How to help a baby choking

What can you do when you see your baby choking? Even though it is something every parent or guardian does not want to imagine, knowing the basics can be of assistance in potentially dislodging an object.

In this article, we will provide the basic methods you can help a baby choking and also list a few tips to prevent choking accidents in your home.

What are the steps you need to take assuming your baby is choking? Well, a lot of stuffs can occur quickly in emergencies. Therefore, we have made our point clear enough.

Step One: Check if your baby is actually choking

You may notice that your baby is gagging or coughing. We all know that any of them can be scary, but assuming it is just noise and they can breathe, then the baby is not choking.

Choking only occurs when a baby is not able to cry or even cough. The baby would not also be able to make any noise or breathe since their airway is fully hindered.

Step Two: Reach out to 911

The best idea you can think of when you find out that your baby is choking to reach out to a friend or family member or 911 services. Make sure you give a full explanation of the operation and give updates. It is very critical that you give vital information to the operator.

Step Three: Place your baby face down on your forearm

For support, simply use your thigh. Then, use the heel of your free hand to deliver five blows to the area between their shoulder blades. If you want these blows to be effective, then they should be strong and quick at the same time. Your baby’s airway should then experience vibrations and pressure that will hopefully force the object out.


Step Four: Place your baby over their back

Place your baby on your thigh and also place their head lower than their chest. After that, use your index and middle fingers to locate your baby’s breastbone. Use enough pressure to press the chest down. Make sure you do this at least five times. When you perform this action, then the air from the lungs will be pushed into the airway. This will also potentially force the object out.


Step Five: Repeat Step One to Step Four

Let us assume the object dialed to dislodge, simply go back and repeat the same instructions. In other words, give vital information to the 911 operator immediately your baby loses consciousness. Then, repeat the chest thrusts.

What can make Babies Choke?

It can be scary to even imagine this scenario, but it can happen. You may even be astonished that food can also result in your baby choking. That is why it is critical to introduce only age-appropriate foods, particularly purees, to your baby after they are four months old.

Foods such as hot dogs, grapes, nuts and seeds, popcorn, chunks of meat, chunks of vegetables or raw fruits, hard candies, chewing gum, peanut butter, etc can result in your baby choking. Other stuffs that can make your baby choke are as follows;

  • Dice
  • Pen caps
  • Marbles
  • Button batteries
  • Coins
  • Toys with small parts
  • Latex balloons and
  • Other tiny small household items
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6 Ways Your Baby Loves You

What makes you feel that your baby loves you? Well, this article will provide some sweet and fascinating ways a baby loves you. In other words, the parent or guardian.

According to a professor of psychology at Lehigh University, Debbie Laible, P.h.D, ‘attachment is a process.’ When you watch over your baby and also take care of your baby, the baby will certainly fall in love with you.

Below, are six ways your baby shows he loves you unconditionally;

1. He knows you are you

According to the author of the philosophical Baby and a professor of psychology at the University of California, Alison Gopnik, PHD, ‘within a few weeks, babies can recognize their caregiver and they prefer her to other people.

Also, according to the director of the Irving B. Harris Infant Studies Program at Erikson University, Linda Gilkerson, PHD, ‘ When a baby is distressed and his parents respond, he learns he can count on them for relief and comfort and that he matters.’

Linda Gilkerson also added that research has proven that caregivers are in ideal sync with their babies only about 40 percent of the time. What is even more crucial is that you (guardian or parent) will learn to recognize and respond when your baby needs you.

2. She stares at you all the time

Once a baby is born, that baby can recognize the mother’s face, smell, and voice. What should be done later is connecting those smells and sounds he trusts with something he can see. That is the basic reason he will begin to study your face as if he is attempting to memorize it. He is actually doing it in a way. He is trying to be sure he knows what love and comfort looks like. So, assuming you notice your baby is staring at you intensely, simply give him time to drink you in.

3. The baby may give you smooches

A baby of around 12 months old may begin to give you kisses. According to the director of the parenting institute at the NYU child study center, Richard Gallaher, Ph.D., ‘Evvi’s enthusiasm shows she has been paying attention to the way her mom shows affection, and she wants to do the same.’ When it comes to physical affection, babies are eager learners and there is no one they would rather practice on than Dad and Mom.

4. She will pull away from you, then run back

As you baby start crawling, you will begin to notice this. From Gopnik explanation, ‘your baby may be thinking I can crawl, let me go out there to find out what is in the world. She goes out there and feels insecure. Then, she will conclude to go back and make sure Mom is still there.’

