Get Your Child to Start Reading Before Age One

You should not be skeptical of the fact that motherhood has become the most fulfilling task in our current world. As a matter of fact, each milestone of your kid’s development is demanding and challenging. If you are a mother, you will certainly concur with the fact that after taking the first step and speaking the first words by your kid, the next step is to enlighten him on how to read.

Research has claimed that the first years of child development are very important since it has an effect on his or her personality. That being said, children learning reading is a special comprehensive digital program designed primarily to teach your child to read even before going to school. Also, this program offers step-by-step systematic training to guardians or parents on child development.

In addition, this program intends to offer complete instructions on phonic and phonemic awareness to both parents and kids. Phonics awareness is not the same with phonemic because it concentrates on the growth of the ability of identification, hearing, and manipulation of distinctive phenomes. That being said, your kids should comprehend the sounds of the smallest part of constantly spoken words before you can read a text to them.

According to various studies, phonemic awareness is very effective especially in terms of enlightening your kid on how to decode written and printed words. It is also effective on how to manipulate the individual letter sounds and their formation.

Without going further, if you want to access the program and enable your child learning and reading abilities to be effective, simply click on the link below;

An Overview of the children learning reading program;

  • 1. Concentrates on children learning and comprehension abilities and improve his reading fluency
  • 2.Establish the fundamentals of learning and reading
  • 3. Enable children learning and reading process easy, swift, shorter, and smooth.
  • 4. Includes phonemic and phonics awareness, that is, the link between the sounds and alphabets.
  • 5.Introduction to easy and complicated advanced words
  • 6.Short and interesting stories and nursery rhymes
  • 7. Incorporates enjoyable and fun activities to learn and practice.

What are the advantages of reading this book?

  • 1. It develops phonemic and phonics awareness in every child
  • 2. It is a complete comprehensive e-book
  • 3. All the topics are concise and short
  • 4. It will be of assistance in interpreting letter sounds and demonstrating the right pronunciation in a child.
  • 5. Each topic is productive and highly  effective

A few of the Cons include;

  • 1. It involves every parent’s involvement and devoted efforts.
  • 2. You can only access the program in a digital format.

You should know that a child who is lacking phonic and phonemic awareness will find it very tough to read. This can eventually result in the child being a slow reader. The concept of either of these features is to teach your children to read by identifying the individual alphabets and sounds. These features also enable your child to read new and complicated words.

Your child shouldn\’t be left behind by their mates. If you\’re interested in getting your child to start reading before they\’re ONE, click the link below to watch video.

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Why Some Labor Periods are Longer Than Others

A special experience for women is certainly childbirth. In some situations, the labor period may be quick while in another labor period, it may take time. That being said, the length or the signs of labor depends on so many factors involved.

First of all, what is labor? Well, it is a series of intense and repeated muscle contractions. The contractions usually assist the baby in coming out from the womb. It is in your lower back area and belly that most women feel the contractions. This is often referred to as labor pains.

On average, women who are giving birth for the first time usually stay in labor for 12 to 18 hours. If you have been pregnant before and given birth to a child, it is usually quicker to conceive.

Why are some labor periods longer than others?

Well, the labor stage usually determines prolonged labor. As a matter of fact, when there is failure in progress in conceiving a child, then you are experiencing a prolonged labor. In addition, if you are unable to conceive after approximately 20 hours of constant contractions, then you are in a prolonged labor.

Besides, some experts in the field stated that you can know a longer labor period when it stays between 18 to 24 hours.

Now, what are the signs of labor that can stay for an extended period?

  • 1. When the head of your baby is too big or if the baby is too big and is unable to pass through the birth canal
  • 2. When you have a weak contractions
  • 3. When the contractions are too tiny for the baby to pass through
  • 4. When your baby in the womb is placed in an abnormal position. In other words, every baby head down in the womb should be facing your back.

What may occur if the labor stays for an extended period?

When it is the due date for a woman to give birth, certainly she will want to experience fast labor and swift delivery. But let us assume your labor is taking more time than what you expected, what you should try to do is to take comfort in knowing your nurse, doctor, or midwife. The reason is that these professionals will certainly help when there is a problem and will also closely monitor you.

