Why Some Labor Periods are Longer Than Others

A special experience for women is certainly childbirth. In some situations, the labor period may be quick while in another labor period, it may take time. That being said, the length or the signs of labor depends on so many factors involved.

First of all, what is labor? Well, it is a series of intense and repeated muscle contractions. The contractions usually assist the baby in coming out from the womb. It is in your lower back area and belly that most women feel the contractions. This is often referred to as labor pains.

On average, women who are giving birth for the first time usually stay in labor for 12 to 18 hours. If you have been pregnant before and given birth to a child, it is usually quicker to conceive.

Why are some labor periods longer than others?

Well, the labor stage usually determines prolonged labor. As a matter of fact, when there is failure in progress in conceiving a child, then you are experiencing a prolonged labor. In addition, if you are unable to conceive after approximately 20 hours of constant contractions, then you are in a prolonged labor.

Besides, some experts in the field stated that you can know a longer labor period when it stays between 18 to 24 hours.

Now, what are the signs of labor that can stay for an extended period?

  • 1. When the head of your baby is too big or if the baby is too big and is unable to pass through the birth canal
  • 2. When you have a weak contractions
  • 3. When the contractions are too tiny for the baby to pass through
  • 4. When your baby in the womb is placed in an abnormal position. In other words, every baby head down in the womb should be facing your back.

What may occur if the labor stays for an extended period?

When it is the due date for a woman to give birth, certainly she will want to experience fast labor and swift delivery. But let us assume your labor is taking more time than what you expected, what you should try to do is to take comfort in knowing your nurse, doctor, or midwife. The reason is that these professionals will certainly help when there is a problem and will also closely monitor you.

As a matter of fact, these professionals may constantly check;

  • 1. The strength of your contractions
  • 2. How often you have contractions.

How can one treat labor that stays for a long period?

Let us assume you are experiencing a prolonged labor, what you should first of all consider is to rest for a while. At times, you may be given drugs to reduce the pains, since you might want to change the position of your body.

Also, assuming your baby is in the birth canal, special tools such as the vacuum device, forceps, etc may be used by the doctors or midwife to help pull out the baby through the vagina. You may also receive Pitocin, but only if your doctor feels that your contractions must be stronger. This certain drug will help to increase the speed of your contractions and also make it more powerful.

Finally, you may need a C-section if after everything mentioned above proves to be futile. You will certainly need a C-section if the baby is too big or the medicine fails to speed up delivery.

Do you want to reverse infertility and get pregnant naturally in the space of 60 days? Click the link below.

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Reverse Infertility and Get Pregnant Naturally in 60 Days

You should not feel awkward if you and your partner are unable to get pregnant. According to recent statistics, more than 2 million married couples experience infertility. Also, this recent statistics indicates that more than 6 million women between the ages of 16 to 44 have not experienced child birth.

That being said, what do you understand by the word ‘infertility? Well, it can be defined as not being able to get pregnant irrespective of the fact that you had unprotected sex and frequent sex. Now, what are the symptoms of infertility? Obviously, the main symptom of infertility is not getting pregnant but the other symptoms include; irregular or absent menstrual periods, hormonal issues such as changes in hair growth.

What are the causes of Infertility in both Male and Female?

In the Male gender;

  • Abnormal sperm production or function as a result of genetic defects, undescended testicles, health issues such as infections, gonorrhea, diabetes, Chlamydia, etc.
  • Issues with the delivery of sperm as a result of sexual issues like premature ejaculation, genetic diseases, etc.
  • Damage associated to cancer
  • Overexposure to certain environmental factors like radiation, pesticides, and other chemicals.

In the Female gender;

  • Cervical or uterine abnormalities such as polyps in the uterus, abnormalities in the opening of the cervix, shape of the uterus, etc.
  • Ovulation disorders which certainly has a negative effect on the eggs from the ovaries. This includes hormonal disorders like the polycystic ovary syndrome.
  • Fallopian blockage or tube damage which is certainly as a result of inflammation from the fallopian tube.
  • Pelvic adhesions; it is a bands of scar tissue that attaches organs after appendicitis, pelvic infection, or pelvic or abdominal surgery.
  • Endometriosis. This can occur when the uterus has a grown endometrial tissue. This certainly has a negative impact on the function of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus.