5. The baby does what you do

Anyone that claimed that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery must have raised a baby or toddler.  Even though a baby is lugging a briefcase down the stairs or cooing over a baby doll, he is certainly displaying how cool he thinks you are. Just like matured people, babies imitate the activities and behaviors of the individuals they cherish the most.

6. They cry when your leave

Your baby tells you she doesn\’t want you to go by wailing and crying when you leave. This means that she acknowledges your absence and your absence signifies some sadness in them.

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How Often Should I Bathe My Newborn Baby?

Bathing a baby is one of the most nerve-wracking experiences a parent may have. They may feel impossibly delicate, and you might be concerned about whether they\’re warm or relaxed enough, as well as whether you\’re doing a thorough job. Whether you\’re bathing your first baby or your last, you\’re bound to have some newborn bathing concerns, the most pressing of which is how to keep your baby clean., “How often should I bathe my baby?”

First baths

Although it has long been recommended that the baby be bathed as soon as possible after birth, newer research indicates that delaying the first bath may be beneficial. In any case, the nurses are likely to give the baby their first bath, but you can still watch and ask for advice for bathing at home. Bathe your infant one or two days a week before their umbilical stump falls off once you get home. Don\’t immerse their body in water before this occurs. Instead, start with their head and face and work your way down with a warm washcloth and a gentle sponge bath. You may need a bath to clean up diaper blowouts if the mess is coming from the other end. At this age, however, they do not need a regular bath unless there is a mess.

1-3 months

You should bathe your baby 1-2 days a week for the first few months of his or her life. It would help if you offered them more conventional baths until they no longer have their umbilical stump. Fill a baby bath tub halfway with warm water and let them sit and splash while you wash them with water and gentle baby soap. Cover them with damp washcloths to keep them warm during the bath. You can begin with their face and head and work your way down once more. It\’s also worth remembering that adults prefer water that is much colder than infants. Maintain a lukewarm temperature, and your baby will undoubtedly enjoy the bath time cuddles.

3-6 months

You may want to switch up your child\’s bath routine as they get older. At this age, babies only need to be bathed 1-3 times a week, but if they seem to like the water or like splashing while getting washed, you can bathe them more often. Many parents use diaper and outfit changes as an opportunity to give their baby a fast wipe down to ensure that all of their vital organs are clean. If you want to bathe your child more than twice a week, limit the use of soap to one or two baths to prevent drying out their skin. After bath time, apply a soft, fragrance- and dye-free lotion to your infant.

6-12 months

You will decide that you need to start bathing your baby more regularly once he or she becomes mobile and starts eating solids. Although they only need one or two soapy baths a week, you can give them a sponge bath or place them in the tub to soak and clean off as messes occur. Bath time can also be a fun way to calm down your baby before bedtime. It\’s perfectly acceptable to include a bath in your relaxing nighttime routine at this age if this works for you.

Why you shouldn’t bathe your baby every day?

Although it may seem strange to bathe your baby so infrequently, babies do not need as much bathing as adults. They don\’t sweat or get dirty as older people do, and their skin is even more resilient than adults. Bathing regularly will potentially cause more damage than good. Bathe your baby one or two days a week with a mild, scent- and dye-free soap to prevent drying out their skin and worsening conditions like eczema. When they\’re done bathing, pat them dry before applying a dye- and fragrance-free baby moisturizer and dressing them right away.


Bathe your baby just once or twice a week for the first few months. As babies get older, they can need more frequent baths as they become messier or enjoy themselves in the tub. You can enjoy your baby\’s bath time joy as they grow as long as you use gentle products and don\’t notice any problems with their skin. Peradventure, you see any changes on their skin, contact your pediatrician immediately!!

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Snoring and Grunting in Babies; What to Know

Many babies and young children usually have noisy nighttime breathing, but 7 to 12% of babies snore more than three nights a week. It could be because of nasal allergies (triggered by dust, dust mites) or excessive dryness in the room. Mild blockage caused by large tonsils and adenoids is the most common cause of snoring. Tonsils and adenoids are special lymph glands located at the back of the nose and throat; they serve as our protection patrol, churning out squads of antibodies and white blood cells to capture viruses and germs before they sneak into the body.

When the throat muscles relax during sleep, those soft tissues collapse slightly; that is not a problem; the whole breathing “tunnel” can narrow dramatically if your child has big tonsils and adenoids. With each deep breath, the child\’s throat closes up.

