cool-mist humidifier in the baby\’s room. If your baby has a stuffy nose, it can help them breathe better with the humidifier.

Set the humidifier away from your baby so they won\’t touch it, but they can feel the effects close enough. Hot-water vaporizers are and should not be used as a burn hazard. To prevent bacteria or mold from developing, you\’ll want to clean and dry your humidifier each day. It can make your baby sick. Until your baby\’s symptoms improve, you should use a humidifier, but let your pediatrician know if your baby isn\’t feeling better after a few days.

Suction (for three months to one year)

Babies are not in a position to blow their noses. You may use a suction bulb instead to suck out nasal mucus. To make it easier to remove it with suction, saline drops can help loosen up the mucus.

Frozen liquids (for older babies)

You may want to give them a frozen treat to soothe their sore throat if your baby has already started with solids. In a baby Popsicle mold, consider feeding your baby a formula Popsicle or frozen breast milk. Observe them look for signs of choking as they try this frozen treat.


Sore throats in babies are not meant to scare parents, but they should be treated with urgency. One quick way to ensure your baby is safe is to maintain hygiene all-around your baby and their surroundings. In most cases, babies are susceptible to infections via their immediate environment.

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5 Ways Nutrition Affects Your Child\’s Mood

Are you under the impression that your kids are too moody? As a parent, you know how vital proper nutrition is for your child\’s physical development! But did you know that food has a potent effect on a child\’s mood, as well?

Food your kids eat will affect how they feel!

Last summer, we were visiting our sister, who has three kids. Now, she is a clinical nutritionist working for a, so as you can imagine, she pays a lot of attention to what kind of food her family is eating. In our opinion, she was exaggerating a bit! So, as we don’t visit often we decided to be good aunts, and we bought loads of sweets for the little ones! We had candy, chocolate, ice cream, you name it! She greeted us with a smile, and despite seeing all the stuff we brought, she didn\’t stop smiling. We figured she decided to loosen up a bit, and we\’re happy about it! Mesmerized by the kid\’s happiness, we didn\’t even notice our sister was strangely grinning at us! \”You\’ll see what you two have done!\” like she wanted to say. 

Our conversation was interrupted by a sudden burst of screaming and crying! We ran to see what is going on while our sister remained sitting. We understood after that she was perfectly ready for what came. And what came was hours of terrible child’s mood swings, fighting, crying, and running around! Until they fell asleep!  After being able finally to hear our thoughts and voices again, we asked her if it\’s normal! We always thought of them as darling little angels, but now they somehow turned into devils! “No”, she said, “But you brought candy, remember”?!  Wait, one candy can do this! C\’mon, it\’s a joke! 

No, no, it isn\’t! She then explained that many people don\’t know so much about it, but sweets affect a child’s mood and behavior as much as they affect their physical wellbeing. Shocked that we didn\’t know anything about it, we decided to learn more about the impact of sweets on a child\’s mood disturbances!  We concluded that we know that a balanced healthy diet plays a pivotal role when it comes to health. As adults, we are primarily concerned about how food affects our cardiovascular health and waistline.  Talking about kids, we know that nutrition is even more vital. But most of us focus on how food affects a child\’s growth and ability to meet milestones. However, many of us don\’t even think about how it can affect a child\’s mood. 

How Does Nutrition Affect Child’s Mood 

First of all, it is paramount to say that various factors affect mental health and a child\’s mood. However, out of all of them, it is simple to control food.  So, if after a child’s mood assessment, a doctor determines that there are genetic predispositions, food can make a tremendous difference. Now we commonly hear that any refined sugar is bad for kids on many levels and can affect a child\’s mood changes. But we hear less about the effects of preservatives, dye, and other ingredients that are found in foods children love so much.  So, now we will read about some bad and good ways food impacts our child’s mood. 


Artificial Coloring 

You may be surprised, but many countries have already banned artificial coloring because of the harmful effects on children. They are linked with headaches in children, ADHD, hyperactivity, anxiety and can cause dramatic child’s mood changes. Since there are plenty of artificial colorings in sweets, parents often think that sugar is the main culprit for their kid’s behavior.  Indeed sugar can cause hyperactivity in children. It has also been linked with long-term health damage, but it is far from being the only one to blame. You can find artificial coloring in other foods like yogurt and bread. Bear in mind that you should absolutely avoid any products that contain these artificial colorings. 


