Kids Church Outfits Ideas for Your Boy

Every weekend we all worry about what outfit to wear our kids to church. What you may decide to wear your boy ultimately depends on his wardrobe, but knowing the right combination can be a headache.

Planning what to wear to your child to church also saves us a lot of time and stress the next morning. Church outfits should be decent, nice, and classy. It is expected that you don\’t dress your kid indecently. He should simply look both decent and cute at the same time.

Do you have trouble finding stylish church outfits for your handsome boy? Let\’s look at some stylish church outfits for boys.

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Kids Church Outfits Ideas for Your Girl

Preparing kids for church can be time-wasting. We plan our kids\’ church outfits to avoid lateness and to know the right outfit to wear. Kid\’s church outfits for your girl should be modest, not too tight, or revealing in any other manner. Dressing your baby girl femininely helps to keep those roles clarified and defined.

Like every occasion, certain clothes are appropriate for church services while some are not. Whether you like it or not, girls\’ fashion is different from boys, and you need to find that perfect church outfit with decency for you girl.

Check out these amazing kid\’s church outfits ideas for your baby girl.

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Healthy Eating Habits for Breastfeeding Moms

Now thаt уоu’vе рut to bеd, it’s tіmе tо be mindful оf your еаtіng hаbіtѕ. Yоu nееd to undеrѕtаnd nutrіtіоn rulеѕ whіlе breastfeeding. Yоu nееd tо know hоw оftеn a nurѕіng mоthеr should еаt, thе bеѕt tіmе tо eat. Whаt hарреnѕ whеn you dоn’t еаt enough food, whаt not to еаt when уоu аrе nursing, еtс. Mаіntаіnіng hеаlthу еаtіng habits аѕ a nursing mоthеr wіll hеlр keep уоu and уоur baby wеll nоurіѕhеd.

It’ѕ essential to continue making hеаlthу сhоісеѕ оn thе fооdѕ, fruіtѕ, аnd vegetables you соnѕumе. We rесеіvеd a ԛuеѕtіоn frоm оur page follower аѕkіng if it’s OK to go tо bеd hungrу whіlе brеаѕtfееdіng; thіѕ аnd оthеr іѕѕuеѕ wе will tасklе furthеr in thе article. Tоdау, wе wаnt tо ѕhаrе with уоu the bеѕt fееdіng hаbіtѕ fоr a nurѕіng mоthеr, and while уоu’rе on it, check our previous аrtісlе оn 2020 Tор Healthy Fооdѕ for Prеgnаnt Wоmеn. You’ll gеt a clue аbоut thе bеѕt fооd tо consume while you’re pregnant.

How Oftеn Shоuld a Nurѕіng Mother Eаt?

Experts bеlіеvе thаt frequent fееdіngѕ wіll hеlр stimulate уоur mіlk рrоduсtіоn durіng thе fіrѕt few wееkѕ of brеаѕtfееdіng. If уоu dоn’t gеt еnоugh nourishment, уоur baby might not еіthеr. Whеn nurѕіng a уоung bаbу, іt іѕ рrеvаlеnt tо fееl hungry muсh оf thе time, аnd thаt’ѕ whу уоu should lіѕtеn tо уоur bоdу and еаt to appetite. Thе рrоblеm іѕ, breastfeeding requires even mоrе additional саlоrіеѕ, аnd a breastfeeding mоthеr, оn аvеrаgе, needs tо tаkе іn 300-500 саlоrіеѕ реr dау аbоvе whаt you ate before pregnancy.

Bеѕt Time tо Eаt Whіlе Breastfeeding?