In Both Male and Female;

  • If you and your partner are not able to get pregnant and either of you is overweight, know that being overweight can have a negative impact. Being overweight can affect the chances of getting pregnant. As a matter of fact, it can result to hormonal imbalances, ovulation problems, etc.

What Are the Natural Ways to Get Pregnant

According to many scientists and doctors from different parts of the world, people with infertility can enhance fertility. Not only that, these scientists and doctors claimed that there are certain ways to improve hormonal imbalance, endometriosis, blocked fallopian tubes, polycystic ovarian syndrome (pos), and premature ovarian failure. These doctors and scientists claimed that women who possess any of the mentioned above can still get pregnant and give birth to healthy babies naturally.

Now, before we recommend this guide titled ‘The Pregnancy Miracle,’ you need to understand the state of your body as an individual. It is critical for conception to occur and as a woman, it is also important to conceive.

The guide titled ‘The Pregnancy Miracle’ is authored by Lisa Olson, a certified nutrition specialist, and a medical researcher. She created this guide to help couples who are unable to get pregnant. Lisa, on the other hand, has also experienced infertility disorders.

So, if you want to get solutions in reversing infertility and getting pregnant naturally, then you need to buy and read the book.

To access the book, simply click on this link below;

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Causes of Pregnancy Weight and How to Manage it

The weight a woman gains during pregnancy is a critical factor for the health of the baby and the woman herself. The body mass index (BMI) before pregnancy determines the amount of weight you should gain. A normal weight is classified to be a BMI of 18.5 to 24.9. Someone who is overweight is classified to have about 29.9 BMI. Someone who is also obese is classified to have more than 30 BMI.

Before we discuss about the causes of pregnancy weight, let us know talk about the risks and complications of being overweight or obese.

There are high chances that women who are obese have a high risk of complications. These complications include high blood pressure disorders like sleep apnea, preeclampsia, and gestational diabetes. They also have high chances of giving birth to kids who become overweight and obese.

You baby may also be affected negatively if you gain too much weight during pregnancy. In other words, your baby may be born larger than average and result to complications at birth or preterm birth.

That being said, your doctor should be of assistance in helping you managing your weight throughout pregnancy.

How Often Does Pregnancy Weight Gain Occur?

In the United States, one in five women possess a BMI of 30 or more while being at the early stage of their pregnancy. During the pregnancy stage, around one to five women gain more than 40 pounds.

The Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy Weight Gain

You can experience day-to-day issues if you are experiencing excess weight. This includes snoring or sleep apnea, breathlessness, increased sweating, heartburn, fatigue, and back and joint pain. If you must know, obesity can result to high cholesterol levels, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure.

The causes of Pregnancy Weight

Not exercising your body and consuming too much food are the most common factors that contribute to increased weight. A pregnant woman can also be obese if she takes certain medications like anticonvulsants, antidepressants, and hypothyroidism.

Where Does Pregnancy Weight Come from?

Adding weight during pregnancy is not bad. It\’s recommended you aim for a weight gain of around 25-35 pounds during your 40 weeks of pregnancy (if you started out pre-pregnancy at a \” normal \” BMI. Ask your prenatal practitioner for the recommended weight gain for your profile.) But not all that weight will be in the form of extra fat. ⁣

Here\’s a breakdown of where those pounds come from.⁣

What you Need to do to treat excess pregnancy weight

The best way to reduce the risk is losing weight prior to your pregnancy. You can improve your overall health and live a healthier pregnancy if you lose just 10 to 20 pounds.

Even though there are risks, you can still experience a healthy pregnancy if you possess excess weight. You can monitor your pregnancy for complications by following the regular parental care. You will need to provide good nourishment to your body and your baby by eating healthy foods.

1. Consume a Healthy Diet

While at home, you can practice some healthy habits to lose weight before becoming pregnant or to even assist manage your weight while pregnant.

