Best Ways to Improve your Child’s Social Skills at Home

Social skills in children are the ways a child relates to others, which leads to positive interactions. Children who possess social skills know how to communicate effectively and engage their audience without any or much help. They also respect others\’ feelings, people\’s opinions, care about others\’ emotions, and never take advantage of their weaknesses.
Social skill is vital for children because it is the bedrock of relationships they will build and develop into the future. Social skills teach children emotional intelligence, prevent negative interactions. Ways by which children learn social skills are through examples, instructions from parents, peers, and adults.
List of Social skills
- Asking for help
- Politeness
- Sharing and giving without a selfish motive
- Having respect for people\’s right and property
- Making eye contact
- Ability to listen
- Conflict resolution
- Ability to properly manage negative emotions
- Respecting people\’s view
- Complimenting others
- Agreeing to disagree
- Teamwork
- Helping others
- Cooperating
How can parents build their children\’s social skills?
1. Teach your children to put others need before theirs
Research shows that when we meet other people\’s needs, we are happier and get a sense of fulfillment. If your children can overcome the selfish nature which is natural to every man and look into the needs of others and learn to serve others, they will grow to lead fulfilling lives.
2. Compliment their positive attribute than you complain
You often find yourself more ready to reprimand than compliment. Parents tend not to let any lousy behavior go but can turn a blind eye to a good attribute. Children learn how to compliment others from the way you compliment them.
Parents have to learn to elucidate the good of their children more than their wrongs so they can build confidence, and not pick up the trait of complaining. Children who are often scolded begin to see themselves as not good enough. My 3-year-old hardly pays attention to me if I shout at him or I scold him harshly. But I draw him close and speak to him in a soft tone calling him a good boy; he immediately does what I want him to do.
3. Create a healthy environment at home
Children from a happy home fair better, are happier, and are more successful in the future than children from a conflict-filled home. Create a good relationship with your spouse. A healthy marriage produces a happy and healthy individual that brings life to the people around. Children from a healthy home don\’t have to deal with an identity crisis. Children with stable emotions will handle every situation better, cooperate, and can work well with a team.
4. Do not shout or intimidate your children
Raising your voice on your children almost every time and not listening to their opinion is you teaching them to do the same. Threatening your children makes them lose confidence. Instead, you should teach them to be bold, respectful, and confident enough to make eye contact, whether with their peers or adults.
5. Teach them about resolving conflict and disagreeing respectfully.
Some of the skills children learn by being taught are conflict resolution and respecting others\’ emotions and opinions. Teach them how to handle conflicts. Let them know that winning an argument is not what makes them mature or intelligent, but winning a heart and people\’s respect and trust is what matters. Let them learn that everyone has a right to their opinions, and they should try to force theirs down people\’s throat.
6. Teach them teamwork and cooperation
Teamwork and Cooperation are about working together and helping others. There are certain things you can do that\’ll greatly improve your child\’s cooperation. Start by playing games where she will learn to take turns. Ask her to help hold the dustpan while you sweep. If you have more than one child, teach them to tell stories one after the other.
7. Teach them to compliment others
Children love receiving compliments, especially from their parents and teachers. It is your duty to train them also to encourage and praise other children. Because they learn from the things they experience; Make your praise specific and direct for example, \”Wow, I’m so impressed that you did your homework well, good job.\” Praise their new accomplishments, mastering of difficult skills. Encourage your child to clap or high-five another child for a job well done. Teaching them nice words and gestures to use as compliments will improve their social skills.
Social skills allow children to learn from their peers and adult. It helps them to be considerate of those they will meet in the future. Mastery over their environment and confidence is achieved from learning social skills.