How to Bathe Your Newborn

Not only is bathing your newborn an integral part of general hygiene, but it is also essential in terms of calming the muscles and joints of the baby\’s body. It\’s something you should add to your baby\’s routine shortly after your baby is born. 

Although, baby health specialists suggest postponing the first bath for a baby till they are a few days old. That\’s because your baby is coated with a waxy protective skin covering (known as vernix) after birth that shields your baby from environmental germs……more like your \”baby\’s amour,\” cool, right??

If you gave birth to your baby in the hospital, after your baby is born, hospital nurses could clean up the amniotic fluid and blood. But if you choose, you\’ll have the choice of asking them to leave excess vernix. But once you take your baby home, after spending the appropriate time to heal at the hospital, you must sponge bath your baby. Contrary to popular opinion, bathing for a newborn baby is very simple; though it requires extreme caution, it\’s straightforward and direct. 

You should clean the area around their head, body, and diaper. This is the best baby bath practice just before the umbilical cord comes off. For a better knowledge on how to bath newborns and a  better understanding of bath time, let\’s proceed; 

Preparing for your first baby bath; 

For the first few weeks of life, your baby should be adequately bathed to ensure optimum hygiene and improve your baby\’s health. Bathing your baby properly also aids the umbilical cord\’s healing process and helps with the circumcision site (in the case of circumcised baby boys). 

In most cases, a sponge bath is recommended for better wash up for your baby, as it is more effective in cleaning your baby\’s body. A sponge bath is also recommended if you want to wash one part or all of your baby\’s body without having them soaked wet.  Ensure you have all the baby bath items you need within easy reach before giving your baby a sponge bath. To keep your baby cozy, you will also want to warm up the room. Some of the baby bath items you should stay close by are; 

  • Blanket or a Towel (for padding hard surfaces)
  • A bowl of warm, not hot, water
  • Washcloth
  • Mild baby bath soap
  • Mild baby bath sponge
  • Clean diaper
  • Baby towel

How to bath your newborn baby 

  • After getting the necessary baby bathing items ready, follow the below-highlighted steps on how to bath your newborn baby; 
  • Choose a warm room, around 23.8 ° C (75 ° F) for the bath, take away clothes and diapers from your baby, and wrap them in a towel. 
  • Place your child on a flat surface, like a floor, a changing table, a counter next to a sink, or a bed. Using a safety strap or hold them with one hand at all times to make sure they do not fall if your baby is off the ground. 
  • To reveal only the region of the body you\’re cleaning, unwrap the towel one section at a time. Begin with the face and the top of your baby\’s head: dip the clean cloth in the warm water first. 
  • To avoid getting soap in the eyes or mouth of your infant, use only warm water without soap for this phase. Wipe the outer ears, chin, neck folds, and eyes along the top of the head and around them. 
  • In the warm bath, apply a drop or two of soap. Dip the washcloth in and squeeze it out of the soapy water. 
  • Clean the rest of the body and diaper region with soapy water. You will want to thoroughly clean under the arms and around the genital area. Unless otherwise instructed by your baby\’s doctor, stop washing the penis to keep the wound dry if your baby has been circumcised. 
  • Dry your kid off, including drying between the folds of the skin. Put on a clean diaper for your baby. To keep your head warm when they are drying off, you can use a towel with a built-in cover. 
  • If you have a baby boy who has been circumcised, closely follow the doctor\’s instructions to keep the area clean or dry until the area has healed. It usually takes about a week for this to be healed. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

How do I bath my baby in a bathtub? 

Once the umbilical cord comes off, and the circumcision spot heals completely, the bathtub bath is an effective means of keeping your baby hygienic and clean. The steps below can help serve as directions; 

  • With a small amount of water, fill the tub. Usually, 2 to 3 centimeters of water from the bottom of the tub is enough. Depending on the model you have, some tubs can be put in the sink or standard bathtub. 
  • Place your baby right in the water after undressing your baby so he/she doesn\’t get cold, using one hand to hold your baby\’s head and the other to bring their feet into the tub first. They should have their head and neck well above water at all times for protection. 
  • To keep them warm in the pool, you can splash or spill warm water over your baby gently. 
  • To cleanse their face and hair, use a washcloth and shampoo their scalp one to two days a week. 
  • Using warm water or a wet washcloth, wash the rest of the body from the top down. 
  • Lift your baby out gently and wipe it dry with a towel. Make sure to dry the creases in their skin as well. 