Preservatives are chemicals or other substances added to the food to prevent the development of microorganisms. Foods that usually have preservatives are those that we can keep for a longer time. Some examples are crackers, deli meats, dairy, sauces, etc.  Now while they preserve the freshness of food, they can be harmful to kids and adults. When it comes to nutrition and a child\’s mood, it is pivotal that we avoid preservatives as much as possible because they can cause hyperactivity and other behavioral and health problems. The most known preservatives are nitrates, nitrites, and sodium benzoate. 



Two minerals we want to focus on are magnesium and zinc. They are known to significantly improve a child\’s mood. Zinc is one of the critical elements of Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA). It is omega 3 acid found in different types of cold-water fish.  

It has an enormous impact on the development of a child\’s brain. Besides regulating melatonin, it promotes better functioning of the neurotransmission system.  It is also proven that it positively affects a child\’s mood and sleep patterns.  Other studies show DHA is very beneficial for a child\’s brain health in general. It also promotes cognitive development. Besides that, there are studies published in the Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health that show that it is effective in helping children with ADHD.  Magnesium is another essential mineral that has an impact on a child\’s mood. Various studies have shown that children with attention deficit disorder and anxiety have low magnesium levels


Vitamin B is a crucial vitamin for a child\’s development. It promotes the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, which helps regulate a child\’s mood and behavior. Studies show that children who eat food rich in vitamin B have better mental and general health.  Foods packed with vitamin B are nuts, seeds, whole grains, legumes, veggies, etc.  Another critical nutrient for a child\’s mental health is vitamin D. When the levels of this vitamin are optimal, kids are in a better mood, have more energy, and sleep better. Sun is the biggest natural source of this nutrient. However, if you are not living in a country where it\’s always sunny and warm, it is essential to know that you can find vitamin D in the liver, oily fish, and egg yolks. 


 Usually, when we think about protein, we mainly focus on strength and muscles.  But proteins do much more! Since they are the building blocks of the brain as much as of the body.  It provides essential amino acids that play a critical role in a child\’s mental health. If you don\’t include enough protein in your kid\’s diet, he or she might experience moodiness, lack of concentration, fatigue, etc. A child on a protein-rich diet will be energized and motivated. The most common sources of protein are poultry, lean meats, seafood, dairy, and fish. 


Now you know more about how nutrition affects a child\’s mood. When creating a healthy eating plan for kids, keep in mind that balance is the most important As you know, children are picky eaters, so you will have to work a bit to find healthy foods that your child will enjoy eating. In the end, you know your kids best, so it won\’t be a problem for you to determine if some food is affecting their mood and behavior. If you want to know more about this topic, you can also consult your kid\’s doctor. Have you noticed that some food affects your kid\’s mood and behavior? Would you mind sharing with us what happened and how did you realize it is linked with food?

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5 Ways Nutrition Affects Your Child\’s Mood

Are you under the impression that your kids are too moody? As a parent, you know how vital proper nutrition is for your child\’s physical development! But did you know that food has a potent effect on a child\’s mood, as well?

Food your kids eat will affect how they feel!

Last summer, we were visiting our sister, who has three kids. Now, she is a clinical nutritionist working for a, so as you can imagine, she pays a lot of attention to what kind of food her family is eating. In our opinion, she was exaggerating a bit! So, as we don’t visit often we decided to be good aunts, and we bought loads of sweets for the little ones! We had candy, chocolate, ice cream, you name it! She greeted us with a smile, and despite seeing all the stuff we brought, she didn\’t stop smiling. We figured she decided to loosen up a bit, and we\’re happy about it! Mesmerized by the kid\’s happiness, we didn\’t even notice our sister was strangely grinning at us! \”You\’ll see what you two have done!\” like she wanted to say. 

