Spicy Foods, Herbs Nursing Mothers Should Avoid

Sometimes your baby is fussy, crying, having diarrhea, having difficulty going to the toilet, and experiencing general discomfort, and you can\’t lay a finger on it. It is time to sit back and check the list of what you eat. When you were pregnant, you were probably given a list of things to avoid in your diet, and you thought to yourself that it would all end after pregnancy.

Sorry to burst your bubbles, but as a nursing mother, it is essential to monitor what you eat. Below we will discuss a list of foods to avoid while breastfeeding

Fish high in mercury 

Fish is a good source of protein for you and your baby. You should stay away from the shark, king mackerel, tilefish, swordfish, marlin, Bigeye tuna because of the high level of mercury present in them. Mercury isn\’t safe for babies because mercury can affect the brain and central nervous system development. Mercury can pass from mother to child through the placenta in pregnancy and breastmilk in nursing infants. 


Alcohol is not recommended for nursing mothers because a certain amount of alcohol enters into the breastmilk. It is best not to drink alcohol, but if you must take, then you either breastfeed your infant first or wait at least two hours after taking alcohol to breastfeed. Alcohol can affect a baby\’s brain development, cause restlessness, and fussiness.

Dairy and dairy products

Babies display little or no tolerance to cow\’s milk. You should stay away from cow\’s milk and its product for some. Take in small quantity to see how well your baby tolerates lactose from cow\’s milk in your breastmilk. Some babies experience diarrhea, gas in their stomach, fussiness, and a whole lot of discomfort. 

Soya beans or soy protein

It\’s best to avoid giving your baby soybeans directly or through your breastmilk. You are looking for a great source of protein that will serve you and your baby, and because of the high nutritional values and great taste, you go for soybeans. Some babies have shown allergic reactions to soy protein. Soybeans can also cause constipation in babies, rashes on the skin, especially for babies less than a year old.

Coffee and tea

Coffee and tea are not totally off-limit to nursing mothers, but it is in the best interest of mothers to avoid them because of the presence of caffeine. I can understand if the first thing you want to take in the morning is a hot coffee after staying awake most of the night. Consider that your baby that is less than nine months old and cannot metabolize the caffeine that would be passed to your baby through your breastmilk, you want to find a healthier alternative for would be right for you both. And when you are ready to start taking coffee while still nursing, you should not take more than three cups in a day or switch to decaffeinated. For tea, there are healthier herbal options like green tea to the black tea. Caffeine can disturb your baby\’s sleep schedule, make her restless, and cause her to be colic.


It has a lot of health benefits, including fighting infections and boosting the production of breastmilk. But garlic is more beneficial to the mother than the nursing baby. The smell of garlic in the breastmilk can put off a baby from nursing. Garlic also causes colic and stomach upset in some babies. While you should stay off the garlic and find other options to supply you with the benefits found in garlic, you might still want to take garlic but in small quantities.


A little amount of peppermint that you consume is not harmful to your baby. It is when consumed in large quantities that it causes gas and upsets your baby\’s stomach. Peppermint is also known to reduce breast milk. The taste of peppermint in your milk can also put your baby off breastfeeding.

Parsley and Sage

There is no documented evidence that parsley and sage affect a nursing infant, but it is known to decrease milk supply. A high quantity of parsley can stop the flow of breastmilk. You should take parsley and sage in a minimal amount.


It is known to cause high blood pressure as well as low sugar in the blood of nursing mothers. Nursing babies are not left out of its effect as it causes diarrhea and colic in babies.

Black Walnut

Black walnut is a plant used for an herbal treatment. There isn\’t much about the negative effect of black walnut on nursing mothers and babies; that is enough reason to be mindful of consuming it. You shouldn\’t apply it to your skin or ingest it if you are pregnant or nursing, because this is, will reduce the likelihood of eczema erupting on your baby\’s skin or any other adverse effect.

Comfrey ointment

Mothers use comfrey ointment in the herbal treatment of sore nipples occurring from breastfeeding. But it is one of the herbs to avoid while breastfeeding. It is known to be passed from mother to nursing baby, and it is associated with causing liver damage in babies. In place of comfrey treatment for sore nipples, you should use lanolin or coconut oil on the sore nipple daily until it heals.

Signs your baby is having stomach upset

  1. The baby is crying with the legs up
  2. The stomach is swollen
  3. Unable to sleep and eat
  4. Frequently passing gas and not going to the toilet for days
  5. Diarrhea
  6. Vomiting
  7. Shows signs of pain when you touch the tummy.

You can help your pain find relief by

  • Lying her on the tummy
  • Look into what you have been eating and cut back on spices, caffeine, and herbs
  • Avoid gassy foods to see if she would feel better
  • Find ways to help your baby poop
  • Eat more fiber-rich foods and drink more water
  • Hold your baby close to you with her stomach touching yours. It gives them some relief.
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Best Jobs for Single Moms with No Qualifications

There are several streams of income for every mom, either you are with a degree, or you are without one. For this article, we want to focus on jobs for single moms. Being a single mom can take a toll on you and your finances. It is no joke to raise a child by yourself, especially if you do not have a degree to fetch you a well-paying job or a job to take care of you and your child or children. Here are some jobs a single mom can do and mostly control her time. If she takes them seriously and masters the art, she could earn well from them. 


Dropshipping is a supply chain method where the retailer doesn\’t need to stock the products. You advertise the product, get buyers, and transfer the request to a wholesaler or another retailer you are collaborating with. Then you get a delivery company or a third party to deliver the goods. You can do this with businesses around you or business in the big market who don\’t have an online presence. You can achieve this better using your social media pages or e-commerce sites. This business is not without its hitches, but with proper calculation, agreement on payment or percentage cut, you could cash out. You can think of working with small businesses that produce skincare and beauty products; they won\’t mind extra help promoting their brand. Dropshipping is one of the best jobs for single mothers where you can earn a fortune sitting on your cushion.