Remember never to leave your baby, even for one second, unattended in a tub. They can easily drown, regardless of the quantity of water.  

Do you need soap to bath your baby? 

When bathing your newborn, you can use gentle baby soap or baby wash. Don\’t use the regular soaps as they can be too harsh for your baby\’s delicate skin. The skin of your newborn doesn\’t need moisturizer either. 

How often should I bathe my newborn baby?

Whether you’re bathing your first baby or your last, you’re bound to have some newborn bathing concerns, the most pressing of which is how to keep your baby clean and how often you should bathe your baby. Although it has long been recommended that the baby be bathed as soon as possible after birth, newer research indicates that delaying the first bath may be beneficial.

What is the ideal water temperature for a baby bath? 

The temperature of the water for bathing your baby should be warm, never hot; about 98.6° F (between 37 ° C and 38 ° C) is the optimal temperature. To track the temperature, you can use a bath thermometer or check the water with your wrist or elbow to ensure it\’s warm and not hot.

Also, check the tub or baby bath on different sides to ensure no hot spots. Turn on the cold water first and then the hot water to fill it, whether you use a tub or basin. You should also change the water heater if you live in a house to ensure it does not go over 120 ° F (48.8 ° C), which can badly scald the skin of your infant. When you live in an apartment complex or condo, you probably can\’t change the water heater. 


Never at any point in time leave your baby unattended during bath. If your baby cries out or seems uncomfortable, ensure the room is warm at the right temperature and also check if the water is not hot. Be careful with bubble baths as too much can dry up the baby\’s skin. Bath toys can also help make your baby bath time fun; remember to include them in your list of baby bath items. 

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Ways to Remove Lice from Your Child’s Hair

Before now, when people hear lice, they quickly imagine, \”how dirty can you?\”. But now it is known that having lice infestation doesn\’t mean you are dirty. And if you find lice on your child\’s hair, don\’t think you are not a good enough mother. The lifecycle and lice infestation pattern ease the transfer from an infected host to a new host quickly.

When you begin treating lice on a child\’s hair, check the other siblings\’ scalp and hair to make sure it hasn\’t spread. It is best if you take care of all the children\’s hair and even your hair as the mother because of how it spreads, which we will discuss below.


Use of shampoo and conditioner
  1. Get nits comb or fine-toothed comb, delousing shampoo or ordinary shampoo and conditioner.
  2. Wash the hair with shampoo and rinse off with clean water.
  3. Apply hair conditioner to the shampooed hair and allow hair stand for 10 to 20 minutes.
  4. Use the nits comb to comb out the hair gently but thoroughly. For every comb out, rinse out the comb to prevent returning any comb louse and nits.
  5. Rinse out the hair with warm water.
  6. Gently towel dry the hair.
  7. Apply coconut oil or any hair growth oil you have. Oil immobilizes any louse left in the hair and prevents them from biting your scalp. And consistently keep your child\’s hair laced with oil to immobilize the lice
  8. After every 3 days, repeat steps 1 to 7 for 10 to 14 days.

This process is suitable for a child of any age and will prevent any damage from chemicals, especially in babies less than two years of age

Use of heat
  • Get a hand dryer, hair straightener, or hairdryer ready.
  • After shampooing and conditioning the hair, apply hair heat serum and coconut oil to the hair. The hair heat serum protects the hair from the effect of the heating element on the hair, and coconut oil fix the lice in one place.
  • Take your plugged-in blow drier close to the scalp and comb out the hair with nits or fine-toothed comb, gently and repeatedly.
  • Or work the hair straightener from the hair\’s root up and comb out with the nits\’ comb to take out the dead lice and the nits(eggs).
  • Wash the beddings and clothes that were used before treatmentRepeat these steps three times every three days.

Heat dries out and kills the lice and sometimes the nits. The comb and oil make the removal of the nits easier from the hair.   Because the nits can be challenging work, no process of lice removal is one-off. Repeated processes are to take care of nits that might have hatched after the last time you worked on your hair to prevent them from breeding and multiplying. The aim is to eliminate them.

Understanding the life cycle of lice

Lice are tiny black or brown insects that only thrives on human hair and scalp and cannot survive outside the scalp for long; they die within 48 hours after they fall off. They grow and multiply by sucking blood from the scalp. Because louse does not fly, it can only crawl. Lice infestation only occurs when there is head-to-head contact with an infected carrier.  