Our conversation was interrupted by a sudden burst of screaming and crying! We ran to see what is going on while our sister remained sitting. We understood after that she was perfectly ready for what came. And what came was hours of terrible child’s mood swings, fighting, crying, and running around! Until they fell asleep!  After being able finally to hear our thoughts and voices again, we asked her if it\’s normal! We always thought of them as darling little angels, but now they somehow turned into devils! “No”, she said, “But you brought candy, remember”?!  Wait, one candy can do this! C\’mon, it\’s a joke! 

No, no, it isn\’t! She then explained that many people don\’t know so much about it, but sweets affect a child’s mood and behavior as much as they affect their physical wellbeing. Shocked that we didn\’t know anything about it, we decided to learn more about the impact of sweets on a child\’s mood disturbances!  We concluded that we know that a balanced healthy diet plays a pivotal role when it comes to health. As adults, we are primarily concerned about how food affects our cardiovascular health and waistline.  Talking about kids, we know that nutrition is even more vital. But most of us focus on how food affects a child\’s growth and ability to meet milestones. However, many of us don\’t even think about how it can affect a child\’s mood. 

How Does Nutrition Affect Child’s Mood 

First of all, it is paramount to say that various factors affect mental health and a child\’s mood. However, out of all of them, it is simple to control food.  So, if after a child’s mood assessment, a doctor determines that there are genetic predispositions, food can make a tremendous difference. Now we commonly hear that any refined sugar is bad for kids on many levels and can affect a child\’s mood changes. But we hear less about the effects of preservatives, dye, and other ingredients that are found in foods children love so much.  So, now we will read about some bad and good ways food impacts our child’s mood. 


Artificial Coloring 

You may be surprised, but many countries have already banned artificial coloring because of the harmful effects on children. They are linked with headaches in children, ADHD, hyperactivity, anxiety and can cause dramatic child’s mood changes. Since there are plenty of artificial colorings in sweets, parents often think that sugar is the main culprit for their kid’s behavior.  Indeed sugar can cause hyperactivity in children. It has also been linked with long-term health damage, but it is far from being the only one to blame. You can find artificial coloring in other foods like yogurt and bread. Bear in mind that you should absolutely avoid any products that contain these artificial colorings. 


Preservatives are chemicals or other substances added to the food to prevent the development of microorganisms. Foods that usually have preservatives are those that we can keep for a longer time. Some examples are crackers, deli meats, dairy, sauces, etc.  Now while they preserve the freshness of food, they can be harmful to kids and adults. When it comes to nutrition and a child\’s mood, it is pivotal that we avoid preservatives as much as possible because they can cause hyperactivity and other behavioral and health problems. The most known preservatives are nitrates, nitrites, and sodium benzoate. 



Two minerals we want to focus on are magnesium and zinc. They are known to significantly improve a child\’s mood. Zinc is one of the critical elements of Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA). It is omega 3 acid found in different types of cold-water fish.  

It has an enormous impact on the development of a child\’s brain. Besides regulating melatonin, it promotes better functioning of the neurotransmission system.  It is also proven that it positively affects a child\’s mood and sleep patterns.  Other studies show DHA is very beneficial for a child\’s brain health in general. It also promotes cognitive development. Besides that, there are studies published in the Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health that show that it is effective in helping children with ADHD.  Magnesium is another essential mineral that has an impact on a child\’s mood. Various studies have shown that children with attention deficit disorder and anxiety have low magnesium levels


Vitamin B is a crucial vitamin for a child\’s development. It promotes the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, which helps regulate a child\’s mood and behavior. Studies show that children who eat food rich in vitamin B have better mental and general health.  Foods packed with vitamin B are nuts, seeds, whole grains, legumes, veggies, etc.  Another critical nutrient for a child\’s mental health is vitamin D. When the levels of this vitamin are optimal, kids are in a better mood, have more energy, and sleep better. Sun is the biggest natural source of this nutrient. However, if you are not living in a country where it\’s always sunny and warm, it is essential to know that you can find vitamin D in the liver, oily fish, and egg yolks. 


