Should I Bring My Breast Pump to the Hospital?

When preparing for your hospital stay, one important question you might ask is: Should I bring my breast pump to the hospital? We know that having a baby is exhausting, so making sure you have everything you need to stay comfortable and well-rested is essential. If you’re wondering about what to pack, this guide will help you decide.

What to Pack for Your Hospital Stay

It’s important to have everything you need to stay comfortable. If you have a favorite pillow, bring it along for a better night’s sleep. Don’t forget slippers or socks; you’ll need to be up and moving soon after delivery to reduce the risk of blood clots. The hospital’s maternity pads can be bulky, so consider packing some maternity underwear and thin nighttime sanitary pads for extra comfort.

Before packing snacks and drinks, check with your doctor about what’s allowed during labor. If it’s okay, stock up on your favorite treats. Snacks can also be helpful if you have other children waiting with you. Here’s a quick list of essentials to bring during labor:

  1. Entertainment: Phone charger, tablet, playlists, and speakers.
  2. Baby Supplies: Two outfits, baby book, blanket, socks, and mittens.
  3. Breast Pump: Essential if you plan to pump.
  4. Other Essentials: Hands-free bra for pumping, cord blood collection kit, and a copy of your birth plan.

Why a Breast Pump is Important

Breastfeeding in public can be challenging, and using a breast pump can offer a practical solution. A good breast pump helps nursing moms store milk so their babies can benefit even when they’re not around. Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom, a working mom, or recovering in bed, a breast pump lets you keep your baby fed and gives you some much-needed personal time.

Breast pumps are also useful when a baby has trouble latching but the mother has plenty of milk. This is especially important for feeding premature babies who need extra care. Regular pumping can also prevent issues like engorgement and breast heaviness.

Should You Bring Your Breast Pump to the Hospital?

You usually don’t need to bring your breast pump to the hospital, but if you plan to use it often, it might be worth bringing. The lactation nurses can help you get comfortable with your breast pump and show you how to use the hospital’s equipment. If you expect to rely on your breast pump frequently, having it with you could be beneficial.


Remember to talk to your doctor about the hospital’s rules and guidelines to know whether you should bring your breast pump. If you feel you’ll need it, make sure to inform your doctor so they can accommodate your needs.

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Reverse Infertility and Get Pregnant Naturally in 60 Days

You should not feel awkward if you and your partner are unable to get pregnant. According to recent statistics, more than 2 million married couples experience infertility. Also, this recent statistics indicates that more than 6 million women between the ages of 16 to 44 have not experienced child birth.

That being said, what do you understand by the word ‘infertility? Well, it can be defined as not being able to get pregnant irrespective of the fact that you had unprotected sex and frequent sex. Now, what are the symptoms of infertility? Obviously, the main symptom of infertility is not getting pregnant but the other symptoms include; irregular or absent menstrual periods, hormonal issues such as changes in hair growth.

What are the causes of Infertility in both Male and Female?

In the Male gender;

  • Abnormal sperm production or function as a result of genetic defects, undescended testicles, health issues such as infections, gonorrhea, diabetes, Chlamydia, etc.
  • Issues with the delivery of sperm as a result of sexual issues like premature ejaculation, genetic diseases, etc.
  • Damage associated to cancer
  • Overexposure to certain environmental factors like radiation, pesticides, and other chemicals.

In the Female gender;

  • Cervical or uterine abnormalities such as polyps in the uterus, abnormalities in the opening of the cervix, shape of the uterus, etc.
  • Ovulation disorders which certainly has a negative effect on the eggs from the ovaries. This includes hormonal disorders like the polycystic ovary syndrome.
  • Fallopian blockage or tube damage which is certainly as a result of inflammation from the fallopian tube.
  • Pelvic adhesions; it is a bands of scar tissue that attaches organs after appendicitis, pelvic infection, or pelvic or abdominal surgery.
  • Endometriosis. This can occur when the uterus has a grown endometrial tissue. This certainly has a negative impact on the function of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus.

In Both Male and Female;

  • If you and your partner are not able to get pregnant and either of you is overweight, know that being overweight can have a negative impact. Being overweight can affect the chances of getting pregnant. As a matter of fact, it can result to hormonal imbalances, ovulation problems, etc.