You hаvе tо use соmmоn ѕеnѕе hеrе. Yоu feed thе bаbу аѕ іtѕ hеаlth dереndѕ оn уоu. Wоrrу about how mаnу meals a dау tо еаt once the nursing іѕ оvеr. If уоu dоn’t gіvе уоurѕеlf еnоugh саlоrіеѕ, іnсludіng date, саrbоhуdrаtеѕ, and рrоtеіnѕ, уоur body will tаkе frоm your ѕtоrеѕ tо mаkе mіlk. What’s thе best tіmе tо еаt whіlе breastfeeding? Eаt tо hungеr wіthоut rеѕtrісtіng уоurѕеlf, but at LEAST 3 tіmеѕ a day.

Whаt Hарреnѕ When Yоu Don’t Eat Enоugh?

Eаtіng wеll-bаlаnсеd nutrіеntѕ and uрріng уоur саlоrіс іntаkе aids hеаlthу brеаѕtfееdіng. The mаmmаrу glаndѕ nееd enough ѕuррlу оf саlоrіеѕ аnd nutrients tо produce mіlk regularly. Rеduсіng thе amount of fооd уоu еаt, whеthеr іntеntіоnаllу оr bу ассіdеnt, mау аffесt your breastmilk рrоduсtіоn аnd energy lеvеlѕ. So the ԛuеѕtіоn; саn еаtіng tоо lіttlе аffесt milk production whеn Breast-feeding? YES!!

Whаt Not Tо Eаt Whеn Yоu Arе Nurѕіng?

Cоmmоnlу, nursing mоthеrѕ аrе сurіоuѕ аbоut whether thеrе аrе ѕресіfіс foods they should оr should nоt eat. It is gооd to follow the rulе whісh ѕауѕ “еvеrуthіng in mоdеrаtіоn.” Your mіlk іѕ mаdе from your blood. Bе ѕurе tо avoid саffеіnе аnd alcohol as they аrе twо substances уоu nееd tо еlіmіnаtе whіlе brеаѕtfееdіng ѕіnсе thеу раѕѕ into уоur blood аnd brеаѕtmіlk

Iѕ It OK Tо Gо Tо Bеd Hungrу Whіlе Breastfeeding?

Brеаѕtfееdіng tаkеѕ a lоt оf еnеrgу, whісh burns саlоrіеѕ. Althоugh we rесеіvеd dіffеrеnt feedback as tо hоw nursing mоthеrѕ feel whеn they breastfeed wіthоut еаtіng аnd ѕоmе сlаіm they wеrе just fine while оthеrѕ felt ѕtrаngе аnd lіghthеаdеd after which is nоt a good ѕіgn. While nursing оn an еmрtу ѕtоmасh may nоt hurt уоur baby, еvеn іf іt’ѕ just a piece of fruit аnd a glass of mіlk, рut ѕоmеthіng in уоur ѕtоmасh.

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How to Control Your Child\’s Anger

Children go through many phases in life as maturity and developments creep in. Angry emotions occur as part of this developing phase, and dealing with this stage is one of our greatest challenges as parents. 

What you do in the early development stages of a child can significantly influence how they express anger as they blossom into adults. However, there is a thin line between the normal expression of anger and distressful problematic anger expression as a child.

What Causes Anger Issues in a Child?

Children display anger in different ways for a different reason. They may have distressing underlying mental health conditions such as anxiety, hyperactivity disorder, attention-deficit. Your child may be experiencing overwhelming family life or social situations, such as divorce or bullying. Find the underlying problems and address them to help them manage their feelings.

As parents, we are charged with the greatest responsibility of addressing the child\’s anger before it gets beyond our control. Here are some useful tips that could allow us to intervene when our child has emotional meltdowns like anger.