As a matter of fact, these professionals may constantly check;

  • 1. The strength of your contractions
  • 2. How often you have contractions.

How can one treat labor that stays for a long period?

Let us assume you are experiencing a prolonged labor, what you should first of all consider is to rest for a while. At times, you may be given drugs to reduce the pains, since you might want to change the position of your body.

Also, assuming your baby is in the birth canal, special tools such as the vacuum device, forceps, etc may be used by the doctors or midwife to help pull out the baby through the vagina. You may also receive Pitocin, but only if your doctor feels that your contractions must be stronger. This certain drug will help to increase the speed of your contractions and also make it more powerful.

Finally, you may need a C-section if after everything mentioned above proves to be futile. You will certainly need a C-section if the baby is too big or the medicine fails to speed up delivery.

Do you want to reverse infertility and get pregnant naturally in the space of 60 days? Click the link below.

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Reverse Infertility and Get Pregnant Naturally in 60 Days

You should not feel awkward if you and your partner are unable to get pregnant. According to recent statistics, more than 2 million married couples experience infertility. Also, this recent statistics indicates that more than 6 million women between the ages of 16 to 44 have not experienced child birth.

That being said, what do you understand by the word ‘infertility? Well, it can be defined as not being able to get pregnant irrespective of the fact that you had unprotected sex and frequent sex. Now, what are the symptoms of infertility? Obviously, the main symptom of infertility is not getting pregnant but the other symptoms include; irregular or absent menstrual periods, hormonal issues such as changes in hair growth.

What are the causes of Infertility in both Male and Female?

In the Male gender;

  • Abnormal sperm production or function as a result of genetic defects, undescended testicles, health issues such as infections, gonorrhea, diabetes, Chlamydia, etc.
  • Issues with the delivery of sperm as a result of sexual issues like premature ejaculation, genetic diseases, etc.
  • Damage associated to cancer
  • Overexposure to certain environmental factors like radiation, pesticides, and other chemicals.

In the Female gender;

  • Cervical or uterine abnormalities such as polyps in the uterus, abnormalities in the opening of the cervix, shape of the uterus, etc.
  • Ovulation disorders which certainly has a negative effect on the eggs from the ovaries. This includes hormonal disorders like the polycystic ovary syndrome.
  • Fallopian blockage or tube damage which is certainly as a result of inflammation from the fallopian tube.
  • Pelvic adhesions; it is a bands of scar tissue that attaches organs after appendicitis, pelvic infection, or pelvic or abdominal surgery.
  • Endometriosis. This can occur when the uterus has a grown endometrial tissue. This certainly has a negative impact on the function of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus.

In Both Male and Female;

  • If you and your partner are not able to get pregnant and either of you is overweight, know that being overweight can have a negative impact. Being overweight can affect the chances of getting pregnant. As a matter of fact, it can result to hormonal imbalances, ovulation problems, etc.

What Are the Natural Ways to Get Pregnant

According to many scientists and doctors from different parts of the world, people with infertility can enhance fertility. Not only that, these scientists and doctors claimed that there are certain ways to improve hormonal imbalance, endometriosis, blocked fallopian tubes, polycystic ovarian syndrome (pos), and premature ovarian failure. These doctors and scientists claimed that women who possess any of the mentioned above can still get pregnant and give birth to healthy babies naturally.

Now, before we recommend this guide titled ‘The Pregnancy Miracle,’ you need to understand the state of your body as an individual. It is critical for conception to occur and as a woman, it is also important to conceive.

The guide titled ‘The Pregnancy Miracle’ is authored by Lisa Olson, a certified nutrition specialist, and a medical researcher. She created this guide to help couples who are unable to get pregnant. Lisa, on the other hand, has also experienced infertility disorders.

So, if you want to get solutions in reversing infertility and getting pregnant naturally, then you need to buy and read the book.

To access the book, simply click on this link below;

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How to help a baby choking

What can you do when you see your baby choking? Even though it is something every parent or guardian does not want to imagine, knowing the basics can be of assistance in potentially dislodging an object.