The louse begins as a nit (egg), a whitish-yellow speck that could be mistaken for flakes of dandruff. The nit attaches itself firmly to the hair strand very close to the scalp so that it cannot easily be removed. It hatches into the young louse called lymph in seven to ten days, which then matures into an adult louse in nine to twelve days. The adult louse is not usually bigger than 2 millimeters. The adult louse lives up to three to four weeks on the hair, and in that space of time, it would have produced thousands of eggs.  

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50 Matching Twin Girl and Boy Names

If you’re expecting twins, you know your life is about to be filled with everything coming in pairs. Two bassinets, two cribs, two wardrobes, and of course, two beautiful baby names! You may want to choose your twin baby names by style—modern or traditional—or by letter, or even those with a historical or pop culture origin.
So we’ve rounded up our favorites below that cover all of the bases!

  1. Nicholas and Noah
  2. Jacob and Justin
  3. Peter and Paul
  4. Noah and Adam
  5. George and Oliver
  6. Sebastian and Samuel
  7. Benjamin and Nathaniel
  8. Mark and Luke
  9. Vanessa and Violet
  10. Beatrice and Bridget
  11. Isaac and Isaiah
  12. Scarlett and Stella
  13. James and John
  14. Thomas and Henry
  15. Anna and Nora
  16. Alice and Claire
  17. Noah and Henry
  18. Daniel and Michael
  19. Samuel and George
  20. Ava and Anna
  21. Charlotte and Chloe
  22. Jacob and James
  23. Max and Alex
  24. Zara and Nicole
  25. Elijah and Ezra
  26. Kyle and Kevin
  27. Allison and Madison
  28. Hannah and Sarah
  29. Carolin and Josefin
  30. Emily and Emma
  31. Nora and Cleo
  32. Stella and Savannah
  33. Ava and Ella
  34. Alice and Margaret
  35. Jacob and Joshua
  36. Elisha and Elizabeth
  37. Grace and Praise
  38. Luke and Levi
  39. Anabel and Isabel
  40. David and Daniel
  41. Morgan and Meredith
  42. Matthew and Michael
  43. Loretta and Barbara
  44. Nora and Scarlett
  45. Elsa and Ellen
  46. Julianna and Paulina
  47. Amelia and Annabelle
  48. Laura and Layla
  49. John and Jonathan
  50. Robert and Benson

See Also: 50 Biblical Baby Names for Girls

Picking names that your kids will be stuck with for the rest of their life comes with a lot of pressure — and when you realize you’re expecting twins and have to decide on two names that complement each other, things become even twice as hard. We know you’ve already got a lot on your plate right now, and that is why we’ve done our best to make the name-picking process very easy for you.

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Hair Care Tips for Your Baby

How do you feel when you see so much hair like a black forest on a newborn’s hair? For me, it made me feel super proud of myself to see my babies with such beautiful dark hair, but I didn’t have an idea about caring for my baby’s hair. For babies, hair is more than aesthetics. The hair on a baby’s hair also serves as a covering for the scalp. Not every baby is born with full hair on the scalp. Some are born almost bald with only a little amount of hair on their head. Genetics and exposure to hormones are responsible for the texture and amount of hair your baby is born with.

Whether the hair is full or scanty, there are ways to help take care of and maintain your baby’s hair.

How to care for your baby’s hair
  1. Get a suitable shampoo and conditioner made for babies to wash your baby’s hair regularly. You should get organic products to prevent rashes from an adverse reaction.
  2. Whether your baby has full curly hair or scanty straight hair, shampoo the hair.
  3. Gently dry your baby’s hair with a soft towel
  4. Apply coconut oil, shea butter, or baby oil to the scalp and massage it.
  5. As your baby grows older, you can apply hair growth oil, leave-in conditioner, and other healthy hair products.
  6. Gently comb or brush the hair.
When to use a comb and when to use a brush
  1. Use a fine-toothed brush for a baby with scanty or almost bald hair. This can have a soothing feeling on the scalp.
  2.  Babies with full or plenty of hair needs comb for their hair.
  3. Only comb or brush the hair after oiling.
What should you not do to your baby’s hair?
  1. Your baby’s shampoo and hair conditioner should not contain sulfate because sulfate in shampoos and hair conditioners dry out the scalp.
  2. Do not use olive oil to moisturize your little one’s hair. It can lead to cradle cap and flaking. I had to learn this from my son. After he developed cradle, which I did not know what it was at the time, I went researching, and one of the implicated items was the use of olive oil on the hair.
  3. Don’t just pick any comb and use it on your baby’s hair. Understand the hair texture and find the right comb, so that combing hair time does not become a miserable time.
  4. There are several hair treatments in the market; understudy them before using them on your baby.
  5. Do not use adult hair products for your baby. Your baby absorbs substances on any part of the skin into the liver. The substances in adult products are usually too strong for the baby’s liver and kidney to handle.
  6. If cradle cap is present on your baby’s hair, do not disturb the scalp by excessive combing. Because cradle cap is nothing to worry about.