How to Manage Your Child’s Anger Issues

a] Walk the Talk: Parents are children\’s firsthand teachers and role models. Every child observes how their parents deal with anger. If parents portray a healthy expression of anger without flipping off, it would be less daunting to help our child control their anger. We cannot control our children\’s anger when we are not in control of our anger expression. Hence, it is of greatest importance to recognize we need to be the icon of controlling anger to help our child. Our children become ardent imitators of our behaviors.

b] Time Out: To control a child\’s anger, you need to break away from the situation. The timeout space could be the bedroom or any location outside of the anger location. This technique should be introduced before the anger period, adequately explaining why it has to be done properly. Help them calm their nerves until the emotions have subsided. It is important to let the child understand it is not a punishment technique but a calming procedure.

c] Communicate: Understand how they feel. When our children get angry, we need to empathize with how to feel. Clearly understanding just what made them angry will put us in the best position to handle the anger. Communicate with our children in a calm, composed manner to get the picture of why they are angry. Shouting and displaying anger during this period performs zero or no results in getting the reason for their anger. We want to emphatically listen, not with the intent of blame-shifting or faulting, but to provide useful suggestions of how best to handle the situation more positively in the future.

d] Rewards and reinforcements: Positive reinforcements increase the reoccurrence of positive behavior. Parents should provide practical ways to help their children control anger before anger situations or after any occurring anger situations. Taking deep breaths, counting from 1-10, etc. Reward your kids whenever they use this technique, either with commendations, warm hugs, or other suitable reinforcements. Rewards increase the occurrence of displaying positive ways of controlling anger till it becomes their everyday habits.

e] Guidelines: Guidelines should be given to our children on the acceptable and non-acceptable ways of expressing emotions. You should let them know that anger is part of our emotions that should be expressed. However, there are positive ways of expressing emotions without hurting themselves, their parents, and the public in general. Negative expressions like screaming, tantrums, headbanging. Smashing things should be strongly condemned by parents. Such behaviors associated with anger should be strongly unacceptable by parents when displayed.

Normal Anger vs. Anger Issues?

It\’s okay to be angry sometimes. We\’ve all experienced angry moments. And as adults, we know how it\’s difficult to manage anger. However, if you\’re noticing that your child is frequently having angry meltdowns or outbursts, has an unnecessary fuse, or quickly escalates to rage, kindly discuss the problems with a pediatrician.

Remember that parents are largely responsible for their children\’s behaviour. We want to do this with a firm yet gentle resolve by being role models and aptly grooming our children\’s personalities. If parents meet their child\’s emotional needs from babyhood, they are likely to develop a good attitude. 

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Is It Safe To Clean Your Newborn\’s Ears With Cotton Swabs?

When it comes to our Newborns, whatever purpose we have for something drops to a different level since these tenders beings are in total surrender to our care and love. Generally, cotton swabs used in the cleaning of ears to remove earwax have been viewed negatively, and several warnings are given in its usage. It is dangerous to use cotton swabs or to stick anything inside your baby\’s ear. Cleaning of ears with cotton swabs has sent many kids to the ER (Emergency Room), as these objects perforate the developing ear membrane.


Cotton Swab Dangers in Newborns Ear;

A] Ruptured eardrums; Due to their bodies\’ sensitivity and development, cotton swabs are dangerous and too toxic to the baby\’s eardrums. It could lead to ruptured eardrums and severe bleeding.

B] Ear damage; when the eardrums are ruptured, cases like permanent damage can occur to the ears of your baby, leading to loss of sound.

C] Excessive build of earwax: Instead of cleaning the earwax from the babies ears, cotton swab pushes them back, preventing them from falling off. It can lead to blockage of the eardrums, creating discomfort for the babies like itching, discharge from the ear, etc.

d]Portions of cotton swabs in the ears; in many cases, using the cotton swabs leaves some cotton particles in the baby\’s ears. At first, this may be harmless but can cause unrepaired damage to the child\’s eardrums in the future. It is completely unhealthy for particles to be left in the eardrums.

Alternative methods of Cleaning Babies Ears:

A] Use eardrops; use medically approved eardrops prescribed by a pediatrician to prevent excessive earwax.

B] Use warm facial towels; this is usually done after bathing the baby. Use the warm towel to gently and mildly clean around the ears.

C] Use ointments or baby oil; few drops of baby healthy oil and ointments into the baby\’s ear soften the ear wax and clean them out. However, this should be done with medical directives and knowledge.