You can help keep your weight in a healthy range by changing what you eat and consuming these foods consistently. To determine an individualized healthy eating plan, simply visit and discuss with a registered dietitian. Generally, extra calories are not needed in the first trimester of pregnancy. During the second trimester, women require about 340 extra calories on daily basis. When she gets to the third trimester, she will need about 450 extra calories per day.

2. Get Regular exercise

You can control your weight by having regular and moderate exercise during pregnancy. Every week, you should try to have at least two and a half hours of moderate exercise. To break it down, thirty minutes every day and five days a week. Before you start to exercise especially when you are pregnant, simply discuss with your doctor on the possible workouts you can perform. The reason is to prevent stressing the lower body.

Know your Limit

Do not take cigarettes, alcohol, or any illicit drugs when you are pregnant.

Click this link below to know the home remedies for irregular menstruation or periods;

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Woman Sets Record After Giving Birth To Nine (9) Babies In A Single Birth

On the 6th of May, 2021, a young lady from Mali sets a record after giving birth to nine babies alive in a single birth. When she was still pregnant, doctors had already informed her of the number of babies she was carrying, although gave the wrong number. According to the BBC, these doctors detected only seven babies on ultrasounds.

This lady, by her name, Halima Cisse gave birth to four boys and five girls in Morroco. She was taken to Morroco by the Mali government for specialist care. According to her husband, Adjudant Kader Arby,

I’m very happy and my wife and the babies are doing well.

A team of 25 paramedics and 10 doctors assisted with the cesarean delivery. According to a medical doctor of the Ain Borja clinic in Casablanca, Youssef Alaoui,

‘The delivery was extremely rare and exceptional. The preterm babies weigh about 1-2 pounds each and will be kept in incubators for 2 or 3 months.’

This young lady pregnancy became so popular in Mali when doctors felt that she was carrying septuplets. The doctors were bothered about the babies survival and even her welfare,  so the health authorities intervened. Cisse was transferred to Morocco after a two-week stay in a Mali hospital.

Also, in the words of Alaoui;

\”Arby is still in Mali with the couple’s older daughter but says he has been in regular contact with his wife. He told BBC Afrique that he’s not worried about the babies’ health and that the family has received overwhelming support. Everybody called me! Everybody called!” he said. “The Malian authorities called expressing their joy. I thank them … even the president called me.\”

See photos below;

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How to Select the Best Hospital for Childbirth

Although you may have complete faith in the doctor you\’ve seen during your pregnancy, relying solely on her and the hospital with which she is associated may leave you disappointed at the time of delivery. This is because your doctor could be swamped with patients and won\’t be able to see you through delivery, leaving you in the care of someone you\’ve never met before. Worse, the hospital may not be able to provide you with anything you need during this critical period and the atmosphere in which you find yourself is just as crucial as the doctor.

Even if your doctor is eligible to meet you after your birth, you must note that you will be in the care of hospital personnel during your labor and recovery, and you must feel safe and secure in realizing that they will do a good job.

Things to Consider While Selecting the Maternity Hospital for Delivery

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a hospital is the efficiency of the workforce, the hospital\’s atmosphere and services, and the competence of the doctors on staff as well as those associated with the hospital. Although it is never too early to start planning for your birth, most women will wait until the pregnancy has been confirmed before looking for a doctor and hospital. While it is acceptable to change doctors mid-pregnancy, it is preferable to find the doctor you want to deliver your child, as well as the appropriate hospital and staff, from the start of your pregnancy.

Here are some things that you should consider while selecting your hospital:

  •  Hospital Success Story

Get to know the hospital; here\’s how: Visit their website to learn more about the services they provide and which doctors are associated with or work in-house at the hospital. Conduct a general internet search to find medical blogs or journals that will include a hospital ranking. Check out what other patients and clients have to say about the hospital.

  • Feedback and Reviews

This would be very beneficial in assisting you in deciding on a hospital. Speak with any women you know who have had children, whether they are relatives, friends, or coworkers. Determine whether or not they were pleased with their stay and the services offered by the workers of the hospital. If you\’re already interested in a hospital and want to learn more, you can always look for feedback from other women who have given birth there online. Community forums are also a great way to learn about other mothers\’ views and what they have to tell if you live in the same city as them.