 Usually, when we think about protein, we mainly focus on strength and muscles.  But proteins do much more! Since they are the building blocks of the brain as much as of the body.  It provides essential amino acids that play a critical role in a child\’s mental health. If you don\’t include enough protein in your kid\’s diet, he or she might experience moodiness, lack of concentration, fatigue, etc. A child on a protein-rich diet will be energized and motivated. The most common sources of protein are poultry, lean meats, seafood, dairy, and fish. 


Now you know more about how nutrition affects a child\’s mood. When creating a healthy eating plan for kids, keep in mind that balance is the most important As you know, children are picky eaters, so you will have to work a bit to find healthy foods that your child will enjoy eating. In the end, you know your kids best, so it won\’t be a problem for you to determine if some food is affecting their mood and behavior. If you want to know more about this topic, you can also consult your kid\’s doctor. Have you noticed that some food affects your kid\’s mood and behavior? Would you mind sharing with us what happened and how did you realize it is linked with food?

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5 Ways Nutrition Affects Your Child\’s Mood

Are you under the impression that your kids are too moody? As a parent, you know how vital proper nutrition is for your child\’s physical development! But did you know that food has a potent effect on a child\’s mood, as well?

Food your kids eat will affect how they feel!

Last summer, we were visiting our sister, who has three kids. Now, she is a clinical nutritionist working for a, so as you can imagine, she pays a lot of attention to what kind of food her family is eating. In our opinion, she was exaggerating a bit! So, as we don’t visit often we decided to be good aunts, and we bought loads of sweets for the little ones! We had candy, chocolate, ice cream, you name it! She greeted us with a smile, and despite seeing all the stuff we brought, she didn\’t stop smiling. We figured she decided to loosen up a bit, and we\’re happy about it! Mesmerized by the kid\’s happiness, we didn\’t even notice our sister was strangely grinning at us! \”You\’ll see what you two have done!\” like she wanted to say. 

Our conversation was interrupted by a sudden burst of screaming and crying! We ran to see what is going on while our sister remained sitting. We understood after that she was perfectly ready for what came. And what came was hours of terrible child’s mood swings, fighting, crying, and running around! Until they fell asleep!  After being able finally to hear our thoughts and voices again, we asked her if it\’s normal! We always thought of them as darling little angels, but now they somehow turned into devils! “No”, she said, “But you brought candy, remember”?!  Wait, one candy can do this! C\’mon, it\’s a joke! 

No, no, it isn\’t! She then explained that many people don\’t know so much about it, but sweets affect a child’s mood and behavior as much as they affect their physical wellbeing. Shocked that we didn\’t know anything about it, we decided to learn more about the impact of sweets on a child\’s mood disturbances!  We concluded that we know that a balanced healthy diet plays a pivotal role when it comes to health. As adults, we are primarily concerned about how food affects our cardiovascular health and waistline.  Talking about kids, we know that nutrition is even more vital. But most of us focus on how food affects a child\’s growth and ability to meet milestones. However, many of us don\’t even think about how it can affect a child\’s mood. 

How Does Nutrition Affect Child’s Mood 

First of all, it is paramount to say that various factors affect mental health and a child\’s mood. However, out of all of them, it is simple to control food.  So, if after a child’s mood assessment, a doctor determines that there are genetic predispositions, food can make a tremendous difference. Now we commonly hear that any refined sugar is bad for kids on many levels and can affect a child\’s mood changes. But we hear less about the effects of preservatives, dye, and other ingredients that are found in foods children love so much.  So, now we will read about some bad and good ways food impacts our child’s mood. 


Artificial Coloring 

You may be surprised, but many countries have already banned artificial coloring because of the harmful effects on children. They are linked with headaches in children, ADHD, hyperactivity, anxiety and can cause dramatic child’s mood changes. Since there are plenty of artificial colorings in sweets, parents often think that sugar is the main culprit for their kid’s behavior.  Indeed sugar can cause hyperactivity in children. It has also been linked with long-term health damage, but it is far from being the only one to blame. You can find artificial coloring in other foods like yogurt and bread. Bear in mind that you should absolutely avoid any products that contain these artificial colorings. 