Ways to Ease Snoring and Grunting in Babies

There are a few ways to help your baby or toddler breath more quietly and sleep more restfully at night:

  • Put a thickly folded blanket under the mattress at the head of the bed to elevate your child’s head 3-4 inches.
  • Moisturize the air with a cool-mist humidifier.
  • Dispose of dairy products such as milk, cheese for 1-2 weeks.
  • Keep pets away from your child’s bedroom.
  • It would be wise to have your child checked by a doctor if your child\’s snoring problem persists.

Sleep Breathing Disorder That Causes Snoring in Children

Around 3% of children suffer from more severe snoring and a disease known as SBD (sleep-disordered breathing) Sleeping with mouth open, using a gravelly nasal accent, drooling on pillow, headaches, and being too tired are all symptoms of SBD. Children who are overweight or obese are more likely to have this problem, but it is not limited.

Children with SBD can be startled awake frequently during the night! Children with SBD can have dark circles under their eyes, yawn all day, become irritable, \”hyper,\” forgetful, and accident-prone. It also weakens the immune system, impairs learning, and increases the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease.

Your pediatrician may prescribe medication (such as oral or inhaled cortisone or a leukotriene inhibitor) or surgery to remove the tonsils and adenoids. Consider getting a second opinion if your child is obese or older than 7. Consider getting a second opinion before scheduling surgery. These children will not improve as a result of the process. The majority of snoring in children goes away after a few changes to their sleeping condition or diet.

Grunts in Babies

Newborns do not speak, but they do have their language to communicate with their parents. They sometimes make odd noises that can trigger shock/surprise in their parents. If you have a baby, his occasional grunts will lead you to believe he is in pain and cause you to be concerned. If your baby grunts, you should seek medical attention right away. Newborns usually grunt when they are having breathing problems. When a baby has digestive issues, he can make odd noises that should not be confused with grunting. When your baby grunts, it\’s a sign of a respiratory problem, and you should take him to the doctor.

Is it Normal for a Newborn to Grunt?

Have you experienced your newborn grunting? Since their organs are still growing, a baby grunts. As he uses their diaphragm muscles to move his intestine, they pressure their voice box or larynx, which causes him to grunt. The grunting that occurs as a result of this phase is abnormal. A newborn does this to keep the alveoli from collapsing. If a baby is bloated, it may make noises, but this is not the same as grunting.

Causes of Grunting in Babies

Babies make different noises for different things. Babies grunt when they have a problem in their respiratory system; sometimes, it may be because of other issues.

Respiratory Problems: This is likely to occur in premature babies; it can also happen to babies who have had a normal birth. When a baby has respiratory issues, along with grunting, some other signs such as unusual breathing movements, skin turning blue, nasal flaring will be noticed; these are usually a response to hypothermia.

Delay in the Development of Organs: premature babies may have organs that are yet to mature or still to develop. Hence they may grunt.

Sepsis: This is a severe condition where a baby is affected by an infection that runs in the blood. This condition is accompanied by other signs like loud grunting, which happens due to breathing difficulty.

When to Consult a Doctor

If your baby grunts because of some severe health issues such as respiratory problems, you should consult a doctor. 


Snoring and grunting in babies or toddlers are reasoned as developmental signs and are not a cause for alarm, but if left unchecked, they can cause so much discomfort for the baby and, in the long run, you. Keep a close watch on your kids and report any abnormality to your childcare expert.

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How to Treat Baby Sore Throat

Sore or scratchy throats on their own are rarely a medical emergency, but for new and veteran parents alike, they can still be alarming. Your first move is to monitor and keep a close eye on the symptoms of your infant. Let the pediatrician know all of your baby\’s signs. This will help the doctor decide whether you need to bring your baby to be seen or whether you need to leave them at home to relax.

Common causes for sore throat in babies

In children, there are a variety of common causes of pain in the throat.

Common cold

In children, a sore throat is frequently caused by a respiratory infection like the common cold. Nasal irritation and a runny nose are the primary signs of a cold. These may be in addition to the symptoms of the sore throat you find in your baby. On average, as their immune system grows and matures, babies may have up to seven colds in their first year of life. If you suspect a chill in your kid, you might want to consider keeping them from child care at home if:

They\’ve got a fever; A common rule of thumb, and a rule in most child care centers, is to keep your baby home when they have an active fever and after the fever breaks for an additional 24 hours.