  •  Seek the advice of your own Obstetrician/Gynaecologist

If you have a doctor with whom you are pleased and do not wish to adjust, you can always seek advice. Make a list of the hospitals where your doctor is associated.

Tell him/her what you need, and she\’ll tell you which of the hospitals will better meet your needs. Inquire about which of the hospitals has the best labor and rehabilitation care, workers.

  •  Hospital Tour

It would be beneficial for you to visit the hospitals after you have narrowed down your list. Take note of how busy and large the maternity ward is when you visit. Examine the size of the rooms and whether or not they seem to be safe and sanitary. Learn about the amenities and facilities that will be provided. Inquire about the nurses\’ and doctors\’ availability. Try to visit the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for a guide.

  • Quality of Doctors and Medical Staff

The quality of a hospital\’s medical staff is what distinguishes it as one of the best. If you have any relatives or acquaintances who have given birth at the hospital, be sure to inquire about their nurses\’ experiences. Look online for any mentions or details about the doctor. Observe how the neonatal staff treats the babies and communicate with as many of them as possible to determine comfort levels.

  • Budget

Being able to afford all of your needs is one of the most critical aspects of a hospital stay. Examine your insurance policy to see if it includes maternity coverage. Some insurance companies have a cap on how much they can pay out, and others may be associated with just a few hospitals. Obtain a list of the hospitals with which your insurance provider is associated and choose one from the list. During the tour, hospitals have comprehensive price lists, but prices can vary based on factors such as whether you want a shared or private space.

  • Proximity to Home

It\’s essential to consider the distance you\’ll have to drive to get to the hospital. Choose a hospital that is close to home, mainly if the pregnancy is high-risk. Ensure you have a path or a short route with less traffic in mind; this will help you save time and reduce birth pains during crucial times.

  •  Accommodation

When choosing a hospital, the length of stay is often a significant consideration. Check to see if you want to share a room or if you want a private room. Find out whether your husband or caregiver will be able to stay with you while you\’re in the hospital. Make sure the rooms and bathrooms are clean and sanitary.

  • Birthing Technologies and Techniques Based on the Birth Plan

Finding out what they have to give in terms of technology and birthing procedures, as well as whether or not it would work for your birth schedule, is one of the most critical aspects of how to choose a hospital for the birth.

Take note of these;

    • High-Risk Pregnancy Facility: If you fall into this category, you will require a team of experts and the proper facilities, such as access to emergency blood if needed.
    • Natural Birth Option(NBO) Facilities: Look for a hospital with a less proactive unit culture, as vaginal deliveries might not be a priority. If you want epidurals, they should be able to supply them, and if you don\’t, they should honor your decision.
    • C-Section Delivery Facility: If your pregnancy necessitates a C-Section, the required medical supplies and personnel should be on hand to manage the situation delicately.
    • Anaesthesia and Epidural Facilities: It\’s essential to have a good epidural for vaginal deliveries and an anesthetist on hand in case of a C-Section.
    • Emergency Facilities/ICU: If something goes wrong, getting a team and the appropriate resources on hand to tackle an emergency is critical. The hospital should have an ICU where sensitive cases can adequately be cared for.


With so many things to consider and investigate, it\’s best to stay ahead of the game and not leave anything to chance. What matters most is your and your baby\’s wellbeing.

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Vaginal Tears: What Your Doctor Didn\’t Tell You

Vaginal tears are one of the most common childbirth injuries women face, and it has caused so much trauma to women that most women fear experiencing it again. I have had encounters with nursing mothers and pregnant women (both new and experienced) that fear the trauma of going through frightening experiences due to childbirth injuries.

The truth is that vaginal tears would most likely be experienced by 97% of pregnant women; this is not because you cannot prevent it, but it\’s most likely because you have been doing it wrongly.

  1. Are you scared of not controlling your normal body functions as a result of perineal tears during childbirth?
  2. Do you involuntarily ease yourself as a result of vaginal tears?
  3. Have you tried all the necessary means, and you still end up with the same result?

