Why Some Labor Periods are Longer Than Others

A special experience for women is certainly childbirth. In some situations, the labor period may be quick while in another labor period, it may take time. That being said, the length or the signs of labor depends on so many factors involved.
First of all, what is labor? Well, it is a series of intense and repeated muscle contractions. The contractions usually assist the baby in coming out from the womb. It is in your lower back area and belly that most women feel the contractions. This is often referred to as labor pains.
On average, women who are giving birth for the first time usually stay in labor for 12 to 18 hours. If you have been pregnant before and given birth to a child, it is usually quicker to conceive.
Why are some labor periods longer than others?
Well, the labor stage usually determines prolonged labor. As a matter of fact, when there is failure in progress in conceiving a child, then you are experiencing a prolonged labor. In addition, if you are unable to conceive after approximately 20 hours of constant contractions, then you are in a prolonged labor.
Besides, some experts in the field stated that you can know a longer labor period when it stays between 18 to 24 hours.
Now, what are the signs of labor that can stay for an extended period?
- 1. When the head of your baby is too big or if the baby is too big and is unable to pass through the birth canal
- 2. When you have a weak contractions
- 3. When the contractions are too tiny for the baby to pass through
- 4. When your baby in the womb is placed in an abnormal position. In other words, every baby head down in the womb should be facing your back.
What may occur if the labor stays for an extended period?
When it is the due date for a woman to give birth, certainly she will want to experience fast labor and swift delivery. But let us assume your labor is taking more time than what you expected, what you should try to do is to take comfort in knowing your nurse, doctor, or midwife. The reason is that these professionals will certainly help when there is a problem and will also closely monitor you.
As a matter of fact, these professionals may constantly check;
- 1. The strength of your contractions
- 2. How often you have contractions.
How can one treat labor that stays for a long period?
Let us assume you are experiencing a prolonged labor, what you should first of all consider is to rest for a while. At times, you may be given drugs to reduce the pains, since you might want to change the position of your body.
Also, assuming your baby is in the birth canal, special tools such as the vacuum device, forceps, etc may be used by the doctors or midwife to help pull out the baby through the vagina. You may also receive Pitocin, but only if your doctor feels that your contractions must be stronger. This certain drug will help to increase the speed of your contractions and also make it more powerful.
Finally, you may need a C-section if after everything mentioned above proves to be futile. You will certainly need a C-section if the baby is too big or the medicine fails to speed up delivery.
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