Taking care of your baby’s hair shouldn\’t be so much of a hassle. With the right hair products, your baby’s hair will grow fine. Remember to always keep the hair moisturized.

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50 Cute Names Starting with ‘N’ (boy and girl)

Are you a new parent, or you already have children? Either way, you will agree that choosing a name for your baby is challenging.

You got a wide range of names to choose from. At the same time, you are looking for a name that has a proper meaning, decent, particularly with the letter \”N,\” and your child will not grow to dislike it. Here is a list of cute names beginning with \”N\” that you can choose from.

  1. Natasha
  2. Nina
  3. Nancy
  4. Nicole
  5. Naomi
  6. Nora
  7. Naomi
  8. Nelly
  9. Nadia
  10. Nikki
  11. Nubia
  12. Noelle
  13. Nadine
  14. Natalia
  15. Nowell
  16. Nylah
  17. Natalya
  18. Ndidi
  19. Naya
  20. Nimma
  21. Nana
  22. Neville
  23. Neo
  24. Nathaniel
  25. Noah
  26. Nicolas
  27. Nelson
  28. Nero
  29. Nat
  30. Nene
  31. Neera
  32. Nalla
  33. Nate
  34. Noura
  35. Nico
  36. Nehemiah
  37. Nigel
  38. Noel
  39. Nica
  40. Ned
  41. North
  42. Nathan
  43. Nash
  44. Norbert
  45. Noble
  46. Nate
  47. Nixon
  48. Newton
  49. Nile
  50. Nick

So these are just a few beautiful names on the list of N for your babies. These names are beautiful and rich in meaning and grandeur as they give our cuties the specialty and uniqueness they deserve.

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Cute Baby Boy Names from Bible with Meanings

The Bible is a very important inspiration for parents when looking for names for their babies. The Bible is rich with vibrant stories, and within those stories are a host of people with strong, beautiful, and humble names.

If you’re in search of a Biblical name for your baby boy, there is certainly a wide variety of great choices! Here are some cute biblical names and their meanings.