Mini importation

Mini importation business is also known as a small scale importation business where a person with limited funds can import goods from China etc. For this model of business, you should import products in demand or products you can market well and quickly turnover your capital and profit. I would suggest that you go for the training of some sorts on mini importation before you venture into it. Inform your friends and family about the new products you are bringing. This is a way of building your customer list before your products arrive. Make sure to read books and articles on marketing.

Freelance writing

If you have a flair for writing or you can write decently, then you can start writing online for blogs and websites. Various sites recruit freelancers, and some independent people hire freelance writers. Many people have built a good life and career copywriting, ghostwriting, resume writing, and research writing.

READ ALSO: 6 Significant Pre-Baby Financial Planning Advice for New Parents

Editor and Proofreader

This will make the list of best jobs for single moms. People are writing books every day, research work, and are looking for editors and proofreaders. If you have eyes for errors, then you will be able to build a career as a single mom correcting mistakes and making beautiful works stand out.

Virtual assistant

As a virtual assistant, you play the role of an administrative assistant but from your phone and computer. You can manage social media pages of businesses, create content, and possibly close sales or transactions. And because you are working by your time, you can take on as many clients that you can handle and still take care of your child or children.

Content creator

The world is now digital, and business and public personalities are continually looking for great content to give out to its audience, whether on their blog or social media pages. If you a creative, you can develop content on a freelance basis. Most times, a degree is not required. The ability to design graphics will help you a great deal in this role. You can enlist a graphic designer who can work with your time frame to help you with the jobs you get as a content creator.


I have always said the ability to communicate effectively in more than one language is a gift because not everyone can. So if you can write and speak other languages fluently, then you can pick up a freelancing job or part-time job as a translator. Companies, authors, and media houses are frequently in need of translators and voice-over in movies.

Customer service representative

Has someone ever told you that you have a beautiful voice over the phone? If the answer is yes and you are a single mom with excellent communication skills with a high level of patience and tolerance, then you should consider a job either as full time, part-time, or freelancer. Customer service representative pays well, and many people, especially those who enjoy being on the phone have built a career around it.

These careers for single moms are easy to learn, friendly, offers good pay, with flexible schedules and benefits. If you take them seriously and masters the art, you could earn well from them. 

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11 Reasons Babies Cry and How to Soothe Them

It is no news that babies cry to communicate their emotions. The only way they express hunger, sleepiness, discomfort, or feelings of not feeling well is through crying and fussiness. In the early days of birth, you might not be able to differentiate between the various reasons for crying, but as times go on, you can tell when it\’s a cry for food or a call to be put down to sleep.

We will be discussing some reasons why babies cry and possible ways to soothe them. Maybe you can see and understand why your baby cries.

  1. Hunger
  2. Tiredness
  3. Sleep
  4. Pain
  5. Wet or soiled diapers
  6. Feeling hot or cold
  7. Overstimulation
  8. Tears for toys
  9. Cry for attention
  10. Colic and stomach upset
  11. Teething

1. Hunger

Most newborns don\’t start wailing the moment they are hungry; they show signs. And when food is not fort coming, then the cry begins. Newborns learn to store milk in their mouth from when they are two weeks old. You see them chewing the curdled milk first before they start to cry for food. Other signs babies present are sucking their fingers, lip-smacking, fussiness, and turning towards the breast of whoever is holding them, always opening their mouth. As your baby grows, he will be more specific in the quest for food.

SOOTHE THEM: Give your baby food when he shows the signs. You might be tired of his constant sucking. It might mean he isn\’t getting enough milk either because he isn\’t latching well or there isn\’t enough milk supply. Find help for him to get enough milk.

2. Tiredness

Many people don\’t know that babies get tired from being carried and played with. Sometimes they just want to lie on their bed and play by themselves. I remembered one morning when my mom was holding my baby, and she wasn\’t able to calm her down when she started crying. She called me thinking she wanted to feed, but my baby wouldn\’t suck. After some time, I put her down, and she stopped crying instantly and was happy. She played by herself till she slept off. That was when I learned that babies could be tired of being carried.

SOOTHE THEM: Place your baby in her bed or cot and create a conducive atmosphere for him to relax.

3. Sleep time

Many babies cry when they are about to sleep until they are a year old. If you have ever wondered like me why babies have to cry when they feel sleepy when sleep isn\’t a bad thing. Babies love all that is happening around them and don\’t want to miss out on any. They battle with sleep, and since most babies can\’t settle themselves to sleep, it causes the fussiness.

SOOTHE THEM: Feed or rock your baby to sleep. Take him away from noise and visitors that might disturb his sleep.

4. Pain and not feeling well

Babies feel pain too, and because they can\’t express it in words, they cry. If you can\’t understand your baby\’s cry, remove the sock and feel the sole of her feet. If it is cold, then your baby might be having a headache. Babies experience abdominal pain when the umbilical cord falls off, and the navel is healing. Flu or cold could make your baby fussy and cry, especially at the onset, when you can\’t see a running nose yet.

SOOTHE THEM: You can give your baby acetaminophen or paracetamol for infants and toddlers. For the navel, soak a washcloth or clean white towel in not too hot water and press the navel till the baby finds relief. Check his temperature and nasal drops to help with the nose block. Humidifiers could help when your baby has a stuffy nose and can\’t breathe well.

5. Wet or Soiled Diapers

This one is easy to check. Most babies cry immediately they poo in their diapers or are soaked from their urine. I can remember my baby smile every time I removed her diapers. I felt like she was saying thank you. But some babies don\’t mind staying in their soiled diaper for some time.