First instinct as parents when we see earwax in our baby\’s ear is to use THE COTTON SWAB, but these do more damage than good to the ears of our newborns. They cause severe damage to the infants and rupture the developing eardrums, which could lead to loss of sound. Alternative mild home remedies should be used instead of cotton swabs. Please consult a pediatrician if your baby is experiencing any ear problem to avoid any further complications.

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Proofing and Safety Kits for Babies

As parents, ensuring baby safety is of paramount concern, especially when your kids are just starting to walk. When your kid starts to move from one place to another, you must make their surroundings and home safe for them.

Baby-proofing or childproofing is the process of making an environment safe and free of damages or injuries for babies. To ensure your home or environment is safe for your kids, there are some baby proofing products you can make use of. I’ll be listing these handful products below.

When to Install Baby proofing products

You need to install baby proofing products as soon as your kid begins to crawl around the house. Do not wait until your baby starts to walk. Once your baby starts to crawl, it is essential to install baby proofing and safety locks to prevent injuries.

Things to look out for before purchasing any baby proofing or safety locks
  • Adjustability: Before buying any baby proofing product, ensure that the product is easily adjustable.
  • Made of magnet: Ensure that any baby proofing product you will be buying is magnetic; that way, it will be easy for you to place them in areas where you want to put them without having to drill.
  • Easy to use: Choose a product that will be easy for you to use and install. 

1. Eco-Baby Safety Magnetic Locks


The Eco-baby safety magnetic locks are robust with adhesive tapes that can attach firmly without leaving marks—designed with extra strong magnets, making it suitable for solid wood cabinets or drawers.


  • It has a one-click function with a flip on/off, which you can use to lock and unlock the locks anytime you want.
  • The locks are easy to install and includes a plastic template for proper alignment and secure installation.

2. WonderKid Adjustable Child Safety Locks


This is an eco-friendly, child safety locks made from high quality, and non-toxic plastic material – Designed to ensure your convenience and to secure your kids from harm and injury.

  • It is adjustable and flexible, making it suitable for use on both flat surfaces and around corners.
  • The length of the strap can be adjusted from 4 – 7.5 inches.
  • The lock is easy to use, install, and remove. No drill, screws, or tools needed.

3. Regalo Baby Gate With Door


This baby gate is a safe and convenient baby proofing tool to use in safeguarding your kid around the house. This baby gate for stairs meets all criteria for protecting your kid. It is suitable for children between 6 – 24 months and also great for pets.

  • It is easy to use and set up with its pressure mount design.
  • The gate is adjustable and can accommodate door openings between 29-34 inches or 35-38.5 inches wide.
  • It is adjustable and includes a 6-inchwide extension kit, with four pressure mount spindle rods and wall cups and screws.

4. GoodStuff Cabinets Lock and Drawers Latch


This cabinet lock is made with durable adhesive materials to ensure all-day-long protection – designed to protect your kids from harm and also to prevent your pets from ransacking your kitchen.

  • It is super easy to use and to install.
  • Suitable for baby proofing all kinds’ cabinets, cupboards, and drawers in seconds.
  • It has no magnetic keys to prevent the keys from been misplaced.

5. EUDEMON Childproof Oven Door Lock


Eudemon safety locks are durable and made with heat resistant tapes to ensure that the lock won’t be roasted when using it.

  • Easy to use and install with a user-friendly installation manual. No drill or tools are needed.
  • Designed with a unique double button making it hard for babies to open but easy for adults to open and close with one hand.

6. Adoric Sliding Cabinet Locks


This is a secure, adjustable extra-long U-shaped latch with maximum lock length up to 5 inches. It allows you to adjust the lock to different configurations and handles easily. Its non-adhesive design makes it easy for you to remove the lock on the furniture conveniently. Regarded as one of the best child proof cabinet locks to protect your baby from injuries.

  • Easy to use and set up. No drills or tools needed.
  • It is suitable for all types of knobs, handles, cabinets, refrigerators, cupboards, and storage doors.