They seem awkward; Consider holding them home if your child is crying a lot or seems, unlike their usual selves. You\’ll want to review the policies of the center where your child attends daycare. They may have unique conditions to keep sick kids at home.


Tonsillitis, or inflamed tonsils, may be experienced by babies. Usually, tonsillitis is caused by a viral infection. If your baby has tonsillitis, feeding/swallowing anything might not be of interest to them. Also, they may:

  • have problem swallowing
  • drool often than normal
  • fever
  • a scratchy and loud cry

Your pediatrician may prescribe acetaminophen for infants or ibuprofen for infants, if necessary. If your baby is consuming solids already, they would need to stick to soft foods.

Hand, foot, and mouth disease

Diseases of the hand, foot, and mouth are caused by different viruses and are common in children under 5. A fever, sore throat, and mouth pain may be symptoms. Your baby can also have sores and blisters in her mouth. These can make swallowing difficult. A rash of red bumps and blisters will possibly even be seen on the hands, feet, lips, or buttocks of your infant. If required, your pediatrician may suggest fluids, rest, and infant acetaminophen or infant ibuprofen.

Diseases of the hand, foot, and mouth are very infectious. Keep your child home until the rash has healed, which can take 7 to 10 days, from child care facilities. Even if they are no longer acting like they\’re still sick after a few days, they’ll continue to be infectious until the rash has fully healed.

Strep throat

A type of tonsillitis that is caused by a bacterial infection is strep throat. While it is rare in children under three years of age, it is still a potential cause of throat pain.

A fever and very red tonsils can include symptoms of strep throat in infants. You can even find that their neck has swollen lymph nodes. Contact your pediatrician if you think your baby has strep throat. To diagnose it, they should carry out a throat culture. They can prescribe, if necessary, antibiotics.

When do you inform your Pediatrician?

If your child is younger than three months of age, call your pediatrician for the first symptoms of a sore throat, such as refusing to eat or remaining fussy after feeding. There is no fully developed immune system for newborns and infants under three months, so their pediatrician will want to see or track them. If your child is over three months old, call your pediatrician if, in addition to appearing to have a sore or scratchy throat, they have other symptoms, including:

  • Unusual Cry
  • High temperature (100.4°F (38°C))
  • Persistent cough
  • Not wetting diapers as usual
  • Ear pain
  • Rash on their hand, mouth, torso, or buttocks

If you need to bring your baby in to be seen, or if you can leave them at home and try home remedies and rest, your pediatrician would be better able to decide. You will also be consulted by the pediatrician on whether your child should be kept home from child care and how long they could be infectious.

If your baby is having trouble swallowing or breathing, always seek emergency medical attention right away. If they have unusual drooling, you can also seek emergency medical attention, which could mean they\’re having difficulty swallowing.

Home Sore Throat Remedies for Babies

Here are some home remedies that may be helpful for an infant with a sore throat.


It can help alleviate sore throat symptoms by setting up a cool-mist humidifier in the baby\’s room. If your baby has a stuffy nose, it can help them breathe better with the humidifier.

Set the humidifier away from your baby so they won\’t touch it, but they can feel the effects close enough. Hot-water vaporizers are and should not be used as a burn hazard. To prevent bacteria or mold from developing, you\’ll want to clean and dry your humidifier each day. It can make your baby sick. Until your baby\’s symptoms improve, you should use a humidifier, but let your pediatrician know if your baby isn\’t feeling better after a few days.

Suction (for three months to one year)

Babies are not in a position to blow their noses. You may use a suction bulb instead to suck out nasal mucus. To make it easier to remove it with suction, saline drops can help loosen up the mucus.

Frozen liquids (for older babies)

You may want to give them a frozen treat to soothe their sore throat if your baby has already started with solids. In a baby Popsicle mold, consider feeding your baby a formula Popsicle or frozen breast milk. Observe them look for signs of choking as they try this frozen treat.


Sore throats in babies are not meant to scare parents, but they should be treated with urgency. One quick way to ensure your baby is safe is to maintain hygiene all-around your baby and their surroundings. In most cases, babies are susceptible to infections via their immediate environment.

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What is Cradle cap? How to treat and prevent it.

In newborns and infants, the cradle cap is a common skin condition that creates rough patches on their scalp. Normally, babies are known for their soft, smooth skin, but for newborns, cradle caps are very common. 