Preservatives are chemicals or other substances added to the food to prevent the development of microorganisms. Foods that usually have preservatives are those that we can keep for a longer time. Some examples are crackers, deli meats, dairy, sauces, etc.  Now while they preserve the freshness of food, they can be harmful to kids and adults. When it comes to nutrition and a child\’s mood, it is pivotal that we avoid preservatives as much as possible because they can cause hyperactivity and other behavioral and health problems. The most known preservatives are nitrates, nitrites, and sodium benzoate. 



Two minerals we want to focus on are magnesium and zinc. They are known to significantly improve a child\’s mood. Zinc is one of the critical elements of Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA). It is omega 3 acid found in different types of cold-water fish.  

It has an enormous impact on the development of a child\’s brain. Besides regulating melatonin, it promotes better functioning of the neurotransmission system.  It is also proven that it positively affects a child\’s mood and sleep patterns.  Other studies show DHA is very beneficial for a child\’s brain health in general. It also promotes cognitive development. Besides that, there are studies published in the Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health that show that it is effective in helping children with ADHD.  Magnesium is another essential mineral that has an impact on a child\’s mood. Various studies have shown that children with attention deficit disorder and anxiety have low magnesium levels


Vitamin B is a crucial vitamin for a child\’s development. It promotes the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, which helps regulate a child\’s mood and behavior. Studies show that children who eat food rich in vitamin B have better mental and general health.  Foods packed with vitamin B are nuts, seeds, whole grains, legumes, veggies, etc.  Another critical nutrient for a child\’s mental health is vitamin D. When the levels of this vitamin are optimal, kids are in a better mood, have more energy, and sleep better. Sun is the biggest natural source of this nutrient. However, if you are not living in a country where it\’s always sunny and warm, it is essential to know that you can find vitamin D in the liver, oily fish, and egg yolks. 


 Usually, when we think about protein, we mainly focus on strength and muscles.  But proteins do much more! Since they are the building blocks of the brain as much as of the body.  It provides essential amino acids that play a critical role in a child\’s mental health. If you don\’t include enough protein in your kid\’s diet, he or she might experience moodiness, lack of concentration, fatigue, etc. A child on a protein-rich diet will be energized and motivated. The most common sources of protein are poultry, lean meats, seafood, dairy, and fish. 


Now you know more about how nutrition affects a child\’s mood. When creating a healthy eating plan for kids, keep in mind that balance is the most important As you know, children are picky eaters, so you will have to work a bit to find healthy foods that your child will enjoy eating. In the end, you know your kids best, so it won\’t be a problem for you to determine if some food is affecting their mood and behavior. If you want to know more about this topic, you can also consult your kid\’s doctor. Have you noticed that some food affects your kid\’s mood and behavior? Would you mind sharing with us what happened and how did you realize it is linked with food?

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How to Avoid Vaginal Injuries at Child Birth

Around 90% of women experience vaginal injuries (tearing) that occur during labor. Also, minor tears are so widespread and recover quickly that it seems to be a natural part of the birth process. Yet, during birth, most women fear tearing and want to stop it at all costs. Although certain vaginal tearing can be challenging to prevent, the risk of severe vaginal trauma can be lowered.

Factors that Causes Vaginal Injuries (vaginal tear) at Birth

The baby\’s head descends into the vagina during the second stage of labor and passes down onto the perineum. The perineal skin (the region between your anus and vagina) must be thin and spread over the head of your baby. The labia and vaginal opening begin to bulge as the baby\’s head starts to crown and extend around the head. A tear will happen if the skin and perineum have not stretched enough. Factors that increase the likelihood of vaginal injuries are:

  • Big baby
  • First birth
  • Ethnicity
  • Baby posterior positioning
  • Increased weight gains in pregnancy
  • First vaginal birth

Categories of Vaginal Injuries (Vaginal Tear)

Perineum tears or lacerations are categorized into four groups.