How do I protect myself from Childbirth Injuries?

As a health specialist and writer, I want to share with you healthy, tested, and trusted solutions to prepare you for childbirth properly and to reduce the risk of vaginal tear during childbirth significantly.

I have been a health adviser for five years now and have written health articles on top health blogs, which have helped countless mothers develop physical and mental readiness for childbirth. Through my blog and pages, I have helped new moms understand the prerequisite needed for safe and injury-free delivery.

Here are some of the factors that can predispose a woman to childbirth injuries;

  • Ethnicity
  • Mother size relative to baby size
  • Mother pregnancy routines
  • Diet

The book I’m about to share with you have outlined detailed procedures to not only help you stay safe during childbirth but also to minimize the pain of delivery to the nearest minimum. The writer of this book (A professional Nurse and Midwife) have put together a series of enlightening activities that can help you prepare your body for birth and reduce the risk of vaginal tear significantly.

For more information on how to experience a safe childbirth process, free of hurts or pains, how to protect yourself from vaginal tears during childbirth, and how to ensure a healthy mum and child, Get This Book Now.

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5 Simple & Fun Ways To Document Your Pregnancy

Are you pregnant?? Congratulations!!

Pregnancy is full of a lot of stories that can take a lot of efforts to remember and in most cases, remembering all the scenes doesn\’t happen. But hey, what if you could remember all, yes, like all, from the very day till the day you hold your baby in your hands? How?………Pregnancy Documenting!!

Probably you are wondering how to keep some memories from this beautiful adventure, and you are overwhelmed with the options and same-old looking pregnancy progress photos. These ideas will help you create memories of the exciting time. Pregnancy can be kind of a blur truthfully. At the onset, you’re worried, and also feeling nauseous wishing for weeks to fly till the delivery date so you can hold your cute baby in your arms. A time will come you will wish to experience pregnancy again. It’s a beautiful experience you would love to hold on to, unlike anything else you’ll ever experience.

Photo Journal

Having a pregnancy journal is a great way to document your thoughts if you want to keep more than images, wishes, pictures, and worries you had during pregnancy. Photos of your baby shower, gifts, memorable moments, preparation of the nursery, and your other pregnancy highlights (including documenting your cravings, of course!) should be taken.

Create a pregnancy blog

Women are happy and would love to share their pregnancy trials and tribulations with the world online. \”One important question to ask yourself before creating a blog is “why are you creating the blog.”

Create pregnancy keepsakes

A fun way to record or document your pregnancy is by Keepsakes, such as belly casting or pictures of your bump with belly paint or natural henna. A measuring tape can also make a great souvenir. Make marks on a tape measure to know how your belly grows month by month.

Check Out: How to Avoid Vaginal Injuries at Child Birth

Belly & Baby

A combination of belly & baby shows you document your growing baby and your growing belly simultaneously; it needs some artistic skills to pull off (Get a photographer or ask for help from a relative or friend with good photoshoot skills). The matching colors are vital to making it look good! It can also be turned into a pretty severe featuring images around the same color theme! This is a must-try!!

Chalkboard Updates

A combination of belly growth and a journal. To record every week, take a bit of time to pull this off; you can always opt for the shorter version and make it a monthly update instead. If you prefer taking pictures as a means to record pregnancy, then, by all means, go to a very reliable studio to book a package


Every pregnancy varies from the last or the next. Also, your way to document pregnancy will differ. Let your creativity flow through as you ponder about these suggestions. But feel free to juice it up a bit! Find the best and memorable way to remember all these precious memories. It will be interesting to tell your child about them one day when the time comes.

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Useful Pregnancy Tips For Normal Delivery

A natural way of getting the baby into this world is a normal delivery. Studies show that at least 85% of pregnant women may have a natural birth while the remaining 15 percent need procedures like a C-section. But statistically, one in three (more than 30 percent) pregnant women go through a C-section. To prevent pain and anxiety during labor, women can choose a C-section. But in the future, a C-section may pose problems and take extended recovery days, unlike a regular delivery.

Babiesmata addresses the advantages, tips to improve the likelihood of having a normal delivery, and how you can quickly go about it.