What Are the Natural Ways to Get Pregnant

According to many scientists and doctors from different parts of the world, people with infertility can enhance fertility. Not only that, these scientists and doctors claimed that there are certain ways to improve hormonal imbalance, endometriosis, blocked fallopian tubes, polycystic ovarian syndrome (pos), and premature ovarian failure. These doctors and scientists claimed that women who possess any of the mentioned above can still get pregnant and give birth to healthy babies naturally.

Now, before we recommend this guide titled ‘The Pregnancy Miracle,’ you need to understand the state of your body as an individual. It is critical for conception to occur and as a woman, it is also important to conceive.

The guide titled ‘The Pregnancy Miracle’ is authored by Lisa Olson, a certified nutrition specialist, and a medical researcher. She created this guide to help couples who are unable to get pregnant. Lisa, on the other hand, has also experienced infertility disorders.

So, if you want to get solutions in reversing infertility and getting pregnant naturally, then you need to buy and read the book.

To access the book, simply click on this link below;

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How to help a baby choking

What can you do when you see your baby choking? Even though it is something every parent or guardian does not want to imagine, knowing the basics can be of assistance in potentially dislodging an object.

In this article, we will provide the basic methods you can help a baby choking and also list a few tips to prevent choking accidents in your home.

What are the steps you need to take assuming your baby is choking? Well, a lot of stuffs can occur quickly in emergencies. Therefore, we have made our point clear enough.

Step One: Check if your baby is actually choking

You may notice that your baby is gagging or coughing. We all know that any of them can be scary, but assuming it is just noise and they can breathe, then the baby is not choking.

Choking only occurs when a baby is not able to cry or even cough. The baby would not also be able to make any noise or breathe since their airway is fully hindered.

Step Two: Reach out to 911

The best idea you can think of when you find out that your baby is choking to reach out to a friend or family member or 911 services. Make sure you give a full explanation of the operation and give updates. It is very critical that you give vital information to the operator.

Step Three: Place your baby face down on your forearm

For support, simply use your thigh. Then, use the heel of your free hand to deliver five blows to the area between their shoulder blades. If you want these blows to be effective, then they should be strong and quick at the same time. Your baby’s airway should then experience vibrations and pressure that will hopefully force the object out.


Step Four: Place your baby over their back

Place your baby on your thigh and also place their head lower than their chest. After that, use your index and middle fingers to locate your baby’s breastbone. Use enough pressure to press the chest down. Make sure you do this at least five times. When you perform this action, then the air from the lungs will be pushed into the airway. This will also potentially force the object out.


Step Five: Repeat Step One to Step Four

Let us assume the object dialed to dislodge, simply go back and repeat the same instructions. In other words, give vital information to the 911 operator immediately your baby loses consciousness. Then, repeat the chest thrusts.

What can make Babies Choke?

It can be scary to even imagine this scenario, but it can happen. You may even be astonished that food can also result in your baby choking. That is why it is critical to introduce only age-appropriate foods, particularly purees, to your baby after they are four months old.

Foods such as hot dogs, grapes, nuts and seeds, popcorn, chunks of meat, chunks of vegetables or raw fruits, hard candies, chewing gum, peanut butter, etc can result in your baby choking. Other stuffs that can make your baby choke are as follows;

  • Dice
  • Pen caps
  • Marbles
  • Button batteries
  • Coins
  • Toys with small parts
  • Latex balloons and
  • Other tiny small household items
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6 Ways Your Baby Loves You

What makes you feel that your baby loves you? Well, this article will provide some sweet and fascinating ways a baby loves you. In other words, the parent or guardian.

According to a professor of psychology at Lehigh University, Debbie Laible, P.h.D, ‘attachment is a process.’ When you watch over your baby and also take care of your baby, the baby will certainly fall in love with you.

Below, are six ways your baby shows he loves you unconditionally;

1. He knows you are you

According to the author of the philosophical Baby and a professor of psychology at the University of California, Alison Gopnik, PHD, ‘within a few weeks, babies can recognize their caregiver and they prefer her to other people.