1. Abraham – It means the ‘Father of the multitude’.

2. Amos – It means ‘One who bears the burden’.

3. Andrew – It means ‘A strong man’, and is one of the most popular Christian boy names.

4. Christian – It means ‘Follower of Christ’

5. Eli – It means ‘Lifting up’.

6. Emmanuel – It means ‘God with us.’

7. Gabriel – It means ‘God is my strength’.

8. Ishmael – It means ‘God that hears’.

9. Adam – It means ‘Taken out of the red earth’.

10. Daniel – This means ‘Judgement of God’.

11. Jeremiah – It means ‘Exaltation of the Lord’.

12. Benjamin – This name means ‘Son of the right hand’.

13. Caleb – It means ‘Devotion of the faithful’.

14. Nathanael – It means ‘The gift of God’.

15. Philip – It means ‘Warlike’, or ‘Lover of horses’.

16. Timothy – It means ‘Valued of God’.

17. David – It means ‘Beloved’.

18. Elijah – It means ‘My God is Yahweh’.

19. Ezekiel – It means ‘God is strong’ or ‘The man God strengthens’.

20. Gideon – It means ‘He that bruises’, or ‘Great warrior’.

21. Felix – It means ‘Happy’ or ‘Prosperous’.

22. Isaiah – It means ‘Salvation of the Lord’.

23. Aaron – It means ‘Mountain of strength’.

24. Alexander – It means ‘Defender of men,’ or ‘One who assists men’.

25. John – It means ‘Mercy of the Lord’

26. Joseph – Which means ‘Increase’, or ‘Addition’

27. Jude – This means ‘Confession’, or ‘Praise of the Lord’.

28. Isaac – It means ‘Laughter’.

29. Jacob – It means ‘He who supplants’ or ‘He who follows after.’

30. Japheth – It means ‘Beauty’, ‘Let him enlarge’, or ‘He that persuades’.

31. Levi – It means ‘Associated with him’.

32. Marcus – It means ‘Polite’ or ‘Shining’.

33. Matthew – It means ’a Reward’.

34. Stephen – This means ‘Crowned’.

35. Jason – It means ‘Healing’ or ‘He that cures’.

36. Jesse – It means ‘Jehovah exists’ or ‘Firm’.

37. Joel – It means ‘Jehovah is God’, or ‘The Lord is God’.

38. Jonathan – It means ‘Jehovah has given’ or ‘The Lord gave’.

39. Solomon – It means ‘Peace’.

40. Simon – It means ‘Hears and obeys’ or ‘Hearing with acceptance’.

41. Seth – It means ‘Compensation’, ‘Appointed’ or ‘Substituted’.

42. Peter – It means ‘Rock’ or ‘Stone’.

43. Omar – It means ‘Mountaineer’, ‘Eloquent’ or ‘He that speaks’.

44. Moses – It means ‘Drawn forth’, ‘Taken out of the water’ or ‘A son’.

45. Michael – It means ‘One who is like God’.

46. Joshua – It means ‘Jehovah is salvation’

47. Timon – It means ‘Honorable’ or ‘Worthy’.

48. Zuriel – It means ‘God is a rock’.

49. Zemirah – It means ‘A melody’ or ‘A song’.

50. Zion – This means ‘The pure in heart.’

Whatever name you choose, think of what traits you would like your son to carry with him for the rest of his life. These names carry with them a sense of honesty and virtue. They will provide your son with a positive start and a connection with his parents’ faith, irrespective of where life takes him.

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50 Biblical Baby Names for Girls

Naming a child is an exciting and often stressful time for soon-to-be-parents. A name is a source of pride for both the child and her parents, so it should feel really special–because it is. While some people choose names that come from areas like history, travels, hometowns, books, most people chose a name because their Christian faith inspires them.

Here are a few beautiful names from the Bible that we think Mama and Baby Girl will love forever and ever.

1. Eve

2. Grace

3. Esther

4. Elizabeth

5. Mary

6. Martha

7. Abigail

8. Sarah

9. Bethany

10. Chloe

11. Deborah

12. Diana

13. Rachel

14. Myra

15. Joanna

16. Naomi

17. Julia

18. Eunice

19. Rebecca

20. Hannah

21. Anna

22. Priscilla

23. Adah

24. Lydia

25. Delight

26. Gabriella

27. Hope

28. Mercy

29. Myra

30. Oprah

31. Phoebe

32. Ruby

33. Rose

34. Faith

35. Bridget

36. Daniela

37. Helena

38. Leah

39. Olivia

40. Bethel

41. Sophia

42. Monica

43. Susanna

44. Candace

45. Claudia

46. Sharon

47. Micah

48. Edna

49. Beth

50. Celia

Expectant parents are fond of looking just about anywhere for baby name inspiration, but whether the parents are religious or not, a great place to seek inspiration for your girl\’s name is the Bible.

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50 Short Prayers to Teach Your Child

Teaching your children to pray is an important part of introducing them to Jesus Christ and helping them build a strong relationship with God. Our Lord gave us prayer so we can communicate with him directly. Getting your children comfortable with prayer helps them to understand that God is always close and accessible, and always there for them.

Here are Short Prayers to Teach Your Child;

1. Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:  Amen.

2. Dear God, thank you for loving me. Help me to love my family, my friends, and everybody around me.

3. Dear God, thank you for making me smile. Help my smiles to give joy to other people around me.

4. Dear God, thank you for being patient with me as I learn to obey You. Please help me to always be patient when things do not happen the way I want them to.

5. Dear God, help me know when I’m wrong and help me be kind to people who do not agree with me.

6. Dear God, thank you for being kind to me, even when I do not deserve it. Please help me to be kind to others, even when they are not kind to me

7. Dear God, thank you for Jesus, who always did the right things for people. Make me good like Jesus so I can be good and also do the right things for people.

8. Dear God, thank you for always keeping your promises to me. Help me to always keep my promises.

9. Dear God, thank you for always being gentle with me. Help me to be gentle with people, even when the things they do or say hurt me.

10. Dear God, be in my head and understanding, be in my eyes and sight, be in my mouth, control what I speak, and be in my heart and thinking.

11. Dear God, bless my tongue and help me to be careful about what I say. Don’t let me want to do evil or join others in doing evil.