What is Normal Delivery?

If you have no medical problems, it is not hard to have a natural and regular childbirth. Also, the natural birth process allows the new mom to have a healthy baby and to recover quickly. Although there is no standard delivery formula or shortcut, specific steps can increase the odds of getting a safe and natural delivery.

Some Factors that predetermine a Normal delivery

Certain variables determine your ability to have a normal delivery. They cannot guarantee a result of 100 per cent, however. You will have a better chance of having a regular delivery if:

In your previous pregnancies, you had a normal vaginal delivery.

  • Your pregnancy is going smoothly without any drawbacks
  • Throughout your pregnancy, you are physically involved. The more physically active you are, the greater the probability of normal birth.
  • There are no underlying health conditions, such as asthma, which can intensify during pregnancy and labor.
  • You are of normal weight as being overweight predisposes you to have a large baby, which reduces the chances of a normal delivery.
  • Your physiological conditions are under control, including blood pressure, sugar in the blood, and hemoglobin.

During pregnancy, the above is the general health factors that affect your chances of getting a normal delivery. You may also follow a few guidelines that might further improve the chances of normal delivery. 

Tips for a normal delivery

Normal vaginal delivery, both for the mother and baby, is the perfect way to give birth. If you wish to have a normal delivery, here are some tips to follow;

Stay positive and abstain from negative birth stories:

You can come across childbirth stories that are both easy and complicated. It would make you more nervous to listen to negative stories and could lead to a traumatic event.

  • If a fellow mom happens to share her horrible childbirth experience, just walk away from her.
  • Say no to wild speculation.
  • Bear in mind that not everyone has the same labor experience. Just because your colleague has had an awful delivery doesn\’t mean that you\’re going to have one.
Stay away from stress:

During pregnancy, it is normal to feel overwhelmed. Stress, anxiety and random thoughts are advisable to avoid since negative feelings can turn childbirth into a nightmare.

  • Try any sort of meditation that allows you to feel at ease.
  • Read books, listen to music, and engage in methods of visualization.
  • Stay in the company of healthy and polite individuals.
  • Keep away from individuals and conditions that make you feel awkward or negative.
Acquire knowledge about birthing:

Knowledge is power. Obtain as much information about labor and delivery as possible.

  • Bear in mind that your doctor will clear up all your questions about pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Read a lot of childbirth books (remember to keep a positive mindset)
  • Speak to your mother or other older family women who are willing to support you with their experiences.
  • Grab data on natural management methods such as techniques of calming, breathing, and coping.
  • Enroll in antenatal classes

Do not be overwhelmed, however. Often, too much data may be an issue as well. The medical professional will assist you in getting through the procedure when the time is right.

Build a healthy support system:

Have ample emotional support. Have your husband, mother, and close friends around to increase your confidence and alleviate your concerns about the expected delivery.

  • When it comes to childbirth, make sure you and your husband are on the same page.
  • Your family will stand by your side, so if you have any different opinions or feelings about pregnancy, share them, and agree with them.
  • Having a system of support will help take the burden away.
Choose your doctor wisely:

It is a sad fact that many doctors are searching for relief and are persuading mothers to have a C-section. So, it is crucial to choose a doctor who can adequately handle your pregnancy.

  • Ensure that the doctor and the clinic have a reasonable quality delivery rate.
  • Speak to your doctor about their every day delivery opinions.
  • Look for another doctor if you feel your doctor might not value your desire to have a normal delivery.

It\’s worthy to note that perineal massage regularly will help your body prepare for normal delivery: When you reach the seventh month, you can start using perineal massage.

  • It enables you to deal with labor and also handle tension.
  • Hook your thumb inside to massage the perineum and move the lower portion of the vagina gently outward and forward.
The Takeaway

Do not let negative experiences sway you from thinking you can’t have a normal vaginal delivery. Keep an open conversation with your husband, let your mind and surroundings speak positivity, and be active throughout the pregnancy till the birth procedure, and you will be fine. Congratulations in Advance!!!! Cheers.