When you see these rough patches on the head of your infant, you might be concerned that it is something serious. The Cradle Cap is both common and harmless. It\’s the baby type of dandruff. This skin condition got its name because it is on the head, where a baby will wear a hat, which is the most popular place for the scaly patches to show up. Usually, you can get rid of it in a few easy steps. And if you don\’t do something, with time, it can go away by itself. 

Causes of Cradle Cap 

Doctors have no idea precisely what triggers a cradle cap. But when oil glands in your baby\’s skin produce more oil than they need to, they think these rough patches may show up. Doctors believe the extra fat can cause the scalp to bind to dead skin cells. 

Symptoms or signs of Cradle cap 

At approximately 2-6 weeks of the baby\’s life, the cradle cap may appear. Some of its indicators are:

Greasy and patchy scalp: The skin on the scalp of your baby might look greasy. On their scalp, they may have white or yellow patches of scales. The scales may flake off over time. 

Changes in scalp color: Often, rather than scaly or flaky, the skin on your child\’s scalp may look a different color. Your baby doesn\’t feel itchy with Cradle Cap, even though it seems it may be.

Hair loss: It\’s uncommon, but a baby might lose hair where the baby\’s cap is cradled. After the cradle cap goes down, the hair should grow again. 

Cradle cap appearing on other body parts: Apart from the head, the cradle cap can also appear on other parts like the face, behind the ears, the diaper region, and the armpits. 

Cradle cap diagnosis 

If your baby has this pervasive disorder, your doctor will know right away. They will have to see the skin on the scalp or other body parts of your infant. Your baby won\’t need to see a doctor to do any tests to diagnose the cradle cap. 

Treatment for Cradle Cap 

You can monitor and maintain the cradle cap using the following over-the-counter remedies and home care tips. 

Gently wash or Rub: Keeping the scalp of your baby clean makes the issue go away, as some of the extra oils are washed away. Use baby shampoo and gently massage it into the areas affected. Your doctor may advise you to clean your baby\’s hair more frequently than you usually do. 

Instead of every few days, you would need to wash it every day. Ask your doctor for herbal products if a mild baby shampoo doesn\’t work. Unless your doctor advises you to, do not use a shampoo with ingredients intended for dandruff. For babies, not all products are safe.

Brush: You should gently brush their hair with a gentle baby brush after cleaning your baby\’s hair and scalp. With time, the scales should loosen and fall off. But, make sure to go easy. 

Add some oil: Ask your doctor if, after using shampoo and a soft hairbrush, you can rub some petroleum jelly (Vaseline), baby oil, olive oil, or ointment into the scales on your baby\’s scalp. This is what some parents do and have great results.

Use cream: For cradle cap, some doctors can prescribe hydrocortisone cream, but only if the scalp is inflamed. This isn\’t usually important. Unless your doctor recommends it, don\’t use the steroid cream. 

Prevention of cradle cap in babies 

When the cradle cap is under control, by washing your baby\’s hair well enough with baby shampoo and brushing your scalp with a gentle brush, you can keep it at bay. Ask your pediatrician how much your baby\’s hair should be washed after the cradle cap goes off. Your doctor might also recommend that after the cradle cap has stopped being a concern, you use hydrocortisone cream or another lotion or ointment.


The cradle cap is not a dangerous disease that should bother you, but it should not be ignored either. At any point in time, you feel overwhelmed, always feel free to ask your pediatrician for advice or recommendations. Ensure you keep your baby clean and always mind what you apply on their skin. 

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A New Mother’s Guide to Baby Massage

How Should New Mothers Start Massaging Their Baby? Baby massage is a great way to give baby attention and relaxation delicately. Get some answers on the potential advantages of baby massages and how to begin. Body rubs are calming for the baby and therapeutic for moms 

Easy Massage Tips for the New Mother

Just became a first-time mother? Congrats on your new title. Parenthood is associated with limitless joy and happy new experiences. The question in our minds, is baby massage necessary? Indeed it is. An important part of being a mother is building up a bond with your child. Through the massage, learn the many ways your infant communicates to you, giving you the opportunities to support them better.

These body rubs are always calming. Not just the babies will feel relaxed, but the massage is additionally therapeutic for moms. Always be aware that they are delicate, and the massage should be done softly. Here are some inspiring ways you can get started.

1. Prepare Them
towels and candles

Turn on some calming lullaby music

45 minutes to 1 hour before it\’s time to sleep, we suggest a warm bath for the baby. Then cover them with a towel, carry them to a faintly lit room and turn on some calming lullaby music. You\’ll also need to be certain that your house is warm enough to be your infant\’s massage. Talking about sleep time, can baby massage help sleep come quicker? It’s true, and an infant massage truly encourages them to sleep soundly. Studies show that babies massaged by their moms before bed will generally nod off quicker, rest much deeper, and stay that way for long.