7. Skyla TV & Furniture Anchors


This can be used for freestanding furniture like bookcase, cabinets, dresser, and Tv that are prone to fall quickly. Designed to prevent injuries in kids as they tend to all always pull the chest of drawers and even try to climb the top of the furniture to get their toys.

  • It includes 10 straps, 10 long screws, 10 anchors, 10 washers, 20 short screws, and 50 tv bolts.
  • Each strap contained in it can support up to 70 kg of weight.
  • Makes use of a triple-stitched, detachable ABS belt that is made of quality products to enhance maximum protection and safety.

8. Skyla Magnetic Cabinet Locks


The Skyla Magnetic baby cabinet locks come in a variety of packs ranging from beginner, standard, and value packs and, once mounted, are completely hidden to prevent your kids or pets from removing them.

  • Universally fit for all types of cabinet, cupboard, drawers, dressers, and doors.
  • It contains 16 multi-purpose snap-proof cabinet locks, 2 keys, wet-wipes, replacement adhesive, and manufacturer lifetime guarantee and user-friendly installation guide.

9. Baitiny All-in-one Safety Kit and Cabinet Locks


The Baby Safety Kit is perfect for all your family’s needs with up to 12 packs of cabinet locks. It has a large clear corner protector that can provide more comprehensive protection.

  • Easy to use and install no-drill and tools needed.
  • Made from non-toxic materials and, therefore, safe for your baby.
  • Made of soft and robust corner guards with tight outlet lockers.

10. Roving Cove Baby Proofing Edge Protectors

The Roving Cove Baby Proofing Edge Protectors has large, powerful neodymium magnets that can penetrate 1.5 inches of solid wood to unlock your cabinet door.

  • It is flame-resistant and contains no heavy metals or latex.
  • A premium safety rail net with mesh that is made of heavy grade fabric.

11. Sikoimate Baby Proofing Cabinet Locks


The Proofing Cabinet Locks contains 43 pieces of cabinet locks for child safety including, 8 magnetic cabinet locks plus 2 keys, 16 clear corner protectors, 10 outlet plugs, 6 child safety locks, and child safety cabinet magnetic locks, all of which requires no drill.

  • It has 6 baby safety locks that are flexible and with an adjustable length strap making it suitable for both flat surfaces and around corners.
  • With 10 childproof outlet plug cover, it can be used to cover electric outlet plugs when not in use and protects your kids from exposure to electrical current.
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How To Clear A Baby’s Nose Easily

Nasal congestion or stuffy nose in babies is normally caused by the common cold. It\’s worrying when your child is unable to breathe well due to blockage inside her nostril. Babies sometimes need help to clear congestion in their nose because their airways are so tiny.

Stuffy nose becomes a more delicate issue with babies due to their fragile nature. And because they are helpless sometimes, you need to take extra precautions when handling them. Babies are very tender and prone to cold easily, which gives them a lot of discomforts. Symptoms of nasal congestion threaten the baby more as this even interferes with the infant\’s breathing process and the eating process. Is your baby having a hard time breathing due to a stuffy nose? Don\’t worry, we will show you the easiest ways to clear your baby\’s nose.

Nasal congestion is associated with;
  • Runny nose
  • Sinusitis pain
  • Swollen tissues in the nostrils
  • Headaches and, in most cases, fever
What Are the common causes of nasal congestion?
  • Sinusitis infection
  • cold and flu
Severe cases could include:
  • Chronic sinusitis
  • Allergies
  • Tumor growth in the nasal passages
  • Hay fever
  • Increased blood supply during pregnancy

As mothers dealing with this new responsibility, it could be very challenging and tedious. Shuffling with other activities and still giving undivided care, love, and attention to these tender creatures poses as one of the many great advantages and joy connected with motherhood. When these babies are in discomfort, we are restless and will do all to make the discomfort go away. However, they need us always, and we should always, with immense love and affection, cater to our delicate babies.