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How to deal with postpartum depression

Women and their series of changes never cease to amaze me. I know of women with mood swings during their periods and specific body changes after childbirth. Your body and mind undergo many changes during and after pregnancy. But there is another big issue that needs to be dealt with, and that is postpartum depression. To some, it is not a strange term, but how much do you know about this topic?

There is no doubt about it that after childbirth, countless emotions can set in. You may experience anything from joy to fear or even sadness. If this feeling of sadness increases and begins to interfere with your daily life, there is a need to worry. This is because you might be experiencing postpartum depression, and the best way to diagnose this is by visiting your doctor.

Postpartum depression describes the series of complex physical, chemical, emotional, and behavioral changes in a woman after giving birth. It is a kind of major depression that has its onset within four weeks after delivery. The chemical changes involve a rapid drop in hormones after delivery.

What are the causes of postpartum depression?

The primary cause of postpartum depression is not clear, but factors like physical changes or hormonal changes, and emotional stressors may trigger its symptoms. One of the most significant physical changes after giving birth involves hormones. The female reproductive hormones, the estrogen and progesterone level increase tenfold during pregnancy. After delivery, they drop sharply. A few days after childbirth, there is a drop-down in these hormones\’ levels to what they were before pregnancy.

According to (Schiller et al., 2014), this sudden change in hormone levels may lead to depression. This is similar to hormonal changes before a woman\’s period but involves much more extreme swings in hormone levels.

Also, there may be a drop-down in the level of thyroid hormone after childbirth. The thyroid regulates how your body uses and stores energy from food. Low levels of thyroid hormones can cause symptoms of depression. Other physical factors that may contribute to postpartum depression include:

  • Tiredness after labor and delivery
  • Tiredness from lack of sleep
  • Inadequate diet
  • Overwhelmed with a new baby
  • Drug and alcohol misuse
  • Underlying medical condition

Emotional factors also cause postpartum depression if you have had a mood disorder in the past or if mood disorder runs in your family. The emotional stressors may include social isolation, financial burdens or lack of support, recent divorce, or death of a loved one or severe health problem with the child.

Symptoms of postpartum depression

  • Sleeping difficulty
  • Excessive fatigue
  • Decreased libido
  • Frequent mood changes
  • Changes in appetite
  • Thoughts of death or suicide in extreme cases

What are the ways to deal with postpartum depression?

It is a treatable psychological disorder that can be effectively managed. Do not struggle with postpartum depression alone. Find ways to deal with it and consult your doctor if the case worsens. Listed below are steps to deal with postpartum depression (but not limited to):

  • Exercise when you can. An Australian researcher explains that exercise may have an antidepressant effect for women with postpartum depression. This can be done by walking with the baby in a stroller for a walk and breathing fresh air. Walking has proven to be a significant way of easing depression. Also, some minutes of work out during the day can be of help.
  • Maintain a healthy diet. Feeding on nutritious foods can help you feel better and provide the body with the necessary nutrients. However, healthy eating alone won\’t cure postpartum depression. Also, consuming a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids present in oily fish like salmon during pregnancy can minimize the risk of postpartum depression.
  • Create time for yourself to rest. You don\’t necessarily have to sleep until the baby is asleep. Both your body and your spirit need a good night\’s sleep. You can have someone care for the baby after you might have fed him. Find time to sleep when your baby is satisfied with food. It is reported that women who got the least sleep experienced the most depressive symptoms. Endeavor to always reach out for help when you have plenty of house chores to attend to. You can allow your partner, mother-in-law, or a trusted partner babysit for you while you will have time for other things like going on a walk, taking a nap, going to a movie, etc.
  • Resist isolation. Always be around people you can talk to about your feelings, which can help in mood shifts. New mothers should try to speak to experienced mothers on things that are not too clear to them. Try to reach out to them for support.
  • Try psychotherapy and medication. This can be tried after other processes do not work. Your doctor may then recommend psychotherapy, which is called therapy talk or mental health counseling. It can help you discuss your concern and feelings, set manageable goals, and learn to respond positively to the situation. Also, if your depression is severe or other treatment does not improve your symptoms, antidepressants may be recommended.
  • Communicate. If you are an introvert, you may be tempted to always keep your feelings to yourself. It is usually helpful to talk things over with a trusted person. You may find out that you are not alone and that others are ready to listen to you.
  • Cut back on chores. You can always enlist family or friends\’ help if you are not up to chores and errands. Do not force yourself to do all these; just let them go. Utilize the energy you have to take care of you and the baby.
  • Skin-to-skin contact. It relaxes both you and your baby and also enhances the bond between you. Whether you breastfeed or bottle-feed, try doing so while their bare skin is against your own. The other benefits of skin-to-skin contact include prolonged sleep period and alertness, less cold stress, better brain development, improved weight gain, and decreased crying.
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How much sleep does a pregnant woman need?