SOOTHE THEM: Removing the diapers and cleaning them up will calm the baby down

6. Feeling hot and cold

You might have been told that babies don\’t feel hot or cold. One thing I know for sure is that babies like proper ventilation. It is safe to keep babies warm, but when they are wrapped in various layers of clothes and blanket, they can feel hot, and they will cry from heat. When they are exposed to cold, they can feel chilly and cry, asking to be covered up. Every baby has the degree of warmth they appreciate.

SOOTHE THEM: Understand what your baby likes. Remove extra wrap or clothing on your baby.

7. Overstimulation

While my first baby liked to be backed or held with a baby carrier, my second baby cried whenever she was backed or in a baby carrier. But she loved the swing. Some babies cry when there is so much noise around them or when they are held in a position they are not comfortable in.

SOOTHE THEM: Change the baby\’s position, reduce the noise, or kill the source of the sound.

8. Cry for attention

Babies like to be held, cuddled, cared for, and spend time with their mother. At such times you will find that your baby will be relaxed just staying in your arms

SOOTHE THEM: Hold your baby and sway from side to side, sit down and cuddle your little one. Look into your baby\’s eyes and say beautiful things to him.

9. Tears for toys

If your baby has older siblings, he is likely going to be crying for their toys when he is about six months or older. Your baby could also be looking for things to play with.

SOOTHE THEM: Get your baby age-grade toys that are handy and safe. You should also consider getting a playmat for your baby.

10. Colic, Constipation, and stomach upset

Acid reflux or gas in the stomach isn\’t easy for adults. You can imagine how uncomfortable it can make a baby cry uncontrollably for three hours stretch or more and might not be able to fall asleep. The condition known as colic in babies has to do with stomach upset from gas, which might be because of lactose intolerance or something in the mother\’s breastmilk, which came from what she ate. There are certain herbs and spices a nursing mother shouldn\’t eat in her food because they can upset the baby\’s stomach and can also cause constipation. Some babies don\’t do well with dairy in their mother\’s breastmilk. Doctors might tell you it is normal that your baby hasn\’t gone to the toilet for four days as long as he is farting. That is what they told me. But I knew my baby was suffering until I did something about it.

SOOTHE THEM: help your baby burp after every feeding. If he is suffering from constipation, help your baby pass out the poop. Also, give your baby tummy time, it could settle him for a while.

11. Teething

Teething brings some level of discomfort and pain to babies, and different babies handle it differently.

SOOTHE THEM: check the gums for swelling or hotness. Give analgesics to help with the pain. Get teething toys. Read here how to handle your baby\’s teething

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8 Best Workouts and Exercises for Pregnant Women

Exercises are a good way for a pregnant woman at whatever stage of pregnancy to keep fit and give birth to a healthy baby. Exercising during pregnancy helps you to avoid adding excess weight, eliminate and reduce backache, improve your overall health, and help make delivery easier. 

Because exercising is great for pregnant women doesn\’t mean all exercises are fine for pregnant women, or all pregnant women are fit to get involved. There are things to consider when deciding to start exercising.

When you shouldn\’t exercise if

  • You have been diagnosed with placenta Previa, which is placenta lying low to your cervix.
  • You have spotting or experienced vaginal bleeding. This could be signs of threatened abortion, and your doctor has to approve an exercise routine.
  • You have a weak cervix with a history of preterm labor or miscarriage
  • Exercising brings on regular contractions that last up to an hour.
  • Fatigue sets in after every exercise
  • You have a pregnancy-induced condition that could be life-threatening to you and the baby.

Exercises for Pregnant Women

Brisk or fast walking:

You need a firm bra or sports bra, good sneakers that has a good grip and sport wears. If you are not the regular exercise type, then you can start by walking briskly on smooth surfaces. Avoid steep planes, potholes, and ditches. This form of cardiovascular exercise and one of the best exercises for pregnant women.


Swimming is an excellent form of aerobics and muscle-strengthening exercise. It is safe for every stage of pregnancy. The pleasurable part about swimming is that the water supports your tummy, takes the pressure off your back and joint. To take caution, avoid jumping and diving into the poop as this could have an undesirable impact on your pump. Avoid slipping as much as possible.


Whether you choose stationary cycling or your bike, you are safe even as a first-timer. Cycling is a safe aerobic exercise good for the heart rate and taking stress off the joints. As you advance in pregnancy and your bump starts to change your center of gravity, I will advise stationary cycling to minimize the risk of falling.


One of the best workouts for pregnant women and a great aerobic. If you were running or jogging before you got pregnant, you could continue. Running has a low impact on the abdomen. You can also consider running on a treadmill if you don\’t want to work out outside as your pregnancy progresses.

Pelvic Tilts

  • A stomach strengthening workout for pregnant women. It helps reduce back pain. You can either take a kneeling position or rest against the wall for support.
  • Go down on your knees and hands on your workout mat or a cushioned place (to prevent falling or impact from falling)
  • Arching your back, tuck in your tummy from your belly button region
  • Release it after five seconds.
  • Repeat this process ten times
  • If you choose to rest on the wall, make your back flat against the wall
  • Tuck in your tummy and repeat the process

Related Article: Best Postpartum Wraps to Help Lose Your Belly Bumps

Pregnancy exercise for normal delivery

While exercises are fantastic to keep you healthy and fit throughout pregnancy, these are exercises you can engage in during pregnancy for normal delivery.

Pilates Exercises

Pilates Exercises

This workout helps with balance and flexibility. Pilates workout strengthens the portion of the abdomen known as \”transverse abdominis\” that wraps around the abdomen. During childbirth, it compresses and helps the uterus push out your baby in the final phase of labor. You will need to practice this workout postpartum once your doctor clears you, this will help you get your abs in shape

  • Sit on a yoga block, physioball or a chair in your house
  • Inhale through your nose, filling up your belly with air and allowing the muscles of your stomach to relax
  • Exhale a slow and slow breath. You can involve your mouth when exhaling.
  • Repeat this workout several times.

