Woman Sets Record After Giving Birth To Nine (9) Babies In A Single Birth

On the 6th of May, 2021, a young lady from Mali sets a record after giving birth to nine babies alive in a single birth. When she was still pregnant, doctors had already informed her of the number of babies she was carrying, although gave the wrong number. According to the BBC, these doctors detected only seven babies on ultrasounds.

This lady, by her name, Halima Cisse gave birth to four boys and five girls in Morroco. She was taken to Morroco by the Mali government for specialist care. According to her husband, Adjudant Kader Arby,

I’m very happy and my wife and the babies are doing well.

A team of 25 paramedics and 10 doctors assisted with the cesarean delivery. According to a medical doctor of the Ain Borja clinic in Casablanca, Youssef Alaoui,

‘The delivery was extremely rare and exceptional. The preterm babies weigh about 1-2 pounds each and will be kept in incubators for 2 or 3 months.’

This young lady pregnancy became so popular in Mali when doctors felt that she was carrying septuplets. The doctors were bothered about the babies survival and even her welfare,  so the health authorities intervened. Cisse was transferred to Morocco after a two-week stay in a Mali hospital.

Also, in the words of Alaoui;

\”Arby is still in Mali with the couple’s older daughter but says he has been in regular contact with his wife. He told BBC Afrique that he’s not worried about the babies’ health and that the family has received overwhelming support. Everybody called me! Everybody called!” he said. “The Malian authorities called expressing their joy. I thank them … even the president called me.\”

See photos below;

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How to Select the Best Hospital for Childbirth

Although you may have complete faith in the doctor you\’ve seen during your pregnancy, relying solely on her and the hospital with which she is associated may leave you disappointed at the time of delivery. This is because your doctor could be swamped with patients and won\’t be able to see you through delivery, leaving you in the care of someone you\’ve never met before. Worse, the hospital may not be able to provide you with anything you need during this critical period and the atmosphere in which you find yourself is just as crucial as the doctor.

Even if your doctor is eligible to meet you after your birth, you must note that you will be in the care of hospital personnel during your labor and recovery, and you must feel safe and secure in realizing that they will do a good job.

Things to Consider While Selecting the Maternity Hospital for Delivery

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a hospital is the efficiency of the workforce, the hospital\’s atmosphere and services, and the competence of the doctors on staff as well as those associated with the hospital. Although it is never too early to start planning for your birth, most women will wait until the pregnancy has been confirmed before looking for a doctor and hospital. While it is acceptable to change doctors mid-pregnancy, it is preferable to find the doctor you want to deliver your child, as well as the appropriate hospital and staff, from the start of your pregnancy.

Here are some things that you should consider while selecting your hospital:

  •  Hospital Success Story

Get to know the hospital; here\’s how: Visit their website to learn more about the services they provide and which doctors are associated with or work in-house at the hospital. Conduct a general internet search to find medical blogs or journals that will include a hospital ranking. Check out what other patients and clients have to say about the hospital.

  • Feedback and Reviews

This would be very beneficial in assisting you in deciding on a hospital. Speak with any women you know who have had children, whether they are relatives, friends, or coworkers. Determine whether or not they were pleased with their stay and the services offered by the workers of the hospital. If you\’re already interested in a hospital and want to learn more, you can always look for feedback from other women who have given birth there online. Community forums are also a great way to learn about other mothers\’ views and what they have to tell if you live in the same city as them.

  •  Seek the advice of your own Obstetrician/Gynaecologist

If you have a doctor with whom you are pleased and do not wish to adjust, you can always seek advice. Make a list of the hospitals where your doctor is associated.

Tell him/her what you need, and she\’ll tell you which of the hospitals will better meet your needs. Inquire about which of the hospitals has the best labor and rehabilitation care, workers.

  •  Hospital Tour

It would be beneficial for you to visit the hospitals after you have narrowed down your list. Take note of how busy and large the maternity ward is when you visit. Examine the size of the rooms and whether or not they seem to be safe and sanitary. Learn about the amenities and facilities that will be provided. Inquire about the nurses\’ and doctors\’ availability. Try to visit the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for a guide.

  • Quality of Doctors and Medical Staff

The quality of a hospital\’s medical staff is what distinguishes it as one of the best. If you have any relatives or acquaintances who have given birth at the hospital, be sure to inquire about their nurses\’ experiences. Look online for any mentions or details about the doctor. Observe how the neonatal staff treats the babies and communicate with as many of them as possible to determine comfort levels.

  • Budget

Being able to afford all of your needs is one of the most critical aspects of a hospital stay. Examine your insurance policy to see if it includes maternity coverage. Some insurance companies have a cap on how much they can pay out, and others may be associated with just a few hospitals. Obtain a list of the hospitals with which your insurance provider is associated and choose one from the list. During the tour, hospitals have comprehensive price lists, but prices can vary based on factors such as whether you want a shared or private space.