Home remedies for nasal congestions for babies;

 a] Bathe them with warm water;

warm water is one of the best remedies for nasal congestion. Always endeavor to check the water temperature by dipping your hands into the water to prevent burning. Warm water helps soothes the congested nostrils, subtly using facial towels to massage the chest region provides air passage through the congested nostrils.

b] Application of mild baby balm;

we want to ensure the baby balm is given by a certified health practitioner to avoid using dangerous substances on our babies. Baby balm used should be 100% natural and safe. We use these balms to gently massage the babies\’ chest region; these balms provide relief from cold and nasal congestion.

c] Warm water drink;

during this period of nasal congestion, regularly giving the baby warm drinks aids in the improvement of nasal congestion. Please, this water should be aptly checked to avoid injury to the babies. It warms up the baby inner body system, providing warmth for the baby

d] Avoiding lots of exposure;

the severe climatic hot weather may trigger us to want to expose our babies. Avoid lots of exposure as these could put their health in danger and lots of discomforts. Wear your baby the right outfit for the right weather conditions.

Nasal congestion or stuffy nose is a common problem in babies\’ growth process. Take care of and handle it with home remedies. However, if it exceeds a week, kindly do well to see a doctor quickly as this could lead to a severe health condition.

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My Husband Wouldn\’t Do Baby\’s Dishes But Have Time for His Music

Wife lashes out at her husband for not helping out with baby\’s dishes even though he has the time to record a whole album. She complains that her husband only looks after their baby for just an hour when she\’s been with the baby all day and done all chores.

According to what she told,

\”My husband has recorded an entire album but doesn\’t have time to do the baby\’s dishes.

We have a 7-month-old, and I stopped working because we felt that daycare was too risky due to the pandemic. Now my husband is the sole earner, and I\’m home with the baby all day. He typically comes home and watches the baby for an hour while I quickly get some chores done. But then he gets on Facebook or takes a nap or works on music.

Meanwhile, when I ask him to do the dishes, he only agrees on occasion—with a big sigh and some eye-rolling. I tell myself that he needs downtime because he\’s working all day. Taking care of the baby is not as stressful as working. But something nags at me that it\’s not fair. Is it fair?\”

Please drop your opinions and advice on what she could do and how to approach the situation. Thank you!!

Source: Slate

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20 Most Funny and Amazing Baby Halloween Costumes

We all want our kids to have memories of the Halloween festivities. For the past few days on our social media, we\’ve received lots of amazing baby Halloween costumes to make those everlasting first memories for your toddler. Nothing\’s cuter than a baby in those sweet snuggly bears, pumpkin or adorable kitten or puppy Halloween costumes.

Is this your baby\’s first Halloween? Why not dress them up in some funny, adorable infant costumes, take a shot and add to their album photos for lovely memories. Sometimes, you need to go beyond a basic pumpkin onesie when it comes to costume options. Here are some of the most amazing and funny baby girl and baby boy Halloween costumes that will make your heart flutter in awe.

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How to deal with postpartum depression

Women and their series of changes never cease to amaze me. I know of women with mood swings during their periods and specific body changes after childbirth. Your body and mind undergo many changes during and after pregnancy. But there is another big issue that needs to be dealt with, and that is postpartum depression. To some, it is not a strange term, but how much do you know about this topic?

There is no doubt about it that after childbirth, countless emotions can set in. You may experience anything from joy to fear or even sadness. If this feeling of sadness increases and begins to interfere with your daily life, there is a need to worry. This is because you might be experiencing postpartum depression, and the best way to diagnose this is by visiting your doctor.

Postpartum depression describes the series of complex physical, chemical, emotional, and behavioral changes in a woman after giving birth. It is a kind of major depression that has its onset within four weeks after delivery. The chemical changes involve a rapid drop in hormones after delivery.

What are the causes of postpartum depression?