Hip Raises

Hip raises exercise

While your pregnancy bumps advances, the Hip Raises workout will help support it, strengthen your bum, and also help in labor.

  • Lie flat on your back with knees bent upwards. Don\’t stay in this position for long. 
  • Place your palms under your hips
  • Then gradually lift your hips till your feet is flat on the ground, and your torso is in line with your shoulders.
  • Hold this position for two seconds and lower slowly to the position you took at the beginning.

Pelvic Floor Exercise

Kegel Exercises

Pelvic floor muscles, which are located in your pelvis and go all the way to your spine at the base, are essential in your second stage of labor. Pregnancy and childbirth can easily weaken your pelvic area; A Kegel exercise is recommended, to have a more natural virginal delivery and strengthen these muscles. You can do this anywhere and anytime.

Things to note when exercising during pregnancy

  1. Before you start exercising, warm-up, and rest after.
  2. Avoid getting so exhausted from exercising. Remember that pregnancy demands energy.
  3. Try as much as possible to carry out a workout at least thirty minutes daily actively.
  4. Drink plenty of water and other healthy fluids
  5. Do not exercise immediately after eating or eat quickly after a workout.
  6. Avoid exercises that exert high air pressure.
  7. Avoid exercises that have a high risk of falling or at least carry out such activities with great caution. A fall to your abdomen is highly detrimental to the health of your baby.
  8. It is best to work with qualified or certified gym instructors who are familiar with working with pregnant women if you want to work out in a gym.
  9. Avoid heavy weightlifting.
  10. Put on comfortable and loose-fitting clothing when exercising
  11. Do not exercise in high humidity or overheated environment.

Exercises that have a risk of falling, such as horse riding, downhill skiing, ice hockey, gymnastics, and cycling, should only be done with caution. Falls carry a risk of damage to your baby.

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How to manage Kids Mental Health and Sexuality Curiosity

Parents, especially mothers, are bound to face a lot of challenges as they raise their children. A lot of kids have sexuality curiosity and mental health problems such as anxiety disorders and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as they grow up. You need to understand these issues, what to watch for, and know how to help.

This article will help you as a parent in managing your kid\’s mental health and sexual curiosity.

Sexuality curiosity in children

The sexuality curiosity of a child starts between the ages of 4-6 years. It usually includes an interest in sexuality, both their own and that of the opposite sex. He/She may ask where babies come from, and about sexual organs in reproduction. Your child may play with her genitals and show an interest in the genitals of other children as well.

Please note that these are signs of normal sexual curiosity, and punishment or chastisement are likely to foster attitudes of secrecy and shame. The below tips will help you manage the situation when faced with this kind of challenge:

Tips on managing your child sexual curiosity:

  • Create an atmosphere that encourages your child to ask questions.
  • Answers should be honest and straightforward
  • Emphasize that his /her genitals or private parts are not a toy, so should not be played with or fondled.
  • Let them know that no person, including close friends and relatives, may touch their private parts, (Exception are doctors and nurses, and their own parents during appropriate caregiving).
  • Take your child seriously and give direct answers.
  • Help your child learn what\’s socially appropriate.

Kids Mental Health:

Mental health disorders in children often start in early childhood and may develop during the teenage years. Watch out for delays or deferrals in developing age-appropriate thinking, social skills, and behaviors. There are warning signs that your child may have a mental health disorder such as frequent headaches, drastic changes in mood, personality or behavior, withdrawal from social interactions, talk about death or suicide, short temper, lack of interest, hopelessness, concentration difficulty, etc.

\”According to the Child Mind Institute, mental health disorders are the most common diseases of childhood. It is reported that out of an estimated 74.5 million children in the United States, an estimated 17.1 million have or have had a psychiatric disorder.\”

Tips to help your child\’s mental health:

  • Learn about the illness.
  • Consult and share information with their pediatrician to seek further guidance
  • Reach out to your child\’s teacher, close friends, or other caregivers to see if they\’ve noticed changes in your child\’s behavior.
  • Praise your child\’s strengths and abilities
  • Tell them the story of the day they were born.
  • Find ways to relax and have fun with your child.
  • Spend quality time with your child, have conversations and listen to what your child has to say

To help manage your child\’s sexual curiosity and mental health illness, you need to be alert and available. Your child might be scared about what the future will bring, but with encouragement and support, he will be able to overcome the conditions.

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25 Essentials for a Newborn Baby

A baby is on the way, and you are excited and anxious about all you need to take care of your baby. I imagine the hospital only gave you a hospital list during your antenatal visit, and you are looking to make your baby comfortable on coming, especially if you are a first-time mother. There are many baby gears, both essential and non-essential, but you don\’t need baby gear on the list that the seller gives to you. You should get essential things a newborn baby needs first before you purchase any other baby gear.

Essentials for a newborn

I have written below is a list of things to buy for a newborn, items required within the first month of newborn\’s arrival. 

  1. Chlorhexidine for Umbilical cord care
  2. Diapers and wipes
  3. Breast pump and feeding bottles
  4. Sleepsuit, jumpsuit, and bips
  5. Socks and caps
  6. Burb clothes and wash clothes
  7. Swaddle wraps and flannel
  8. Blanket
  9. Baby carrier
  10. Car seat
  11. Cot or sleep-in mattress
  12. Baby linens
  13. Sterilizing set
  14. Nappy cream
  15. Bath soap, shampoo oil, and lotion,
  16. Hair combs and brush
  17. Bathtub
  18. Grooming equipment
  19. Nursing bra and breast pads
  20. Cotton swab
  21. A nursing pillow
  22. Thermometer
  23. Nasal aspirator
  24. Medicine dropper
  25. Hot water flask

Let us discuss some of the lists of baby items by categories and things to buy and take to the hospital