Also, according to the director of the Irving B. Harris Infant Studies Program at Erikson University, Linda Gilkerson, PHD, ‘ When a baby is distressed and his parents respond, he learns he can count on them for relief and comfort and that he matters.’

Linda Gilkerson also added that research has proven that caregivers are in ideal sync with their babies only about 40 percent of the time. What is even more crucial is that you (guardian or parent) will learn to recognize and respond when your baby needs you.

2. She stares at you all the time

Once a baby is born, that baby can recognize the mother’s face, smell, and voice. What should be done later is connecting those smells and sounds he trusts with something he can see. That is the basic reason he will begin to study your face as if he is attempting to memorize it. He is actually doing it in a way. He is trying to be sure he knows what love and comfort looks like. So, assuming you notice your baby is staring at you intensely, simply give him time to drink you in.

3. The baby may give you smooches

A baby of around 12 months old may begin to give you kisses. According to the director of the parenting institute at the NYU child study center, Richard Gallaher, Ph.D., ‘Evvi’s enthusiasm shows she has been paying attention to the way her mom shows affection, and she wants to do the same.’ When it comes to physical affection, babies are eager learners and there is no one they would rather practice on than Dad and Mom.

4. She will pull away from you, then run back

As you baby start crawling, you will begin to notice this. From Gopnik explanation, ‘your baby may be thinking I can crawl, let me go out there to find out what is in the world. She goes out there and feels insecure. Then, she will conclude to go back and make sure Mom is still there.’

5. The baby does what you do

Anyone that claimed that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery must have raised a baby or toddler.  Even though a baby is lugging a briefcase down the stairs or cooing over a baby doll, he is certainly displaying how cool he thinks you are. Just like matured people, babies imitate the activities and behaviors of the individuals they cherish the most.

6. They cry when your leave

Your baby tells you she doesn\’t want you to go by wailing and crying when you leave. This means that she acknowledges your absence and your absence signifies some sadness in them.

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Causes of Pregnancy Weight and How to Manage it

The weight a woman gains during pregnancy is a critical factor for the health of the baby and the woman herself. The body mass index (BMI) before pregnancy determines the amount of weight you should gain. A normal weight is classified to be a BMI of 18.5 to 24.9. Someone who is overweight is classified to have about 29.9 BMI. Someone who is also obese is classified to have more than 30 BMI.

Before we discuss about the causes of pregnancy weight, let us know talk about the risks and complications of being overweight or obese.

There are high chances that women who are obese have a high risk of complications. These complications include high blood pressure disorders like sleep apnea, preeclampsia, and gestational diabetes. They also have high chances of giving birth to kids who become overweight and obese.

You baby may also be affected negatively if you gain too much weight during pregnancy. In other words, your baby may be born larger than average and result to complications at birth or preterm birth.

That being said, your doctor should be of assistance in helping you managing your weight throughout pregnancy.

How Often Does Pregnancy Weight Gain Occur?

In the United States, one in five women possess a BMI of 30 or more while being at the early stage of their pregnancy. During the pregnancy stage, around one to five women gain more than 40 pounds.

The Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy Weight Gain

You can experience day-to-day issues if you are experiencing excess weight. This includes snoring or sleep apnea, breathlessness, increased sweating, heartburn, fatigue, and back and joint pain. If you must know, obesity can result to high cholesterol levels, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure.

The causes of Pregnancy Weight

Not exercising your body and consuming too much food are the most common factors that contribute to increased weight. A pregnant woman can also be obese if she takes certain medications like anticonvulsants, antidepressants, and hypothyroidism.

Where Does Pregnancy Weight Come from?

Adding weight during pregnancy is not bad. It\’s recommended you aim for a weight gain of around 25-35 pounds during your 40 weeks of pregnancy (if you started out pre-pregnancy at a \” normal \” BMI. Ask your prenatal practitioner for the recommended weight gain for your profile.) But not all that weight will be in the form of extra fat. ⁣

Here\’s a breakdown of where those pounds come from.⁣

What you Need to do to treat excess pregnancy weight

The best way to reduce the risk is losing weight prior to your pregnancy. You can improve your overall health and live a healthier pregnancy if you lose just 10 to 20 pounds.