12. Thank you, Lord, for a new day. Thank you for the breeze, food, sun, for your work and play.

13. Three things I pray for day by day

      1. To see you more clearly

      2. To love you more dearly

      3. To follow you more closely day by day

14. Dear God, teach me all that I should know so that I can grow in grace and wisdom. The more I learn to do thy will, the better I grow to love thee.

15. Lord, help me have a loving heart, a gentle hand, willing feet so I may grow more like you in all that I say and do, Amen.

16. We thank you, God, for the shelter around us, for the food before us, for the loving family around us, and love between us, Amen.

17. Dear God, be with us today. Fill our hearts with joy, our minds with learning, our classrooms with peace, our lessons with fun, our friendship with kindness, and our school with love.

18. Dear God in heaven, hear my prayers. Keep me in your loving, bless those who love me too, and be my guide in all that I do. Amen

19. Dear Lord, hold my hand, and lead the way, help me to be good to people every day. Let me know what is wrong and what is right. Let me know what you have planned, and keep me safe day and night.

20. Dear God, Please help me to honor and respect my parents, as your word said we should honor thy father and mother.

21.  Dear God, Please help me to love and respect my friends. Help me to always love as Jesus did.

22. Dear God, Please help me be grateful for the things I have and the things I don’t have.

23. He wakes me up; He makes me sleep. Provides for me the food I eat. When I cry, I call on him, Because I know with him I win. Even though the hardest day, I trust in him in every way. He’s the One who sees me through, Jesus lives, I know it’s true. With loving-kindness, he smiles at me. Because he died, I am free. Lord, for all, I thank you so, I know you’ll never let me go

24. Lord, thank you for a new day. Please go before me and clear the way. Thank you for guiding me. Thank you for loving me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

25. Good morning, dear Jesus, I give you this day, please, be with me in all I see and all that I do today.

26. Dear God, help me be the best I can be on this brand new day you have given to me.

27. Angel of God, my guardian, to whom God’s love ensures my love. Ever this day is at my side, to light, to guard, to guide, and to rule, Amen.

28. Now, as I lay down to sleep, I pray to the Lord to keep me safe. Let thy love go with me throughout the night and wake me with the morning light.

29. Dear God, please keep my family, friends, and loved ones safe. Please watch over them always, and let good health, happiness, and blessings befall them. Amen!

30. Dear God, help me spend today with a smile on my face, with love in my heart, joy in his grace, and my thinking cap on throughout the day. Amen

31. Dear God, as I lay in my bed to rest my little head, if I wake in the night, kiss my cheek, and I will be alright. Bless my family and the ones I love. Watch us from above. Amen

32. Dear Lord, thank you so much for my home and for my entire family. Thank you for the love you give to each of us to share it with others and help us live a happy life.

33. Lord, I praise you for all you’ve done, for the sun and the moon, for a bright day and the dark night. Thank you for taking care of us all the time. Amen

34. Dear Jesus, you promised comfort and care when we are ill until we are laughing and playing again. We trust you to hold our hands until we recover and get well.

35. Dear God, please give my parents wisdom to raise me in the way I should grow and to always be obedient and respectful to them at all times.

36. Dear father, our Lord, and savior, thank you for your love and favor, bless this food and drink that you have given us today, and also bless those who share with us today.

37. My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart. In choosing to do wrong and failing to do the good, I have sinned against you whom I should love above all things. Have mercy and forgive me, Lord.

38. Teach my heart to raise in a morning hymn of praise; And for Jesus’ sake, I pray, bless, and keep me through the day.

39. Dear God, please show me how to spend this day sharing love in every way. Help me to be kind to everyone, to play and have lots of fun and shining your light and sharing your joy with a smile on my face.

40. Dear God, Please give me the strength and courage to always do what is right.

41. Dear God, Please teach me to learn and to grow in all of Your ways. Please help me to think like Jesus.

42. Dear God, please teach me how to pray for those in need, please bring food to those hungry, I pray for people who don’t have drinking water. Please help them.

43. Dear God, please comfort me on the days that I’m lonely.

44. Dear God, I pray that I won’t be jealous of the things others have. Help me to be satisfied with what I have and be happy for others for what they have.

45. Dear God, please give my parents wisdom and strength to raise me in the way I should grow.

46. Dear God, thank you for sending your Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for me.

47. Dear God, I pray for ways to teach people to love you and love one another like the way Jesus loved us.

48. Dear God, please help me always tell the truth at all times, and please help me make good decisions.

49. Dear God, please teach me to forgive others, as you forgive me.

50. Dear God, I give you praise for Your faithfulness, I praise you for your everlasting kindness, thank you for your unchanging love for me.