  • Few diapers
  • Wipes and nappy cream
  • Receiving blanket
  • Hooded baby towel
  • Bath soap, washcloth, and lotion
  • A towel for the mother
  • A nightwear
  • Maternity pads
  • Breast pads
  • Feeding cup and spoon
  • Formula for mothers who have delayed lactation
  • Hot water flask
  • Bath soap and sponge for the mother

Read This: Suggestions for Newborn Baby and Toddler Clothes

Baby Feeding Gear

  • Burp cloths. You will need six or more burps clothes, whether you are breastfeeding or bottle-feeding. The burp cloths are to prevent your clothes from being soiled by the milk your baby will spill out or vomit.
  • Nursing pillow. A nursing pillow is essential for comfortable breastfeeding time. It is to support the head of your baby and give you good posture when breastfeeding your few-days-old baby
  • Nursing pads. No mother likes a cloth or bed soaked with her breastmilk, and that is what nursing or breast pads prevent from happening. You will need two to three packs.
  • Bibs. There are cotton and plastic bips available, but cotton bibs are preferable for newborn babies.
  • Breast pump. This is not a must-have for everyone, but you should know the breast pump makes everything about breastfeeding easier. You can pump into feeding bottles or storage containers and store in the freezer 
  • Sterilizing setfeeding bottles, cups, and spoon. You need 1 sterilizing set, 3 feeding bottles, 2 baby cups, and a set of spoons. Your baby\’s feeding equipment always has to be sterilized.

Baby Diapering Gear

  • Diapers. You will need at least two packs of baby diapers in the list of baby items to buy. Your baby will use 150 to 180 diapers in the first month of birth. A healthy baby is expected to soil five to six diapers daily.
  • Wipes. Water-based baby wipes with no fragrance is a preferable choice for your newborn. Wipes are fore effective cleaning of a baby\’s poop.
  • Nappy rash cream. This is a must-have to prevent babies from having rash and sores on their bum and genitals. The nappy rash cream is to be used after every diaper change.

Clothing Gear

  • Bodysuits. Also known as onesies are comfortable for your baby. Make sure to buy 100% cotton. Babies need to wear pure cotton clothes, at least, for the first year of their lives. You will need to purchase 6 to 8 bodysuits before your baby is born. You can buy more after a month when you are sure of his size
  • Sleepsuits. Sleepsuits are the bodysuits with legs and foot cover attached. The nurses or midwives are most likely going to wear a sleepsuit for your baby for his first clothing. And I would recommend wearing them sleepsuits for at least two weeks before you put on fancy clothes for them. You will need 6 to 10.
  • Socks, mittens, and caps. When your baby isn\’t in a sleepsuit, then he must be wearing cotton socks. A baby should be fully covered in their early weeks of birth. Mittens are the hand cover, and caps should cover the head.
  • Fancy clothes. You need to get some pure cotton fancy clothes for your baby\’s naming, christening, and dedication. When your baby finally starts going probably after six weeks, you might want to dress your baby up. Remember not to expose him.

Bathing Gear

  • Chlorhexidine. Before now, cotton wool dipped in alcohol, also called methylated spirit, was recommended for use, but due to increasing cases of fake methylated spirit, WHO recommends Chlorhexidine for umbilical cord care. You are to clean it every morning until the cord falls off.
  • Bath tube: You cannot bath your baby in a regular container just yet. Babies tend to be slippery when bathing or dressing them, so extra caution needs to be taken. Get the right bath tube that will not allow water to spill into their nostrils. 
  • Bath soap, washcloth and shampoo: You should get soaps that are less acidic and designed for babies. Your baby\’s skin is susceptible and can easily absorb substances into the skin. Try as much as possible to get organic products. You need 6 cotton washcloths to use with soap to clean the baby\’s body.
  • Oil and lotion: Your baby\’s hair needs oil at all times, and his skin needs to be moisturized. I will recommend the use of coconut oil for hair and skin for the first six weeks; after then, you can introduce alkaline-based lotion or organic lotions.
  • Hooded towels. This is to wrap your baby after a bath. You need 3. Wash your baby\’s towels every 3 to 5 days.
  • Cotton swabs. You need the cotton swabs to clean the umbilical cord, tongue, and the navel after the umbilical falls off.
  • Grooming equipment. Should contain scissors, nail clippers and a file to keep your baby\’s nails trimmed and clean.

Baby furniture

  • Cot or sleep-in mattress. It is your choice if you want your baby sleeping in a cot or your bed. If you want your baby close to you, then a sleep-in mattress is useful to prevent accidents from occurring. For mosquito prone areas, get a mosquito net. 
  • Wardrobe. To store the baby\’s dressings.
  • Crib mattress. If you are using a folded crib or bassinet, then a crib mattress isn\’t necessary. But it is very much needed for a crib.

Baby\’s Linens

  • 2 to 3 baby crib sheets
  • Receiving blankets or flannel. You need 3 to 6 of them to always carry your baby for the first three months. Always buy one hundred percent cotton when purchasing fabrics for your baby.

Baby Car Seat

  • You need this to carry your baby in the car. You can decide to buy the one you can use until your child is ten years or buy for every stage. There are car seats with a hood that serves the purpose of carrying the baby around too. You should put this into consideration when drafting your baby items list.

Our ultimate newborn baby essentials can help you determine what you\’ll need to purchase and prepare as you get ready for baby\’s birth, including essential items for feeding, sleeping, bathing, and clothing.

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Sleep Regression in Children: Signs, Causes, and Tips

Your child has been sleeping well since she was born, and you have been thankful that you did not have to go through the sleep problems you had with the older child. All of a sudden, your baby\’s sleep pattern then changes without warning. It is frustrating because it is crossing into the second week, and you are wondering if your baby is sick or not adequately fed. Sleep regression in children causes exhaustion because if your baby is not sleeping well, it means everyone else and most especially the mother is lacking sleep too.

What is sleep regression in children?