Even though there are risks, you can still experience a healthy pregnancy if you possess excess weight. You can monitor your pregnancy for complications by following the regular parental care. You will need to provide good nourishment to your body and your baby by eating healthy foods.

1. Consume a Healthy Diet

While at home, you can practice some healthy habits to lose weight before becoming pregnant or to even assist manage your weight while pregnant.

You can help keep your weight in a healthy range by changing what you eat and consuming these foods consistently. To determine an individualized healthy eating plan, simply visit and discuss with a registered dietitian. Generally, extra calories are not needed in the first trimester of pregnancy. During the second trimester, women require about 340 extra calories on daily basis. When she gets to the third trimester, she will need about 450 extra calories per day.

2. Get Regular exercise

You can control your weight by having regular and moderate exercise during pregnancy. Every week, you should try to have at least two and a half hours of moderate exercise. To break it down, thirty minutes every day and five days a week. Before you start to exercise especially when you are pregnant, simply discuss with your doctor on the possible workouts you can perform. The reason is to prevent stressing the lower body.

Know your Limit

Do not take cigarettes, alcohol, or any illicit drugs when you are pregnant.

Click this link below to know the home remedies for irregular menstruation or periods;

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Ways to Help Your Baby Get a Good Sleep

Good sleep is essential for the development of a healthy baby, and babies who sleep well during infancy are less likely to be napping poorly as toddlers. A good bedtime routine can help your baby get the rest they need. 

Importance of Sleep to Babies

Babies need sleep. They need to get enough sleep to develop healthy habits and learn many of the skills they will need as kids, teenagers, and adults. And though you may not be too worried about your baby’s sleeping habits at the moment — like, say, how long it takes them to go down for a nap or bedtime — eventually there will come a time when you start wondering how to help them get more sleep. There are many options available to help your baby sleep better and make getting the sleep they deserve easier. But first, you have to determine what those options are.

1. Babies who have enough sleep during the day are better able to regulate their body temperature. Babies who do not get enough sleep tend to wake up more often, and overheat at night.

2. More sleep helps babies develop stronger immune systems by enhancing immune cell production and activity in response to infection-causing pathogens.

3. More sleep helps babies process nutrients effectively; inadequate sleep may prevent babies from getting all the nutrients they need to grow well.

4. More sleep is associated with better scores on developmental tests of mental and physical development, including tests of fine motor skills, cognitive development, language development, and behavioral regulation.

5. A single night of poor or insufficient sleep can affect a baby’s behavior and performance the next day, even if that baby has been sleeping well for months on end.

How to Help Your Baby Sleep

Here are some things you can do to get your baby sleeping through the night as soon as possible:

Set a consistent bedtime routine and stick with it

Start winding down in the hour before bedtime. Take a bath with your baby, play quiet games and sing lullabies. When you are ready for bed, so should be your baby. Keep these routines going into the toddler years, since consistency is important for sleep habits in both children and adults.

Related: Ways to put your baby to sleep quickly

Move your baby’s crib

As your baby starts to sleep longer at night, move their crib and bed toward the middle of the room, where they will be less likely to roll out of bed. Don\’t move them too far away from your room or they may wake up during the night and cry. If you are not sure where to move your crib, consult a pediatrician or doctor for advice. The best places to put a crib are in a sunny spot by a window but do not place it directly over an electrical outlet.

Check baby\’s room

Make sure that the temperature in your baby’s room is comfortable for them. Wear socks to make sure that the room is not too cold or hot. Take a thermometer with you if you are unsure of the temperature in your baby’s bedroom. Keep drafts from under doors and windows out by using heavy, insulated drapes.

Rock your baby to sleep

Soothe your baby to sleep with a rocking motion. Make sure that you are aware of exactly how long it takes you to place your baby down asleep and then do the same thing each night. It is also important to remember that you cannot rock your baby back to sleep if they are not already asleep.

Brush their teeth

Studies have shown that children who brush their teeth before sleeping have fewer issues with sleep terrors or insomnia. Remind your child to brush their teeth in the morning.

Switch off bedroom lights

Keep your bedroom lights dimmed or off as much as possible so that your baby can sleep better. If you are going on a trip with your baby, make sure that you have downsized the amount of stuff in the room before leaving. A change in room temperature is also good for baby’s’ sleep habits.