The primary cause of postpartum depression is not clear, but factors like physical changes or hormonal changes, and emotional stressors may trigger its symptoms. One of the most significant physical changes after giving birth involves hormones. The female reproductive hormones, the estrogen and progesterone level increase tenfold during pregnancy. After delivery, they drop sharply. A few days after childbirth, there is a drop-down in these hormones\’ levels to what they were before pregnancy.

According to (Schiller et al., 2014), this sudden change in hormone levels may lead to depression. This is similar to hormonal changes before a woman\’s period but involves much more extreme swings in hormone levels.

Also, there may be a drop-down in the level of thyroid hormone after childbirth. The thyroid regulates how your body uses and stores energy from food. Low levels of thyroid hormones can cause symptoms of depression. Other physical factors that may contribute to postpartum depression include:

  • Tiredness after labor and delivery
  • Tiredness from lack of sleep
  • Inadequate diet
  • Overwhelmed with a new baby
  • Drug and alcohol misuse
  • Underlying medical condition

Emotional factors also cause postpartum depression if you have had a mood disorder in the past or if mood disorder runs in your family. The emotional stressors may include social isolation, financial burdens or lack of support, recent divorce, or death of a loved one or severe health problem with the child.

Symptoms of postpartum depression

  • Sleeping difficulty
  • Excessive fatigue
  • Decreased libido
  • Frequent mood changes
  • Changes in appetite
  • Thoughts of death or suicide in extreme cases

What are the ways to deal with postpartum depression?

It is a treatable psychological disorder that can be effectively managed. Do not struggle with postpartum depression alone. Find ways to deal with it and consult your doctor if the case worsens. Listed below are steps to deal with postpartum depression (but not limited to):

  • Exercise when you can. An Australian researcher explains that exercise may have an antidepressant effect for women with postpartum depression. This can be done by walking with the baby in a stroller for a walk and breathing fresh air. Walking has proven to be a significant way of easing depression. Also, some minutes of work out during the day can be of help.
  • Maintain a healthy diet. Feeding on nutritious foods can help you feel better and provide the body with the necessary nutrients. However, healthy eating alone won\’t cure postpartum depression. Also, consuming a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids present in oily fish like salmon during pregnancy can minimize the risk of postpartum depression.
  • Create time for yourself to rest. You don\’t necessarily have to sleep until the baby is asleep. Both your body and your spirit need a good night\’s sleep. You can have someone care for the baby after you might have fed him. Find time to sleep when your baby is satisfied with food. It is reported that women who got the least sleep experienced the most depressive symptoms. Endeavor to always reach out for help when you have plenty of house chores to attend to. You can allow your partner, mother-in-law, or a trusted partner babysit for you while you will have time for other things like going on a walk, taking a nap, going to a movie, etc.
  • Resist isolation. Always be around people you can talk to about your feelings, which can help in mood shifts. New mothers should try to speak to experienced mothers on things that are not too clear to them. Try to reach out to them for support.
  • Try psychotherapy and medication. This can be tried after other processes do not work. Your doctor may then recommend psychotherapy, which is called therapy talk or mental health counseling. It can help you discuss your concern and feelings, set manageable goals, and learn to respond positively to the situation. Also, if your depression is severe or other treatment does not improve your symptoms, antidepressants may be recommended.
  • Communicate. If you are an introvert, you may be tempted to always keep your feelings to yourself. It is usually helpful to talk things over with a trusted person. You may find out that you are not alone and that others are ready to listen to you.
  • Cut back on chores. You can always enlist family or friends\’ help if you are not up to chores and errands. Do not force yourself to do all these; just let them go. Utilize the energy you have to take care of you and the baby.
  • Skin-to-skin contact. It relaxes both you and your baby and also enhances the bond between you. Whether you breastfeed or bottle-feed, try doing so while their bare skin is against your own. The other benefits of skin-to-skin contact include prolonged sleep period and alertness, less cold stress, better brain development, improved weight gain, and decreased crying.
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