  • First and second-degree tears are the most common. When the skin is torn, a first-degree laceration occurs, but it is considered minor and does not require any or just a few stitches. Skin and muscle beneath are involved in a second-degree tear and typically require some stitches.
  • A break in the vaginal skin, perineal skin, and muscle that spreads to the anal sphincter (muscle around your anus) are third-degree lacerations. Except that it reaches into the anal sphincter and the tissue surrounding it, a fourth-degree tear is the same as a third-degree one. Both may affect the role of the pelvic floor and anal muscles.

It is impossible to predict which women will have a tear, but if it happens, there are things you can do to minimize the chance of a tear or the extent of an incision. If you don\’t want to take the chances of an injury, take advantage now and enroll in our short but very effective program on Avoiding Vaginal Injuries at Childbirth.

How to avoid tearing during birth

Here are some suggestions to reduce the chances of vaginal tearing during birth:

  •  Prepare your body

It sounds easy, but it is a must to ensure that your body is prepared for labor. Not only is work a peak performance of the body (think running endurance), parts of the body will do things they have never done before.

We certainly need to include some form of exercise in our daily routine during pregnancy, given the amount of time modern women spend sitting and not moving. Exercise increases circulation, which improves the elasticity of the skin in turn. Improving the flow of blood by orgasm to the perineum and vagina may also enhance the health of tissues.

Your skin and muscle health is improved by good nutrition and hydration. Many good fats are included, especially omega-3s (from fish, chia seeds, walnuts, and pumpkin seeds) and grass-fed or free-range lean protein.

Nutrients such as vitamin E, vitamin C, and zinc can be found in a wide variety of vegetables that complete a balanced diet. These will have the capacity of your body to stretch during and heal after labor.

  • Pelvic floor exercises

Popular advice for pregnant women is to do exercises on the pelvic floor (known as Kegels) to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. The principle is that the pelvic floor muscles will snap back into place after birth, and you are less likely to experience incontinence (wetting yourself).

You want the pelvis and vagina to open during the second stage of labor and the muscles to relax, optimizing the baby\’s space to descend. Spending all this time tightening the muscles in that region seems counterproductive when we want the opposite to happen at the critical moment. What\’s the best thing to do, then?

Using squats and pelvic floor exercises together, it is possible to expand and strengthen the alignment of the pelvic floor muscles with the other muscles in the body. It is also essential to learn to relax the pelvic muscles, and performing pelvic floor exercises will help you recognize those muscles and then relax them.

  • Labour in water

The perfect picture of relaxation is immersing yourself in a big hot bath. Warm water has a multitude of advantages at work. There were no variations in tearing between birthing in water than land in a Study in 2009. Still, many midwives and women swear by warm water softening perineal tissues and relieving the crowning\’s discomfort phase.

Interesting Read: 5 Simple & Fun Ways To Document Your Pregnancy

  • Birth position matters

When pushing, the place you are in has a significant effect on whether you are more likely to tear. Lying back, lithotomy position or semi-reclining positions place pressure on the tailbone and perineum, decrease the pelvic floor\’s size, and increase the risk of tearing.

The best place for your baby to be born is the one you naturally want for yourself and feel most secure in. The role that helps them cope with contractions at each stage will be identified by women who are free to move about during work. Some women prefer to float in water free of gravity; others like to keep their feet fixed firmly on the ground. Birthing positions that reduce perineum stress include:

  • On all fours, on hands and knees.
  • Leaning forward in an aided standing, crouching, or sitting position
  • Lying on your side.

Although squatting and kneeling are helpful upright positions, the perineum is extended sideways if the woman\’s knees are very wide apart and can increase the risk of tearing.

  • Perineal massage

Perineal massage will help a woman become acquainted with her own body and trust her ability to stretch and give birth to the child. If you are not familiar with the perineal massage concept, note that it is not a must. Although it decreases the risk of perineal trauma, the reduced risk can appear to be due to a reduced chance of getting an episiotomy. Researchers are unsure why this is, but one hypothesis is that women are more motivated to prefer perineal massage to prevent an unwanted episiotomy. The risk of requiring stitches rises with episiotomies, so less chance of episiotomy indicates less risk of perineal trauma.


Vaginal tears (lacerations or perineum tears) are dreaded complications that often throw women off the idea of going through the birth process. With the right antenatal care, proper exercise regimen, and good massages, these occurrences can be avoided. The best type of birth experience is the one you are prepared for; speak with a birth specialist today.