Take a walk

Spend some time walking around with your baby. Babies who have been rocked to sleep and then taken for a walk will often fall asleep while still sucking on the breast or bottle. If you are not going out, take your baby to the park, or even just around the block if you have a stroller. If you are leaving the house, make sure that there is nothing in the way that could be eaten by a toddler before leaving.

Give your baby a pacifier

Babies who are breastfed often do not sleep well at night, so once they learn to breastfeed, it is important to start offering them pacifiers to help with those nights they need a little extra help falling asleep. Babies who don’t use pacifiers tend not to nap well.

Give your baby a bath before bed

While you can bathe your baby when he/she wakes up in the morning, this becomes more difficult when you require that they sleep in the same room as you. As a result, it is better to get them into a tub after they have gone to sleep so that you can keep an eye on them and make sure that they do not drown while in their sleep. If you would rather not give your baby a bath, consider doing so before bedtime so that he/she has already gotten enough water during the day.

Never feed the baby before he/she sleeps

Babies need to eat when they are hungry. If you are already struggling with a newborn, it is likely that you will get up to feed them throughout the night or that you will simply bring them into your room so that you can make sure they do not starve. While this is understandable, it can have negative effects on their sleeping habits if consistently done over time. When you feed your baby right before bed or during the night, they are going to associate food with being awake and active.

Consider using a white noise maker

White noise is the sound that nearly all of us are familiar with, the one that is on in the background when you’re at home or in a room and it just sounds like chaos. White noise works very well as a sleep aid. You can buy a white noise machine for your house or car. When you are in a public place, you can use your phone or even the TV remote to turn the volume up and use it as a white noise machine.

Eliminate Distractions

If they are awake, do not allow them to play in the room that you are sleeping in. If you are going to be eating with the baby or put him/her down for a nap, move to a different room so that they cannot see you sleeping. This also applies to other children in the house. You must make it clear that he/she should not continue playing with other children or running around after he/she is put down for bed.

Babies require a lot of sleep. But nowadays, most babies don\’t get enough of it. Ever wonder why your baby doesn’t sleep? There are many reasons why your baby might not be able to sleep, but some are better than others. Whatever the reason is, there are always techniques that you can use to help your baby get a good sleep. Should you need more tips to help you in putting your baby to sleep, please leave us a message.

Andrea Gibbs
Andrea Gibbs is born and raised in New York. A work-at-home mom with a background in business development, strategy, and social media marketing. She is also a blog contributor at Baby Steps Preschool to motivate and educate other parents about how they can get their children ahead of the game in school.


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How Often Should I Bathe My Newborn Baby?

Bathing a baby is one of the most nerve-wracking experiences a parent may have. They may feel impossibly delicate, and you might be concerned about whether they\’re warm or relaxed enough, as well as whether you\’re doing a thorough job. Whether you\’re bathing your first baby or your last, you\’re bound to have some newborn bathing concerns, the most pressing of which is how to keep your baby clean., “How often should I bathe my baby?”

First baths

Although it has long been recommended that the baby be bathed as soon as possible after birth, newer research indicates that delaying the first bath may be beneficial. In any case, the nurses are likely to give the baby their first bath, but you can still watch and ask for advice for bathing at home. Bathe your infant one or two days a week before their umbilical stump falls off once you get home. Don\’t immerse their body in water before this occurs. Instead, start with their head and face and work your way down with a warm washcloth and a gentle sponge bath. You may need a bath to clean up diaper blowouts if the mess is coming from the other end. At this age, however, they do not need a regular bath unless there is a mess.

1-3 months

You should bathe your baby 1-2 days a week for the first few months of his or her life. It would help if you offered them more conventional baths until they no longer have their umbilical stump. Fill a baby bath tub halfway with warm water and let them sit and splash while you wash them with water and gentle baby soap. Cover them with damp washcloths to keep them warm during the bath. You can begin with their face and head and work your way down once more. It\’s also worth remembering that adults prefer water that is much colder than infants. Maintain a lukewarm temperature, and your baby will undoubtedly enjoy the bath time cuddles.