In this article, we will provide the basic methods you can help a baby choking and also list a few tips to prevent choking accidents in your home.

What are the steps you need to take assuming your baby is choking? Well, a lot of stuffs can occur quickly in emergencies. Therefore, we have made our point clear enough.

Step One: Check if your baby is actually choking

You may notice that your baby is gagging or coughing. We all know that any of them can be scary, but assuming it is just noise and they can breathe, then the baby is not choking.

Choking only occurs when a baby is not able to cry or even cough. The baby would not also be able to make any noise or breathe since their airway is fully hindered.

Step Two: Reach out to 911

The best idea you can think of when you find out that your baby is choking to reach out to a friend or family member or 911 services. Make sure you give a full explanation of the operation and give updates. It is very critical that you give vital information to the operator.

Step Three: Place your baby face down on your forearm

For support, simply use your thigh. Then, use the heel of your free hand to deliver five blows to the area between their shoulder blades. If you want these blows to be effective, then they should be strong and quick at the same time. Your baby’s airway should then experience vibrations and pressure that will hopefully force the object out.


Step Four: Place your baby over their back

Place your baby on your thigh and also place their head lower than their chest. After that, use your index and middle fingers to locate your baby’s breastbone. Use enough pressure to press the chest down. Make sure you do this at least five times. When you perform this action, then the air from the lungs will be pushed into the airway. This will also potentially force the object out.


Step Five: Repeat Step One to Step Four

Let us assume the object dialed to dislodge, simply go back and repeat the same instructions. In other words, give vital information to the 911 operator immediately your baby loses consciousness. Then, repeat the chest thrusts.

What can make Babies Choke?

It can be scary to even imagine this scenario, but it can happen. You may even be astonished that food can also result in your baby choking. That is why it is critical to introduce only age-appropriate foods, particularly purees, to your baby after they are four months old.

Foods such as hot dogs, grapes, nuts and seeds, popcorn, chunks of meat, chunks of vegetables or raw fruits, hard candies, chewing gum, peanut butter, etc can result in your baby choking. Other stuffs that can make your baby choke are as follows;

  • Dice
  • Pen caps
  • Marbles
  • Button batteries
  • Coins
  • Toys with small parts
  • Latex balloons and
  • Other tiny small household items
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6 Ways Your Baby Loves You

What makes you feel that your baby loves you? Well, this article will provide some sweet and fascinating ways a baby loves you. In other words, the parent or guardian.

According to a professor of psychology at Lehigh University, Debbie Laible, P.h.D, ‘attachment is a process.’ When you watch over your baby and also take care of your baby, the baby will certainly fall in love with you.

Below, are six ways your baby shows he loves you unconditionally;

1. He knows you are you

According to the author of the philosophical Baby and a professor of psychology at the University of California, Alison Gopnik, PHD, ‘within a few weeks, babies can recognize their caregiver and they prefer her to other people.

Also, according to the director of the Irving B. Harris Infant Studies Program at Erikson University, Linda Gilkerson, PHD, ‘ When a baby is distressed and his parents respond, he learns he can count on them for relief and comfort and that he matters.’

Linda Gilkerson also added that research has proven that caregivers are in ideal sync with their babies only about 40 percent of the time. What is even more crucial is that you (guardian or parent) will learn to recognize and respond when your baby needs you.

2. She stares at you all the time

Once a baby is born, that baby can recognize the mother’s face, smell, and voice. What should be done later is connecting those smells and sounds he trusts with something he can see. That is the basic reason he will begin to study your face as if he is attempting to memorize it. He is actually doing it in a way. He is trying to be sure he knows what love and comfort looks like. So, assuming you notice your baby is staring at you intensely, simply give him time to drink you in.

3. The baby may give you smooches

A baby of around 12 months old may begin to give you kisses. According to the director of the parenting institute at the NYU child study center, Richard Gallaher, Ph.D., ‘Evvi’s enthusiasm shows she has been paying attention to the way her mom shows affection, and she wants to do the same.’ When it comes to physical affection, babies are eager learners and there is no one they would rather practice on than Dad and Mom.