2. Create a Soothing Environment

Perform the massage in a warm, calm spot if possible — inside or outside. Whether you’re on the carpet, in bed or standing before the changing table and position your infant on a cover or towel before you. Place your child on their back so that you can talk or sing to them and benefit as much as possible from the experience. Finally, pick an appropriate time when they aren’t too full or really hungry.

3. Baby Massage Oil is an Option
massage oil

Caution: Avoid using oil if there is an allergic reaction

Use baby oil and slide over your infant’s skin. Always test a bit of that oil on a small spot of your child\’s skin and leave it for 24 hours to check for any response. A decent spot to do this is the thigh. Avoid using oil if there’s an allergic reaction. Wipe it off immediately with the best baby wipes. With no reaction, rub the oil in your palms and start with the child\’s legs and afterward work your way up to their calves and thighs. Squeeze them delicately.

4. Know the Limits

If your infant looks agitated at the beginning and doesn\’t appear to want it, stop. A back rub when they don’t need it will just make them fussier. You also don\’t need to give a full-body massage every single time.

Colic in babies is a major issue. So, how can baby massage help colic relief? Moving your fingers in a clockwise movement without applying much pressure is the correct method for baby tummy rubs for gas. Stop if they are crying; instead, we propose massaging your child every few moments during the day to help avoid the accumulation of gas, which can cause an enlarged/hard and painful belly by late evening and at night.

5. Finish Gently
mom kissing baby

Finish by giving the infant a delicate hug

Turn the infant over on the stomach and tenderly rub the back in long, stroking movements. Finally, turn the child over on the back and delicately massage the scalp in little, clockwise motions. Continue talking and entertaining them, softly telling them what you\’re doing every step of the way. Finish the session by giving the infant a delicate hug and wrap them with a soft towel.


We can\’t show you all the intricate details of baby massage in a blog article. Infant massage is just not that difficult, but it needs particular strategies to be used in unique ways to specific points on your baby\’s body. It may take a couple of attempts before both of you get comfortable with the baby rubs. Take your time.

So, will you make the baby massage a tradition for you and them to bond?

Author’s Bio: Laura Casey is a blogger, mother, and housewife who shares her vast experience in parenting, motherhood, and pregnancy. Her articles have already helped a lot of people who deal with parenting. She draws inspiration from raising kids and Motherhood itself. She believes that Parenthood can connect people all over the world.

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How to Bathe Your Newborn

Not only is bathing your newborn an integral part of general hygiene, but it is also essential in terms of calming the muscles and joints of the baby\’s body. It\’s something you should add to your baby\’s routine shortly after your baby is born. 

Although, baby health specialists suggest postponing the first bath for a baby till they are a few days old. That\’s because your baby is coated with a waxy protective skin covering (known as vernix) after birth that shields your baby from environmental germs……more like your \”baby\’s amour,\” cool, right??

If you gave birth to your baby in the hospital, after your baby is born, hospital nurses could clean up the amniotic fluid and blood. But if you choose, you\’ll have the choice of asking them to leave excess vernix. But once you take your baby home, after spending the appropriate time to heal at the hospital, you must sponge bath your baby. Contrary to popular opinion, bathing for a newborn baby is very simple; though it requires extreme caution, it\’s straightforward and direct. 

You should clean the area around their head, body, and diaper. This is the best baby bath practice just before the umbilical cord comes off. For a better knowledge on how to bath newborns and a  better understanding of bath time, let\’s proceed; 

Preparing for your first baby bath; 

For the first few weeks of life, your baby should be adequately bathed to ensure optimum hygiene and improve your baby\’s health. Bathing your baby properly also aids the umbilical cord\’s healing process and helps with the circumcision site (in the case of circumcised baby boys). 