3-6 months

You may want to switch up your child\’s bath routine as they get older. At this age, babies only need to be bathed 1-3 times a week, but if they seem to like the water or like splashing while getting washed, you can bathe them more often. Many parents use diaper and outfit changes as an opportunity to give their baby a fast wipe down to ensure that all of their vital organs are clean. If you want to bathe your child more than twice a week, limit the use of soap to one or two baths to prevent drying out their skin. After bath time, apply a soft, fragrance- and dye-free lotion to your infant.

6-12 months

You will decide that you need to start bathing your baby more regularly once he or she becomes mobile and starts eating solids. Although they only need one or two soapy baths a week, you can give them a sponge bath or place them in the tub to soak and clean off as messes occur. Bath time can also be a fun way to calm down your baby before bedtime. It\’s perfectly acceptable to include a bath in your relaxing nighttime routine at this age if this works for you.

Why you shouldn’t bathe your baby every day?

Although it may seem strange to bathe your baby so infrequently, babies do not need as much bathing as adults. They don\’t sweat or get dirty as older people do, and their skin is even more resilient than adults. Bathing regularly will potentially cause more damage than good. Bathe your baby one or two days a week with a mild, scent- and dye-free soap to prevent drying out their skin and worsening conditions like eczema. When they\’re done bathing, pat them dry before applying a dye- and fragrance-free baby moisturizer and dressing them right away.


Bathe your baby just once or twice a week for the first few months. As babies get older, they can need more frequent baths as they become messier or enjoy themselves in the tub. You can enjoy your baby\’s bath time joy as they grow as long as you use gentle products and don\’t notice any problems with their skin. Peradventure, you see any changes on their skin, contact your pediatrician immediately!!

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How Babies Regulate Cold and Heat

Things change after 2-3months of birth, babies become less delicate, but they are still physiologically immature. Their heat-control device isn\’t quite ready yet. You\’ll have to wait a few more months for their bodies to adjust to temperature changes naturally. Babies don\’t learn how to control their temperature until they\’re about 18 months to 2 years old, and they\’re still more susceptible to temperature changes than adults.

What should my baby\’s temperature be?

A rectal reading is the most precise way of taking the baby\’s temperature, which should be between 98 and 100.3 degrees Fahrenheit; a temperature of 100.4 degrees F or higher is considered a fever. When your baby\’s temperature rises above average, it may be an indication of sickness. Consult your pediatrician, particularly if other symptoms such as a stuffy nose, sore throat, or cough continue.

Underarm thermometer readings are typically 1 to 2 degrees lower than rectal thermometer readings, and oral thermometer values are probably half a degree lower than rectal thermometer readings. If your baby is under the age of three months, a fever of 100.4 degrees F or higher on a rectal thermometer necessitates immediate medical attention, and you should contact your pediatrician right away.

Consider the room temperature of your baby

Think neutral when it comes to your baby\’s nursery: you don\’t want it to be too hot or too cold. In general, if you think the room is too cold, your baby will feel the same way, and if you feel the room is too hot, your baby will feel the same way.

In the summer and winter, keeping the temperature between 68 and 72 degrees F is a reasonable range. When the room is too hot, your baby\’s risk of SIDS increases; when the room is too cold, your baby can quickly become uncomfortably cold and wake up early or suddenly.

It\’s best not to put any extra heaters or air conditioners in your child\’s bed. Fans, on the other hand, can be beneficial for air circulation and have also been shown to lower the risk of SIDS.

Since preterm babies have a more challenging time regulating their temperature, you might want to set the thermostat to about 72 degrees F for the first few weeks after you bring him home from the hospital.

Furthermore, if premature babies are too cold, they can lose too many calories trying to warm up, which isn\’t ideal because weight gain is vital to their general wellbeing.

Dressing your baby for the weather

Think layers when it comes to preparing your baby for various weather conditions. The easiest way to warm up or cool down a baby is to add or remove clothing. Hats are an excellent accessory because they trap heat in the winter and shield the baby from excessive sunshine in the summer. When it\’s cold outside, babies can need an extra layer or two; make sure to remove different layers quickly when you return inside so that baby doesn\’t overheat.

How to dress your baby for bedtime?