Sleep regression in a child is a period that usually lasts between three to six weeks in which the child experiences a setback in sleeping well, especially one who was sleeping well earlier. The child starts waking at short intervals at night, having short or no naps for no apparent or explainable reasons.

You might be looking for answers for why your infant or toddler is losing sleep. I can understand because this frequent waking up is exhausting. Though all children are not the same, sleep regression is common in children. It\’s just that every child doesn\’t suffer sleep regression at the same stage.

Sleep Regression Ages in Children

There are certain ages when children experience sleep regression.

4-months sleep regression: 

Sleep regression experienced at this age usually becomes permanent changes to their sleep patterns. Typically, at four months, your baby is sleeping longer at night or through the night, but when sleep regression sets in, she begins to have several short periods of sleep with fussiness and short naps.

Related Article: Newborn Sleep Schedule: Birth to 3 months

8-months sleep regression: 

Sleep regression at the age of 8 months is associated with the developmental milestones that occur with this age. Learning to crawl, stand, walk, building, and forming language skills are typical milestone babies of this age experience. Some are teething, and some are resting for a bit from teething. All these and all the brain and internal development going on are what would cause a sleep regression 

9-months sleep regression:

Mostly a continuation of eight months sleeps setbacks. Some children don\’t experience sleep regression until they are nine months. Your baby is okay if she hasn\’t experienced a sleep regression yet.

10-months sleep regression

Regression at ten months is a continuation of eight and nine months of sleep regression. Like most other regressions, it should pass away after six weeks, and they can return to their normal sleep and napping schedule.

11-months sleep regression:

Sleep regression at eleven months isn\’t so common but still occurs. Babies who experience sleep regression at this age skip their naps or experience short naps, generally between napping between ten to twenty minutes. I know nap time for a child is very important for a mother because that is when you get to do some things without worrying that your child is getting up to something again. But treat this phase like others because it will pass within a short period. Babies are not yet developmentally ready to give up their three naps a day at eleven months until they are almost two years.

15-months sleep regression:

Sleep regression at this stage is mostly due to developmental milestones and transitions. Your baby may be transitioning to one nap and learning to walk and speak multiple words could be interrupting her sleep. Although there is no three to six weeks duration at this stage of sleep regression, you should treat it as one. You will also start learning to schedule your child\’s sleep now to help her deal with the changes occurring to her sleep pattern.

18-months sleep regression

We expect babies to be sleeping through the night at this age. Some babies, for some reason, suffer sleep regression at eighteen months. For some, it could be because they are bringing out their molars at this time. 

Babies developing molars can be painful and uncomfortable and could be affecting their sleep. Some children decide that night time is when they want to wake, throw a tantrum, scream, and play, and you can\’t seem to settle them back to sleep.

2-years sleep regression

A 2-year-old, sleep regression can be attributed to several factors that could be disrupting his sleep. At two years, there are several transitions taking place in the life of your toddler. Potty training, a new sibling taking all the attention, moving her into her bed, separation anxiety, and possible nightmares could be causing your child\’s sleep regression. 

While you might notice that at two, your toddler stops napping altogether, and you are probably asking, \’when do toddlers stop napping?\” What is happening is likely a sleep regression. It might not be permanent. Most toddlers don\’t stop napping until they are between three to four years, but there two-year-old that give up napping completely. You should try helping your 2-year-old to nap again because a 2-year-old needs rest at least once a day and ten to twelve hours of sleep.

Tips for handling sleep regression

  1. Add more feeding. Your baby might sleep longer if she feeds better. But don\’t be too disappointed if you feed your baby more, and she wakes up thirty minutes later to feed, it will soon pass.
  2. Don\’t introduce your baby to a habit that isn\’t good for you both in the long run while trying to comfort your little one. For example, if you have weaned your child from the pacifier, don\’t let exhaustion and frustration make you return to it.
  3. You can introduce activities and games that will enable your toddler to exhaust all his energy; This can make him sleep longer.
  4. To prevent being too stressed, ask for help from persons you know would be willing to assist in taking care of your child while you rest.
  5. If you need to introduce an earlier bedtime in your baby\’s schedule, please try it. 
  6. For a toddler, sleep training her might be the way to help her begin to sleep better.
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Newborn Sleep Schedule: Birth to 3 months

You are back home with your baby, and you are happy and anxious about this new journey. Among the list of things you are probably trying to figure out is your baby\’s sleep pattern. You quickly learn that all your newborn does sleep, eat, poop, cry, and sleep.

How much do newborns sleep?

Have you been wondering, \’How much do newborns sleep?\” Newborns sleep for a total of 16 to 18 hours a day within the first two weeks. Their sleep is in small chunks, usually between two to three hours, both day and night. Because their stomach is small, they wake in between their sleep to eat and relax before settling back to sleep. Baby sleep schedule at such an early stage is not recommended. Babies don\’t know the difference between night and day in their first month of birth, and you want to allow your baby to get all the sleep they require because it is essential for their brain development and growth. 

Some parents make a mistake of trying to follow a newborn sleep schedule for their newborns. It is imperative to note that a baby between 0 to 6 weeks is too young to have a sleep schedule. In fact, at this stage, newborns are just struggling to understand the difference between day and night. You, as a parent, should take time to help your newborn clear the confusion between day and night at this stage by keeping the day full of activities and bright and then the night quiet, calm, and dark with fewer activities.

1 to 2 weeks old schedule

The first two weeks of birth are very much the same for you and your baby. It is expected that your baby sleeps soundly for two to three hours regularly, which would make a total of 16 to 18 hours sleep in a day. Your baby would wake up every two or three hours to feed, and it is vital to allow him to feed well to regain their birth weight. It is alright to wake your baby to feed if your baby hasn\’t woken up after three hours of sleep because she is most likely going to return to sleep after feeding.