  • Proximity to Home

It\’s essential to consider the distance you\’ll have to drive to get to the hospital. Choose a hospital that is close to home, mainly if the pregnancy is high-risk. Ensure you have a path or a short route with less traffic in mind; this will help you save time and reduce birth pains during crucial times.

  •  Accommodation

When choosing a hospital, the length of stay is often a significant consideration. Check to see if you want to share a room or if you want a private room. Find out whether your husband or caregiver will be able to stay with you while you\’re in the hospital. Make sure the rooms and bathrooms are clean and sanitary.

  • Birthing Technologies and Techniques Based on the Birth Plan

Finding out what they have to give in terms of technology and birthing procedures, as well as whether or not it would work for your birth schedule, is one of the most critical aspects of how to choose a hospital for the birth.

Take note of these;

    • High-Risk Pregnancy Facility: If you fall into this category, you will require a team of experts and the proper facilities, such as access to emergency blood if needed.
    • Natural Birth Option(NBO) Facilities: Look for a hospital with a less proactive unit culture, as vaginal deliveries might not be a priority. If you want epidurals, they should be able to supply them, and if you don\’t, they should honor your decision.
    • C-Section Delivery Facility: If your pregnancy necessitates a C-Section, the required medical supplies and personnel should be on hand to manage the situation delicately.
    • Anaesthesia and Epidural Facilities: It\’s essential to have a good epidural for vaginal deliveries and an anesthetist on hand in case of a C-Section.
    • Emergency Facilities/ICU: If something goes wrong, getting a team and the appropriate resources on hand to tackle an emergency is critical. The hospital should have an ICU where sensitive cases can adequately be cared for.


With so many things to consider and investigate, it\’s best to stay ahead of the game and not leave anything to chance. What matters most is your and your baby\’s wellbeing.

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Vaginal Tears: What Your Doctor Didn\’t Tell You

Vaginal tears are one of the most common childbirth injuries women face, and it has caused so much trauma to women that most women fear experiencing it again. I have had encounters with nursing mothers and pregnant women (both new and experienced) that fear the trauma of going through frightening experiences due to childbirth injuries.

The truth is that vaginal tears would most likely be experienced by 97% of pregnant women; this is not because you cannot prevent it, but it\’s most likely because you have been doing it wrongly.

  1. Are you scared of not controlling your normal body functions as a result of perineal tears during childbirth?
  2. Do you involuntarily ease yourself as a result of vaginal tears?
  3. Have you tried all the necessary means, and you still end up with the same result?

How do I protect myself from Childbirth Injuries?

As a health specialist and writer, I want to share with you healthy, tested, and trusted solutions to prepare you for childbirth properly and to reduce the risk of vaginal tear during childbirth significantly.

I have been a health adviser for five years now and have written health articles on top health blogs, which have helped countless mothers develop physical and mental readiness for childbirth. Through my blog and pages, I have helped new moms understand the prerequisite needed for safe and injury-free delivery.

Here are some of the factors that can predispose a woman to childbirth injuries;

  • Ethnicity
  • Mother size relative to baby size
  • Mother pregnancy routines
  • Diet

The book I’m about to share with you have outlined detailed procedures to not only help you stay safe during childbirth but also to minimize the pain of delivery to the nearest minimum. The writer of this book (A professional Nurse and Midwife) have put together a series of enlightening activities that can help you prepare your body for birth and reduce the risk of vaginal tear significantly.

For more information on how to experience a safe childbirth process, free of hurts or pains, how to protect yourself from vaginal tears during childbirth, and how to ensure a healthy mum and child, Get This Book Now.

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Healthiest Ways to Deliver a Baby

Childbirth delivery options vary. Every woman\’s experience is unique, and most mothers would say childbirth is painful. It is usually short-lived, and there are methods to reduce pain effectively. Although there are many choices in childbirth and choosing the right birth method can be a daunting task. It is easy to get lost in medical jargon and be confused by the countless delivery methods available.

You need to know that there are two methods of delivery. It includes the vaginal delivery and cesarean section which consists of natural unassisted childbirth (vagina) or assisted childbirth like C- section (delivery by Cesarean surgery). It may occur at home, in the hospital, or at a birth center.

The advantages and benefits of each delivery method must be weighed alongside the mother\’s preferences to determine what is right for her. Therefore, women choose which way makes them most comfortable, suitable for their personal and medical situation.