4. She will pull away from you, then run back

As you baby start crawling, you will begin to notice this. From Gopnik explanation, ‘your baby may be thinking I can crawl, let me go out there to find out what is in the world. She goes out there and feels insecure. Then, she will conclude to go back and make sure Mom is still there.’

5. The baby does what you do

Anyone that claimed that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery must have raised a baby or toddler.  Even though a baby is lugging a briefcase down the stairs or cooing over a baby doll, he is certainly displaying how cool he thinks you are. Just like matured people, babies imitate the activities and behaviors of the individuals they cherish the most.

6. They cry when your leave

Your baby tells you she doesn\’t want you to go by wailing and crying when you leave. This means that she acknowledges your absence and your absence signifies some sadness in them.

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Causes of Pregnancy Weight and How to Manage it

The weight a woman gains during pregnancy is a critical factor for the health of the baby and the woman herself. The body mass index (BMI) before pregnancy determines the amount of weight you should gain. A normal weight is classified to be a BMI of 18.5 to 24.9. Someone who is overweight is classified to have about 29.9 BMI. Someone who is also obese is classified to have more than 30 BMI.

Before we discuss about the causes of pregnancy weight, let us know talk about the risks and complications of being overweight or obese.

There are high chances that women who are obese have a high risk of complications. These complications include high blood pressure disorders like sleep apnea, preeclampsia, and gestational diabetes. They also have high chances of giving birth to kids who become overweight and obese.

You baby may also be affected negatively if you gain too much weight during pregnancy. In other words, your baby may be born larger than average and result to complications at birth or preterm birth.

That being said, your doctor should be of assistance in helping you managing your weight throughout pregnancy.

How Often Does Pregnancy Weight Gain Occur?

In the United States, one in five women possess a BMI of 30 or more while being at the early stage of their pregnancy. During the pregnancy stage, around one to five women gain more than 40 pounds.

The Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy Weight Gain

You can experience day-to-day issues if you are experiencing excess weight. This includes snoring or sleep apnea, breathlessness, increased sweating, heartburn, fatigue, and back and joint pain. If you must know, obesity can result to high cholesterol levels, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure.

The causes of Pregnancy Weight

Not exercising your body and consuming too much food are the most common factors that contribute to increased weight. A pregnant woman can also be obese if she takes certain medications like anticonvulsants, antidepressants, and hypothyroidism.

Where Does Pregnancy Weight Come from?

Adding weight during pregnancy is not bad. It\’s recommended you aim for a weight gain of around 25-35 pounds during your 40 weeks of pregnancy (if you started out pre-pregnancy at a \” normal \” BMI. Ask your prenatal practitioner for the recommended weight gain for your profile.) But not all that weight will be in the form of extra fat. ⁣

Here\’s a breakdown of where those pounds come from.⁣

What you Need to do to treat excess pregnancy weight

The best way to reduce the risk is losing weight prior to your pregnancy. You can improve your overall health and live a healthier pregnancy if you lose just 10 to 20 pounds.

Even though there are risks, you can still experience a healthy pregnancy if you possess excess weight. You can monitor your pregnancy for complications by following the regular parental care. You will need to provide good nourishment to your body and your baby by eating healthy foods.

1. Consume a Healthy Diet

While at home, you can practice some healthy habits to lose weight before becoming pregnant or to even assist manage your weight while pregnant.

You can help keep your weight in a healthy range by changing what you eat and consuming these foods consistently. To determine an individualized healthy eating plan, simply visit and discuss with a registered dietitian. Generally, extra calories are not needed in the first trimester of pregnancy. During the second trimester, women require about 340 extra calories on daily basis. When she gets to the third trimester, she will need about 450 extra calories per day.

2. Get Regular exercise

You can control your weight by having regular and moderate exercise during pregnancy. Every week, you should try to have at least two and a half hours of moderate exercise. To break it down, thirty minutes every day and five days a week. Before you start to exercise especially when you are pregnant, simply discuss with your doctor on the possible workouts you can perform. The reason is to prevent stressing the lower body.