Dressing a baby in one more layer than older kids, a one-piece sleeper plus a sleeping bag, for example, should suffice. If cold outside, you might add another layer under his sleeper, such as a long-sleeved onesie. When boiling outside, opt for lighter-weight fabrics. It has been shown that swaddling your baby with a swaddle blanket or a sleep sack will help him sleep longer. Obey these protection guidelines:

  • Ensure the baby\’s sleep sack isn\’t too big with extra fabric that could tangle the baby.
  • Babies can no longer be swaddled until they can turn over because it increases the risk of suffocation. You can also use sleep sacks built for older babies to keep baby warm while allowing their arms to remain free.
  • Avoid swaddling your baby too tightly around the hips, as this can interfere with hip growth.
  • To minimize the chance of SIDS, babies should always be placed in their cribs on their backs.


Babies are not experts at regulating their body temperature yet, so they partially rely on their environment. Ensure your baby\’s room is kept neutral (not cold and not hot) to prevent any sudden rise or fall in temperature.

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Snoring and Grunting in Babies; What to Know

Many babies and young children usually have noisy nighttime breathing, but 7 to 12% of babies snore more than three nights a week. It could be because of nasal allergies (triggered by dust, dust mites) or excessive dryness in the room. Mild blockage caused by large tonsils and adenoids is the most common cause of snoring. Tonsils and adenoids are special lymph glands located at the back of the nose and throat; they serve as our protection patrol, churning out squads of antibodies and white blood cells to capture viruses and germs before they sneak into the body.

When the throat muscles relax during sleep, those soft tissues collapse slightly; that is not a problem; the whole breathing “tunnel” can narrow dramatically if your child has big tonsils and adenoids. With each deep breath, the child\’s throat closes up.

Ways to Ease Snoring and Grunting in Babies

There are a few ways to help your baby or toddler breath more quietly and sleep more restfully at night:

  • Put a thickly folded blanket under the mattress at the head of the bed to elevate your child’s head 3-4 inches.
  • Moisturize the air with a cool-mist humidifier.
  • Dispose of dairy products such as milk, cheese for 1-2 weeks.
  • Keep pets away from your child’s bedroom.
  • It would be wise to have your child checked by a doctor if your child\’s snoring problem persists.

Sleep Breathing Disorder That Causes Snoring in Children

Around 3% of children suffer from more severe snoring and a disease known as SBD (sleep-disordered breathing) Sleeping with mouth open, using a gravelly nasal accent, drooling on pillow, headaches, and being too tired are all symptoms of SBD. Children who are overweight or obese are more likely to have this problem, but it is not limited.

Children with SBD can be startled awake frequently during the night! Children with SBD can have dark circles under their eyes, yawn all day, become irritable, \”hyper,\” forgetful, and accident-prone. It also weakens the immune system, impairs learning, and increases the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease.

Your pediatrician may prescribe medication (such as oral or inhaled cortisone or a leukotriene inhibitor) or surgery to remove the tonsils and adenoids. Consider getting a second opinion if your child is obese or older than 7. Consider getting a second opinion before scheduling surgery. These children will not improve as a result of the process. The majority of snoring in children goes away after a few changes to their sleeping condition or diet.

Grunts in Babies

Newborns do not speak, but they do have their language to communicate with their parents. They sometimes make odd noises that can trigger shock/surprise in their parents. If you have a baby, his occasional grunts will lead you to believe he is in pain and cause you to be concerned. If your baby grunts, you should seek medical attention right away. Newborns usually grunt when they are having breathing problems. When a baby has digestive issues, he can make odd noises that should not be confused with grunting. When your baby grunts, it\’s a sign of a respiratory problem, and you should take him to the doctor.

Is it Normal for a Newborn to Grunt?

Have you experienced your newborn grunting? Since their organs are still growing, a baby grunts. As he uses their diaphragm muscles to move his intestine, they pressure their voice box or larynx, which causes him to grunt. The grunting that occurs as a result of this phase is abnormal. A newborn does this to keep the alveoli from collapsing. If a baby is bloated, it may make noises, but this is not the same as grunting.

Causes of Grunting in Babies

Babies make different noises for different things. Babies grunt when they have a problem in their respiratory system; sometimes, it may be because of other issues.