Severe cuts or tears during birth can lead to complications, such as substantial blood loss and infections. In case you have any questions about AVOIDING INJURIES AT CHILDBIRTH, do feel free to ask, and we’d contact the creator of the Course on your behalf.

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A New Mother’s Guide to Baby Massage

How Should New Mothers Start Massaging Their Baby? Baby massage is a great way to give baby attention and relaxation delicately. Get some answers on the potential advantages of baby massages and how to begin. Body rubs are calming for the baby and therapeutic for moms 

Easy Massage Tips for the New Mother

Just became a first-time mother? Congrats on your new title. Parenthood is associated with limitless joy and happy new experiences. The question in our minds, is baby massage necessary? Indeed it is. An important part of being a mother is building up a bond with your child. Through the massage, learn the many ways your infant communicates to you, giving you the opportunities to support them better.

These body rubs are always calming. Not just the babies will feel relaxed, but the massage is additionally therapeutic for moms. Always be aware that they are delicate, and the massage should be done softly. Here are some inspiring ways you can get started.

1. Prepare Them
towels and candles

Turn on some calming lullaby music

45 minutes to 1 hour before it\’s time to sleep, we suggest a warm bath for the baby. Then cover them with a towel, carry them to a faintly lit room and turn on some calming lullaby music. You\’ll also need to be certain that your house is warm enough to be your infant\’s massage. Talking about sleep time, can baby massage help sleep come quicker? It’s true, and an infant massage truly encourages them to sleep soundly. Studies show that babies massaged by their moms before bed will generally nod off quicker, rest much deeper, and stay that way for long.

2. Create a Soothing Environment

Perform the massage in a warm, calm spot if possible — inside or outside. Whether you’re on the carpet, in bed or standing before the changing table and position your infant on a cover or towel before you. Place your child on their back so that you can talk or sing to them and benefit as much as possible from the experience. Finally, pick an appropriate time when they aren’t too full or really hungry.

3. Baby Massage Oil is an Option
massage oil

Caution: Avoid using oil if there is an allergic reaction

Use baby oil and slide over your infant’s skin. Always test a bit of that oil on a small spot of your child\’s skin and leave it for 24 hours to check for any response. A decent spot to do this is the thigh. Avoid using oil if there’s an allergic reaction. Wipe it off immediately with the best baby wipes. With no reaction, rub the oil in your palms and start with the child\’s legs and afterward work your way up to their calves and thighs. Squeeze them delicately.

4. Know the Limits

If your infant looks agitated at the beginning and doesn\’t appear to want it, stop. A back rub when they don’t need it will just make them fussier. You also don\’t need to give a full-body massage every single time.

Colic in babies is a major issue. So, how can baby massage help colic relief? Moving your fingers in a clockwise movement without applying much pressure is the correct method for baby tummy rubs for gas. Stop if they are crying; instead, we propose massaging your child every few moments during the day to help avoid the accumulation of gas, which can cause an enlarged/hard and painful belly by late evening and at night.

5. Finish Gently
mom kissing baby

Finish by giving the infant a delicate hug

Turn the infant over on the stomach and tenderly rub the back in long, stroking movements. Finally, turn the child over on the back and delicately massage the scalp in little, clockwise motions. Continue talking and entertaining them, softly telling them what you\’re doing every step of the way. Finish the session by giving the infant a delicate hug and wrap them with a soft towel.


We can\’t show you all the intricate details of baby massage in a blog article. Infant massage is just not that difficult, but it needs particular strategies to be used in unique ways to specific points on your baby\’s body. It may take a couple of attempts before both of you get comfortable with the baby rubs. Take your time.

So, will you make the baby massage a tradition for you and them to bond?

Author’s Bio: Laura Casey is a blogger, mother, and housewife who shares her vast experience in parenting, motherhood, and pregnancy. Her articles have already helped a lot of people who deal with parenting. She draws inspiration from raising kids and Motherhood itself. She believes that Parenthood can connect people all over the world.

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