In most cases, a sponge bath is recommended for better wash up for your baby, as it is more effective in cleaning your baby\’s body. A sponge bath is also recommended if you want to wash one part or all of your baby\’s body without having them soaked wet.  Ensure you have all the baby bath items you need within easy reach before giving your baby a sponge bath. To keep your baby cozy, you will also want to warm up the room. Some of the baby bath items you should stay close by are; 

  • Blanket or a Towel (for padding hard surfaces)
  • A bowl of warm, not hot, water
  • Washcloth
  • Mild baby bath soap
  • Mild baby bath sponge
  • Clean diaper
  • Baby towel

How to bath your newborn baby 

  • After getting the necessary baby bathing items ready, follow the below-highlighted steps on how to bath your newborn baby; 
  • Choose a warm room, around 23.8 ° C (75 ° F) for the bath, take away clothes and diapers from your baby, and wrap them in a towel. 
  • Place your child on a flat surface, like a floor, a changing table, a counter next to a sink, or a bed. Using a safety strap or hold them with one hand at all times to make sure they do not fall if your baby is off the ground. 
  • To reveal only the region of the body you\’re cleaning, unwrap the towel one section at a time. Begin with the face and the top of your baby\’s head: dip the clean cloth in the warm water first. 
  • To avoid getting soap in the eyes or mouth of your infant, use only warm water without soap for this phase. Wipe the outer ears, chin, neck folds, and eyes along the top of the head and around them. 
  • In the warm bath, apply a drop or two of soap. Dip the washcloth in and squeeze it out of the soapy water. 
  • Clean the rest of the body and diaper region with soapy water. You will want to thoroughly clean under the arms and around the genital area. Unless otherwise instructed by your baby\’s doctor, stop washing the penis to keep the wound dry if your baby has been circumcised. 
  • Dry your kid off, including drying between the folds of the skin. Put on a clean diaper for your baby. To keep your head warm when they are drying off, you can use a towel with a built-in cover. 
  • If you have a baby boy who has been circumcised, closely follow the doctor\’s instructions to keep the area clean or dry until the area has healed. It usually takes about a week for this to be healed. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

How do I bath my baby in a bathtub? 

Once the umbilical cord comes off, and the circumcision spot heals completely, the bathtub bath is an effective means of keeping your baby hygienic and clean. The steps below can help serve as directions; 

  • With a small amount of water, fill the tub. Usually, 2 to 3 centimeters of water from the bottom of the tub is enough. Depending on the model you have, some tubs can be put in the sink or standard bathtub. 
  • Place your baby right in the water after undressing your baby so he/she doesn\’t get cold, using one hand to hold your baby\’s head and the other to bring their feet into the tub first. They should have their head and neck well above water at all times for protection. 
  • To keep them warm in the pool, you can splash or spill warm water over your baby gently. 
  • To cleanse their face and hair, use a washcloth and shampoo their scalp one to two days a week. 
  • Using warm water or a wet washcloth, wash the rest of the body from the top down. 
  • Lift your baby out gently and wipe it dry with a towel. Make sure to dry the creases in their skin as well. 

Remember never to leave your baby, even for one second, unattended in a tub. They can easily drown, regardless of the quantity of water.  

Do you need soap to bath your baby? 

When bathing your newborn, you can use gentle baby soap or baby wash. Don\’t use the regular soaps as they can be too harsh for your baby\’s delicate skin. The skin of your newborn doesn\’t need moisturizer either. 

How often should I bathe my newborn baby?

Whether you’re bathing your first baby or your last, you’re bound to have some newborn bathing concerns, the most pressing of which is how to keep your baby clean and how often you should bathe your baby. Although it has long been recommended that the baby be bathed as soon as possible after birth, newer research indicates that delaying the first bath may be beneficial.

What is the ideal water temperature for a baby bath? 

The temperature of the water for bathing your baby should be warm, never hot; about 98.6° F (between 37 ° C and 38 ° C) is the optimal temperature. To track the temperature, you can use a bath thermometer or check the water with your wrist or elbow to ensure it\’s warm and not hot.

Also, check the tub or baby bath on different sides to ensure no hot spots. Turn on the cold water first and then the hot water to fill it, whether you use a tub or basin. You should also change the water heater if you live in a house to ensure it does not go over 120 ° F (48.8 ° C), which can badly scald the skin of your infant. When you live in an apartment complex or condo, you probably can\’t change the water heater. 


Never at any point in time leave your baby unattended during bath. If your baby cries out or seems uncomfortable, ensure the room is warm at the right temperature and also check if the water is not hot. Be careful with bubble baths as too much can dry up the baby\’s skin. Bath toys can also help make your baby bath time fun; remember to include them in your list of baby bath items. 

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Hair Care Tips for Your Baby

How do you feel when you see so much hair like a black forest on a newborn’s hair? For me, it made me feel super proud of myself to see my babies with such beautiful dark hair, but I didn’t have an idea about caring for my baby’s hair. For babies, hair is more than aesthetics. The hair on a baby’s hair also serves as a covering for the scalp. Not every baby is born with full hair on the scalp. Some are born almost bald with only a little amount of hair on their head. Genetics and exposure to hormones are responsible for the texture and amount of hair your baby is born with.