Your baby would also wake up every two to three hours in the night to feed and look into your face before going back to sleep. You have to get ready to wake up several times in the night to feed, clean poop, change soaked diapers, and play with your baby. During this early stage, you should not tie your baby\’s feeding to a clock because a newborn feeding schedule will not work. Your baby feeding schedule should be based on her demand because you want to be able to meet all the nutritional requirements of your newborn. 

3 weeks old

At this stage, your baby is starting to spend longer periods awake even though your newborn will still sleep about fourteen to sixteen hours of sleep out of twenty-four hours. Your newborn\’s brain and central nervous system are maturing at a rapid rate, and he begins to start taking note of his environment. He will still wake regularly to feed, and if he is gaining weight well, you will not need to wake him up to feed. Your baby might also become fussy at this time, and it might be because he is cluster feeding


4 weeks old

Your four weeks old baby would still need fourteen to sixteen hours of sleep daily, but he will spend more hours awake. Your one-month-old baby is already aware of his surroundings and might be sleeping longer stretches at night, and that means they wake fewer times to feed. At this stage, you can begin to help your baby understand the difference between day and night to help your child sleep through the night, especially if your baby is one to sleep in the day and stay awake to play in the night. You should remember to follow a baby feeding schedule of every two hours. Consistency is key.

5 to 6 weeks old

At five to weeks old, your newborn is starting to stay awake longer for up to one hour and take four to five naps. Your baby can handle more stimulus now, and he is already beginning to learn new things, especially as you and those around him talk and sing to him. Your baby will still sleep for about thirteen to sixteen hours daily. You don\’t have any reason to worry if your baby is not staying awake longer than an hour. My daughter spent most of her first two months sleeping and, after then, became actively awake. At this time, you can settle your baby into a routine or schedule. You can help him set his bedtime, and after 6 weeks, you might want to schedule his time for feeding to every two or three hours. Consult with your pediatrician on what will be appropriate for your baby.

7 to 9 weeks

Though your baby is sleeping about fourteen to fifteen hours a day and taking short naps in between long periods of sleep during the day, your baby will be sleeping longer at night. Some babies learn to start sleeping through the night at this stage, but some babies don\’t reach this milestone until they are five to six months, and other children don\’t sleep through the night till they are about three years old. Your baby would not wake to feed often in the night because he can hold more food in his stomach now. Some babies will begin to drop some of their cluster feeding fussiness at this time, and a newborn feeding schedule might be possible.

10 to 12 weeks

Your baby is more aware of his surroundings and wants to be more involved in it. This will keep him awake longer. He will take between three to five shorter naps and three to four hours of sleep during the day but ten to eleven hours of sleep in the night. He will wake for three feeds in the night and go back to sleep again. At twelve weeks, it might become harder to stick with his sleeping and feeding schedule because your baby might want to stay awake longer. At three months, your baby is likely to start fighting his sleep because he wants to play more. You will schedule your newborn\’s feeding to be every two hours

You must learn your baby cues for sleep and feeding. During the first six weeks, you should follow your baby\’s lead, and after then you can settle into a schedule. Baby sleep or feeding cues range from

  • Rubbing their eyes
  • Yawning
  • Fussiness
  • Crying

Your newborn will need your help in settling to sleep in the first few weeks of life because most babies don\’t know how to sleep on their own.

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Pro tips to choosing a baby walker for your little one

Walking is a significant development in both babies’ and parents’ life, as it enables babies to enjoy moving around and play. A baby walker is a lifesaver because it helps you complete house chores knowing fully well your baby is occupied.

When Should Your Baby Start Using a Baby Walker?

There is no fixed age for a newborn to use baby walkers, as it mostly depends on the baby’s strength, development, and size of a baby. The Best Baby Walker is mainly designed for babies between the ages of 4-16 months. However, you need to check whether the baby can able to hold his head up nicely while he touches his feet on the floor. If he can do this, correct him with a baby walker.

Advantages of Using Baby Walker:

There are many advantages to using a walker. The benefits are given below with explanation – 

1.    Increase the Sense of Independence:

When a baby tries to start walking without any assistance, as a parent, we watch them everywhere, and the protective mentality restricts the baby’s movement and freeness. When a baby uses a baby walker, you don’t have to hang regularly with your baby, and the baby can able to move around with joy.

It helps babies to move around with ensuring safety and provide guarantees. If you love to work at home and still keep your baby safe from danger, a baby walker is an option for you.

2.    Explore New Things with Fun and Entertainment:

A baby walker is considered as a toy for your baby. The baby can enjoy the sensation of rolling around and go here and there with exploring the mind. A baby can notice many things and try to grab them when he feels attracted to it. So, always hide toxic items from their eyes as infants try to pick and eat without any attention.

Some baby walkers help your child’s learning, colors, shapes, sensation, and sounds are built into the walker that makes them more attractive and entertaining to your little one. Without any confusion, your baby’s interaction with the baby walker will help contribute to his cognitive development.

3.    Encourage to Walk:

With the hand support, your baby can move one step further to make his first step. It helps your baby to stand and assist on walking. The attempts of playing with a baby walker will aid them in making their first step.

4.    Help Balance:

In the natural process of rolling, crawling, standing, and walking will help a baby learn how to balance. A baby walker will help them to learn to balance while doing those things. When a child uses a baby walker, the walker creates balance and helps the baby not to fall while he moves forward or rolls side. Through this process, the baby learns how to balance his body with his feet.

Read Also: Guide to Choosing a Perfect Baby Carrier

Disadvantages of Using Baby Walker:

Every product comes with both pros and cons. A baby walker is no exception, so here are some of the drawbacks.

  • Hampers the crawl walk routine and reduce muscle strength that creates problem to stand or walk.
  • The usage of a walker is minimal. When a baby can walk nicely, he doesn’t need a walker so, and the use period is short.
  • A baby walker can cause injury while babies are crawling with it.
  • Babies may injure their toes and fingers because of the folded parts.
  • The rolling wheel can speed up and lead to an accident.