Know your Limit

Do not take cigarettes, alcohol, or any illicit drugs when you are pregnant.

Click this link below to know the home remedies for irregular menstruation or periods;

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Home Remedies for Irregular Menstruation or Periods

If your periods come every 24 to 38 days, it is certainly regarded or even considered regular. That being said, you may be experiencing irregular menstruation if the time between periods continue to change and your periods come earlier or later.

Treatment fully depends on discovering what the result of your irregular menstruation is, but there are home remedies you can attempt to get your cycle back on track. Continue to read further to know the basic home remedies for irregular menstruation or periods.

Maintain a healthy weight

Your periods could be affected by changes in your weight. Assuming you are obese or overweight, you could regulate your menstruation or periods by losing weight. Also, you may be experiencing irregular menstruation if you are underweight. This is the main reason you need to maintain a healthy weight. If you feel that your weight has an effect on your periods, simply talk to your doctor. Your doctor may help you come up with a weight loss or gain strategy.

Exercise regularly

There are many health benefits you can gain when exercising. Exercising can even help you maintain a healthy weight and effectively treat primary dysmenorrheal. Even though there have not been enough research on how exercise can affect menstruation, it can certainly help control weight which may, in turn help to regulate your menstrual periods.

Add some cinnamon

For some menstrual issues, cinnamon appears to benefit women. A study of 2004 discovered that cinnamon helps to regulate menstrual cycles and is even considered a treatment option for women with PCOS. This study has proven that cinnamon helps to reduce menstrual pain and bleeding. It also relieves vomiting and nausea related to primary dysmenorrheal.


If you intend to treat irregular menstruation, also consider using ginger; though there has not been any scientific evidence to show it is the real deal. A recent study showed that taking ginger supplements on a daily basis may help limit the amount of blood lost during menstruation.

In other words, if you take 750 to 2,000 mg of ginger powder during the first three to four days of your menstruation, it may help to treat painful periods. Another study proved that the consumption of ginger for one week before your period may be effective.

Consume Apple Cider Vinegar

A study published in 2013 proved that consuming 0.53 oz of apple cider vinegar may re-establish ovulatory menstruation in women with PCOS. Also, consuming the apple cider vinegar may reduce blood sugar and insulin as well as your weight.

For some people, it may be difficult to consume, since it possesses a bitter taste. Assuming you intend to take it but go through a hard time, it is advisable to use a flavor to take it. You can consider using water to dilute it or even adding a tablespoon of honey to consume it.

Keep in mind that 15 grams of apple cider vinegar a day may be of assistance in regulating menstruation in women with PCOS.

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Woman Sets Record After Giving Birth To Nine (9) Babies In A Single Birth

On the 6th of May, 2021, a young lady from Mali sets a record after giving birth to nine babies alive in a single birth. When she was still pregnant, doctors had already informed her of the number of babies she was carrying, although gave the wrong number. According to the BBC, these doctors detected only seven babies on ultrasounds.

This lady, by her name, Halima Cisse gave birth to four boys and five girls in Morroco. She was taken to Morroco by the Mali government for specialist care. According to her husband, Adjudant Kader Arby,

I’m very happy and my wife and the babies are doing well.

A team of 25 paramedics and 10 doctors assisted with the cesarean delivery. According to a medical doctor of the Ain Borja clinic in Casablanca, Youssef Alaoui,

‘The delivery was extremely rare and exceptional. The preterm babies weigh about 1-2 pounds each and will be kept in incubators for 2 or 3 months.’

This young lady pregnancy became so popular in Mali when doctors felt that she was carrying septuplets. The doctors were bothered about the babies survival and even her welfare,  so the health authorities intervened. Cisse was transferred to Morocco after a two-week stay in a Mali hospital.

Also, in the words of Alaoui;

\”Arby is still in Mali with the couple’s older daughter but says he has been in regular contact with his wife. He told BBC Afrique that he’s not worried about the babies’ health and that the family has received overwhelming support. Everybody called me! Everybody called!” he said. “The Malian authorities called expressing their joy. I thank them … even the president called me.\”

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