Types of delivery methods

Natural unassisted childbirth

It usually occurs at home, in the olden days, and even till now in the hospital. It was known as the usual childbirth delivery method and option until some decades ago. Natural unassisted childbirth emphases an unrushed, supported process, minimal interference with less invasive monitoring. Women who undergo this method often attend a training class where they are put through this method to prepare them. Usually, you learn about the stages of labor, breathing, and relaxation techniques, what happens to the vagina after delivery, and how to prepare for the delivery and newborn. It includes:

  • Vaginal delivery: It is a common and natural way of childbirth delivery. It occurs through the birth canal. Vaginal delivery reduces the risk of respiratory problems, food allergies, and lactose intolerance that a baby may go through. Although, it has its own risk as the baby can undergo physical trauma while passing through the birth canal. This can lead to swelling, bruising or broken bones in some rare cases.

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Assisted births

In the event of complications, women can choose several options to help them with safe delivery. They include:

  • Vacuum extraction: It involves attaching a soft cup to the infant\’s head while still in the birth canal. A handheld pump is used to create a suction to facilitate delivery. It has a lower risk compared to C-section, but bleeding might occur.
  • Forceps delivery: it involves using curved instruments to facilitate the infant\’s progress in the birth canal. It is an option for an exhausted mother or if the baby needs to be delivered more quickly.
  • C-section: A hospital delivery method. It is a surgical procedure that involves a horizontal incision across the lower abdomen through which the infant is delivered. C-section is performed when vaginal delivery is impossible, or a problem arises. It is a straightforward process as the mother is anesthetized. Here, an incision is made through the abdomen and the uterus to reveal the baby. Delivery takes place through the incision. Most times, it is usually planned. You will be mandated to stay three days after a C-section to ensure the incision is healing.

Delivery places:

  • Homebirth: Homebirth can make soon to be mothers feel more comfortable and relaxed. It gives you more control over your labor position, environmental conditions, and the people present. Homebirth delivery is supervised by a midwife who provides coaching, necessary delivery procedures, and medical tools like oxygen, sutures, and an IV. Although it has its own risk and if complications occur, an emergency can be a long time coming.
  • Hospital birth: If you have a high-risk pregnancy, then a hospital is the safest because of the medical technologies available there.
  • Water birth: It can be done at home or in the hospital if the facilities are available. The procedure in a water birth involves spending the duration of your labor in a waste-deep pool of clean, warm water. The warm water helps to soothe and relax the body and mind as the cervix dilates. The water birth eases the mother\’s strain, and the transition for the baby is less of a shock to the system.

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Steps for a more natural labor

It includes (but not limited to):

  • Keep fit. Pregnant women who maintain their shape tend to have shorter labors. Fitness improves endurance. If you can tolerate labor, your chances of needing medical intervention are low. To know if you are fit to walk, swim, or take prenatal exercise class during pregnancy, please seek medical advice first.
  • Take a childbirth class. When you get familiar with the stages of childbirth, and you practice comfort measures before labor. You will feel less nervous, and this can make it easier for delivery.
  • Enlist good support. Asides your partner being by your side all through labor, you might need additional help as well. Discuss labor support with your doctor to ascertain the help you might need.
  • Distract yourself. Active labor lasts an average of 12 to 14 hours for first-time mothers. When contractions begin, try to stay calm so as not to allow the worry to wear you out. Look for things that relax you and put your mind on it.
  • Be open to medication. When your doctor suggests a medicine during the labor process, kindly adhere to it. It won\’t affect the child, but it will be of good use for you.

Healthy birth practices

  • Let labor begin on its own. It is healthier and safer for the mother and baby to let pregnancy labor start on its own. Please do not force it, but let it come naturally.
  • Exercise throughout labor. Simple activities like walking around and changing of positions help women cope with intense and painful contractions. Finding comfort in convenient ways helps labor progress.
  • Bring a loved one. Ask your partner, friend, or doula to come along for continuous support. Women feel better in labor when they are cared for by people they trust and know. Continuous emotional and physical assistance in pregnancy labor makes birth safer and healthier for the mother and child.
  • Avoid giving birth on the back and follow the body\’s urges to push. Upright positions like squatting, sitting or lying on the side make it easier for the baby to move through the birth canal. The baby might be wriggled through changing of positions by enlarging pelvic diameters.

Which birth method can we then say is healthiest? 

You need to know that the body system differs. What works for \”Woman A\” might not work for \”Woman B.\” You need to understand your body system and know what best suits you.

After you must have gone through this article, you must be knowledgeable about the various delivery methods. Remember, your choice of birth method is personal and vital. Therefore, take time to navigate the right one for you and the child.

Your doctor might suggest which one will be the safest at that moment. All you need do is to allow them to perform their duties at that period. They know what is best to ease your pain and land you a safe and healthy delivery.

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