Precautions to Take While Using A Baby Walker:

We recommend you address some baby walker safety issues before you let your baby use the walker.

  • Ensure that your baby uses it on a flat surface only.
  • Keep the child and the walker away from staircases.
  • Always give attention while the baby is using the walker.
  • Remove all the sharp objects that can harm your baby.
  • Hide all the breakable objects from the baby.

Editor\’s Recommendations for the Best Baby Walker

Delta Children Lil’ Drive Walker

Delta Children’s Lil’ Drive Walker

The Delta Children’s Lil’ Drive Walker features realistic details and specially designed for the kids who have just learned to sit up. It is understandable that every child takes a different time to learn to walk. Here are a few features that make the Delta walker an excellent choice for children for walking practices:

  • Long Time Usability: This walker’s structure has babies who can sit up in mind. It comes with three adjustable height settings which ensure that your baby can use it for long before outgrowing it.
  • Meal Time: It comes with a removable tray that is used as a meal tray during snack time.
  • Foldability: The walker is foldable making it easy to store or travel with.
  • Good Navigation: Both front and back wheels are movable, making it easy to move such baby push walkers in any direction. Also, includes brake skids that will help prevent potential accidents.
  • Adjustable Volume Setting: Adjust the volume settings that you feel is ideal, whether it is higher or lower.
Allows for multi directional movementNot suitable for hardwood or timber flooring
Removable trayHeight adjustments settings are a bit too rigid
Race car noises and lights
Volume adjustment

Joovy Spoon Walker


This walker is designed with a baby’s first moments in mind; eating, walking and playing. It is comfortable to use on both floors and carpets, making it easy for your little one to move around. A unique baby walker that offers both a walker and a high chair at once. Once it’s feeding time, you may not have to move your baby from his/her walker to a high chair. Here are a few features that make the Joovy Spoon Walker an excellent choice for children for walking practices:

  • Removable Tray: It does not have an entertainment console, but it does have a removable tray that can be detached and cleaned.
  • Removable Seat: This walker comes with a removable seat that is machine washable.
  • Adjustable height Positions: It also comes with three adjustable height positions ensuring that your baby can still use it even as he or she grows up.
  • Easily Foldable: The Joovy Spoon Walker comes in a compact design as it can fold nearly flat. This means that it can be stored away or even transported with minimum fuss.
The seat is 100% machine washableLacks an entertainment console for your child to play with.
It is fold able, making it easy to carry and store away.Only two of the four wheels swivel.
Maximum weight it can accommodate is 25 pounds.Contains a very wide base which makes it difficult to maneuver around.
Comes with anti-skid safety pads.


Many parents think that it is safe to use a baby walker but as a responsible parent, you have to make the right choice and take care of your baby. It is, after all, a parent’s responsibility to make sure that the baby gets the right objects.

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Speech Blubs: Kids Learning and Speech Therapy App

Does your child have a speech disability, is unable to express his/her needs, or is a late talker? It is understandable as a parent to worry but not for long because we have a solution for your child. In most cases, you need therapy to help him learn how to have multi-exchange conversations and pronounce words correctly. Every parent loves to see their kids express themselves. Speech Blubs is specifically designed to help toddlers, late talkers, and children with any speech problems to improve their speech.

Although many speech therapy apps support kids through alphabets, numbers, and rhymes, Speech Blubs is one of the suitable apps to aid your kids’ learning. The upside to Speech Blubs is that it is also a language therapy app.

What is Speech Blubs?

This is a speech and language therapy app that was created with the help of pathologists and therapists. Speech Blubs application uses voice-controlled and video technology to develop words and sounds for kids two years and above.


How do you know it’s suitable for your child?

Speech Blubs has many engaging activities ranging from observing, mimicking, role-playing, and talking where your child gets a bonus video story that is designed to trigger a conversation between both of you. Speech Blubs is right for a late talker, with special needs, and also a speech therapist.

Skills to learn:

  • Communication Skills
  • Cognitive Development
  • Engagement and Usability
  • Reading
  • Over 1500+ exercises, activities, funny hats, videos, mini-games, and more.

How does Speech Blubs work?

Upon installing the app on your device, you’ll be asked to customize the app to your child’s name and answer a few language therapy questions to enable it to draw your child’s results; so that you know your child’s strong and weak points and if and where your child needs help.

Video modeling has real kids who don’t pretend to be so perfect in a way that kids can relate well. Children learn better when they see other children do what they are trying to do, and that is what Speech Blubs has incorporated. It feels like a real-life interaction between your kids and the kids on the screen. The kids on the screen are not singing like angels, thereby helping your child to know that it is ok for him or her to speak the way he or she is.

This is a variety of activities that will build your child’s vocabulary and concept of everything around him and things he or she is likely to come across; From colors to numbers, alphabets, shapes, rhymes, songs, body parts, animals, vehicles, jobs, food, and sounds. After every category, there is a popping game your child will love.

There are over 1000 bonus videos to enable your child to uncover a library of educational content, creating much fun and learning. You can also read stories to your child through these bonus videos. You don’t have to worry about how to create bonding time between you and your growing child, and you both can speak a common language without any hassle.

Speech blub is also voice-activated. What do we mean? That means that any time your child attempts to make a sound by imitating the children on the screen, a progress bar feature on the app blinks. This feature is to boost your child’s morale and encourage his enthusiasm.

How do you access all these features?

There is a free trial for some time, but this comes with limited content. To access the full features, there is a monthly and annual subscription option. You can opt out of your subscription whenever you want.

Are you alone?

You can join the community of other parents and kids on the Speechblub app and share stories and experiences. There are many parents like you and kids like yours.

Help your kids in their communications journey with Speech Blubs


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