Sleep is vital for a pregnant woman in her first trimester or second trimester or even third trimester. Even though, as you advance in pregnancy, quality sleep can become more difficult for several reasons. In the first weeks of pregnancy, sleep can be something that comes easily because the pregnancy hormones can make you feel sleepy often, sleep long hours in the morning, and find yourself sleeping up to twelve hours. There is nothing wrong with sleeping that much; you are only pregnant. And sleeping that long is good for you and your new forming fetus in the womb.

While your body needs all the rest it can get to do all that work, remember to stand up and do some exercises and eat a healthy and good amount of food.

How much sleep do you need as a pregnant woman?

A pregnant woman needs eight to ten hours of night sleep and one to two hours of naps during the day. Even though daily career and household activities and discomfort could affect the number of hours a pregnant woman can get restful sleep. She must prioritize her sleep. Sleep deprivation has been linked to some pregnancy complications.

Why does a pregnant woman need much sleep?

A pregnant woman needs much sleep because 

  1. Sleep deprivation causes serious pregnancy complications, which are usually life-threatening to the mother and baby. Some of these complications are; 
    • Preeclampsia
    • Gestational diabetes
    • Hypertension
    • Difficult labor and delivery
  2. Poor sleep can cause a fetus\’s developmental problems, as poor sleep could cause a short supply of oxygen to the baby. This can put the baby\’s life in danger or cause a developmental setback. It has also been shown that sleep deprivation in a pregnant mother can cause behavioral alterations in the fetus.
  3. Sleep deprivation at the various stages of pregnancy can lead to antenatal and postpartum depression, anxiety, and problems with learning and memory.

What are the causes of sleep deprivation?

Pregnancy itself can be exhausting, and as you advance in pregnancy, sleep can become more difficult. Factors that can affect sleep in pregnancy are

  • Need to urinate frequently
  • Heartburn
  • Backache
  • Leg cramps
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • The heat caused by increased blood volume and pregnancy hormones.
  • Uncomfortable sleeping position.

How do you prevent sleep deprivation?

  1. Avoid or reduce stress. Stress cannot only cause you loss of quality sleep, but it also is not healthy for you and the baby. Stress could cause an increase in blood pressure.
  2. Avoid acidic or gaseous food and food that can cause you heartburn and acid reflux and upset your stomach, causing you discomfort and inability to sleep.
  3. Get a good quality massage. Massage is good for you. Massage will relax your nerves and muscles, help with backaches and waist aches, and give you a good sleep. You can get professional masus, visit a spa to get a massage or ask your significant other to massage your body with oils used for that purpose.
  4. Get pillows to support your back, pregnancy bump, place in between your legs, and support your head to have an enjoyable sleep.
  5. Air conditioner, air cooler, or rechargeable standing fan will help take care of the matter of heat. As much as possible, let your living space have cross ventilation. Consider this when choosing an apartment.
  6. Visit the doctor if you have terrible nausea and vomiting, and you see that you can hardly keep anything in your stomach. If your nausea can be helped by chewing gum, then always keep gum close by. Avoid things that trigger your nausea as much as possible. Avoid taking black tea, green tea, and coffee in your first trimester. These options might help nausea and vomiting but endanger the fetus and cause an abortion.
  7. Choose sleep positions healthy for the pregnancy. 

For best sleep positions during pregnancy, check our published article on that to get more information.  

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