Teaching your children to pray is an important part of introducing them to Jesus Christ and helping them build a strong relationship with God. Our Lord gave us prayers to communicate with him directly, and getting children comfortable with prayer helps them understand that God is always close and accessible and always there for them at all times. 

Below are some ideas to make your kids develop the habit of praying and also enjoy it;

1. Make Prayer a Habit at Home.

2. Give Them Freedom in Their Posture When Praying.

3. Show Them Prayer “Works.”

4. Make Prayer Engaging Using Pictures, Prayer Songs, And More.

5. Become a Mom or Dad of Prayer.

6. Teach Them What The Bible Says.

7. Teach Them To Pray In Every Situation.

If there is one habit your kids should develop, it is the discipline and joy of prayer. You should let them know that prayer is not boring, a waste of time, or a tedious activity. Teach them to appreciate the power of prayer to draw them close to God and to bring about change in the world.

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100 Beautiful Boys & Girls Names Starting With \’A\’

Choosing a baby\’s name poses a challenging aspect of having a new baby. A child\’s name is an introduction to gender. All children are precious to us and special too, so their names have to be special as well, reminding them each day of the love and joy we have for them.

Here are some beautiful names for babies, both girls, and boys with Letter \’A\’;

Boys Names:

  1. Alexander 
  2. Angelo 
  3. Anthony             
  4. Andrew
  5. Aaron   
  6. Adrian
  7. Asher   
  8. Angel
  9. Austin  
  10. Adam
  11. Ayden  
  12. Axel
  13. Ashton
  14. Abel
  15. Amir     
  16. Alex
  17. Antonio
  18. Alan
  19. Abraham
  20. Avery
  21. August 
  22. Alejandro
  23. Andres
  24. Aidan
  25. Arthur  
  26. Adriel
  27. Ace  
  28. Aiden
  29. Anthony
  30. Adrian
  31. Asher 
  32. Andre
  33. Abel  
  34. Aaron 
  35. Archer
  36. Austin
  37. Atticus
  38. Anderson
  39. August
  40. Alec   
  41. Angelo
  42. Ali 
  43. Ari
  44. Anton 
  45. Adan
  46. Arlo 
  47. Apollo
  48. Abe 
  49. Addey
  50. Aylin

Girls Names:

  1. Ava       
  2. Amelia
  3. Abigail  
  4. Acadia
  5. Aria       
  6. Aubrey
  7. Addison              
  8. Aurora 
  9. Anna
  10. Aaliyah
  11. Allison
  12. Adeline
  13. Alexa
  14. Ariana  
  15. Arica
  16. Autumn
  17. Aubree
  18. Arianna
  19. Adalynn
  20. Annabelle
  21. Alexandra
  22. Ashley 
  23. Athena
  24. Andrea
  25. Alyssa
  26. Adalyn 
  27. Amy
  28. Ariel      
  29. Alexis
  30. Aliyah   
  31. Arabella
  32. Anastasia            
  33. Amaya 
  34. Adaline
  35. Alaina   
  36. Alina
  37. Angelina
  38. Adelyn
  39. Amara  
  40. Ana
  41. Alana    
  42. Adriana
  43. Alayna 
  44. Ayla
  45. Angela 
  46. Alivia
  47. Alexandria
  48. Amiyah
  49. Aadiya
  50. Aggie

So you see, 😁 you have more choices to pick from when next you birth a baby or visit an expectant mother. You should no longer be limited to common names; your baby deserves a unique name.

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ezSTOW Canopy Organizer for your Outdoors

Whether you are setting up a canopy camping or just sitting under a canopy shade with your friends, finding a suitable space to hold all your belongings is a problem. Ezstow canopy organizer is the answer and the first one of its kind. Even if you are decorating that big, beautiful event venue, the more reason you need the ezSTOW Awning Organizer.

What is ezSTOW Organizer?

EzSTOW is the world’s first canopy organizer. It is designed to hold water bottles, cups, keys, fliers, paper towels, writing materials, and more while being strapped to the pole. This world-class organizing solution fits snugly on the bars of a canopy, canopy tent, or large umbrella. 

What are the features of ezSTOW Canopy Organizer?