Respiratory Problems: This is likely to occur in premature babies; it can also happen to babies who have had a normal birth. When a baby has respiratory issues, along with grunting, some other signs such as unusual breathing movements, skin turning blue, nasal flaring will be noticed; these are usually a response to hypothermia.

Delay in the Development of Organs: premature babies may have organs that are yet to mature or still to develop. Hence they may grunt.

Sepsis: This is a severe condition where a baby is affected by an infection that runs in the blood. This condition is accompanied by other signs like loud grunting, which happens due to breathing difficulty.

When to Consult a Doctor

If your baby grunts because of some severe health issues such as respiratory problems, you should consult a doctor. 


Snoring and grunting in babies or toddlers are reasoned as developmental signs and are not a cause for alarm, but if left unchecked, they can cause so much discomfort for the baby and, in the long run, you. Keep a close watch on your kids and report any abnormality to your childcare expert.

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Skincare Tips for Baby Dry Skin

Just like adults, babies and children are susceptible to dry skin. In fact, in reality, children\’s skin is more vulnerable to dryness due to its fragility. In winter or freezing weather, the combination of cold, dry outdoor air and indoor heating can quickly dehydrate the skin. Often, if your baby has dry skin, it will be noticed on them as dry patches, particularly in the summer because of the sun, air conditioning, saltwater, and chlorine in pool water.

Skincare Tips for Baby Dry skin

  • Reduce bath time

Bathing dries up a baby\’s skin because it washes away all the dirt and the skin\’s natural oils. And frequent baths should not be a concern if you take a few precautions.

  • Reduce the bath time to about 9-11 minutes instead of 30-minute bath time. Use warm water instead of hot water. It\’s recommended that you use a fragrance-free or solvent-free cleanser, much gentler than the regular soap.
  • Allow your child to play in the tub before washing her so that she does not sit in soapy water. Bubble baths should ideally be eliminated from your child\’s daily routine, or at the very least limited to special occasions.
  • Although bath oils can seem to be a good idea, they may make the tub dangerously slippery, and the majority of the oil eventually drains. It is preferable to use an emollient (skin moisturizer) after bathing.
  • Apply Moisturizer

When you take your child out of the water, pat him dry quickly with a towel and apply moisturizer or baby lotion right away—using moisturizer or baby lotion as soon as your child gets out of the tub seals in the water that\’s already on his skin from the wash.

When it comes to moisturizers, the thicker, the better is a general concept. If your child\’s skin is still dry after using a baby lotion every day, consider switching to a thicker cream or ointment. (Ointments are good at retaining skin moisture, but they can be greasy.) Apply a small amount to the skin and gently rub it in. You can also use creams as they absorb quickly and not leave a greasy residue on the skin.

For proper baby skincare, you might also want to consider applying the moisturizer twice a day, once after bathing and once during the day.

  • Avoid Chlorine and Saltwater from drying on your Baby\’s skin

Chlorine and saltwater are also abrasive to the skin. Rinse your child\’s skin with tap water after a bath in the pool or the ocean, and then add body lotion while their skin is still moist.

  • Use a humidifier

Using a cool-mist humidifier in your baby\’s room if the air in your home is dry.

  • Keep your baby Hydrated

Moisture is lacking in dry skin. Ensure you supply your baby with enough water, as this will serve as a replacement for evaporated or lost water.

Remember that drinking a lot of water won\’t help if you don\’t moisturize as well. Experts compare it to pouring water into a bucket with a hole. Your baby\’s skin will not be adequately hydrated if there is no moisturizer to keep in the water.

  • Protect your baby\’s skin from Weather Elements

In extreme cold, make sure your child wears mittens or gloves to prevent her hands from being dry and blistered due to the cold and wind. Take precautions against windburn and sunburn, regardless of the season.


If your child\’s skin is susceptible, you might want to rinse his clothes twice to ensure that no soap residue remains. If your child\’s skin is vulnerable, avoid wearing too tight clothing or too rough. Bear in mind that some fabrics, such as wool, will irritate dry skin more than others. If scratching is a concern, be sure to keep your child\’s nails clean and short.

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