Whether the hair is full or scanty, there are ways to help take care of and maintain your baby’s hair.

How to care for your baby’s hair
  1. Get a suitable shampoo and conditioner made for babies to wash your baby’s hair regularly. You should get organic products to prevent rashes from an adverse reaction.
  2. Whether your baby has full curly hair or scanty straight hair, shampoo the hair.
  3. Gently dry your baby’s hair with a soft towel
  4. Apply coconut oil, shea butter, or baby oil to the scalp and massage it.
  5. As your baby grows older, you can apply hair growth oil, leave-in conditioner, and other healthy hair products.
  6. Gently comb or brush the hair.
When to use a comb and when to use a brush
  1. Use a fine-toothed brush for a baby with scanty or almost bald hair. This can have a soothing feeling on the scalp.
  2.  Babies with full or plenty of hair needs comb for their hair.
  3. Only comb or brush the hair after oiling.
What should you not do to your baby’s hair?
  1. Your baby’s shampoo and hair conditioner should not contain sulfate because sulfate in shampoos and hair conditioners dry out the scalp.
  2. Do not use olive oil to moisturize your little one’s hair. It can lead to cradle cap and flaking. I had to learn this from my son. After he developed cradle, which I did not know what it was at the time, I went researching, and one of the implicated items was the use of olive oil on the hair.
  3. Don’t just pick any comb and use it on your baby’s hair. Understand the hair texture and find the right comb, so that combing hair time does not become a miserable time.
  4. There are several hair treatments in the market; understudy them before using them on your baby.
  5. Do not use adult hair products for your baby. Your baby absorbs substances on any part of the skin into the liver. The substances in adult products are usually too strong for the baby’s liver and kidney to handle.
  6. If cradle cap is present on your baby’s hair, do not disturb the scalp by excessive combing. Because cradle cap is nothing to worry about.

Taking care of your baby’s hair shouldn\’t be so much of a hassle. With the right hair products, your baby’s hair will grow fine. Remember to always keep the hair moisturized.

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Is It Safe To Clean Your Newborn\’s Ears With Cotton Swabs?

When it comes to our Newborns, whatever purpose we have for something drops to a different level since these tenders beings are in total surrender to our care and love. Generally, cotton swabs used in the cleaning of ears to remove earwax have been viewed negatively, and several warnings are given in its usage. It is dangerous to use cotton swabs or to stick anything inside your baby\’s ear. Cleaning of ears with cotton swabs has sent many kids to the ER (Emergency Room), as these objects perforate the developing ear membrane.


Cotton Swab Dangers in Newborns Ear;

A] Ruptured eardrums; Due to their bodies\’ sensitivity and development, cotton swabs are dangerous and too toxic to the baby\’s eardrums. It could lead to ruptured eardrums and severe bleeding.

B] Ear damage; when the eardrums are ruptured, cases like permanent damage can occur to the ears of your baby, leading to loss of sound.

C] Excessive build of earwax: Instead of cleaning the earwax from the babies ears, cotton swab pushes them back, preventing them from falling off. It can lead to blockage of the eardrums, creating discomfort for the babies like itching, discharge from the ear, etc.

d]Portions of cotton swabs in the ears; in many cases, using the cotton swabs leaves some cotton particles in the baby\’s ears. At first, this may be harmless but can cause unrepaired damage to the child\’s eardrums in the future. It is completely unhealthy for particles to be left in the eardrums.

Alternative methods of Cleaning Babies Ears:

A] Use eardrops; use medically approved eardrops prescribed by a pediatrician to prevent excessive earwax.

B] Use warm facial towels; this is usually done after bathing the baby. Use the warm towel to gently and mildly clean around the ears.

C] Use ointments or baby oil; few drops of baby healthy oil and ointments into the baby\’s ear soften the ear wax and clean them out. However, this should be done with medical directives and knowledge.

First instinct as parents when we see earwax in our baby\’s ear is to use THE COTTON SWAB, but these do more damage than good to the ears of our newborns. They cause severe damage to the infants and rupture the developing eardrums, which could lead to loss of sound. Alternative mild home remedies should be used instead of cotton swabs. Please consult a pediatrician if your baby is experiencing any ear problem to avoid any further complications.

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