1. An easy and beautiful way to organize your awning or tent.
2. There is enough space for everything

  • Six large pockets, great for holding bottles
  • Four pockets for holding cup and phone
  • Clips and loops
  • Paper towel holder
  • Plastic sleeve

3. Because it is built for the outdoors, 

  • It is water-resistant
  • It is fitted with rugged 600D Nylon
  • Comes with quality full Zip YKK Zipper
  • Suited to hold your belongings without giving way
  • Suitable for the field, beach, or camp

4. Easy to install
5. Simple to pack and unpack
6. Ease of cleaning

Product Category

The ezSTOW Canopy Organizer comes in two categories: the ezSTOW and the miniSTOW. The world’s first awning organizer comes with other attachments  1. ezSTOW, which comes with 6 large pockets and 4 cups and phone pockets, has a dimension of 60 inches high and 12 inches wide (+/-4 inches dia). The ezSTOW comes in seven colors

  • ezSTOW black
  • ezSTOW Red
  • ezSTOW Blue
  • ezSTOW Yellow
  • ezSTOW Orange
  • ezSTOW Grey
  • ezSTOW Olive

1. miniSTOW is the smaller version of the ezSTOW with a 30 inches high dimension by 12 inches wide (+/- 4 inches). 

This model comes with 3 large pockets, four phone or cup pockets, and every other feature on ezSTOW. miniSTOW also comes in seven colors

  • miniSTOW Black
  • miniSTOW Red
  • miniSTOW Blue
  • miniSTOW Yellow
  • miniSTOW Orange
  • miniSTOW Grey
  • miniSTOW Olive

2. clips: a set of three
3. Plastic Sleeve
4. Pop up container
5. Carabiner     

Who needs this awning Organizer?
  • You need this if you are an event planner.
  • Those into rentals and setting up of canopies for an event.
  • Every scout leader who believes camping should be fun and all items should be safe.
  • Every home that spends time outdoors and sets up a tent or shade for their picnic.
  • If spending time on the beach or by the pool is your way to relax, you need it.

If you fall in any of these categories, shop one for yourself from and enjoy all the great benefits.

Benefits of owning an ezSTOW
  • You avoid losing your keys
  • Very low risk of a phone breaking screen from a fall or accident.
  • You don’t have to worry about spilling your drink or water.
  • Paper towels are positioned for easy reach.
  • The paper sleeve can hold the pamphlets for all the scout members or events.
  • Everyone’s belongings are in a safe, secure place.
  • Gives your workspace an organized and professional outlook.
  • Gift a loved one this ezSTOW from today. 
Here are a few of our staff favorites:

The Great (Organized) Outdoors ~ Doug

Camping, hiking, geocaching, or simply a day to get away from it all, being outdoors and in nature is a perfect place to set-up your shade canopy. Then simply add you ezSTOW for added convenience. It will serve as a great organizer for your sunscreen, bug spray, water bottle, sunglasses… everything you need to enjoy being outside. When mealtime comes, forks, knives, cups, and even a roll of paper towels are handy to have in the ezSTOW and not on the ground getting dirty or attracting bugs.

The Sports Mom’s Best Friend ~ Carie

It’s tournament time. Five games in two days. Time to set up HQ and start on the strategy. For those long, hot days in the field (or the diamond, or the court, or the pool deck), having a shade canopy for the team is essential; and, so is your ezSTOW. Parents and players alike can store their water, sports drinks, or coffee. Attach the plastic sleeve to hold that day’s line-up and game times. Attach equipment and uniforms to the various straps and clips. However, you use it, keep the whole team organized and all the gear off the ground.

Business is Booming ~ Joe C.

These days more and more people want to shop local. So setting up the shade canopy as a storefront is perfect for farmer’s markets or street fairs. With the ezSTOW attached to your canopy, you can have everything you need at hand without getting in the way of your merchandise. In addition, the ezSTOW can hold things your customers need like plastic bags or even product samples.

Organize the Troop, Scout’s Honor ~ Carolyn

Few activities are better for young people than the fun, hands-on learning and achievement of scouting. While the scouts are earning badges or practicing survival skills, the shade canopy is always a great meeting place for the whole troop. With the ezSTOW Organizer attached, all the supplies and tools needed for the adventure at hand are easily stored and kept handy. Working on a painting badge? Place your paints, brushes, and other materials in your ezSTOW. Preparing your super-fast pinewood racer? ezSTOW can hold your tools, sandpaper, and parts. Even if it is time for cookie sales, set up the canopy, and the ezSTOW can hold change, receipts, or sample cups.

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